• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,410 Views, 1,948 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 26 -The Third Shadow-

-The Third Shadow-

"You must find a way to me."

Those words circled Skyfall's mind over and over as he sipped his coffee. The holidays were over and life had finally reverted to its usual tedium.

Farhaven continued to grow unchecked as more citizens arrived to start a new life for themselves. The other Spirits held meetings whenever Skies was around to address future problems and current debacles that needed his stamp of approval. Recently, more Spirits joined his cause in forging a new kingdom. Eternal Song, one of the muses of music, came to Farhaven with interesting news regarding a mirror to a world of humans. Unfortunately, the mirror sat deep in Twilight's castle.

Skyfall rubbed his eyes wearily. 'What's my next move?'

Skyfall's mind was so cluttered with the events of the past few days, he had forgotten that he was in the middle of an activity he enjoyed.

"Mr. Skyfall?"

Skyfall looked down to see Diamond Tiara jostling him from his introspection. "I'm sorry, class. I was just lost in thought."

"Everything okay?" Cheerilee asked as she helped Dinky's small group with their map assignment.

"Yeah." Skyfall set his mug down and looked at the large, holographic map that filled the center of the room. "Pause, class."

The class groaned and looked up. "The territories of..." Skyfall paused to look at his kingdom and Cheerilee's kingdom. "'Black Forest' and 'Flower Foal' have entered a full blown war, and you will not be able to cross their borders unless you want to join into said war."

A mix of groans and huffs filled the room as Skyfall sent in multiple units of airships to take one of Cheerilee's main cities.

"Hey, no fair!" Cheerilee shouted as she tried in vain to ramp up production.

Sif walked into the room and past the foals. She chuckled when she saw each group take on their individual situations. Sif cantered up to Skyfall, looked over his shoulder and leaned on his back. "How's your class?"

"It's fine." Skyfall replied as he looked down at the master copy that lit up a hologram of the world onto the floor. He had the only copy that had the fog of war removed from it so he could monitor how each group was doing. "These enchanted maps were a little pricey, but worth it."

Sif looked over each of Skyfall's resources and his statistics. "You gave yourself a bonus of two full-grown cities on each continent?"

Skyfall nodded and leaned toward Sif so that only she would hear. "Yes, In this game, I want them to learn to work together to defeat me. I'm their common evil."

"But will they see you that way?" Sif mused.

Sky watched as Diamond Tiara moved her units toward a city Skyfall had affectionately named 'Wonderland' before moving in stronger units in to cut off her escape route.

"That's mean." Sif chuckled.

"Reconnaissance is important." Skyfall said as his units exited their fog of war to attack, leaving Diamond Tiara to gasp on the other side of the room.

With a swift swipe, Skyfall paused all of the simulations at once. The class let out a collective moan of disappointment because that meant their lesson was over. The foals rose in their own time and made their way over to Skyfall's pillow.

"What did you all learn today?" Skyfall enjoyed learning by self-discovery. Books and worksheets were, at times, sufficient, but he believed true learning happens when one applies themself in something they’re vested in.

Diamond Tiara shot her hoof up.

"Yes, Diamond?"

"I learned that it's unfair for the teacher to have more of everything." Diamond mumbled to the laughter and stomping of her classmates.

Letting out a soft laugh, Skyfall nodded. "That is true. I take it you overheard Sif and I’s conversation?"

Tiara nodded angrily. Her classmates looked back and forth, perplexed as to what was going on.

"To brief the rest of you." Skyfall brought over his coffee and sipped it. "The game has been skewed from the start. For the past few weeks, I've had an advantage over you."

"That ain't fair!" Apple Bloom challenged.

"You're right." Skyfall cooed.

"Then why did you do it?" Cheerilee asked. "You took two of my settlements!"

Skyfall nursed his coffee and leaned to one side of the large, blue chair. "If a fly flies into a spider web, is it fair?"

The class had grown used to Skyfall's rhetorical questions over the past few months. After a while, whenever he asked a question like this they would sit back and think about it.

"But isn’t this a game?" Buttons asked. "Games are supposed to be fair."

"Games, yes. But remember what I said when we started? This is a simulation. Yes it has all the making of a nice game, but treat it as if your group was actually running a nation." Skyfall replied softly. "From what I see on my side, each of you are still in a decent spot and only one of you came close to collapsing. I urge you to rethink your strategies on your free time and during the next session you might have a little luck."

The class smiled and waved at Skyfall while Cheerilee shuffled them out. Scootaloo, however, stayed behind.

"Is there something I can help you with, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally choking out her response. "I'm having trouble flying."

"Oh?" Skyfall's curiosity was piqued.

"I was wondering if you'd teach me." Scootaloo muttered.

"Let me guess, River put you up to this?"

Scootaloo nodded slowly as she looked at the ground, unable to look at Skyfall in the eye.

"When did she figure it out, or did you tell her?"

Scootaloo's eyes widened and she craned her neck up to see Skyfall beaming down at her. "You knew?"

"Yes, from that time with the Timberwolves when I saw the surgical scar under your wing-"


"-next to a bruise shaped like a stallion's hoof." Skyfall stated firmly.

Scootaloo sat down slowly and curled her tail next to her body. She tightened her wings to her sides and stared at the polished wooden floor.

Skyfall let the silence drag on for a few minutes. He glanced out the window and old memories flushed into his mind of an abusive father striking him so he wouldn't go after his siblings. The memories were old and faded and the faces were nothing but shadows, but that didn't dull their significance to Skyfall.

"You're not alone." Skyfall said, shocking Scootaloo, causing her to look up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll try to not make assumptions about your home life, but I can tell when someone is being mistreated. That's why you sleep in that clubhouse of yours, isn't it?"

The look on Scootaloo's face was all the answer Skyfall needed. "You can tell me when you're ready, I won't force you."

Scootaloo visibly relaxed.

"But you won't be staying in that clubhouse another night. After we're done, Sif will escort you to the clubhouse to get your things and you will stay at a friend’s house until this is dealt with."

Scootaloo started to shake her head. "But if my dad finds out, he'll-"

"He'll do nothing." Skyfall boomed as he stood, cementing his word as law. He had a soft spot for orphans and he knew it. "As for your flying lessons, let’s head downstairs and have lunch. You can tell me about everything you've tried so far. Would you like that? I can make a mean omelette," Skyfall tempted.

Scootaloo nodded happily.

As the two began their trek downstairs, Skyfall stopped in his tracks and groaned.

"Something wrong, Mr. Skyfall?"

Skyfall craned his neck down. "Go and tell River that I’m letting you stay here tonight. I forgot I had a business meeting I need to attend. It shouldn't be too long, just give me about an hour."

Scootaloo looked up at him with puppy eyes, causing Sky to feign weakness.

"Agh, with the eyes. Fine. Pizza later?"

"If you insist!" Scootaloo giggled as she scurried away.

Skyfall felt Sif staring at him. "Yes?"

"You're playing a dangerous game, Sky." Sif growled. "The more ponies you bring into this house, the easier it will be for you to be discovered. This isn't an era that is kind to creatures like us. If we're allowed to live, we wouldn't even get the luxury of a prison cell. We'd be thrown into Tartarus, and not the comfy crystal cells either. No, we'd go into that dark expansive waste. Or worse, we would disappear into that mirror Celestia has. Every Spirit that went there has never been heard from again."

Skyfall chuckled.

"What’s so funny?" Sif asked. "This is serious!"

"An old friend of ours has returned from Zebrica with some news regarding that very same mirror." Skyfall said. "Apparently she made a friend in Canterlot with some inside information."

"Finally, a breakthrough." Sif turned and walked outside. "The sooner I hear this, the better I'll feel."

Skyfall chuckled and followed Sif out into the snow and down a set of stairs.

"As the representative of the Diamond Dogs, we are extremely hesitant to allow trade between ourselves and ponies." A tall Diamond Dog named Undertow said as he glanced up from a list. "Which is why we're asking for the guidance of a Spirit."

"Um, I don't know. Fight to the death or something." Storm Front mumbled as he sat in for Shattered Skies.

Suddenly, murmuring started to grow louder as the trees outside creaked before a large white wolf leapt out from them, followed shortly by Shattered Skies.

"Aha, I withdraw my judgement and leave it to the Spirit of the forest." Storm clapped his hooves and teleported over the crowd and right in front of Skies in a flash of lightning.

"Morning, Storm." Skies took a step back. "Personal space, dude."

Storm Front grumbled. "This is the last time you're sticking me with court duty."

"I had a class to teach." Skies chuckled as he walked past the seething Storm Spirit and into the remodeled grand hall. One by one, different creatures started to bow, offering their own greeting to the Forest Spirit. The grand hall had been made to be more welcoming than the old dreary one. Statues of Spirits and long tapestries lined the walls with roaring fires on each side to warm the guests as each case was heard. All aesthetic cues pointed towards the throne that sat before tall, wide windows.

Skies sauntered up to the throne of the great hall. He looked at it and silently admired the craftsmanship of it. It was a large, white, stone seat surrounded by sculpted gold and obsidian flames with bowls of lit incense on either side of the throne. With a long inhale, Skies sat and looked out to the crowd.

"I apologize for my absence. Certain events required my attention. Now that I have returned, I will hear your requests." Skies voice echoed off the roots that grew up the walls and along the statues. "Quiet. What is the first order of business?"

"Trade dispute, my lord." Quiet barked.

Undertow raised from his bow to balance on his knee. "My lord. I requested a Spirit's judgement regarding trade with pony kind."

"Normal ponies?"

"Yes, a new pony from Ponyville has arrived, my lord. We aren't sure how to go about it."

Skies tapped his chin. "I thought you meant the undead. Speaking of which, I still haven't spoken to Death about their predicament." He glanced at the Diamond Dog and magicked the list away from him and up to Skies' eyes. "What is the pony's name?"

"Big Macintosh." Quiet answered.

Skies raised his head to look out into the large hall. "Is Big Macintosh in this court?"

"I'm right here." Big Mac raised his hoof and walked forward, past many of Farhaven's citizens who were shooting him wary looks. "I came to request a building permit."

Skies willed the vines holding large curtains open to move them closed to give them privacy, per his court procedure.

"Since your business is the same, I'll rule both cases at the same time. Got that, Smiles?" Skies glanced over at the Changeling who gave him a quiet smile. She had taken to court work happily when Skies approached her small hive for a being that could copy down what he commanded and translate it onto scrolls to act as official decrees.

Shattered Skies smirked at Big Mac. "I see that you took my offer to move here."

Big Mac nodded. "Gilda and I decided to start anew. Hasn't been easy."

"Nothing of this scale ever is." Skies replied. "Hopefully, in time, the citizens of Farhaven will be less distrusting of ponies and more accepting of creatures no matter what form they take."

Big Mac nodded. "I understand their hesitation."

Skies read the Diamond Dog's list. "I see Big Mac has offered you twenty bits for every ten feet of stone."

"He has."

"The problem?" Skies asked.

"He doesn't have any bits." Undertow tried to keep his anger in check. "He said that he hasn't gotten work yet, and that when he does, he'll pay. But we don't know if we can trust him."

Skies nodded. The Diamond Dog's reasoning was justifiable. "And you, Big Mac? What is your response?"

"Just that." Big Mac said. "I tried to explain that I would pay them back, and when they turned me away, I gathered wood to make the floor, but I was told I might need a building permit for that."

Skies rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Farhaven isn’t developed enough to require building permits. Who told you that?"

Big Mac pointed at Undertow, who looked away angrily.

"Undertow, if I'm not mistaken, your clan has been building beautiful stone homes for the citizens of Farhaven." Shattered Skies glanced out the window to see the budding city of Farhaven. "And for free, I might add."

"We have." Undertow tried to remain confident in front of Farhaven's lord.

"Then why are you not only excluding Mr. Apple, but trying to hassle him about his lack of funds?"

Undertow stuttered and tried to speak, but Skies held up a hoof. "That was a rhetorical question. Don't dig yourself a deeper hole by answering it."

Shattered's eyes started to glow brighter. "Undertow, do you trust my judgement?"

The Diamond Dog sank further onto his knee. "Yes, my lord."

"I personally asked Big Mac to come to Farhaven. He needed a second chance in life just as much as the rest of you. Many ponies do, so try not to be as quick to judge as they were with your kind." Skies magicked a vine under his head and brought it up. "We must be twice as righteous if we are to succeed, and that will require that we all understand each other." Skies said as he brought Big Mac and Undertow their royal decrees via vine.

"Take this and let it serve as my decision. Undertow, I ask that you treat Big Mac and his wife as one of us and build him a house worthy of Farhaven. Big Mac I ask that when you can, contribute to our society in whatever way possible."

Both beings bowed before Skies and walked away from the smiling Forest Spirit.

Shattered Skies looked around for prying eyes and brought his hoof to his chest. A bright light emanated from his hoof as he brought the Sunset Effigy out from himself. 'What's my next step?'

Suddenly an incense stick set ablaze and turned entirely to ash.

"If I've been summoned, I must leave." Skies thought aloud as he magicked the curtains open. "Any more cases, Quiet?"

"Nothing pressing, my lord."

Skies nodded. "Then I will be with the council."

"By your word." Quiet bowed as Skies left.

"Good pup, that one." Skies chuckled as he trotted down the winding staircase to the basement where Luna sat. She had been talking to River and Akia while Sif had been issuing orders to her kin.

"Didn't miss anything, did I?" Skies asked.

Akia waved. "Hi, Skies! Nope, we're just catching up with Luna and hearing about your little love connection."

"Interesting." Skies mused. "Didn't know Luna cared."

Luna giggled and shied away from Skies’ attempts to hug her.

Shattered Skies sat and stretched. "Did you ask Luna about the mirror?"

Akia shook her head. "I thought it best if you were here to hear it."

Eternal Song was a muse of the musical arts. She was a doe with tribal markings patterned over her front half. She had two thick horns with a long, scaly tail that whipped around as she walked. Her orange coat and cyan eyes glimmered when she tried to inspire creatures with the musical arts.

"Well, Eternal Song, now that I'm here, we can be briefed on this mysterious mirror."

Akia scoffed angrily at her Spirit name. “You know I like Akia more, it’s too much to go between the two names.” Her mood flipped back into the sweet mare she usually was. "I met with another muse in Canterlot. She-"

"Wait, a Spirit is in Canterlot?" River asked. "Under Celestia's nose?"

"She works for Celestia." Akia replied.

The implications of this were grave. River sighed. "If a Spirit works for Celestia then the chances that the information is inaccurate are astronomical."

Skies held up his hoof. "It is also a possibility that she works for Celestia to avoid being sent to Tartarus. I did hear that Celestia offered quite a few lesser Spirits the option of serving her."

Akia nodded. "She accepted and offered her abilities up as payment."

"Which muse?" Skies asked.

"Beloved Myrtle." Akia responded. "I recognized her disguise and pulled her aside. I spent the week with her, and one night at a party, she told me everything when ponies became distracted with a dancing couple."

Skies chuckled, knowing that to be the same party he danced at with Sunset Shimmer.

"And what did she have to say about the mirror?" River asked.

With a deep sigh, Akia's magic produced a dancing image outlined in smoke before her. "Years ago, Starswirl the Bearded helped Celestia track down and seal the Spirits into a mirrored universe. Starswirl created many portals using mirrors, but once he determined their danger to the fabric between the worlds, he smashed all but a few. The one he used to trap Spirits has the strongest barrier."

"That would explain why none have escaped." Sif mumbled from behind Skies.

"Indeed." River replied.

Akia swirled her hoof, igniting another scene. "Beloved doesn't know what lies on the other side of the mirror, but recently there were two near breaches; one by three siren Spirits and the second by an unknown entity."

"So the mirror is monitored closely?" Shattered mused.

"Yes, it sits in Twilight's castle and a unicorn that has been in the mirror verse for a long time has crossed over. I believe she is here to hunt you." Akia waved her hoof once more, forcing the smokey images away.

"Who do you think it is?" River asked.

"Sunset Shimmer." Skies stated. "She's the only one I can think of that says ‘anyone’ instead of ‘anypony.’"

"Surely that can't be your only clue?" River asked.

"That and she seems out of touch with modern-day Equestria."

"So what's the plan?" Sif asked.

"Nothing for now." Skies stated as he looked at the giant vault door. "There are a few things that need to be addressed before we go on a crusade of finding and freeing our kin."

"Like what?" Storm Front scolded as he entered the chamber in a thunderous flash of lightning.

"For one." Skies boomed. "We need to get inside that vault. Then we need to establish ourselves as a nation and not as tribal savages that live in a forest. The more beings that come to Farhaven, the easier it will be to fix this mess."

"So we're philanthropists?" Storm tittered.

"Philanthropists, freedom fighters, boogiemen. I don't care what we’re called." Skies placed his hoof against the vault door, igniting it. "The Maker summoned me a few days ago and try as I may, I have been unable to enter her realm. She sent me a warning and so far two enemy Spirits have made themselves known to me."

"You mean Lonely Graves and River's End?" Storm asked.

"What?" River asked. "River's End? Meaning me?"

Storm shook his head. "Likely related. But what I don't understand is that both Lonely Graves and River's End whispered something to you and you have neglected to tell us."

River nodded. "I heard about that as well."

"What aren't you telling us, Skies?" Sif asked. "What did they say?"

Shattered Skies closed his eyes. "I wanted to explore all theories before bringing it to you, but thus far I have only found one viable option."

"What were the two words?" Sif asked.

"Big Brother."

"That doesn't make any sense." Sif asked.

"After my examinations of the Timberwolf bodies, I have determined the magic that created them is mine, but an extremely corrupted version of it." Skies sighed. "I don't understand it, but somewhere along the line someone must have cloned me to create Lonely Graves at the very least. The others, I'm not so sure about."

"Seems like a Discord thing." Storm mumbled.

"I'm not so sure." Skies said. "If it were him, he'd have tried something more bold by now. No, I would go as far as to say he is purposely avoiding us."

"You think so?" Akia remembered the army Discord sent after them in the last battle before the Alicorn sisters sealed him away. "He seemed dead set on us up until his statue-fication."

"If he is avoiding us." Storm Front said. "Is it because he's afraid of us?"

Shattered shook his head. "Snakes don't avoid mice."

"You still think our power is outmatched?" River asked.

"In all the times I fought against him, he never seemed truly into the fight." Skies said. "At the time, I believed he turned into real evil, but now looking back on it I'm not so sure."

"So our next step?" Sif asked.

"We build up our home." Cadance walked down the steps and up to her father. "Right?"

"Yes, hunny." Skies draped his wing over Cadance.

Akia raised her hoof to question, but River whispered the situation to her causing a squeal of glee that Skies' child was still alive.

"Our next big event is to reveal ourselves at the Grand Galloping Gala. In the meantime, we look for exceptional creatures to further Farhaven's ability to sustain its numbers." Shattered Skies proclaimed. "In time, we will save our friends and hopefully fix this world."

"And the Maker?" Sif asked.

"I will continue to try and reach her. I have yet to speak to Death and if he can't reach her, then we’ll figure something out." Skies looked to Luna. "Now, we need to unlock the first key to this vault."

"Can't." Luna said plainly, making her form shimmer. "This is an illusion. I'm in Canterlot right now."

"Why?" Skies asked.

"Full moon isn't till next week. That's when my power will peak and we'll make real headway on the lock." Luna explained.

"I understand." Skies nodded and clapped his hooves together. "That leaves the loot from the heist."

Cadance rolled her eyes. "I'm still angry at you for that."

Skies kissed the top of her head. "Yes dear, I know. I promised to make you sushi, didn't I?"

Cadance smiled happily.

"Pushover." Everyone said at once before laughing uproariously.

"Yes, yes. I am, I'll admit it." Skies chuckled as he hefted Cadance onto his back. He looked up and winked at Cadance. "Ready to go count some booty?"

"I'm ready for booty." Storm mumbled as he laid down in front of some city plans before Sif sat on his back and started to grind her butt down onto a flailing Storm Front.

"There, you want booty? You got it!"

"Not what I meant!" Storm raged as Skies and Cadance flew up and out of the vault chambers.

Skies continued until he reached a vine that ran through most of the castle. He grabbed Cadance and teleported them outside onto the roof's lawn. No one really visited the high garden besides Skies, he found it had one of the best views of Farhaven. From there, one could see Farhaven in its entirety; homes, businesses, government centers, and even parks.

Skyfall scanned the city and found a large square cut in the ground with tarps over it. It looked like the makings of a museum from its scale. The Good Fortune was tethered down nearby with a ramp leading from its main deck to thick scaffolding nearby.

"That mare wastes no time, does she?" Skies thought out loud as he sat down to discuss Farhaven. "But enough of that, I think it's time to teach you how to support a thriving city.

"Skies!" River barked from the doorway.

"Uh, yeah?" Skies looked back, annoyed since he was in the middle of summoning materials to teach with.

"Emergency meeting." River's body shimmered and melted away into her giant otter form.


"Us and the army at our borders." Streams floated into the air through an invisible current. "Thought you would want to know."

Skies sighed and felt a hoof on his chest. When he looked down, he saw Cadance giving him a very concerned look with tears in her eyes. Cadance shook her head, but Skies smiled down at her, assuring her.

"They're here for you." Cadance whimpered.

"I know."

"Don't go." Cadance fell onto her father's chest. "Please."

Skies reached forth with his magic and felt the army at the edge of the forest. He chuckled, Celestia had sent a guard platoon lead by Shining Armor and the elements of Harmony. Soon, Twilight's voice started to echo through the forest in an attempt to summon him.

A soft sniffling could be heard from Skies’ chest. He looked down and brushed Cadance's mane to one side. "Don't worry. If ten thousand years of fighting didn't claim me, nothing can."

"Do you promise you'll come back?" Cadance whispered.

"You know, when your mother was pregnant with you, she asked me the same thing."

"She did?"

"Yes. There was a situation brewing near the Crystal Empire and the Princesses asked me to help. Did you know you got your name from their Princess?" Shattered poked Cadance's nose.


"Yes, that was the name of their Princess when she was disguised." Skies stood and walked with a saddened Cadance. "Princess Amore otherwise. She was there when you were born and was also the first to know about Crystal's pregnancy."

Cadance slowed and poked her father's side. "You don’t talk much about my mom. Why?"

Skies bit his lip, looking for a way around his daughter's question.

"I know now that she is gone, but I want to know more about her." Cadance pleaded. "I want to know how she lived and what happened to her."

"I can tell you her life story, but the ending is still painful." Skies replied. "You and your mother were both taken from me by King Sombra. I suppose it was fate that put you in the final battle that destroyed him, but it still leaves a mark." Skies ran his hoof over his heart. "A deep mark."

Cadance's mouth hung open slightly. "Sombra isn't dead."

Skies chuckled. "Of course he is, I read how you and the elements vaporized his ghost."

Cadance shook her head. "He came back and a friend of his was able to revive him. He actually won the empire, but his friend was able to talk sense into him, leading to us being able to release him from the Umbrum's grasp. After a change of heart, he saved the Crystal Empire from his own army, Me, Hope, and the other Princesses used our magic to turn him into a real unicorn. He lives in Canterlot with a mare named-"

"-Radiant Hope." Skies murmured.

"Yes, he vowed to search for the missing shards of Princess Amore." Cadance stated, confliction rising in her voice.

Skies fought a scowl that tried to show on his face. "...This is a conversation for another time."

"Are you okay, dad?"

"Yes, I just... " Skies rose once more and continued his walk to the council chambers. "When I find him, I will need you with me. I am not strong enough to see him by myself."

Cadance tripped up on her father's use of words. She had heard him get upset, but the cold rage that tore through the air when he spoke was something new. All she could do was nod in hope of trying to sooth his anger.

"Finally!" Storm called as Skies strode through the door. "It's about... What's wrong with you?"

Sif saw the look on Skies' face and shook her head at Storm, silently telling him to let it go.

"No." Storm challenged. "What's up with you, Rudolph?"

Skies stopped and glared at Storm. "I just found out King Sombra is not only alive, but living a life in Canterlot."

Storm slowly sat back in his chair. He glanced at the rest of the Spirits who started sat straighter in their seats as Skies joined them. "Er, right. Um, so about that army on our borders."

Cadance saw the tactfulness that everyone in the room used towards the news. She sat next to her father when he gestured her forward.

"You're a Spirit and the leader of a nation; you deserve a seat at this table."

Cadance looked around and saw Storm Front, Flowing Streams, Sif, and one cloaked being with worn wrappings under their hood. She pointed and looked up at her father. "W-Who is that?"

"Hekate." Skies reached under the large, round, map table and rolled a few scroll before him. "Say ‘hello,’ Hekate."

The being slowly rose its arm and waved, the sounds of rags being torn could be heard with every movement.

Cadance waved her hoof nervously, it unnerved her that she was unable to see the Spirit's face. "If I might ask, what are you the Spirit of?"

"Death." Everyone besides Hekate said in unison.

Cadance sat back and gulped. "W-What?"

Sif leaned forward and looked past Skies to a shrinking Cadance. "Cadance, Hekate is the Spirit of the crossroads, she ferries the dead to the other side. She is a being of very few words other than 'leave' or 'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.' For the most part she's a good person."

"What's a person?" Cadance asked.

The Spirits around the table slowly looked to Cadance and then to Skies.

"A topic for another time." Skies finished his notes and rolled the scrolls up. "For now, we have our first real issue. That pesky group calling me out."

"I thought it was an army." Streams asked.

"It's a small group of ponies with the Elements of Harmony." Skies corrected.

"Then let's ignore them!" Streams scoffed. "If they enter the forest, make it so their trail loops back on itself. They'll walk around for hours."

Storm shook his head. "I say we strike. That way they won't think to challenge us in the future."

Streams threw her paw up. "Or it could provoke a stronger response from them the next time, causing a full blown conflict."

Storm growled. "And having them walk in circles will have them coming back again and again!"

Skies turned to Sif who had been listening to an update from one of her scouting pups. She sighed and leaned over to Skies the instant the wolf scurried away. "I just got word that there is no sighting of any additional forces in the area."

"You believe the Princesses are ignorant to the current situation?" Skies asked.

"It would seem so." Sif shrugged.

Skies sat back while Streams and Storm argued. He reached as much as he could without wasting too much of his power. Twilight sat between two trees at the border calling into the forest. He continued until he felt a few familiar ponies; Captain Fury and Lieutenant Desert.

"Storm." Skies called, getting his attention. "Go to the Ponyville guard barracks and summon our guard. The ponies accompanying the Elements are ours. This way you can put Twilight on the defensive for using our soldiers without notification; she's into regulations and this will throw her into a tizzy. Say that I'm out with Cadance, that should give me an alibi."

"Right." Storm shot out of the room on a bolt of lightning.

"Streams, I want you to flood the river by the dam. Nothing crazy, just enough to warrant the guards to evacuate the immediate area. Make sure to play the worried villager when you rush onto the Ponyville guard grounds."

"Gotcha." Streams laughed and turned into River before floating out of the room.

"What about me?" Hekate asked in a ghostly tone.

"Don't touch anything with a pulse." Skies chuckled.

Hekate gave a low rumbling chuckle as she melted through the floor.

"And us?" Sif asked gesturing to herself and Cadance.

Skies threw a hoof up. "Sif, since when do I go places without you at my side?"

"I have a list." Sif mused.

"Well, for this, you'll be with me."

"And me?" Cadance asked.

Skies placed his hoof on Cadance's. "I'm working on your curse hunny. Soon you won't have to hide, but for now, you must."

Cadance nodded understandingly.

"It's probably best if you go home, that way if someone checks on you, you can cover for me." Skies kissed Cadance's head as she nodded.

With only two beings in the council room, Sif nudged Skies. "Aren't you worried about the Elements?"

Shattered Skies sat back. "A little. They didn't work last time, but there are ways to force a Spirit's power to work. I just hope that Twilight doesn't try it with Harmony."

"Is that why you sent Storm away?"

"Partially." Skies admitted as he rose.

Sif nodded and looked down at her paw to see a ribbon tied around it to remind her of something. "Oh, on a completely unrelated note. Rainbow Dash means to ask you out."

Skies coughed. "What?"

"Just relaying information." Sif shrugged. "She wants you to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with her."

Skies sighed and glanced over. "That is literally number two on the list of stuff I'd rather not deal with."

Sif chuckled and walked through the chamber doors.

"And I was going to revel in the heist’s loot today, like full blown maniacal rolling in treasure." Skies whimpered to himself as he melted into a nearby branch.

One Hour Later

Twilight sat on her haunches, scowling at the forest.

"Come on, Twilight. Everypony else has left except us. I don't think he's coming." Rainbow groaned.

"She has a point there, Twilight." Applejack said.

Pinkie started to vibrate. "Um, girls."

"I think coming here with the guards scared him off." Rarity cooed, trying to ease Twilight's scowl from her face. "I know screaming into a forest for an hour is exhausting. I say we all go to the spa."

Twilight stood and turned around. "You know what? You're right!"

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy started to walk, but stopped when they saw Pinkie's ears flush against her head as she stared off into the distance.

"Are you okay, Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie's tail started to gyrate until she grabbed it. "G-Girls, don't look now, but here-tay is a pirit-say ehind-bay ou-yay."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"It's just Pinkie, she says nonsense like this all the time." Rarity rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack trotted up to Pinkie and followed where she was looking. Her ears lowered when she saw what Pinkie did.

"What is this? Charades?" Rainbow asked. "Spit it out!"

"I believe what they're trying to say is that your summons were heard." A deep, booming voice echoed from behind them.

Slowly, the ponies that were facing away from Shattered Skies turned. When their eyes met, they stopped moving. After a long, quiet minute, Skies sighed and sat down.

Twilight and the others backed away slowly, while still maintaining eye contact.

"Really, I'm not going to eat you." Skies tittered.

"Twilight, he can read minds." Rainbow whispered.

Sif laughed from the treeline, having found Rainbow's absurd statement hilarious.

"Hey! You want some, furball?" Rainbow challenged.

Sif grinned, showing her long white teeth. "Gladly."

"Not helping!" Skies called, causing Sif to laugh even more uproariously. He sighed and turned back to Twilight who had been sticking her chest out repeatedly. "What are you doing?"

Twilight kept sticking her chest out. "F-Friendship!"

Skies stared on as the group of ponies tried to look fierce as they all puffed their chests out baring their own Elements. They looked at one another and tried again.

"Okay, Planeteers, calm down." Skies said. "Don't pull a muscle or anything."

Twilight looked at her Element and back to Shattered Skies. "How are you doing this?"

Shattered Skies raised an eyebrow and looked at Sif as she sat next to him.

"They think you're responsible for the conduit's failure." Sif thought aloud. She looked on at the ponies holding a quiet conversation. "It's rude to hold private council before another being."

Rarity opened her mouth to retort, but stopped when Twilight placed her hoof on Rarity's shoulder.

"No, she's right." Twilight agreed.

"Twilight Sparkle." Shattered Skies called.

"Shattered Skies, I see you've finally answered me." Twilight replied, trying to be diplomatic.

"I apologize, but I was busy."

"Busy with?" Twilight asked.

Skies groaned. "Is there a reason you summoned me?"

Twilight Sparkle took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry, we're starting off on the wrong hoof. I believe a proper introduction is in order. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship."

Sif looked at Skies, it was no mystery what she was thinking. Trap.

"Before we begin any conversation." Shattered Skies said curtly. "Where are your other Princesses?"

Twilight sputtered for a second. "The Princesses are in Canterlot."

"Do they know you're speaking with me?" Skies asked.

"No." Twilight replied, received many questioning looks from her friends.

"So I could foal-nap you and no one would know?" Skies mused.


"Twilight!" Rarity scolded and shot her hoof up at both Skies and Sif. "This is dangerous. Princess Celestia has forbade us from talking to him without her say so!"

The individual reactions from Twilight's friends made it clear that she made a white lie to get them to show up with her.

"I have to agree, Twilight." Applejack commented to the nods of Rainbow.

Skies looked on at the two quieter members of Twilight's posse; Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They both stared back at Skies, clearly wanting to say something.

"There are so many questions I have and they can only be answered by him!" Twilight roared as she shook her hoof at the amused forest Spirit.

"I'm an open book, Twilight Sparkle. You have but to ask." Shattered Skies looked around, he felt a presence looming, but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Why does the Princess fear you?" Twilight asked.

The other mares cocked their heads at Twilight’s odd question.

"The Princess isn't afraid of him." Rainbow stated.

Sif chuckled. "She's terrified."

"Sif, stop." Skies commanded. He sighed and looked into Twilight's eyes. He didn't want to have such a serious conversation in an open field, but beggars can't be choosers. "Tia isn't rationally afraid of me."

"So you're saying she's under the influence of something?" Twilight responded aggressively.

"Very sharp." Skies responded. "I'm glad you picked up on my use of words, top marks."

Twilight fought a smirk as Skies complimented her.

"If I may, Twilight." Skies pawed the ground in thought. "I wish to ask you questions as well."

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie gave Twilight varying reactions from no to yes. Twilight took a deep breath and nodded. "It's only fair that questions be exchanged."

"Why would you risk your mentor's anger by speaking with me?"

Twilight gave a suppressed laugh. "I don't know."

Skies focused on the gem that sat on Twilight's chest. The Element of Harmony glimmered slightly, causing Skies to smile.

"I want to know what controls the Princess to make her that angry. Whenever the slightest mention of you comes up, she starts to frown and she becomes short with everypony." Twilight got quieter as she spoke.

"In truth." Skies cooed. "I don't know what ails Celestia, but I suspect it is something that has been around for a long time."

Skies shook his fur to throw some gathered snow off of his body. "There is a reason that the world is the way it is, Twilight. Spirits have been imprisoned and because of it, the world has become unbalanced."

Twilight chewed her cheek. "How is the world unbalanced?"

"Do you read any news that isn't the Equestrian Times?" Skies mused. "Equestria has become Equus' jewel much in the way the Alicorn’s Capital of Artoria was in the last age. Unless the rest of the world is set right, you will have the same fate."

"Last age?" Twilight muttered to herself, focusing on those words. "How old are you?"

"I believe it was my turn to ask a question." Skies replied.

Twilight smirked. "You asked 'Do you read any news that isn't the Equestrian Times?' It's rhetorical, but still a question."

Skies chuckled. "Top marks again, Ms. Sparkle. I'm forty thousand years old."

Twilight reeled like she was hit with a newspaper.

"To put it lightly, I am a god of the first age." Skies smirked. "Now, my turn. Where is Discord?"

"He is in Canterlot and refuses to visit." Fluttershy called, barely above a whisper.

"So he is avoiding me." Skies thought out loud.

A maelstrom of thoughts tore through Twilight's mind. A Spirit from the first Age of Equus must have known so much, but was it logical to trust him? The previous mention of an Alicorn city was the first she's ever heard. "You mentioned an Alicorn Capital. Why is it that no history book discusses this? Alicorns earn their wings through a great achievement, so why are you saying there was a city of Alicorns?"

"Alicorns earn their wings through a great achievement?" Skies repeated Twilight's insanity. "Alicorns are not made by such means, they are like most other races on Equus. They are born."

Twilight guffawed at this. "The Princess told me this when I earned my wings."

Skies shook his head. "Celestia and Luna never had a chance to grow up in Artoria. To them, Alicorns are a phenomenon." Skies sat down and rubbed his face. "I see now that letting them remain ignorant regarding their culture was a mistake."

Sif sighed. "Told you so."

"What happened to Artoria?" Twilight asked quietly.

"Ask Discord."

The ground started to shake as soon as he uttered the Chaos Spirit's name.

"I think it's time to leave, Skies."

Skies stood and looked at the approaching being of smoke. A familiar feeling seeped through the air, it was the same magic he felt when Shining charged at him the day Cadance started staying at his house. Skies focused on the approaching blackness to see two horns and two red eyes glaring at him.

"What's going on?" Twilight called.

"Twilight Sparkle." Skies boomed. "You need to teleport yourself and your friends out of here."

"What? Why?" Twilight asked. "I still have questions!"

"Then you know how to find me!" Skies ordered. "This is a matter between Spirits."

Twilight bit her lip and lit up her horn. "This isn't over!"

The instant Twilight and her friends evaporated, the smoking fiend exploded through a rock. His course was unchanging as he aimed his horns directly at Skies.

"We need to leave!" Sif barked.

Skies examined this monster; Rocks, trees, hills, nothing slowed him down as he steamrolled towards the forest Spirit.

"You won't live if you try to face that." Sif whispered. "We need to run."

Skies shook his head. "With that speed and force, he'll follow us through the forest, and we can't risk bringing him to Farhaven."

Sif pressed herself up to Skies. "Then I'm not leaving you on your own."

"That's why I love you." Skies replied happily.

"You're mine, Shattered Skies!" The fiend roared as he got closer. "Finally!"

The monster slowed as he neared. The smoke cleared, and out walked a red bull with armored chitin covering deep coal colored fur. It was no doubt a Spirit, but much like the others that hunted Skies, this one was unlike any he had seen before.

Skies swallowed hard, recognizing the physically stronger opponent. "Let me guess, you're going to call me ‘Big Brother?’"

The insectile bull paced. "No, you're no longer deserving of such a title."

"So you once called me ‘Big Brother?’" Skies prodded for information.

"Everything will be clear soon enough." The beast pawed at the ground, ready to charge when suddenly, large spikes made of crystal erupted from the ground, encasing the red beast, forcing him to remain still as he whipped his head around trying to break the pillars.

"W-What?" Skies muttered to himself. "No."

"Skies we need to retreat." Sif called.

Skies looked all around him, he sent waves of his magic around wildly trying to find who summoned the crystals.

"Skies!" Sif bit his neck, snapping him out of his frenzy. "I know what is going through your mind, but you need to live!"

In the treeline just beyond the beast, Skies saw two cloaked beings. The taller one stared at him with emerald eyes. She lowered her head and more crystals shot out of the ground, replacing the broken ones.

Skies grabbed Sif and leapt into a tree, reappearing in Farhaven’s construction site mere moments later.

"Skies, we just got word. Are you okay?" River called.

"Y-Yeah." Skies stood and strode past her towards the castle with a withdrawn look on his face.

"Wait!" River tried to follow, but found Sif in her way. "Sif, what's going on?"

The look on Sif's face said it all.

River asked again, but quieter. "What's going on? Where is he going?"

"He needs to see Cadance." Sif replied.


The next and only words from Sif shocked River.

"Crystal's alive."

Author's Note:

Hello all. Been on a little bit of a hiatus, blame videogames like Stellaris.

I wanted to take a moment to recognize something within this chapter. Namely, Scootaloo's home situation. Within the story, I imply heavily that she lives in an abusive home and I wanted to clarify this by stating plainly, in few words, what I have sprinkled in leaving you to surmise. In short, the answer is yes, she has a drunkard for a father. He is mean, sour, and resents her being there. His motivations will become clearer as the story goes on, but I will not make her home life a story arc, even though it may warrant one.

"But, Fox, why? You silly imbecile."

I won't focus too much on her, not because the story I have for her is not cliche, but because it is unique. As you read this, I'm sure memories are emerging of all the stories you've read where Scootaloo is an orphan. I find it so much more interesting that she actually has family, but that it is so bad that she'd rather sleep outside. Anyone who has had to go through this can understand, without words, how she feels, and anyone that hasn't lived through it, then it is merely a part of the narrative that is to be understood.

As far as the narrative is concerned, she is there for a lesson, what that is has yet to be seen as far as the released chapters are concerned.

I draw from many life experiences while writing, from abuse to more proud moments. I try to convey them to both people who have lived through them and who have not. So if anything is unclear, please tell me so I can clarify. Chances are that some things are ambiguous for a reason.

We love ya :heart:

Edited by the lovely Pwn Ease and ARTL

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