• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 3,215 Views, 42 Comments

The Future is....Ponies? - TheDawsonator1

When some crazy guy kidnaps Joel in his sleep and freezes him for 3000 years. He will find that many things have changed and the world is no longer as he knows it.

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Welcome to Equestria, Human Population: 1

Princess Celestia’s presence alone got Twilight and Spike to bow with respect…I didn’t, why? She isn’t my princess, she hasn’t earned my respect enough to bow to her. What? A title to me just doesn't warrant automatic respect, you have to earn it in my eyes before I'll bow properly.

“So, it is true. A Human is here” Celestia says
“My name is Joel” I introduce myself at once
“Mine is Celestia, Princess Celestia” Celestia gives a nod
“So, did you come here to gawp at me all day? You clearly have questions to only I can answer and I can figure you have answers I may require” I said after she stared at me for a minute

Twilight wanted to open her mouth but Spike gave her a kick to advise her not to, she was most likely trying to reprimand me for my disrespect.

“I have just one pressing one at the moment. How is it, for a race extinct for approximately 2980 years, a human shows up right on Princess Twilight’s doorstep?” Celestia asks as she sat down
“Believe it or not, I went to bed one night, a crazy guy put me in some sort of freezing machine for 3000 years, escaped a ruined city near here underground and I turn up in this town and have been talking to Twilight ever since” I answered
“Interesting…” Celestia put a hoof on her chin in thought
“You know don’t you? About my race?” I knew at once. She was well-read like a book
“Yes, I was very small when Humans started to fall 2995 years ago, it wasn’t until 10 years after they finally were extinct.” Celestia explains

Dammit humanity! You couldn’t survive long without me huh?

“How did it happen?” I ask straight-up
“It’s best if…” Celestia trailed off
“I am the last human, Celestia! I think I have a fair right to know why my race is not here 3000 years later and how that downfall occurred. I’ve got all day, I am not going anywhere so please, explain” I said angrily

Half of me was angry at the fact humanity is gone, the other half is not trusting Celestia, she clearly is a pony that hides things and I’m sure she had no intention of telling me when she walked through the door.

“Very well you shall hear the story, but I must ask that this story remain secret, it’s best for all in the present to not be aware of the humans and the true history of the past” Celestia says reluctantly
“That’s fine, it makes sense why Twilight could not find anything anyway” I comply with the request
“I Pinkie Promise, Princess!” Twilight did some weird motions

So, we humans have been wiped off history permanently! Was our race that bad? That these Ponies just spat on ours and made sure nobody knew about it?

“This story dates back to the time you humans know as the year 2020…” Celestia starts

2995 years ago…

I was but a small foal back then or the right term back then was a small child for you see, I was not originally a pony back then. There were no ponies like us back then, just Human beings, much like us but more brutal and smarter.

“Hold on! You were a human once? How the bloody hell are you like this now?” I asked
“Please be patient Joel, you shall know everything when you listen” Celestia said calmly

My name was Cecelia back in those days but my sister had always been known as Luna.

All was well in life, we were merely kids living carefree lives until one day, a space center NASA got a warning of a strange meteorite, it could not be stopped and landed in the city.

Myself, Luna and my father were the closest to the meteorite but my mother had been crushed by the meteorite.

But the Meteorite was no ordinary rock that descended to the planet, it brought about a weird thing that turned humans into magical creatures, I have studied many a time to find out why this happens, but not many answers have come out of it.

All over the world this influence spread, the most common victims were turned into ponies much like you have seen around Ponyville. Others turned into Griffons, Minotaurs, Zebras and the like.

“This is sure weird, it happened 5 years after I was frozen but for some reason it did not affect me. But why is it that the history is wiped? There could be lessons to be learned and such” I asked

Celestia just took a deep breath, she then continued her story...

Like every plague, there some that were immune to the magic effect, those that remained human. As to why this happened, to this day I do not know. But what I do know that after a couple of years, they turned nasty, jealous of their lack of magic but they were the only species to still use their technology. They turned into bandits, capturing ponies and killing some species like griffons.

It wasn’t before long before the turned species decided to form an alliance to take down the remaining humans ten years later, myself and Luna were in our twenties and lead the charge against their last stand.

With the humans wiped out, the wisest of our species decided that this was never to be put on record, to not tarnish the reputation of the past. As such, a cover story of our world was invented, our country was forged by findings by three leaders of each type of Ponies and a sidekick and they use the fire of friendship to dispel Windigos that haunted their lands.

After a couple of generations, Humans passed out of knowledge of all creatures except the immortals of our world such as myself and Luna. We turned over a new leaf in our life as we were assigned the rulers of Equestria…

“And that’s how Equestria was made” A pink pony said out of nowhere
“Pinkie!” Twilight rolled her eyes at her
“What?” Pinkie asked innocently
“Urgh, never mind” Twilight sighed as Pinkie jumped out the window

I don’t even have a clue what is going on right now…

“So, I have a few questions. First up is how is that the cities got buried all underground-like?” I ask
“A combination of the magic over time and events of the past which I will not talk about due to disturbing memories I'd rather not relive” Celestia answered
“Question Two: What is the significance of all the tattoos on your flanks?” I ask my second question
“Those are cutie marks, in simple form, they are our special talents that are symbolized once we realize it and it stays with us our entire life” Twilight explained whom had been quiet a long time
“Last Question: Are you going to kill me?” I asked that one with roughness
“Kill you?” Celestia repeated
“Yes, I am the last one here, you missed one! I am nothing but a reminder of the past you have worked so hard to forget and move on from, that much I can clearly see” I said truthfully
“If I wanted to do that, I would of done it the second I walked in and wiped Princess Twilight and Spike’s memory, but I am not a cruel pony. I am not biased, I give others chances, I gave the humans a chance, why should you be any different because you are a symbol of the past coming to the present?” Celestia says
“A simple no would of done fine” I rolled my eyes

Celestia gave a chuckle, her seriousness lifted. But in a nutshell some rock fell from the sky, infected the planet turned almost every human into a talking magical creature…so I guess that’s no on the hover boards or Zombie Apocalypses, it’s the Ponyocalypse!

“Well, I was rather hoping to wake up in some futuristic like place with hover cars and holograms or at least a Zombie Apocalypse but oh well…” I confessed
“Are you disappointed, Joel?” Celestia asked curiously
“A little bit, if I am being honest. Talking magical ponies was not on my possible futures list” I said, not knowing what to think of all this
“I must take my leave very soon, but before I depart, I think you have no accommodation correct?” Celestia stood up
“That’s correct” I confirmed
“Then I ask that you stay with Princess Twilight for the time being, is that okay with you, Twilight?” Celestia proposes
“Sure” Twilight smiles at that
“Then Joel, you must stay with Twilight until I can get you a place of your own. Next thing, I advise that you keep out of trouble, I will give word that you are friendly around here. But remember, I have graciously given you our hospitality, do not act rashly or untoward towards my little ponies or else as humans say “There will be hell to pay!”, are we clear?” Celestia frowned at her words
“Clear as my eyesight” I say
“Very well, farewell Joel, and welcome to Equestria” Celestia bids farewell

Princess Celestia then proceeds to teleport…you heard me right, teleport out of the room!

“Well that was fun” I said after a minute
“Well, if you’re staying with me, at least let me show where you sleep” Twilight says
“Lead the way” I said simply

Yeah, this future is gonna take a LOOOOOOOOOT of adjusting…

Author's Note:

Headcannon timeline for this story:

2015- Joel is frozen
2020- Meteorite falls
2030- Fall of the Humans
2031- Celestia and Luna rule over Equestria
4014- Nightmare Moon is born
5014- Season 1-3
5015- Joel Reappears and Season 4

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