• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 6,060 Views, 31 Comments

Shades of a DJ - Darknight293

You decide to have some teasing fun with your best friend, but she might not like it.

  • ...


You took a deep breath and tasted the clear air of Ponyville as you walked down the street. You nodded to anypony you passed as you listened to the almost silent clip clop of your hooves on the dirt road that acted as one of the many ways in and out of Ponyville.

Today you were heading over to Vinyl's house, being best friends and her assistant it wouldn't be weird. Though being friends with one of the most famous DJ's of Equestria tends to get you noticed anyway, as if the looks you got at the concerts didn't give that away.

Nevertheless you like your job. You get to help out a friend with her life's work and get payed at the same time! Not to mention all the concerts you get to go to with her even if you watch her all the time from the backstage.

Unless it's a club, then you're mostly focusing on not getting drunk or robbed of your bits while among the crowd.

Anyway...the reason you were heading to her house today was because you planned to get those purple shades of hers off of her face for once. She always wears them around you no matter what and she knows it annoys you that you can't see where her eyes are looking at all times. She definitely does it on purpose since she smirks at you now and then.

Such a tease she always is...though it explains why you have a small crush on her.

Well okay, SMALL is being modest. In reality it took a few months of friendship before you started to fall for her and it's been slowly growing. You don't know how she feels about you though, again why it annoys you that you can't see where she's looking exactly or don't even know her eye color for that matter! So hard to tell what she's thinking about you when you can't tell her eye movements.

You're about to continue your mental rant when your snout suddenly collides with a door, the front door of Vinyl's house to be exact. You let out a grunt of pain and rub your snout with your right hoof before blinking and looking at the door.

Thankfully Vinyl must've not heard your collision or she's being lazy again. Either way your horn lights up and levitates a hidden key in the soil of a flower pot that's on the edge her living room window outside.

You knew about it since she told you of it a few months ago. You put it in the lock and twist, unlocking the door and pulling he key back out. Once the key is in it's hiding spot again you head on inside and close the door.

You use your magic to flip the light switch and look around. Her living room seemed fine, the usual couch and two chairs near the fireplace with a rug in between them. Her turntable was fine as well from what you could see. Must be sleeping in again, good old Vinyl...

Too bad she's gonna be in a hissy fit soon.

You snicker at the thought of how Vinyl would be when she opens her eyes to find her shades missing. As much as you wanted to see her eyes honestly, the idea of her scrambling and looking for them around the house would be hilarious.

Course, when she finds out you have them you're dead.

You shrug and crouch down, silently moving to the stairwell to your right in her living room and go up them. You carefully avoid the squeaky bored near the top of the stairwell, silently glad you did-


...Nevermind. Either way you reach the second floor with no signs of her waking up. You go to her door and quietly push the door open, the door squeaking eerily like some horror movie. As you shake off the light shiver you walk inside slowly and eventually reach her bed.

You stand and look down at the scene, trying to hold in a giggle fit. Vinyl is splayed across the bed, her rump on the pillow and she's drooling on her muzzle and the covers. You notice she isn't wearing shades and look around, finding the DJ's shades were on the nightstand. What luck!

You sneak over to her nightstand and grab the shades, not believing it was this easy. You look at the alarm clock they were next to and smirk. The clock lights up as your aura surrounds it and places it next to the sleeping Mare's head, almost out of cord too.

You set the clock to go off in two minutes and escape the room. You close the door and trot downstairs, avoiding the squeaky floor boards this time with grace-

Okay, not with grace. All you did was tiptoe, or tiphoof, around them and got back downstairs to the living room. You lay on the couch and hide the shades between your forehooves, watching the stairs and waiting...




Did you set it too Fa-


"What the hell?!" You hear a mare screech out in panic. A hoof instinctively going to your muzzle to silence the giggles escaping from it. Sounds like Vinny is up!

You stay still and listen, hearing Vinyl get off her bed, it only takes a few seconds before you start to hear panicking hoof steps above. Seems like it didn't take the sleepy mare long to figure out her shades have disappeared.

After a minute of frantic hooves running around on the floor above you, the door to her room opens and you see a white unicorn running down the stairs and into the living room. At first she oblivious to your presence and starts search everywhere for her shades.

She starts using her magic to lift the chairs and the rug. Searching every possible place except the couch and you. Eventually you can't take it and start laughing, causing the mare to freeze and turn to you in shock.

That's when you stop laughing and see her eyes for the first time. They're a wonderful shade of cerise, kinda reminding you of cherries as they captivate you. But you can't contemplate the beauty of her eyes anymore because the next thing you know a white blur tackles you and causes you to fall off of the couch and hit the floor with an 'oof!'

You blink and look up to see a not-so happy Vinyl Scratch staring down at you. She must be so lost in her anger because she's pushing her snout against yours, causing you to blush.

"Give...back...my...shades!" She said slowly and angerly. Clearly upset that they're missing...perhaps this was a bad idea?

You clear your throat, looking down at both of your snouts, cause her to do the same. She then links and blushes as she gets off of you, sitting down and rubbing her neck with a hoof. She then clears her own throat and respond more calmly, "Can I please have my shades back? They're important to me...and why did you take them anyway?"

You look over to the couch to see the shades and levitate them back over to her. This causes her to grab them and put them back on, hiding her cerise eyes. You decide you may as well come clean since she IS your best friend after all. You response to her slowly due to your burning cheeks, "Well...ah...I wish to see...what color your eyes are for once...you hide them all the time."

Her expression seems to soften as her blush fades. She takes her shades and sets them behind her horn before replying, "Ya coulda just asked you knucklehead! You didn't have to go all pony ninja and steal my shades while I was sleeping." The blush then returns to her face, "Er...you didn't see anything...embarrassing did you?"

It was your turn to be a tease for once. You give her a coy smile, "Oh I might've seen something rather embarrassing...maybe some drool here and there on your face and your rump in the air.

She blushes harder but stands her ground, "Says the one who's always watching my flank during the concerts!" This statement causes your blush to burn hot again, seems you've been caught long ago! She smirks and presses on, "I've caught you staring a few times mister! What'd you have to say for yourself?"

Shit! Seems she caught you redhoofed...may as well come clean then. You sigh and try to calm your heart down as you open your mouth, "Alright Vinyl. So maybe I have developed a crush on you and possibly like you...a lot.

You're not sure if she was teasing you or not because she blinks a few times and opens her mouth to speak before closing it again, neither her blush nor yours fading. A few minutes pass before she speaks up despite the awkward silence, "I..I was just bluffing to avoid embarrassment...but you really mean that don't ya?"

You nod to her, only to lose your vision of the room as it's filled with white. At first you thought she punched you or something, but a few seconds is all it takes for your mind to register that Vinyl's lips are pressed against your own!

You blink as you feel her soft fur pressed against yours, a hoof around your neck and another one on your head pressing against it. Then you close your eyes and press back against her lips as you hooves wrap around the DJ's neck, causing her to let out a light moan in response as you gently squeeze on her neck.

Despite how great it feels to be kissing your crush, your lung demand to have oxygen after this goes on for a good fifteen or twenty seconds. You both pull away from each other, a trail of saliva connect your muzzles together as you both took a deep breath. Vinyl then pulls back her hooves to your shoulders and playfully punches you in the chest with one of them, hard.

"Did you have to make me wait for so long Knucklehead?"

You give her a goofy grin in reply, so she liked you this entire time after all! You rub your hooves on her rather tense neck which causes her to shudder before she leans up and bites your ear playfully, tugging on it. You flick your other ear in response to her tugging before she lets go and smiles sweetly at you with half-lidded eyes.

"Shall we continue this elsewhere?"

Is she suggesting what you think she's suggesting? Before you can respond she lets go of you and stands up, you do the same as well. She turns and starts to walk away from you, flicking her tail from side to side before reaching the stairs and looking at you.

"What're you waiting for?" She asks teasingly before walking up the stairs. You grin again and follow the cheeky white DJ mare up the stairs and to her room.

Guess this wasn't a bad idea after all!

Author's Note:

So hope y'all enjoyed the one-shot. Not sure if I captured Vinyl's personality well but that's why I gotta write right? Anyway, if you spot any errors feel free to point them out! I promise to not bite with my fangs...

Comments ( 31 )

It's too adorable! I can't go on!

Glad ya liked it.
Can you try? Cuz if you don't then I'll get sued for causing you to die from adorableness! XD

Interestingly enough, Vi's shades could be a medical thing for her. She has them on all the time, and they are colored lenses, which is important for this idea. There is a mild neurological disorder which affects the visual cortex called Scotopic sensitivity syndrome or Irlen Syndrome. The symptoms of which is constant migraines, the inability to focus on text or other small details for long without pain, and interestingly enough, a sort of synesthesia like effect in some light conditions. The simplest fix for the condition is to use colored glasses, the exact color depends on the individual.

Further credence to this idea is many people with Irlen's when reading in certain conditions can trigger an experience which has been described by many as "Visual Dubstep", as in the distorted reality they are seeing is given the synesthesia treatment and becomes sound. So they can literately 'see' music, specifically dubstep and other electronic genres. Vi's music may simply be here reproducing this effect in actual sound for everypony to hear.

Silly Luna.

Glad ya liked it Aria.

Interesting to know, Thanks for sharing!

This was good, have a like.

Good to know.

I don't see one reason to delete this comment. I think it's good to allow readers to state their opinion on the story, good or bad.

Course the only reason to delete this is to be like trollestia!:trollestia:

Thanks, seems each one-shot is better than the one before it now.

Thinking about it as I read this, I realized that "knucklehead" might not be a viable insult for ponies.
I have a very peculiar system of thought.

Indeed. I took that word from where the picture was from though. It just seemed to fit, I have an odd mind.

Like and fav!
No, seriously, it's the first story about Vinyl, that doesn't include octascratch, I've ever read, and it's damn great!

And not so cool stuff:

You put it in the lock and twist, unlocking the door and pulling the key back out

Either way your horn lights up and levitates a hidden key in the soil of a flower pot that's on the edge of her living room window outside.

"Alright Vinyl. So maybe I have developed a crush on you and possibly like you...a lot."

Well if every part was cool I'd be a much better writer! Still glad ya enjoyed it.

5553979 that's usually what happens. Most writers get better with each story

You can tell your doing a great job when you don't need a clop scene to make the reader feel that Romance tag.

I will Like it, I will Favorite it, this was very well done.

P.S. Prepare your ears for a Lot of people who will want a sequel... with clop in it.

I like this. I like this a lot.

Heh, they may be disappointed then. I've read clop before but I ain't sure I'm gonna be writing any for some time. Especially if I can pull the romance tag off without any clop.

Though...perhaps when I become a better writer and with enough requests I'll try it. But not right now I have a few short stories in mind that may or may not succeed.

I'm glad to know ya liked it my friend.

Ooh, this was another great one shot, I'm impressed with your skill and style! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks, that means a lot.

You earned it Darknight, so no problem! :pinkiesmile:

She defiantly does it on purpose since she smirks at you now and then.

I think you definitely used the wrong word.

This is a very common mistake all over the site... why?


I bet someone put that word in the Internet dictionary and its auto correct, I'll definitely go correct that error right now. Thank you for pointing it out.

5999035 No problem. I can't really blame you for using it when I see this mistake in almost every fanfic I have ever read.

I love it! She was adorable! :pinkiehappy:

I can’t believe that worked.

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