• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,411 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 53 -Peace Walker-

Author's Note:

This is one of the last chapters I had written before stepping away, soon I will post the summary and ending.

-Peace Walker-

Skyfall laid, looking on as guard's went to and fro, completing their wartime tasks. This wasn't a war, this wasn't even a battle. Trained soldiers against an unarmed populace wins every time, numbers are very rarely able to turn the odds when magic was involved.

For much of the day, Skyfall laid beneath the netting that covered the various cargos that were dropped lazily between the barracks houses. For being an elite guard unit, he noted the their lackadaisical approach to everything they were doing. They just walked around on the patrols not really looking anywhere, not checking, not noting any change whatsoever. This Stable wasn't an occupying force, they were strictly for raids, most of which avoided press coverage.

Having believed it would have been harder to infiltrate, he was extra cautious, even contemplating killing a guard that heard the side gate clatter as he jumped over it. Much to his surprise the guard lost interest and walked away, seemingly never to report, he knew this because he was only 10 yards away from the gate and aside from hourly patrols no one came to investigate. This all being a stark contrast from the smell of a burned stench, wafting over the barracks from the plumbs of smoke on the horizon. Fury was relentless with the dead.

Have you only been gone a week, it was amazing what changed aside from the forest being burned away, the sky was dark with storm clouds, raising the question: where exactly was Stormfront? Knowing him he would have struck already, being as excitable as the disasters he shook to unleash.

Slowly, enough to not raise any wandering eyes, Skyfall moved to look at the detainees captured by Fury's forces. His heart sank, he didn't see any of the foals, nor did he see any of the top players that he's come to know. Flipping through his mental profiles, Skyfall pondered where they could be.

The next few minutes passed like slow falling sand. Skyfall maneuvered his body so he could get a better look at the command building. Going through the mental torture that was battlefield allocation, he determined that they must be in the command building split up into different rooms, one for important hostages and another for non important ones.

Skyfall noticed the small amount of grass along the buildings, not being enough to teleport anywhere, it was certainly enough to at least get a readout on the building where the vibrations would tell him how many bodies were inside. Not who, but at least give him a ballpark figure.

Briefly, he considered bringing Adagio to help him steal a guard uniform so he can maneuver around easier, however, that very rarely worked. Guards tend to remain in their units for years, they know who's supposed to be there and who's not.

Crawling, Skyfall was able to reach out and touch the grass, stretching his magic into the building to feel that a hair above the normal number of bodies were in it. This all meant that Fury made a decisive choice. Keeping possible enemy combatants locked up in their barracks or separating them amongst the town, that was likely the choice that he faced. Very wise, he would be able to keep an eye on them whereas if they're in the town, separated, the second an attack sparked they would be able to become a problem.

Silently, he had to admit he was worried for them, brutal tactics would dictate to just put enemy combatants to death. You have your hostages with the civilians, a trained guard force would be infinitely harder to keep control of even if they are equestrian. Dragging them out and executing them was the unfortunate go-to.

But how to move into the barracks? Skyfall laid there for another half an hour creating and rehashing plans in his head over and over. Being experienced didn't help much when it came to a set up this closed shut.

"What now?"

He looked around and then back to the detainees cell. About fifty bodies sat in various states of sadness some emotional some stoic. He squinted and saw a mare that looked just like Twilight but white. Not having to wonder who this was, all the pictures on Twilight's desk from all the "summons" Skyfall had to answer informed him well enough.

This is going to piss Twilight off.

For the next hour, Skyfall laid still waiting for his chance to flag down Twilight, Twilight's mom Twilight, not actual princess Twilight. Luckily enough every once in awhile she would look around, almost as if to look for help. Being in a dark shrouded place allowed Skyfall to maximize his chance.

Once again, Twilight velvet looked around, but this time in Skyfall's direction and caught the glow of a pair of golden eyes.

He looked on as she inhaled sharply gaining the attention of everyone around her who then looked where she was looking at a pair of golden eyes. Out of nowhere, the courtyard erupted in murmurs, further dragging the attention of every single guard around, including the guard making his around behind Skyfall.

Unfortunately, Twilight's reaction earned her a strong punch from one of the guards. Skyfall smiled at her seemingly snark reply once the dizziness passed from the strike, remarking that he would have to pound her harder if she wanted to feel anything, succeeding in making the guard feel sexually flustered enough to walk away at a superior's raised brow.

'Note to self take her out to dinner', Skyfall thought as he walked backward in through the back door to the barrack's rear stairwell.

As he climbed, he heard a patrol of guards coming his way so he ducked into a broom closet, silly but worked almost all the time. Mumbles grew louder as the guard passed and then fell into silence, no doubt complaining about checking on the noise in the courtyard.

Skyfall exited the broom closet and made his way toward the barracks room throwing the door open suddenly to catch any opposition off its guard. With one beat of his wings Skyfall took one guard, forcing a young stallion to the floor and slowly choked him out, startling everyone in the room.

As conscious left the stallion, stood upright and looked around.


"Yes captain?" Barricade barked quietly appearing off Skyfall's shoulder.

"Is anyone dead?" Skyfall asked

"Yes. Team Eight led by Power Strip was executed two nights ago." Barricade said firmly, having been no stranger to a situation like this. "She lead her team in the middle of the night to escape, Fury made an example."

Understanding the decision, Fury wanted to demotivate any further attempts at escape. In the process he demoralized any resistance.

"What's the plan captain?" A young stallion named Marne asked as he broke away from the group collected around him.

Skyfall recognize the stallion as someone who had joined the guard and from day one wasn't sure about himself, then slowly grew out of his own uncertainties to become his own leader. He smiled at the young guard and nodded toward his armor. "Nightfall."

"But sir that got team eight killed." Bastion said lumbering past Marne. His Gruff voice coming out from a lip of tobacco. "I'm for fighting but against the entire stable, that's not winnable."

"You're right it's not winnable. At least not for all of you, not as you are. I wanted to have more time to train you but there was just not enough time." Skyfall moved toward the window knowing that every window on the base must have been warded from the outside so that you could not see anybody move on the inside. Good for invading outside forces to keep troop movements unknown, however, in this case it acted more as a trojan horse. "As night falls, so shall we. Even with the forest burned away, it will still provide cover as we flee with the encamped Ponyville detainees."

Bastion, often being the voice of the Guard unit when nobody else would speak, piped up. "Sir do you really think we can grab all eighty of those ponies and run into the forest?"

"Yes." Skyfall's sudden answer air causing light chuckles to erupted from the guards.

Skyfall lifted the cloak from his armor and let the drape fall to the ground. "Night is only a few hours away, the enemy doesn't expect any movement this night, they think they've won. It's a few hours to go until we move, go over battle strategy, I think you are mature enough as warriors to absorb the necessary information and execute plans the way I want you to execute it. Got that so far?"

A resounding thud, much lighter despite the circumstance, erupted.

"Marne, put on that unconscious guards uniform, you'll fit, might be snug, but it'll do. In the event a guard comes in here, pretend you knocked out that sack of flesh on the floor, understand?" Skyfall said, a ploy flimsy enough to work given the number of bodies in the room.

"On it sir"

"The rest of you, has anyone collected any information whatsoever that would help?"

Bastion shook his head. "Sorry sir, we tried. They just seem like a regular guard unit to us."

"That likely means their abilities are in fighting, exclusively. They probably don't have much experience in occupation. That works in our favor. Good job." Skyfall turned again to the window and looked outside, taking in more information now that he was able to move freely instead of being hunched beneath netting.

"Sir, if they are specialized in fighting and not occupation. How are we going to get out of here this place is crawling with them."

"They're going to go to sleep at night, there's no point in further beating a beat dog, which you all are. I can tell by the looks on your faces, you are all demoralized. Imagine it's the same for those trapped ponies, they're terrified. At this point they're overconfident, it's been about a week since this began, everyone's tired and they're bored. Worse off they look like they've become complacent. It was one of the rules that I taught you all. The first few months I began training you?"

"Complacency kills." The guards around him said in unison.

"And when it comes to striking. Force and balancing out the success to be in our favor. Who was our friend?"

"The night."

"It's sad to say, but you are all only half done with this basic entry-level training that I was putting you through. I held my tongue because it was what the princess wanted. Understand, what is to come is going to require training like this to be second nature and that will require years of training. I'm holding you to your Oaths until this is over. Once this is over, I will allow you one last time to leave the service. If it that point you want to stand you're bound for life. But for now, let us have our minds on the here and now."

A solid silence came from everyone, another method of acceptance from the room.

Most of the room still wore a defeated look, these stomps of acceptance were only second nature. With their mind so consumed on the situation if it all were to turn into a fight they would most certainly die. At least the ones brave enough to stand.

"Sir." Bastion prompted Skyfall. "May I have a word in private?"

"Yes." Skyfall said and followed Bastion into the corner of the room to the furthest most window that overlooked the courtyard.

"Sir I don't know what kind of special move you have in mind but please let me know. After seeing Captain Fury transform into a beast and slay five spirits in the time it takes me to put on a shoe, even I have to admit I'm a little shaken at that. That monster... Fighting that is a death sentence, I know it and I know you know it too."

"I know you said private, but I think this conversation is meant for everyone." Skyfall said and turn to see the room looking at him.

"I know you saw Captain Fury change. And I'm loath to admit, I've known about this for some time. You all asked when you got here about what your purpose here in Ponyville was. Despite the princesses insistence, I decided to keep it from you because it was important at the time." Skyfall took notice of the tension in the room and how it raised as he mentioned both the captain and then their beloved princess, brows furrowing and shoulders raising in defense. "In short, the princess wanted me to raise a force to fight spirits. It's become common knowledge to those in the know, however for the majority it has been kept under wraps, especially after the gala. I know all of you heard whispers here and there of a spirit appearing at the gala and then there was that article a newspaper wrote that was then written off as satire. "

"So Spirits are real?" A voice from the crowd asked softly.

"Do you really need to ask that after seeing what Fury changed into?" Skyfall asked.

Looks of fear moved through Skyfall's guards. At seeing this, Skyfall took a deep breath and raised a question. "By a show of arms, how many of you grew up reading the book about the Spirits written by Fairy Tail?"

"The great majority of the room lifted their hoof into the air."

"This may come to shock you, but in lieu of what you saw you may accept this answer now. It's all true, at least in the way that they exist not necessarily the actions that were taken. The histories, the powers, everything."

"So that rumor about Shattered Skies being real..." Bastion said his gruff voice becoming shallow.

"He is real and he is in that Forest. They are all real, but that book is satire at best. I wanted to finish training you before telling you."

"Why?" Marne asked.

"I wanted you to figure out the truth through your own means, not just to be told. Telling you now at this point after seeing what you've seen changes very little especially if you stay in my guard force."

"We were assembled to hunt spirits?" Bastion asked..

"You were, but that's not what I was training you for. The Equestrian High Council wanted some force at a beck and call of a mad ruler. Spirits aren't that different from your regular run-of-the-mill Pony."

"But literally everything you've ever taught tells us that they're not to be trusted."

"But what if I was a spirit?" Skyfall asked. "Anyone can be a spirit, they blend in and that's the way they like to live. They just want to live a life. And your oaths swear you to protect the innocent. Not just in the ones that agree with you. Above all, protect life. Understood?"

After a long, contemplative moment, another resounding thud came.

"Excellent, get some rest, anyone that has any information for me come forward. Also if anybody seen Fury's wife Breezy. Come forward with that information as well."

Skyfall moved through the room toward the Lieutenant's room, she had been suspiciously absent since he entered the room, the commotion was apparent, having been from the albatross she would have known.

Gently, Skyfall opened up the door to see desert sitting at the window, rocking lightly in her reclined chair.


"What's wrong, Desert? I know that little show of force didn't scare you. You're smart enough to know when you're selected for an assignment that isn't your typical duty station. You didn't need me to tell you that you were here to hunt Spirits, you figured that out out on your own. From talking with your old pal Sunset Shimmer, I suppose."

"Right again, Captain."

Skyfall shut the door the soft click and walked around the desk to see desert with a blank look on her face, her clean cut fur now dingy and her usual glaring expression gone. "What are-"

Desert turned suddenly, and wrapped her Hooves around skyfall's neck bringing him into a kiss. Stunning her Superior officer. After a few seconds she broke away and rest her head on his shoulder.

Knowing that it was the situation, and not any sort of romantic gesture, Skyfall let it go.


"Don't be." Skyfall said, catching himself and laughing tenderly. "I mean we have to name the kids and you're going to have to get used to my size but mares always do."

"Are you always this inappropriate and sexually awkward?"

"I try. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes I come off as a weird sexual tentacle monster, but you know I try where I can. My name may or may not have been Donny Salami in another life."

"We are all going to be charged with treason after this." Desert angled her muzzle into skyfall's neck. "We will be on the run."

"Well, it is hard to bare children on the run. It also might be a little awkward when the rest of the platoon finds out that you and I have sexual relations in the middle of a hostage situation. The profound fraternization that would have had to occurred-"


"Yes, Dear?"

"You are a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen."

"If you think my antics are bad, you should see me and my wife when we are away from public eye."

"I'm stuck with you aren't I?"

"The instant you were transferred, pretty much!"

Desert smiled and brought her head away from Skyfall with her arms still stretched around his neck, placing a thoughtful kiss on his cheek. "Thank you... you know, for coming back. Overheard your talk with the group, they likely haven't brought it up to you because everybody called it as a lie. But we heard about what happened on that mission you went on. About you dying."

"For another time." Skyfall said. "Do you know where they're keeping the princess, the elements, and sunset? They will be Fury's best pieces for hostage negotiation, he's likely going to parade them out and then kill them and make it seem like the spirits, the innocent ones, did it."

"I do. Fury exposed his intentions to me. When he took over, he had all the guards, our guards, in the courtyard surrounded by his own guards. Being the next highest in command, we came to my quarters to negotiate terms. When I said I wouldn't give command up to him, he acted as if he was going to take me on my own desk. Going as far as to take his armor off into nearly choked me out." Desert chuckled at this. "I was scared at first I saw the look in his eye he wasn't going to do it."

"He didn't force you?" Skyfall asked, his eye narrowing slightly in thought.


"He wanted to strip away all morale and confidence you had." Skyfall said. "I've suspected but I've never been able to find evidence of how he fights. The history books are very sparse on information regarding questions on conflict, every single book makes it seem like they just rushed toward the enemy and fought, but I know that can't be true."

Skyfall moved deserts unkempt Mane from her neck to see a host mark and looked down at her hip to see another one.

"Did his guards?"

"No, that was from Fury when he forced me down. But I know his guards will soon. When he was talking to me I saw the truth in his eyes, and the truth in his guards eyes. We're at the end of the rope here, in a day or two he would give the signal from that giant sky ship above the village would fire, causing all sorts of chaos to unfold. But I imagine a few hours before that he would order the execution of the vast majority of the village and a few of the spirits he's kept under lock as cannon fodder and let his guards rape the rest."

"And you read this in their eyes?"

"You made it pretty obvious that being from the albatross was something of note. I hate to admit it, but I've had experience with these kinds of creatures firsthand. And I know how the meaning of how devastating they can be."

Skyfall brought desert into a hug and patted her back, going through this can't be using and he understood that. Mortals were always weaker than Spirits, but the one thing they all shared in common was fragility of mental state when pushed.

"Sir, are you a spirit?"

"I suspected that out of everybody, you would be one to ask me that. Being Sunset Shimmer's as roommate, you no doubt overheard those theories."

"I have. And if I'm going to fight for you. I need to know, I don't want you to lie to me. Can I trust you to at least be truthful with me and trust my judgement that I won't judge you in return?"

At seeing Skyfall's hesitation, she winced believing she overstep your boundaries. She tried to think of any way to ask him that didn't sound like a challenge of authority.

"I'm sorry, Sir. It was not my place to ask. It's a princess who assigned you here, it's not my place."

"No, it's okay, I know not all ponies follow their commanders blindly. If this goes poorly, you're right, you all will be branded as traitors. If this goes well, the worst I imagine that will happen is that this will be swept under the rug and all of you will be placed under a gag order with the penalty of death weighing over anybody who repeats what happened here."

"The princess wouldn't stand for that! She wouldn't condone the senseless attack of the city within her borders."

"You'd be surprised. Ponyville isn't a city, it's just a well-known town. Smell difference I know, but still a difference." Skyfall said as sudden movement in the courtyard drew his attention. One of the 4th stable guards rushed toward a the detainees and grabbed away a voicive mare to bring her behind one of the nearby depots. "I think we're going to have to make our move before nightfall, as twilight falls I think we're going to have to snap in action. Can I trust you to follow orders? Even if it means possible treason?"

"Our guard Oaths are for the population of Equestria just as much as they are for the royalty. I'll follow the orders as long as it makes sense."

"That's all I can ask of you." Skyfall turned and walked toward the door lumbering in his armor that fit tightly over his body. He paused at the door and turned to Desert who looked on as he left. "And to answer your question, Desert. I am."

"Yes sir. I'll be ready within the hour." Desert smirked and turned to begin slipping on her under layer to her armor.

Another part of the compound Breezy, otherwise known as honey, set rolling a pen up a desk and letting gravity rolled back down.

"Breezy can you knock that off." a Gruff sergeant bemoaned as he sat at the head of the room filling out paperwork. "I understand this isn't pleasing to you, it's not pleasing to me either."

Honey looked at her fellow captives, only Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were present. At least everybody in terms of importance that wasn't of use elsewhere in her opinion. Everyone wore varying levels of stress from mild stoicism to panic.

"So what is my idiot of a husband up to? I didn't get this bit of information, he barely looked at me before ordering you to send me here." Honey asked.

"I told you time and again, Breezy, I cannot divulge your husband's business to you. He's been very busy taking over since this Guard Unit's last commander died."

"Sounds about as useful." Honey crumbled a piece of paper before turning to Rainbow Dash. She sat emotionless, obviously very worried.

A guard from the 4th stable shoved his head into the door, opening it just enough stick his head through. "Sergeant, Captain Fury is requesting your presence." At seeing the Sergeant's confusion, the guard Shrugged. "I have no idea sergeant, something about eyes and the prisoners getting excited."

"None of you cause a ruckus, I'll be right back." The sergeant said as he stood from the desk, tapping a statuesque guard in the corner. "Make sure nobody leaves the room."

After watching the sergeant leave the room, Honey took the opportunity to cast a small illusion. The guard reacted as if he saw it, but rested a moment later as if deciding he was just half asleep.

While eyeing the elements, heavy one visiting Crystal Empire Prince, too distracted by the situation to notice the small amount of green fire rolling over Breezy's form to reveal Honey. She sat there for a moment waiting to be noticed, but after a minute had passed she was a little saddened and astonished that they were that struck to realize she changed.

From beneath Rainbow's assuring wing, Rarity peered over and noticed Honey. At seeing her excitement, Honey motioned her forward. She went to speak but stopped and looked at the guard.

"It's okay Rarity, I assure you he can't hear us. To him we're all just carrying on as normal." Honey said, she noticed the guard looking around as if you heard whispering. "Though we may have to speak at a softer tone speaking too loud may betray the illusion."

As she spoke the four Mares, Dragon, and Shining Armor All hesitantly stood.

Shining Armor moved past the elements and toward Honey. "You must be Skyfall's wife?"

"In a manner of speaking, stud." Honey smiled, amused at the situation where one party knew the other but the other was ignorant as to the facts.

"How do you get in here? Were you disguised as Breezy?" Shining Armor looks Honey up and down. "Full disguise magic is very rare and very hard to learn." He looked at the guard and noticed the slight Shimmer across the room and smirked. "Also I can't use my magic, you are going to have to teach me how to do that."

"You're always so full of questions." Honey said as she patted his cheek. She look to the other captives and motion them to follow.

"Honey. I heard something about Skyfall." Rainbow said, her voice very soft.

"I would imagine so." Honey said.

"I'm so sorry sweetie." Rarity said

"Don't be." Honey said, waving her horn as blue crystallized dust condensed from the air and into the guards face to reinforce the illusion. "Who do you think sent me here?"

As they moved toward the side door to leave the concrete confines that was the classroom Skyfall would use to teach physical maneuvers on rainy days, the door handle jiggled and the grumpy voice of their captor leaked through.

"Breezy I don't know how you got out but you know I told you all to stay still..."

The tired eyes of honey and the sergeant met prompting her to give a devious smile. Hello.


The Sergeant's head snapped to the side as a large white hoof moved past Honey to connect. She looked to identify the owner to see shining armor scowling as the sergeant slumped to the floor. He reached forward and looked around, taking one of his arms to drag him inside past Honey and the others. This left a turquoise mare to stand just outside the door, dumb struck.

"Sorry about that." Shining Armor said. "We can't have anybody raising the alarm on us."

Honey smiled at the shocked reactions from Spike, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and the newest addition, Breezy, the real Breezy. She flipped her hoof at the other guard, silently signaling to do the same to him.

As Shining Armor struggled with the remaining guard, Honey looked Breezy up and down.

"Aren't you Skyfall's wife?" Breezy asked.

"I'm my own individual past my husband, thank you very much." Honey said as she moved into the Hall, bringing Breezy to turn and walk beside her. "We are going to need you to come with us."

"Why?" She said. She constantly Looked around, worried.

Honey opened her mouth but stopped at seeing the small filly by her hooves. Situationally, it was obvious what Fury had planned by bringing his wife and his child to Ponyville. If the plans had been as far prepped in advance as she believed, there's no way he put his family in danger had he not intended it. How do you tell a mother and a child that their beloved family member put them In harm's way and intended them to be killed and used for political gain?

However, speech-craft wasn't Honey's Forte.

Honey slowed to a stop and turned to the worried mother. "Judging from your worried reaction you didn't intend to be here, but being that close to Fury, I'm sure you know what he is."

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Everything that needed to be said was said by Breezy's downward gaze to the floor.

Honey lowered her head down to Breezy's level. "What is your husband planning?"

"Mom, what is she saying?"

"Adult stuff, Pride." Deep down she knew what Honey was really asking. She looked her in the eye and with unwavering confidence. "I trust my husband to make the right choice when it comes. If he doesn't and I was wrong, I still have nothing to worry about."

"If that's your conviction, I won't change you. But you're still coming with me." Honey said.

"Sweetie, if she doesn't want to come with us we cannot make her." Rarity tried to say but toward the end her speech became jumbled when Shining Armor rested his hoof on her shoulder.

"Rarity's right, Honey. We can't make her come with us. We aren't taking hostages."

"That's a shame, cause I am. I liked you better when you were punching ponies." Honey said flippantly as she turned her attention toward the detainees. "She's coming with us and that's that. Shining Armor, I suggest you go and put on the regular guard's uniform. You are going to escort us to another building and if anybody asks you're going to tell them you're moving us as per your sergeants orders."

"But we can't take Breezy if she doesn't want to go."

"Listen Boy Scout, I'm the one rescuing you. Not the other way around. I'm taking you all to my husband then we're all going to get out of here, none of this honorable fighting, none of this last-ditch effort, last-stand nonsense that all the ponies seem to be very fond of. So go put the armor on. Now."

Rarity sat, eyes open, having never heard what looks to be a runway model backsass a military guard in such a manner, she had to admit she liked it. "I see what your husband married you for."

"That's right." Honey said, moving her hair into a tight tail onto the other side and began walking, motioning Breezy to follow and giving her a hard look when she hesitated.

Jumping around on his shoes as he struggled to put the armor on the go, Shining Armor caught up and passed Breezy as they approach the back door. "This is going to look suspicious if we go out the back door."

"Won't matter in about five minutes." Honey mumbled.

"Why is that?" Shining Armor asked as the door opened to an empty alleyway.

"I heard the Moon Rises very early in the spring."

"Yes... What about it?" Shiny armor prompted.

"Boy my daughter really knows how to pick them..." Honey whispered under her breath. "You remind me of Skyfall when we first met."

"What was that?" Shining Armor asked, his ears rotating around trying to hear better.

"Nothing, stuntfarm." Honey said causing Rainbow to laugh.

A guard approached the barracks they were being led to, and stopped at seeing shining armor in disguise.

"Where are you taking them? They're supposed to stay in the command center." The guard said harshly.

At seeing the Commander's wife at his child, the guard tapped as hoof. "Especially those two."

"Orders changed." Shining Armor said hiding his eyes below the brim of his helmet. "Sergeant said bring them here, Fury has ordered something special be done with them."

"Huh, never thought I'd go that far. An entire guard barracks?" The guard mused darkly under his breath. "Whatever, proceed."

"Will do." Shining Armor said absentmindedly.

"Excuse me?" The guard barked.

Shining Armor shifted beneath the helmet's brim and saw the rank on the guard's lapel. Lieutenant. "Right away, sir."

"Carry on." Lieutenant said as if out into the building and running his hoof along Honey's flank as she was the last one to enter. "Don't Stray too far."

As the door shut behind Honey, the rest of the group looked back at her expression of amusement. "I'm going to put him in the ground first."

As the door slowly close behind them with the soft click, the small window let in a beam of light from the setting sun that barely illuminated the small waiting space. Looks of shock appeared at Honey.

"I can't believe you said that to you." Rarity said. "These must be ponies pretending to be equestrian guards, I can't believe they snuck in this far under the princesses nose."

"No, they're real guards." Shining Armor said. "All this is very confusing, I tried to get information out of one of the guards and was struck in the head by the hilt of a sword. Aside from the fact that she struck another Pony, I'm technically a foreign diplomat. That goes against everything in the code book."

"That's because they're not following the code book." Rainbow said. "They're attacking the innocent, I know of at least two ponies that are dead now because of them." She shook her head. "If we can just get word to the princess-"

"She already knows." Pinky cut in. "Unless I'm very wrong oh, she's already here."

Honey stood silently, listening to their conversation and became astounded at what pinky said. She knew her husband was quite fond of the pink pony, enough so he tried to actively sensor any information around her while trying to make it seem as if he wasn't.

"What do you think, Honey?" Rarity asked.

"I think unless we get out of here soon, many more are going to die, after their worst dreams are realized." She moved past the group to ascend the stairs. "And that begins after the linking up with my husband."

"What can he do against entire stable?" Shining Armor asked.

"Nothing, this isn't some movie where the good guy battles the evil forces and wins against impossible odds. We need to get everyone out of here. And now."

"That doesn't sound very heroic." Rarity said.

"Heroics get you killed." Honey said as she pulled herself up the stairs and into the door, opening a space filled with guards. Being short on time, she sighed heavily. "Where is he?"

"Nearly the entire room acquainted with Honey pointed in one direction at the same time. As Honey moved toward the far door small fits of laughter bubbled up.

"Uh-oh somebody's in dog house."

The statement only added to the giggles. With the sudden amount of noise the Lieutenants door swing open to reveal Skyfall.

Honey felt her heart flutter when she saw the recognition on Skyfall's face and the resulting release of tension at seeing her in front of him safe and sound.

"Miss me?"

"Very much so." Skyfall said lifting his hoof up to Honey's chin and bringing her into a kiss. Doing this half as a sign of relief and half to feed her as he now knew what her ailments was.

The room erupted in whistles and o's before being shut down by Desert's scowl, still understanding that they had to be quiet for the illusion to work.

"Um, sir? I think you need to see this." Bastion said, still glued to the window, eyes fixed on the central Courtyard.

Knowing Bastion wasn't one to over-react, Skyfall separated from the group in lieu of saying his greetings and move directly to Bastion side.

Mentally cursing, it was unmistakable to see a small team of photographers in the courtyard taking pictures of the detainees let around by 4th Stable officers.

Before long the rest of the room moved to the window as he had to see the same thing.

"What's going on? I don't get it." Desert said, thinking allowed along with some of the regular guards wondered.

"Take notes." Skyfall said. "This is how you sway a war before it even starts."

The main doors to the headquarters opened revealing Fury, Twilight, Sunset, and the centerpiece of Furies attack, Celestia.

Skyfall bit his lip. "Shit."

"My lady we cannot go." Inko insisted.

"I can't sit here." Cadence said, impatiently tapping her hoof. There were ponies in danger and meekly sitting by was something she no longer was content to do, no matter who was sent to save the day. Having felt the dull roar of the energy that pooled within her, she grumbled as she ascended the stairs, dispelling the invisible barrier Inko had set up, believing Cadence didn't notice.

As the barriers were dispelled, they shattered into splinters of light drawing Inko's attention. Having seen that defiant look on her father's face many a time, Inko followed Cadence silently, a small smile painting her own face. "Cadence, I know you want to fight but this is going to get everyone killed. Your father ordered me to keep you safe and to keep you here. He's a fan of loopholes, but not having loopholes exerted over him. I know exactly what he meant when he said to take you to the basement."

"Why does he think I can't fight?" Cadence stopped at the top of the tall, stone stairs, angrily looking back at Inko who was still at the foot of the stairs of the dimly lit basement among the barrels and crates that belonged to her father from his travels.

"Listen. I know you're excited, but you're leaping to conclusions." Inko said and followed Cadence up the stairs, knowing that if push came to shove, Cadence would be able to escape her through sheer force.

"I'm not leaping to conclusions." Cadence insisted. "I love my parents, or am trying to, but this is the first real issue that I have with them. They're treating me like I am a fragile gem."

"To some extent I agree with you." Inko said, taking a more official stance beside Cadence. "I've overheard your mother talking about it and I've heard his reasoning for it and I have to agree. For example: If you were to run into a mugger, there's no doubt in his mind that you'd be able to handle yourself, even going as far as to erase him should you choose. However, if you were to fight a seasoned warrior and battle commander like Fury, even if he had a tenth the power you do, he would still win and then you would be used as a tool against your parents, and by extension the rest of the Spirits, and even Farhaven. This isn't a unique situation, being as old as we are, we've seen this hundreds of times over history. At this point we might as well make a manual of what not to do."

"But to sit me in a basement?"

"The original plan was to move you overseas." Inko said. "There at least you would have been safe, and out of the hands of anyone that wanted to use you as a game piece."


"To either the Gryphon Kingdom or to Neighpon." Inko admitted, not seeing a reason to shroud the truth. "Did you think the appearance of Fuji was random? She came running at your father's behest and agreed to shelter you on one condition-"

"This is outrageous!" Cadence barked. "I am not some helpless doll. I doubt I have that much importance in the first place!"

"He knows you aren't helpless. You were once used as a game piece against him. It crippled him." Inko said. "The resulting situation left you lost the time, your mother cursed, your father exiled, and potentially the whole of the race of spirits persecuted and imprisoned."

"How could me being used as a game piece cause all that?" Cadence asked in anger, believing Inko was trying to use a past catastrophe as an excuse to calm her down.

Reading the situation, Inko rolled her eyes. "Sombra used you, Cadance. You may not have been told this, but long ago, the Empire and the kingdom your father ruled over were close and as such you were brought there many times to see their empress, one whose name serves as your surname, Amore. When Sombra took over, it was during a day you and your mother were visiting, this sent your father into a rage, but attacks were never issued cause you were Sombra's shield. The Princesses dared not go against your father and as a result the attack came too late. That lead to you being tossed through time, your mother disappeared and was found half dead and dying in a cave. That ruined your father, one of the strongest people I know. That led to him being damaged, if not, then a situation like Luna turning and running her blade through his lungs could have been avoided. We'll never know, but that's what I think. Are you familiar with the butterfly effect?"

"I am." Cadence admitted, having learned it from her independent studies away from the tutelage she was forced to endure. "Alter one small event in the past can have dramatic consequences in the future? Correct?"

"The very same." Anko said. "I guess it's time to fill you in on what happens in those wartime meetings your father holds without your knowledge."

"Won't you get in trouble?"

"It's up mommy-daddy situation. Daddy said no, mommy said yes." Inko shrugged her shoulders. "I have to follow Big Mama's commands too."

Cadance followed Inko as the latter strode up and into the house. Having become fed up with the basement, Inko walked up to the door, the same one the guard that was posted outside of and knocked. "Housekeeping."

"What?" The guard asked as he turned and opened the door dumbly, only to find that the door was forced open, throwing him off kilter. A single claw reached out and wrapped around the his neck, choking him before dragging him into the house. The last thing that registered to the guard was the soft click of the door closing as an aggravated sigh of the white Spirit that captured him.

"That was easy." Inko mumbled before motioning Cadance with a lazy head jab. The house was still warm from the beams of sunlight that tried to break the thick smoke that blanketed the area.

Knowing the illusion sat over the house still, Cadence followed casually behind Inko as she was lead to Skyfall's spacious storage area he used as a classroom.

As both Spirits walked into the training room, Inko shut the door and then sat were Sif usually did, a large Blue pillow tinted white from all the shed fur.

"We're not going to win."

"What?" Cadence reeled back. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean to say is that this battle is unwinnable. I know it, Sif knows it, and this is the same conclusion your father reached and approached everyone with in a surprise middle of the night meeting. Why middle of the night I don't know. He is in a fan for theatrics, I just think he was just bothered by it.

At seeing Cadence's rapt attention, Inko continued. "You're married to Shining Armor, right?"

After Cadence nodded, Inko shook her head. "I imagine he filled your head with tails of romanticized, warrior stories, the type that the hero wins after standing against an evil enemy force through impossible odds?"

"He was was a fan of historical battles."

"Okay. Well sorry to bust people's bubbles, it's all garbage. I'm sure you can find one or two lucky incidents but I've peaked at those books and they're simply fake. After your father fell, I along with many others, melted into the Gryphon forces, mostly because I know thier Queen and I know that she would watch after us. Us being me and some of the other spirits."

"But if my father and mother are both Guardians, Stormfront is a guardian, Fuji is a guardian, and we have other Spirits in Farhaven. Not to mention me, Luna, and Twilight. We should be able to win this."

"Force doesn't win you any battles when strategy can overcome it." Inko corrected. "I've listened to some of your father's classes when he teaches his guards, he gives them a very watered-down romanticized version of what he really wants to teach them. I on the other hand had to learn through mud and steel when your father taught me, soon after I pledge myself to him.

"I don't understand, I'm sorry." Cadence said trying to comprehend what Inko was saying about Force.

"Strategy, positioning, and prep. It's much more complicated than that, but I think that does pretty good job of boiling it down." The look they shared was a sobering one. "We failed at all three."

As an instructive tool, Inko reach behind her in grabbed the map Skyfall used to teach his class of foals. She opened it in and it erupted in moving colors and shapes, she looked over for a moment and laid it out before Cadence.

"What do you see?" Inko watched as Cadence couldn't make out what she was trying to relay. Minutes passed and the silence grew to be deafening, like sound itself grew bored. Removing the map, Inko pointed. "Your father has created unwinnable situation. I suspected he was trying to kill two birds with one stone. This map looks just like Equestria but upside-down, each of his student's cities is a major city on the equestrian map. His City is Cantorlot. They are still playing their game, but I see him in this room late at night running over scenarios. This area on the map, that's Ponyville, it's a small Non-player city and every single time they play, the students try to defend that town and as of now. Not one single defense has been successful.

"Okay but you can't compare a game to real life." Cadence said.

"No, but if you look at the map it's much more than that, it's much more in depth and your father has led campaigns over and over again. He knows when to play out of a situation and come out ahead. Ponyville is unholdable as it is. It's located in the middle of an open field amidst the forest, down the river from a large dam. Stone's throw from Canterlot's full force. The escape routes are abysmal and bottlenecks refugees. To the South you have ghastly Gorge and the Badlands. To the East you have Forests, crags, and ridges. To the West you have part of the Everfree forest and much undiscovered territory that the entire Council believes is where Fury is hiding more forces. And to the North of Canterlot.

Cadence looked at the map letting it sink in, seeing the lesson.

"We got information, and by we, I mean Sif, that this plan has been in prep for what seems to have been generations."

"You think Ponyville's only purpose is to have been a trap?" Cadence asked.

"Perhaps not at first but the situation is too obvious now." Inko said. "I didn't talk to your father as much when he was here, we just didn't have the time. However I believe I know what his plans are and I'm going to execute them as best I can."

"What would that be?"

"Very likely your father is trying to set up multiple fallback points to send civilians, anyone he can save without getting in an open conflict. The instant open conflict emerges it will be time to pull back everyone and let things happen in the way they're going to."

"He's just going to let entire population die?"

"I know this is hard to swallow, Cadence, but this is war. You have to save who you can without sacrificing additional people." Inko knew younger creatures always believed the sentiment to be cold, but in conflict it was more accounting than the thought. Save who you can.

"I don't think you would do that." Cadence said and saw the look on Inko's face. She closed her eyes and accepted it. "No you're right. I hate this."

"We all hate it. But the worst part isn't now, it's going to be what comes after."

"Full scale War?"

"No." Inko said. "If what your father believes is going to happen comes to pass, we might be dealing with a cold war and let me assure you it's no less grueling than an actual armed conflict."

"Well. I can't just sit here." Cadence said firmly as she stood up. "You can stay here, I'll tell my father gave you the slip after all this, if we make it through."

"Yeah, you're forgetting about your father's little bite thing. He's going to see this exact conversation." Inko said amusingly. "And trust me when I say he's going to see everything."

"That sounds like we're going to need reinforcements if we're going to be successful." Cadence said trying to think of where she should be able to muster the strength. "Any ideas? Since Farhaven is locked off to us?"

Cadence caught a shimmer of light outside the window, a flicker of red Shone through the waterfall briefly and dissipated.

"The waterfall?"

"What about it?" Inko said.

"I just saw something." Cadence turned and move toward the window and opened it slightly to see a guard passing below her.

"Okay seriously don't." Inko called out before a barrel was lifted up and thrown out the window to crash onto the guard below. "Okay, there's no way the others didn't hear that."

One by one, the other guards moved to their fallen comrade to see what happened only to receive additional barrels.

"Okay you can't knock them all out with barrels." Inko said, stepping to the side of floating barrels that soon careened out the window.

Cadence silently cheered in victory as Inko moved to the window to see guards unconscious on the floor and a pile of wood and steel debris

"Wow. I wonder what they thought happened to the guards that were knocked out before them..."

"See I know something."

"Well, if you ever get into a fight so make sure you have a barrel handy." Inko looked over to see Cadence wiggling her butt before leaping out of the window and gliding to the floor.

"Haha, very funny. Get back up here." Inko insisted.

"I saw somebody enter the waterfall, we have to go check it could be somebody that could help us."

"Or it's an enemy and we're going to get their position. That can happen too... Or just ignore me as you walk away toward the waterfall I told you not to enter. Wonderful." Inko said as she followed suit and glided to the ground.

"Cadence, seriously we need to get back to the house. the longer we stay out here the more exposed we are. We need to get to cover."

As the sound of the waterfall grew louder, they could hear the barks of many more guards running toward their Fallen comrades.

"There's more in the house!" A guard roared as he flew up into the open window.

"See, now we can't go back." Cadence said.

"Probably was the barrels, all the barrels that flew out from the second floor window by themselves." Inko mused.

"Yeah, well I didn't have a choice." Cadence said. "I was taught to follow my heart and this is what feels right."

Ignoring the skeptical look from Inko, Cadance walked into the water. As it flowed over her head and shoulders, she shivered beneath the chilled waterfall and shook the wetness from her coat as she emerged. She looked back to see Inko do the same as she entered.

"I'm sorry to have to put you in this position, but I can't not to do something. It's not in me." Inko looked between her and the rest of the cave in shock, making a sound like a gasp and a sigh before being brought into a bow. Panic began to rise in Cadance's mind. "Oh no, are you okay?"

After a moment of silence Cadence poked Inko's shoulder. "Um, Inko?"

"My, you really did turn out beautiful. But I knew you would." A smooth, motherly voice said from behind Cadence.

Cadence looked over, peering up to see an Alicorn smiling down at her from the ledge her father usually sat on. A coat of white, a mane of dull fire, with eyes that forced unprepared glances away like the sun.

"An alicorn?" Cadence asked unsure of how to take in the situation.

"Hello, Anara."

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