• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 4,208 Views, 61 Comments

Bronze - Sir Hat

A kid must grapple with the issues of interspecies romance and decide which is more important to him, his friend or his pride.

  • ...


I climbed up the fire-escape back at Babs' apartment. The cold metal threatened to freeze my skin as I went. My music hummed softly in my ears, just above the metal groans and rattles as I climbed the thick runged stairs. "Stay--fit--I guess." I flopped up onto the correct floor, I took a deep breath, my backpack heavy, my body achy.

I walked up to Babs' window and tapped the glass. The burnt brown mare slinking over slowly. She looked at me and sighed silently through the glass window. She walked over and unlocked the window. "Hey York...."

I climbed into the warm room. "Hey Babs." I set my bag down and took my headphones off. "You alright?"

Babs sighed loudly and shook her head. "You know how it is...." She sulked over towards her couch, leaving me standing before the window with my bag by my leg. "Sorry about last week by the way."

I lowered my head. "Uh, don't apologize, it happens." I rubbed my arm. "So I saw that deer again, Oak or something like that." I closed the window and reached down into my bag. "He's an alright guy I guess."

Babs voice was soft and low. "Yeah? He seemed alright."

I pulled the box from my backpack and let my fingers dig into the waxy surface. "He is." I held my breath for a moment. "Babs, can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." Her voice was tired, burned out.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the back of the couch. "So, it wasn't just heat or something, was it?"

Babs let out a long groan. "Nope...."

I chewed on my lip. "How long?"

Babs looked back at me, eyes calm if a bit tired. "Feelings like this? About a month, probably sooner but it's not like everypony didn't think I was lespony."

I pushed my lips to the side for a moment. "To be fair, so did I, and you never corrected me."

Babs faced forward, her eyes locked on the off TV. "Well I thought it'd be weird if I wasn't. You seemed like, all comfy around me when you thought I was."

I rubbed the back of my neck with the box. "Well yeah, no pressure." I shrugged. "Always figured it was like ten times harder to lose a friend than someone trying to...somepony you're trying to date."

Babs shook her head. "Well, sorry if I lied."

I looked off towards the window with a guilty frown. "Christ, Babs." I rubbed my lips on my upper arm. "I--"

"Would you have stayed? If I told you, I mean." Babs swung around, hanging her hooves off the back of the couch. "Be honest."

I felt my mouth hang open. "Of course! Maybe I wouldn't have felt as comfortable or kept sneaking in through the window, but you're not about to get rid of me that easy!" I held my arms out. "Friends first, remember?"

Babs looked off towards the window. "What's in the box?"

I looked over, my outstretched hand sporting the offending box. "Uh.... Something." I let my arms fall, hiding the box behind the couch. She looked back up at me, eyes bright green, burning my own. My stomach grumbled loudly as I stood there under her gaze. "You thought I'd leave if you told me straight up?"

Babs sighed. "Well you almost did, I asked you if you wanted to go watch porn with me." She turned around and sat back down. "I thought that was pretty obvious."

I nodded. "Oh no, it was. Just laid it on a little thick is all."

Babs shrugged and reached a hoof back. "Well what was I gonna say?"

"York, do you like me?" I smirked softly. "It's not--"

Babs looked back at me, just to roll her eyes. "And you woulda' said something like, yeah. That's it."

I frowned hard. "I would have done that." I put the box on my head and looked around. "I just--" I brought the box down into view. "I bought this, I climbed--" I looked up at Babs, her head spun around to face me as she sat sideways on the couch. "Babs, do you like me?"

Babs snorted loudly and grimaced. "I think you know the--"

I reached up and slammed the box of chocolates against her lap. She jumped bolt stiff and held her hooves up as the rattling box settled. "I'm not good with emotional gooey stuff."

Babs looked back up to me. "York, what is--"

Do it York, do it or you're a bitch.

I took a deep breath and wrapped my fingers around the top of the couch. "Man, I don't even know at this point. I was gonna reach over, pull your head around and kiss you, but I'd fuck it up."

Babs jerked back slightly. "What?"

I nodded. "Yeah...never kissed a pony, never kissed a girl...." I shrugged. "Everyone thought I did, but nope." I held my breath to keep from talking to much. "Like you and the lesbian thing. People just assume stuff."

Babs' frown softened. "No, you were gonna kiss me?"

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Yeah, it was gonna be cool, like some movie stuff. I pull you around, tell you everything is gonna be alright, then I kiss you." I shook my head. "Then I threw a box at you."

Babs turned away, towards her TV. "So you're not going to?"

I licked my lips. "I just don't-" York you bitch, "-think now would really be-" York you're fucking this, "-the best time for-" I leaned forward against the couch. "-trying a new relationship-" I put my hands around Babs' chin, lifting her upwards to face the ceiling, "-I'm just not really--" I found myself face to face with her, staring down at her as she craned her head up to meet me. "I just...I don't.... I'm not really into ponies...." I shut myself up, the soft confused pout of the mare under me was going to kill me.

I kissed her, keeping my eyes shut as I sloppily pressed my lips against hers. A soft mmm filled the air as I leaned back upwards, still keeping my eyes locked with the stunned mare. "I just don't know if things are gonna work out-" I reached down, Babs turning her head slightly after I kissed her. "-I'm gonna really try, but I just don't-" I felt myself shake as I dove back down, stood off to the side of Babs as she turned to face me better. Each time seemed to be softer, kinder, and with a better, less clumsy angle. "-know if it's gonna work. I mean even now I feel like-" I kissed her again, keeping my eyes open as she closed hers. My heart melted and sat lightly in my chest. "-it's not how I'm supposed to be doing this." I stared down at her, the mare slightly red. "Like I said...never kissed a mare, girl, filly-- whatever." I looked off towards the window. "I don't know...I should go and try to figure--"

A hoof wrapped around the back of my head and pulled me down. I closed my eyes as something damp pressed against the part of my lips. I held Babs tight and leaned into it. She tasted like cheap cherry lip balm, and the strange damp sensation drew me out of reality. I didn't care, whatever bothered me about ponies either melted away or simply didn't apply to Babs. Either way I was happy, my body shooting out warmth all across my skin. I was lost in the little grunts and moans as I made out with Babs, sloppily running my tongue past her lips and across her own. I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt good, and I had to assume Babs had some semblance of an idea or was as outright lost as I was.

Babs shoved me back with a hoof. She licked her lips and turned away. "Uh.... Door locked?"

I felt my heart jump. "Uh, I'll make sure." I bolted over to the door and doublechecked the locks, adding a dead-bolt to the mix. "Okay, yeah--" I stopped dead as Babs slammed her hooves on either side of my chest. She had one of the cheap chocolates I'd bought between her lips and was staring up at me ever so slightly. Eyes burning, hard and unyeilding. "Duuh it."

My brain gave up making sense and gave me a free card to be an idiot. I placed my hands on the back of her head, one holding her ear between my thumb and index as I reached down. The kiss was quick, or sudden rather. Babs and I fought for the treat for a few moments before it was lost to one of us and the greater idea took over.

I hugged her against me, cradling her head as I dropped down onto the floor. Babs laid across my stomach, idly laying on me as we made out. The taste of chocolate, the texture of her coat against my fingers, the rush of adrenaline as I licked at her and she to me.

Good job York, chocolates were a good idea.

Babs lips pushed me away for just long enough to catch a breath before diving back down on me and forcing her tongue into my mouth. Her new spot laying atop me was giving her far too much leverage for my liking. I squeezed her side and leaned away. "Babs...."

Babs' breath was tired and worn down. "Yeah?"

I looked back up at her. "This isn't a one time thing, is it?"

Babs drew a hiss and looked towards the window. "Uh... I thought you said you didn't like ponies--"

"But I like you." I stared at her like a fool. "And yeah, this is just about as weird as I thought it would be."

Babs frowned hard, turning to me with a strange sorrow in her eyes. "So you--"

"I like it." I smiled up at her. "And ponies aren't so bad I guess.... Or maybe you're just better than most ponies, or...I don't know." I smirked and looked away. "Babs...."


I took a long breath through my nose, the pony laying across my chest making it have to work hard against the weight. Pleasing expansion followed by the heavy fall as I breathed. "We're gonna take this city over."

Babs looked out the window. "Probably wait till summer."

I frowned gently. "Yeah, probably." I looked back up to her. "I guess I'll figure out if this is gonna work out or not by then."

Babs face twisted up hard. "Uh...you don't know if--"

I shook my head hard. "Oh no no no! I meant because-- No I meant-- not you! Me...like, still get squicky about ponies, and just...kissing in public. It's just--"

Babs popped down and pecked me on the lips. "You'll get over it."

I stared up at her. "Yeah...."

Babs smiled down at me. "You gonna stay the night?"


Babs kissed me again, gently. "You wanna get off the floor?"

I shook my head. "Nah...."

Babs smiled and laid her head up into my chin. "Alright."

Thing went quiet as I pet her back, her tail patting down against my leg. "Babs...."


"I'm glad you're not a lesbian. Would have been pretty hot-- I guess you're still pretty hot." I squeezed Babs sides, muscle and tight skin causing my fingers to tingle. "Babs, can I shut up now?"

Babs sighed heavily. "If ya want." Babs snuggled in against my torso. "Your hands are warm."

I stared up at her. I just rubbed her crown with my chin and laid back with the boxing mare on my chest. Soon enough we'd take the city over, but it all needed to start after this one warm night.

One warm night with a person I care about, a girl I liked, and a friend I couldn't risk to lose.

Comments ( 29 )

Great ending Hat :twilightsmile: I'll be honest and say I had no idea how you were going to end it, but this feels appropriate for the story. *golf clap*

Glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah, it's a simple end to a simple fic. Sad it couldn't have done better, but I might follow up on Babs and York in a later fic, dunno.

5598163 Honestly, I think you did it justice.


Good story.

:oved it. Good job.

I hope you continue with these characters down the road...i really liked this story *so once again thank you sir hat for givong me a story i will reread at least twice.*

D'aww. I like it, very believable. I especially like how York is a bit of an idiot, how his inexperience is, well, really obvious. I like your writing because your characters are actually people, not just... the best comparison I can think of right now would be NPC's, but that's not quite what I mean. Hopefully you catch my drift.

Anyway, good end to a good little story. I'm disappointed it didn't get more attention than it did. Though I'm especially disappointed at the proportionately high dislike rate, I would've hoped people had better taste.

Dawww. At least he didn't screw it up

it burns goooood

Bitchiness narrowly averted.

There needs to be a term for being attracted to a specific person in spite of one's normal orientation. In this day and age, I'd be surprised if there wasn't one. Seems like there's something for every other conceivable sexuality.

In any case, an adorable story. Thank you for it, Hat. I'm kind of sad we didn't get to see the conquest of Manehattan. At least, not in this story.

It's so cuddly and fluffy and dawww!
Love it! :yay:

First off, stop triggering me with your speciest attitude.

And second, you don't have to thank me every time. I will survive without the praise, I feel like you're worried I'm gonna stop writing or An Hero.

But I think as we've seen, I might piss and moan, but there's not much that's gonna stop me from writing.

(Don't get me wrong, I love your comments, but I'm starting to get worried you're thanking me just to stroke ego or keep me from being Mr. Depressed)

I make a point of thanking the author at the end of every story. Fanfiction is a labor of love, and since we legally can't be compensated for it*, I figure a few thanks are quite literally the least I can contribute. It's the same reason I work "looking forward to more" into every comment on an incomplete story.

*Well, I suppose there's Patreon, but as I said, there's some legal dubiousness there.

5599061 The comments full of actual commentary on the fic is enough for me.

As I say, I just enjoy engagement. That's why I always ask for comments.

This is pretty solid Hat. I kind of wish you'd stop pussy-footing around and just do something with a ton of world building because the world(s) you write about are really interesting and I'd like to see more but for a short piece, this one had it all. Solid bro.

Usually Babs fics are garbage, but you've written a respectable and genuine-feeling romance that I can't help but enjoy thoroughly. This is seriously some rock-hard on-the-money high-quality shit you've got here. A+

Also that make-out scene was fantastic.

This is probably one of the most authentic portrayals of a budding teenage romance I've read in a long time; with the additional awkwardness of being a different species. I also enjoyed a character named York in the city of Manehatten. Don't know if that was intentional, but it was a nice touch. A delightful experience. :pinkiehappy:

Cute as fuck.

A Sir Hat fic that doesn't contain drunken sex or a german/russian accent?

10/10 - IGN, Would read again.

In all seriousness though. I haven't read any of your fics in awhile and this one was actually not a complete waste of my time. This fic kinda reminds me of your old stuff, back when you had less than 100 followers. Yeah, those were good times. Perhaps I am making too many assumptions, because again, I haven't read any of your newest fics yet. Those many assumptions aren't unfounded, but perhaps this fic is proof that you are actually understanding what that romance tag stands for, or perhaps this was just a fluke. I can't say for sure. I'll check out your other stuff, I pray that you won't disappoint.

Your on again, off again sarcastic critic - SB

P.S. The chapter transitions were harsh. The deer last chapter told the main character that Babs was in the Gym, then the next chapter starts with him waiting out in the fire escape. Not a big complaint, but it's noteworthy.

Had a rough patch figuring out what I wanted from my fics, have since figured it out, and am currently rebuilding what I feel is worth saving.

Also (Fucking god damn the gym)

OK am I the only one that thinks its a little odd that the sex-ed deer dude was apparently encouraging teenage pregnancy? I mean it was just one throwaway comment about these two having a foal within a year, but seems to me it would be the job of someone in his position to dissuade that sort of thing.

He was pushing him towards being with someone, while saying: "Remember my lecture"

Saying: Hey go do what'll make you happy, but remember to wear a condom.

Okay, so is York a lip licker or something, because you keep saying 'I licked my lips' too many times. It gets pretty dull. :ajbemused:

Super cute! I really enjoyed reading this, although I was hesitant at first. You did a great job. Thanks for writing this. :pinkiehappy:

I'd like to see more of this kind of thing from you. It's refreshing.

Refreshingly sweet story. Nice job, SH.:twilightsmile:

a very good story man i like it :pinkiehappy:

I fucking hate most of the clopfics I write. I write better actual stories, which is mostly what I write in the first place.

Stealing your words...

So yeah, I finally remembered this fic was sitting under "read it later" rather than my favorites.

Usually Babs fics are garbage, but you've written a respectable and genuine-feeling romance that I can't help but enjoy thoroughly

Gosh I love this story. I know in the comments of the sequel you said there isn't another sequel, but damn. Some of the universes and characters you establish are amazing!

I liked this story, though I think it could have been a lot grittier and more underdog-fighting-the-system. I fully expected this to go somewhere else before that ending happened. But, still good just the same. Needs more though.

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