• Published 31st May 2015
  • 915 Views, 9 Comments

Animorphs: Equestria - RTSgamer18

Have you ever wondered what happened after Jake gave the order to ram the blade ship? Who says they died and not ended up somewhere magnificent? Join Jake and his friends the Animorphs in there new lives as citizens of Equesteria. Let the fun begin!!

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Chapter 1: Welcome Heroes (Marco POV)

…”Okay.” Jake took a deep breath. He looked around the bridge at each of us. At Tobias. At me.

“What was it, Marco? ‘Crazy, reckless, ruthless decisions’?” I nodded, wishing I had kept my mouth shut. There was a dangerous smile on Jake’s face. Rachel’s smile.

“Full emergency power to the engines,” Jake said. “Ram that Blade ship.”

With those words we then sped forwards, heading straight towards the Blade Ship. We all braced for impact. Suddenly there was a bright flash and I found myself in a white expanse of nothing. ‘Well this is interesting’ I thought to myself. I take a quick look around and find that Tobias and Jake are here with me. With another flash of light three people I thought I would never see again are reviled, Rachel, Cassie, and Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (Ax). My first thought is that the Ellimist had summoned all of us to the afterlife when a strange, new voice says,

“Greetings to you heroes, I am Discord, the reformed master of chaos.”

Upon hearing this I was skeptical and turned to Jake and said,

“So fearless leader what are your orders this time?”

I knew I had gotten him to snap out of whatever stupor he had previously been in by his usual response of ‘Marco? Shut up.’ when that was over he finally seemed to realize that Cassie was here as well and rushed over and kissed her. Tobias who was in a similar state of shock as Jake came to and immediately flew over to Rachel and hugged her as best he could while in his hawk body. After he let go he landed and began to morph into his human form and once that was done he went up to Rachel and kissed her then went over to Ax and gave him a hug and said,

“Good to see you again Uncle.”

Ax then gives that strange Andalite smile that they do with only his eyes since they don’t have mouths and says in thought-speak,

<Good to see you again as well Nephew.>

Once all that was done we all heard the sound of slow clapping when the voice that we had never hear before spoke,

“Oh my, this is all rather heartwarming and all, but I do believe there is something I must tell you six. And that is that you six are about to go to a new world, a world where love and tolerance are the way of life and peace and happiness rule the land. This new world I’m sending you six to is called Equuis and the land you will appear in is called Equestria.”

After hearing this we all look in the direction of the voice and we see a strange being that looks like some weird mix of creatures. I turn to Ax and say,

“Hey Ax, do you know what that thing is?”

<No. I have no idea what this creature is.>

The creature then smiled and said,

“Of course where are my manners? I’m Discord! Reformed Lord of Chaos at your service! And If you’re wondering what I am, I am a Draconequus!”

After finishing his introduction, Discord spread his arms wide and said,

“Now that that is out of the way what do say? Will you accept my offer and live in happiness, or will you refuse me and have everything go back to the way it was before? Meaning that Rachel will go back to being dead, Cassie will go back to Earth, and you, Jake, and Tobias become dead. Your choice heroes.”

After hearing this we all huddled together and spent twenty minutes debating. After coming to a conclusion we turned around and Jake said,

“Very well Discord, we accept your offer to live in peace.”

And with that, there was a flash of light and suddenly we were all in the middle of a forest. After some looking around we managed to find a path and started walking (well Tobias started flying but you get the idea.) after about twenty minutes of travel, we came to a small hut at the edge of the forest. Upon walking up and knocking on the door Tobias then said,

<I hear hooves. Why do I hear hooves inside?>

The answer became apparent as a butter-yellow small horse with wings opened the door and,

“Y-yes? Can I help-“

She stopped talking as soon as she saw us and let out a small ‘eep’ and slammed the door shut. After three minutes of us standing around, I walked up and said,

“’’Let ME handle this I know how to get her to not be afraid.”

Jake then looks at me and says with a voice full of sarcasm,

“Uh-huh, sure you do Marco. We all know how well you are with girls.”

I looked at him and said in mock hurt,

“Why Jake, how you wound me with your words.”

Jake just shook his head and smiled at my brilliant joke and said,

“Fine. You can try and get her to not be so scared of us. Think you can do that?”

“Of course O fearless leader I can do that.”

Afterwards, I walked up the door and knocked three times and said,

“It’s okay. We won’t hurt you. We just want to talk and ask for directions for the nearest town.”

To our shock, it actually worked and she opened the door again and said in quiet voice,

“W-well okay. You can come in. T-that is if you want to.”

The way she said made me want to hug her but I felt now was not the time to be hugging small talking horses no matter how adorable they might look. After we all stepped inside We began to introduce ourselves in the following order,

“Hello. My name is Jake. I’m the unofficial leader of the group.”

“Sup? Names Marco. I provide comedic relief in certain situations.”

“Hi. My names Cassie. I’m usually the one who looks for passive solutions.”

“Hi. My names Rachel. I’m the one who is ready to fight to defend my friends.”

<Hello. My name is Tobias. In case you’re wondering where my ‘voice’ is coming from, I’m the Red-tailed Hawk sitting on the blue creature’s back.>

<Greetings. My name is Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill but you may call me ‘Ax’ if you want. And in case you are wondering what I am, I am an Andalite, or “the blue creature” as Tobias said.>

When we were all done introducing ourselves she said,

“It’s nice to meet you all my name is Fluttershy. And if you don’t me asking what are you four?”

As she said this she was pointing a hoof at me Jake, Cassie, and Rachel. I spoke up and said,

“We are humans. And Tobias is a human who is trapped in the body of a hawk. Although he is allowed to become human again but only for two hours at a time.”

“Why is that?”

Fluttershy asked. I looked at her and said,

“Well you see, all of us have the ability to morph or change our appearance. This power was given to us by Ax’s big brother Elfangor before he was killed by Visser One (Who at the time was Visser Three) but we can only be in morph for only for two hours at a time. If any one of us exceeds the two-hour time limit we become what are known as an nothlit which means a person trapped in morph. Tobias is an nothlit but he regained his power to morph thanks to a being known as the Ellimist. So yeah that the basics of why we can do what we do.”

After a few minutes spent in silence, Fluttershy then said,

“Well then if you don’t mind I would like for you to meet my friends.”

After thinking about it for a while we all agreed that we would like to meet her friends. Little did we know that things were just about to get more interesting.