• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 1,134 Views, 47 Comments

Hexagons: Part l - Wand3r3r3

Rewriting the tragic history of the Crystal Ponies is impossible . . . unless you're immortal.

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A heavy trail of color rushed down from the city of Cloudsdale at an incredible speed. There were many rivers that ran down from the Pegasus's primary place of residence in Equestria; with about twenty solid streams that held light dampness within their vicinity. The thick blanket of dew that was always present has always, to this very day, been created by the very light, yet structured and sturdy foundation of the city.

The clouds themselves.

The fluffy clouds that the iconic city laid upon were always, and rapidly, moving in a gigantic circle around the deepest inlaid grounds of central Equestria, also pointed in the north. They were always filled with elements from the weather that was excreted through them, leaving them with an almost entirely frozen surface from the bottom up. This allowed them to be able to support the city's aerial location above the land, and also to be able to retain its position in the sky as well.

And two of the most fondly recognized landmarks of the country laid in this particular region of the country; where Cloudsdale cycled its typical route.

"This land."

There was Neighagra Falls, from whose heights are second tallest in all of the country. From its apex, if one were to climb there, they would be able to oversee the whole ocean to the East. On a bright sunny day, they could easily make out the wide stretch of land that laid across it, and the Crystal Mountains would aid greatly, relaying the reflections of its glistening structure across the sky at its highest altitude.

Being only a few meters shorter than the Falls, they would refract through the moisture in the nearby air, sending vaguely, hardly noticeable rainbows comprised of microscopic polygonal shapes of all sizes, allowing one's eyes to quickly acclimate to the brighter radiance and see farther distances with greater clarity.

There was also the great stalagmite in the center of the country, the one that the city of Canterlot laid its rather awkwardly positioned foundation upon. From the bottom up, the city was constructed, brick by brick and stone by stone, carefully crafted along the waterfall that accurately crashed down the mountain's slope.

With one small pond to contain some of that water being part of the city, the rest of it would make its way down to the land below; a steady, curvy stream halfway circumventing the city of Ponyville. That same stream would then split into two separate paths; one heading down to either side of the desolate desertland to the southwest, and the other meeting up with a trail from Neighagra to deposit its contents into the eastern ocean along with it.

"...If only all this was here when I was a kid."

Both of these magnificent sculptures of natural build are provided with the water they pour from their heavenly altitude from the even higher heavens; again, Cloudsdale. And the lively elixir is then distributed through the land through the many canals and rivers that ran through.

In the Rainbow Factory, the weather for the entire land is artificially manufactured. This is due to the fact that the region below the city is not as close to any significant source of heat or cool, humid or haze. With the exception of the great Canterlot Falls bringing a light mist over the city on windy days, it was up to Cloudsdale to create artificial, colt-made weather for these areas below.

To maintain most of their fertility with rain, to promote condensed heat with clouds, even to keep up with early earth pony traditions after a season of play with the snow they create; for children and adults to enjoy all the same:

That is one of the main duties for the gifted ones. The Pegasi.

"So... So beautiful. I just wish I could share this moment with someone..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Where the Nothing Begins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Distants

In the furthest southeast corner of Equestria's east ocean shore, the character presented its appearance with nothing more than the sounds of its hooves sinking in the soft sands. Along the shoreline it walked upon, the character wore another light coat, similar to the one it was hiding under in Ponyville before. The winds from the circular bay--contained within the geographical shape of a horseshoe--blew against it, and its hood blew off the figure's head for the first time since it began walking on the sands, wet and saturated by the racing ocean.

"The breeze," the quadrupedal figure murmured softly. "It feels...fairly strong tonight." It followed with a deep exhale. "The moon sure is big, too."

It was, it really was.

The bright star above was abnormally close in relation to the Earth, illuminating the pathway down the sinking sandy shore, and literally everything else. The waves crashed against each other as they retraced their steps back to the ocean's enormous body. Such sounds, amplified by the thick silence all around, brought peace to this character and was indicated by the decision to pull it's hood down even further.

The wearer's mane had fully come out into the open air now, as it was somewhat trapped underneath the base of the coat's hood, and her horn seemed to glitter in the moonlight. It seemed to be untouched, regardless of the weight pressed down on it. However slight that weight was, it was enough to keep it in place; hidden away from those who would be able to identify the rouge.

She popped its way up as she graciously flipped her head skyward, with her amazing mane retaining its shape; a long stream of hair, faded in color yet abundant in allure. It looked to have been in a fixed style over some year's time, and it was either that, or this pony had used this style all too often.

One wonder, for certain; one of the many things that would have been on anypony's mind if they could only see the elusive character, was his or her gender.

"Gosh, I love all of this. Absolutely all of it."

But based off of the length of the wavy mane that now flowed freely and a bit sloppily through the intensifying winds, a theory could be brought:

One that seemed to suggest that this character followed a more feminine nature.


A few more steps ahead gave an excuse for her to rest for a while. She had been walking the shore of Horseshoe Bay right at the moment of the sun's descent, identified by the aurora-like waves in the higher skies, very much similar to the ocean's malleable form. The sands beneath her hooves proved to be a bit troublesome, as her legs would actually sink in the sands.

But she had found a spot to rest her body.

A set of lone rocks near the water's approach was thought to be a rather risky move for what this mare wanted to do, but she heard toward them regardless, all thanks to another thing that had been built nearby.

There was a tall, colt-made construction that rose up from a corner at the front of one of the rocks. It was built with bundled up twigs, thick in size and diameter, and tied with binds that were magically applied. And at the very top of the structure was a similarly thick sheet of hardened clay with a small, thorough intrusion in its center. One would be able to poke their hooves through it, but what this construct was designed for was the mere sport of casual fishing, for those who just enjoyed the outdoor life and had plenty of time to spare for it.

And it was at that very rock where the mare decided to sit herself down.

"This feels so nice. I've missed it so much." She spoke to herself, silently. "I've missed anything at all..." She removed what little clothing she was wearing and trapped it underneath the same rock, nestled between the sands themselves and a wedge that protruded from the earthly fragment. "I haven't been this tired in such a long time."


A few hours passed after this mare decided to take a rest on the chilled shores of the horseshoe bay. She had actually fallen asleep, and peacefully. The amazing feeling of the gales and moisture pressing against her naked, yet coated flesh, was all too much to bear.

"God," she murmured, yet again. "This feels so good..." She began to settle back down into comfort, but she suddenly pulled herself back up. "But I'd better get to work, too."

With the known devotion she had in her mind, she sat straight up and faced the construct in front of her new position. She reached her hooves behind her head and fiddled with her mane a bit, puncturing the incredibly delicate strands of hair the seemed to have looked like they were held together with adhesive.

After a few seconds of feeling her way in her mane for what she needed, it finally fell straight and left a trail that dove accurately down her back, bundling with itself a bit as it touched the rock's cool surface. Another portion of her mane was left to flow along with the winds as it laid on her right shoulder, the feeling of the gales cutting through her hair, causing her to shudder a bit.

Finally, after acclimating to both the temperature and what she was planning on doing here, alone and unknown, she cast a magic spell which radiated with an audible coo and a contrasting tint. Suddenly, the rolled-up scroll that she had stolen from Ponyville's local library had sprung down to meet the open hooves in front of her body, ready to be subjected to further foreign influence.

The mare spread the parchment out against the top of the construct's build and laid her hooves firmly against it so that it would not blow away in the winds, rising as they were. She then activated her magical prowess once again to write a temporary addendum to the ones she had already begun back in Ponyville. It would only be temporary because she would continue her work once again, later.

She had an enormous task ahead of her...

As she continued writing, the night air, the water at her hooves, and the light radiance from the nearby moon lent her enough energy to continue on for a whole hour. She had no physical quill to use, she instead gathered the moisture that was in the air and magically bundled it up with a few grains of sand; concentrating it into an ultra-precise and generic type of lead that would only barely appear visible on white parchment paper.

"What a pain," she complained. "Should have kept that quill..." If she were to stick with her prior plan, she would need to resort to her current method sooner or later anyway. "Darn it."

She needed to be intent on being perfect with each magical stroke she cast upon the parchment, for one mistake could cost her the deformity of the story she was deathly adamant to tell; the very integrity of a lifetime spent.


Two more hours passed, and the mare had been growing very tired over this period. But her vigilant mind helped her ignore such exhaust, as she kept writing without ceasing. She had made very significant progress, too, with the time she had spent. The only time she did stop, however, was to fully take in one more sudden gale that brushed up against her sensitive plush coat and stare up at the moon as it did so, losing every total thought she had held when she did.

"I really hope you're starting at the same moon I am, sis... If you can even see it." The mare wept, bursting out in tears for a short while, and also with the few additional occasions that followed. "I just want you back..."

What was her exact purpose for undertaking this task? Was she missing someone? And who could it have been?

Who was this mare in the first place?

"Why did you leave me..?"

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this took so long to get out. I look at this and consider the time it took to complete, and it's very embarrassing, but I might be a little busier soon, with joining a sort of proofreading group, and having more days at work, and all...