• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 4,208 Views, 61 Comments

Bronze - Sir Hat

A kid must grapple with the issues of interspecies romance and decide which is more important to him, his friend or his pride.

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Author's Note:

I watched as one of the human teachers sat in front of an entire auditorium of juniors and sophomores. "So.... The BPH said they would be here by now." He coughed into his hand and shifted left and right. "Bureau of Public Health...in case you don't know."

Babs leaned against me. "So what's this about?"

I scratched my head. "Like sex ed I think. I don't know." I bumped Babs away with my shoulder. "Seriously, some space?"

Babs scooted closer. "What's your problem?" She glared at me, squeezed against me in the set of bleachers that overlooked the auditorium. "Well?"

"You're touching my foot!" I shoved her away with my elbow.

Babs shoved me back and put her hoof on my toes. "Yeah? Make me stop!"

I leaned forehead to forehead with her. "Babs, this won't end well if you--" Before I could start a fight the doors to the outside world were flung open. A pony, a griffon, a human, and a deer walked in, all dressed in dark grey uniforms. "Whoa, who the hell are they?" I asked, poking Babs and pointing to the incoming multiracial posse.

Babs cocked her head. "Uh, don't know."

I felt myself grow cold and shiver as the deer looked at my general direction. "That's not a normal deer...that one is like...like the ponies." I rubbed my wrists. "Kinda creepy." The ponies walked out and bumped the teacher out of the way. The human set down a table and the deer levitated out a weird screen thing. He looked like a unicorn, but skinnier, bearing a bright white coat with a hint of green, and with antlers instead of a horn. Babs and I looked at each other, green eyes just as confused as me. "It's weird, right?"

Babs nodded and looked over at the crowd. "Yeah...." She wrapped a hoof around my arm. "Real freaky."

I looked down at my arm, now sporting a fresh brown mare leg. "Uh...Babs, you scared?"

Babs nodded. "A little."

I looked back to the mini crowd, the mic on the table picking up a few people talking. "They--signed it, right?" A bunch of chatter later and the group at the center of the room spread out. The deer levitated the microphone before his face. "Alright, I know you were expecting the BPH, but they're busy tending to the west coast." His voice was tender but with a strange strength on the tail end. Like he was labored for breath, or perhaps overburdened by it. "We're from Storm Side University, and we'll be handling your reproduction educational classes." He took a deep breath, icy air floating from his mouth despite the warmth of the room. It made my skin crawl, it was like he was a zombie. "This includes physical reproductive health between same species, hetero-species, homosexual and heterosexual, if you have any questions feel free to ask me or my colleagues. That said, we're not here to field stupid questions."

The room burbled slightly. My heart warmed up as he spoke on. "If you're going to ask us a dumb question, you can escort yourself outside. We're coming down to help you, and if you don't want legitimate help, we don't need to speak." The deer turned to the griffon. "Sharps here is twenty two. He's our resident expert on stupidity, so if you must ask a seemingly dumb question, ask him."

The griffon glared over at the deer. I laughed softly and tried to cover my mouth. Babs was wrapped around my arm like a snake. "Uh, Babs, you still scared?"

Babs looked up at me. "Nah, why?"

I looked down at my arm and flipped my chin at it. "Can I have this back?"

Babs glared at me. "No. Coulda asked nicely...." She leaned against me and pulled my arm tight.

I turned back to the crowd and raised my hand. The room went quiet as the deer spotted me. "You, in the red."

I tried to stand up, held in place by Babs. "So, are you gonna teach us other species junk too?"

The deer grew an ugly, angry, frown. "Are you--" The griffon leaned over and started talking to the deer, unheard on our end. "Oh...I see. There will be optional courses if you choose to learn about other species reproductive systems. They will be offered, not mandatory."

"Cool, thanks!" I sat back down, my plan to figure out what the hell was wrong with Babs could start soon enough. I figured she was just in heat and getting all clingy. It wasn't the first time mares got all weird in class, just the first time I saw it outside of school. Seemed like a pain in the ass to be like that, then again, getting nailed in the balls by a soccer ball wasn't much better.

The deer's voice pulled me back into reality. "Alright, I'll be handling inter-species relations, anyone else can figure out where to go."

I nudged Babs, her eyes closed, cheek laid against my shoulder. "I like this guy. ... Babs?" I shook my arm, the mare refused to open her eyes. "Babs...." The crowds started to disperse around us. "Babs...people are leaving. Babs come on...." I pulled my arm, trying to get her back to reality.

A loud snort came from down the steps. "I think you should come with me."

I watched the visible puff of air drift past. I turned to face the deer, his coat greener from this angle, his eyes sharp and oddly harrowing. "Uh...hi--"

The deer nodded. "Hello. Seems like you're having a problem there."

Babs shook her head. "Nope."

I looked at the deer, pleading with my eyes. "She's just in heat or something.... And we're not--" I felt something tug me off the ground. "Hey!"

The deer shook his head and turned towards the steps down. "Sure. Do me a favor and save it. I'd rather avoid having some teen couple spawning a hybrid...."

I found myself floating through the air with Babs still clutching my arm. "This is crap! Man, we're not a couple--"

The stag snorted angrily. "I'm not a man, dude."

"And Babs isn't my girlfriend, old man!" I flailed helplessly as I was levitated down the bleachers, Babs herself in tow. "Hey!"

The deer just rolled his eyes and hurried on towards the door into the school's exercise areas. A few white trailers were sitting out on the blacktop basketball courts and backboards. Watching ponies play basketball was absolutely amazing, but sports were never my thing. "You two...exactly the reason Celestia called us down." He looked back at me, his head not bald, just maneless. "How old are you? Fourteen?"

I coughed hard. "Sixteen, and sixteen...jerk." I crossed my arms, the floating was sending my stomach into a knot. "Where are you even from? I didn't think deer lived in Equestria."

His tail wiggled around a bit. "Storm Side, college up north. Not as far north as deer land, but still close enough for me." He levitated me and Babs over to a white trailer and stepped up. The door flung open with a plasticy groan. "We'll be back for the college fair, you should see about attending if you can stand the cold."

I felt myself hover upright, Babs still holding my arm with her eyes jammed shut. "Or you could put me down and let me go to the class I should be taking...just saying."

The deer laughed and set me down on the floor. "From the looks of it, this is the right class for you."

I stood up, Babs yanked upright onto two hooves. "She's not my girlfriend! She's my best friend, and she's a fucking lesbian!" I stomped my foot. "Babs, help me here!"

Babs nodded. "Hmm, yeah sure."

"God damn it!" I lurched forward, the cheap portable classroom squeaking as I tried to get after the deer man, already hiding behind a cheap desk in the corner. "Listen to me here, can you find out what's wrong with--"

The deer picked me up by the collar and levitated me back a few steps. "Take a seat, I'll assume the other classes will start, but it seems like a pressing matter for you."

"York smash!" I shouted, dragging myself over to a chair. "Why am I--"

The deer snapped a ruler against his desk. The crack making me jump and finally forcing Babs to stand on her own. "Sit, both of you!" He stepped out into the middle of the room before us. "Honestly...control yourselves. To be honest, you're two young people who could end up in a compromising situation. And to be honest I don't care if she's just in heat, if anything this should prove your point. Now sit down and listen to me!" He stomped his hoof, no where near as intimidating with his cloven hooves.

I bit my lip and both Babs and I found seats next to eachother. "Alright...so what--"

"Sex, reproduction, relationships, and health advice." The deer nodded a few times and went back to his desk. "Now, how much do you both know?"

I leaned back in my seat and looked to Babs. "Uh, penis in vagina, baby comes out about a year later." I shrugged. "Works for ponies and other stuff right?"

The deer rolled his eyes. "Hybrid children are a thing, but they extend to any equestrian species...human included."

I scratched my neck. "For ponies right? And I--"

The deer stretched his neck. "Ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, dragons, all able to crossbreed with eachother. And...deer I suppose, not enough of us around to really be noticeable though."

I felt my stomach grumble, the noise all the more apparent. "So like, anyone?"

The deer walked up to me. "So, like, anyone."

Babs looked towards the door. "But it's only during heat, right?"

The deer shook his head. "Heat has never been a completely automatic thing. It increases the odds from standard to extremely high. An evolutionary step away from the horses your kind came from, and more in line with the domestic lives you lead now." The deer scratched at the floor. "Common misconception, I know."

Babs tapped her hooves together. "Oh...."

The deer nodded. "Normal non heat odds are about one in four to be rough, one in two in heat, ask Hinkle, she'll be able to tell you more about ponies." He turned to me. "And John can tell you more about humans. Unless you think you know everything."

I sank into my seat and crossed my arms. "Well I know how penis works...."

"Yes, well, perhaps you're both just a little more potent than you think." The deer turned to face a small board inlayed into the wall. "Now I'd draw you a diagram, but I think you know the mechanics." He scribbled a few cheesy drawings onto the board and stepped aside. "Pony, human, one generation down." He snapped his ruler below to a crude stick figure with pony legs. "From there, satyrs, can breed with their own kind, as any other hybrid race can. Now, that said, there is evidence to suggest Griffons were once a hybrid race that shifted over time, but I don't think you two will have to worry about that."

I slowly zoned out as he started talking. Little by little my brain was dripped full of information on horse ovaries and human testicles. Babs and I split up for a few days after that. I couldn't be around her right after learning how fertile mare pussy was, bad thoughts would creep into my mind. Mares still didn't appeal to me, but knowledge gained, some inherent breeding idea rattled around my skull.