• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 3,217 Views, 42 Comments

The Future is....Ponies? - TheDawsonator1

When some crazy guy kidnaps Joel in his sleep and freezes him for 3000 years. He will find that many things have changed and the world is no longer as he knows it.

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Infected Aren't Zombies Nor are these dark ressurected creatures that act like zombies.

You know, I wasn’t planning on running from black creatures today, But if every day went well for me, it would have be boring for me. But running for my life is not a way to alleviate the boredom. Okay, maybe it is but still can we just focus on the dark creatures TRYING TO MURDER US PLEASE?!

The problem was that we needed Celestia’s light, which will let the dark beings know where we are. I drew my machete out in case it has to come to fighting, my bow and arrows would be not much use now as I don’t believe you can aim and run and if I slow down I may have to use super speed to avoid getting killed.

Fortunately I saw a corner up ahead, a familiar one I know has a door to it. I have an idea!

“Celestia! Turn the corner and turn off your light” I say

Celestia gets what I mean, as we do so and jump into the door and close it. The Dark creatures seemed to have fallen for it, we waited until we were sure they disappeared and edged slowly towards another door around the corner before Celestia turned her light on again.

“What the hell was that?” I asked quietly
“The rumored Dark creatures, I was right to come here with you, for I fear you may of met with a terrible fate. Those creatures resembled our magical kind and the humans. My conclusion is that a Necromancer is present in Equestria!” Celestia observes
“You mean those magic things in the stories where they resurrect and make an army of the dead sort of thing?” I ask
“Yes, this is most concerning. If they are hanging around dark places, any holes to the ancient cities are dangerous and a threat of a dead army may be upon us. A Necromancer has not been seen in 700 years. The last one was named Dark Tidings III, a unicorn that challenged my rule and took a considerable amount of brave ponies to the grave” Celestia says

The rest of the ponies were very quiet. They had been talking among themselves, giving myself, Twilight and Celestia a conversation.

“How did the last Necromancer meet his end?” Twilight asks Celestia
“Ironically, his own creation did the true blow. He made an abomination, pouring such Dark Magic into his creation to make a pseudo-Alicorn enough to challenge myself but, despite the Necromancer being equal in power, it was angry and very powerful, not intentionally, he blasted the Necromancer that in turn, ended his own existence. His blindness mistaked the Necromancer for me as it’s one oversight was sight itself” Celestia explains
“And this one could probably be more clever if he knows about the previous one. It may have knowledge of Humanity” I theorized
“Indeed, we should make for the exit so I can teleport us back. Being here is no longer safe as our presence in this zone is alerted, keep your machete drawn at all times Joel, and do not lower it!” Celestia says

I think putting away my machete would have been bad idea anyway, it’s not exactly rocket science. But one thing is clear, I may not of gotten the exact answers I’d of hoped for, but some insight of the past came through and I did scavenge a few artifacts including the diary a few photos of random people and the like.

But I think we’ve rather trailed off the tourist path and into the Mortal Danger zone.

Celestia and I stayed close by as we were the experts on the Human race and also this Machete will slice any dead enemy that dares come this way, I even sharpened it so they can have a clean death.

On the other hand, this silence is getting to me. Those dark creatures could be right in front of us and we may not of known it or they could be far away by now. In any case, we cleared the bottom floor.

“Princess, the coast looks clear” Dash reports
“Thank you Rainbow Dash, alright. We should leave before they return” Celestia advises
“Yeah, I think we overstayed our welcome” I said
“This place is rather garish isn’t it?” Rarity says in disgust

Seriously Rarity? It’s a ruin, of course it looks ugly! What? Was she expecting the skeletons to look like Neighbert Patticolt? (That is the worst name I’ve ever seen and I will never mention it again)

But yes, this place being all ruiny is really getting to me. And I don’t want to die to those things, no thank you!

So, I cannot help but fell the place is too quiet. Where were those dead creatures that hunted us mere minutes ago? They cannot of gotten very far and if they haven’t gotten far, they must be near! That being said, I keep my machete drawn and kept my eyes peeled.

I am going to admit it, those things scared me! Of the seconds I saw them fully, the black stuff emanating from them, the teeth and also just the sheer numbers of them made me panicky.

“So, Princess. Aside from the monsters, any good memories come out of this?” I ask Celestia
“Just Celestia will do fine Joel, and yes, there were some pleasant memories of happier times I can remember. Watching Luna grow up with me, when we discovered we could manipulate the sun and the moon, when we are talking to each other alone and maybe some of that ice cream on that shop down the road from where we lived. I can still taste the cookies and cream from that place, still remember the smile the vendor had as children after school would line up with their parents to get an ice cream.” Celestia reminisces
“Sounded like a fine childhood if it weren’t for the war” I said
“Indeed, but even after it started, Luna and I as well as our father remained together as ponies and that was more valuable than any amount of bits ever. So, how about you?” Celestia says
“Me? Memories of Abigail come back, happy ones. We dated for a year before I disappeared. We didn’t talk much at first but then we started seeing each other more and then one night of working together alone, we just kissed and it felt like the best thing ever. There weren’t that slow motion fireworks in the background sort of thing but it felt like my heart just burst open in love.” I explained about Abigail

I miss Abigail, I feel guilty too, she probably spent eternity looking for me only for me not to be found. I had to control myself not to let any tears out, but like I said, I miss Abigail so much.

“Love, not a thing I’ve ever had much time for, what with responsibilities and nobles trying to boost their position and think the world owes them everything” Celesita reflects sadly
“Maybe you should, I’ve never known what marriage feels like but I can tell you having a girlfriend you truly love feels so…fulfilling, god I sound so sappy and romantic” I say
“Some day Joel, maybe I’ll retire and pass my knowledge onto a successor, perhaps Twilight can do it. I’ll settle down and find somepony who interests me and maybe we could sit down and talk our hearts out. I feel quite envious of Princess Cadence: Princess of Love and my niece” Celestia mentions
“You have a niece?” I ask
“Well not a blood relative, but she was near the meteor around the same distance. She was only a newborn child when that hit. We ended up adopting her as a niece during the war. She is now married to Twilight Sparkle’s brother, Shining Armor. He’s a wonderful stallion, very loyal and protective and one of the best guards I’ve ever had in my long history of guards” Celestia gives a quick insight of Cadence and Shining Armor
“I should like to meet Princess Cadence sometime, Princess Luna too in person, apparently she can go through dreams, is that true?” I ask
“Yes, my sister does that, but-“ Celestia starts

Before Celestia could finish her sentence the loud shriek came back from behind and we saw the same horde of dark creatures coming towards us.

“Princess, you got to teleport us” Rarity pleads
“Unfortunately I can’t do that until we’re at the hole, the interference here is too big for a teleport and we could end up wedged into the ground itself, we need to be at the hole we entered in order to get a safe teleport” Celestia deflates the idea
“Well, shouldn’t we be running for our lives?” Dash asks impaitently
“Yeah, these meanies are so not invited for the party” Pinkie says

Pinkie must have had one weird upbringing or was drugged for life at some point, I don’t know how but she’s just weird and waaaaaay too happy about this.

“Well, why are we standing here twiddling our hooves? RUN!” Twilight makes a fair point

How does a pony twiddle their hooves? Actually, I don’t want to know! But running for our lives towards that light takes top priority now.

One thing I’ve learned today about Unicorns, they can Gallop and shoot magic at the same time. Sure it’s not accurate as standing still, same as with a gun really. But in Twilight and Celestia’s case, they really don’t need to be accurate as there is a big enough wall of these enemies that it would be impossible to miss by shooting that direction.

So we were about to make it to light hole, about 100 meters away when Rarity tripped ahead me. Now I am a no-man left behind kind of guy so I stopped for a second and picked Rarity up without a thought.

Now, I am sure Rarity is fit by pony standards, but that doesn’t help the fact that she is damned heavy. So I had to up my speed a tiny bit so I wasn’t too slow to be caught by the dark creatures and not too fast it as obvious I had magic. (I might trust Celestia a bit more today but still, there’s other countries who might find out about me and like I said before, I don’t think they’d be agreeable to my existence. Considering what remained of our race blew them the fuck up!)

“Everypony grab onto me, NOW!” Celestia shouts as we make it to the light

The ponies and I all do so as that feeling of teleportation hits us as I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes, the blue sky and yellow sun greet us as I realized we were out of the underground city.

Before I could get a breath, one dead monster lunged at me as I held a hand to stop him biting at me. Thinking quickly, I pulled my machete out and sliced at his neck, one hit got him off me but I hit him again and his head fell off to be sure.

And…oh my god! THAT’S DISGUSTING! EWWWWWWWW! Nasty insides of that creatures neck…oh god! I think I’m going to vomit! BLLLLAAARRRRRGGGHHH!

That is more disgusting than the movies show, thankfully Celestia magically knocked it down the hole so I couldn't see anymore.

“Yuck! That thing is DISGUSTING!” Rarity says
“You telling me, those horror movies I watched with Ellie looked tame compared to this” I said
“That…was…close” Fluttershy says quietly
“Yeah! That place, never again!” Dash says
“We have more of a problem I’m afraid my little ponies, a Necromancer is on the loose. I must convene with Luna at once, if any of those creatures show up near Ponyville, contact me at once!” Celestia orders

I can see the concern in Celestia’s eyes, Nercromancers must clearly be a real threat to Alicorns. That said, I need to find out more about this magic so the next time I meet those guys, they won’t stand much of a chance. Trust me, I’ll see them again!

Celestia teleports away, back to Canterlot I assume. I take a quick look around to make sure no more of those creatures are around. I sheath my machete back in as the girls and I made the walk back to Ponyville…

They say going against Princess Celestia may be the last thing you ever do. But few creatures can match her power, if this Necromancer is anywhere near powerful as the last one, there will be trouble for Equestria in the near future. What the Princess, Joel and the Elements saw was most likely just a small fraction of a dead army the Necromancer could possibly wield, and if possible, another Necro-Abomination could be in the making.

Nopony knew the Princess had ever left her castle, not even the guards. Celestia was smart enough to put illusion magic to fool her subjects. But nonetheless, she teleported directly into Luna’s room and woke her up immediately.

“Sister, what is it? Where hast thou been?! Thou disappeared from the castle entirely!” Luna shouted

Thankfully, Celestia had the sense to sound-proof the room before she woke her sister up.

“To explore a lost human city. I had a suspicion about the rumors of dark creatures and I was right.” Celesita explains
“What dost thou be suggesting? Surely thy brain is not thinking of…” Luna starts
“A Necromancer is loose, Luna. The Elements, Joel and I bumped into a whole horde of dead creatures clearly with the mark of one. Griffons, Ponies, Zebras and Humans even made up this horde” Celestia says
“A NERCOMANCER! Sister! This is most disturbing! I haven’t encountered one for 1100 years! We must act quickly!” Luna shouts
“Luna! Calm yourself, the last Necromancer was 700 years ago, even created an Alicorn abomination. And yes, we will act quickly, I must warn the heads of the every city of this.” Celestia raises her voice
“What about our niece? And Shining Armor too?” Luna asks
“We will inform them of this too. Princess Twilight knows of this of course, being there.” Celestia makes a plan

If anything could worry Princess Celestia, the being responsible must be very powerful. The Princesses may not have much time on their hands…

Author's Note:

Joel, be careful what you wish for. You may not of got zombies but you got those creatures and Necromancer.

Oh yeah, Necromancers are freaking powerful in Equestria, considering Equestria's military size is not that comparable.

And for the title reference. Infected are just Zombies that go through a virus or something. They act like zombies but in reality, they aren't really zombies. Zombies are more like "On a random haloween like night" sort of thing. Chew on brains and might scream BRRAAAAAAIIIINNNSSS! Seriously? What happened to those? It's always INFECTED! These guys never died, a virus got them that way until you shoot them in the head, they aren't dead so calling them Undead seems not that great.

Something like Inferi from Harry Potter seems more like Undead since it's Dark magic to raise a Zombie like army

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