• Published 31st May 2015
  • 915 Views, 9 Comments

Animorphs: Equestria - RTSgamer18

Have you ever wondered what happened after Jake gave the order to ram the blade ship? Who says they died and not ended up somewhere magnificent? Join Jake and his friends the Animorphs in there new lives as citizens of Equesteria. Let the fun begin!!

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Chapter 3:Hero’s Return and a Party. (Jake’s POV)

Hello, my name is Jake and I’m currently in wolf morph trying to find a lost filly named Sweetie Belle. After we had all gotten her scent we immediately set off towards where she was. Along the way, we were all starting to get a little worried that we might be too late and when we got there we saw that Sweetie Belle was crouched behind a light green bubble with the manticore trying to break it. Without hesitation, I gave the order to attack and the manticore was suddenly bowled over by a gray wolf. After Marco, Rachel, and Tobias had the manticore distracted, Me, Ax, and Cassie walked up to Sweetie Belle and waited for her to notice us. When she did she was understandably frightened even more before I said,

<Don’t worry we are here to help you>

When she looked around for the voice I waved my paw and said,

<It’s me the wolf talking. The one waving a paw. Now, we need to go and get you back to Ponyville before Rarity worries any more than necessary.>

As soon as I mentioned Rarity’s name she immediately jumped on my back and hide as best she could from the manticore. While I did find the sight very adorable I was more focused on getting the filly home. Once she was secure I ordered everyone to fall back and Marco, Rachel, and Tobias all backed off and sprinted back towards Ponyville with the rest of us following. When we got back Sweetie Belle was still curled in a ball on my back and shaking from fear. As soon as Rarity saw Sweetie Belle, I saw her horn glow and felt the little filly leave my back. As soon as she saw her big sister the little filly started crying and saying she was sorry she went into the Everfree Forest. Instead of saying anything Rarity simply hugged her and told her that everything was going to be fine now that she was safe. While this was going down we decided to demorph and the sounds that emanated from us as we changed got the little filly’s attention apparently and she watched in what was probably a mixture disgust and fascination and the sight and sound of the six wolves she saw twist and mutate into four humans, a hawk, and an Andalite, once the process was done she looked at us and asks,

“Who are all of you and what are all of you?”

After filling her in on who and what we are she then leaped at me and gave me a hug before saying thanks for saving her. After that Pinkie decided to throw a ‘thank you for saving Sweetie Belle’ party and she said that once she got everything ready she would throw us our ‘Welcome to Ponyville/Equuis’ party. While we were waiting for the party to start Sweetie Belle introduced the orange Pegasus filly as Scootaloo and once that was done, we waited for the party to start by walking around Ponyville. While we were walking Sweetie Belle refused to let go of me and I was basically giving her a piggyback ride. Then Marco decided to say,

“Hey, Jake, Nice cape. Where can I get one?”

I smiled and said,

“Well, there are two capes laying on Applejack and Rainbow Dash, maybe if you ask nicely they’ll let you use their capes.”

Before Marco could say anything both Applebloom and Scootaloo said no and went back to laying on their respective guardian’s back. Marco gave them a look of fake hurt and said,

“Oh, how you wound me so! Rejecting me without giving me a chance!”

This got a laugh out of everyone and after pouting for few seconds Marco started laughing along with us. During this entire exchange, the rest of Ponyville was looking at us with a mixture of fear and curiosity. I think the fear part was because they saw us demorph and the curiosity is because Twilight and her friends are talking to us so freely. Eventually one of the towns ponies, a light gray unicorn filly, came up to us and just started following us while looking us over. I noticed that she kept glancing at Ax and Tobias the most and eventually looked at Ax and asked,

“Excuse me Mr. Alien, what are you? And who are you?”

Ax looked at me as if to ask for permission to answer and I gave him a nod after which his stalk eyes focused on the filly and said,

<My name is Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill, but you may call me Ax. I am an Andalite war prince. My I ask who you are little one?>

She smiled and said in a voice full of excitement,

“My name is Dinky Doo!”

Before any of us could react a mare whom I’m guessing is her mother quickly ran and grabbed her saying,

“I’m sorry for that! My daughter can be so excited sometimes! I hope she wasn’t bothering you in any way!”

Then Ax smiled and said,

<No, she was just curious about who and what I am.>

The mare got a confused look and started looking around and said,

“Who said that? Show yourself!”

After she got into a protective stance Ax calmly said while pointing to himself,

<It was me who said that. I’m talking to with Thought-Speak.>

After Ax said that, she gave him a confused look before saying,

“Wait, so you can talk with your mind?”

Ax gave her an unamused look and explained how Though-Speak worked. While the rest of us were listening Dinky somehow managed to wiggle from her mother’s grasp and climbed on Ax’s back and settled down. While the rest of were silently laughing at the fact that she managed to do what none of us or the Yeerks were able to do which was sneaking up on an Andalite. Eventually, Ax saw us and asked,

<What’s so funny? Did Marco tell a joke?>

I answered,

“No Ax. But you might want to look at your back. You seem to have a passenger on board.”

With that, his stalk eyes look down his back and see Dinky resting on him and he asks us when did she get on we told him while he was explaining Thought-Speak to her mother. When he heard that he actually started laughing and said,

<She must be really good at stealth in order to sneak up on me.>

When Dinky’s mom saw this she actually giggled at the sight of the ‘big scary looking alien’ calmly accepting the fact that he is being used as a bed by a little filly. When she stopped she said,

“Anyway it’s nice to meet you all, my name is Ditzy Doo. But my friends call me Derpy Whooves or Derpy.”

I smile and say,

“Well then Mrs. Doo, it was a pleasure meeting you and your daughter. And again sorry if we gave you a bit of a fright. I know to you my friends and I may look intimidating, especially Ax considering I’ve seen him use his tail blade to cut through a steel door in a few swings and then later use that same tail to slice through a group of Controllers like a hot knife through butter.”

She looks at me and says,

“Wait, he has a tail blade?”

She looks at his tail and then says,

“Oh, so he does.”

Since Dinky was still sleeping on Ax, Ditzy Doo decided to walk with us for a bit. When we came up to what I assume was her house she walks over to Ax and manages to lift Dinky off without waking her and whispers a goodbye before leaving. Once that was done we all headed back to Twilight’s castle. Once we got to her castle, I noticed that Twilight and her friends were giving us a weird look. After deciding to ask about it later I open the door to the castle and Pinkie jumps out and yells,


Which caused all of us to jump into a combat ready stance and Ax to whip his tail and press it against Pinkie’s throat. After we saw that it was only Pinkie we all relaxed and Ax moved his tail away while giving an apology to Pinkie for scaring her. Pinkie however still seemed to be in shock about having a blade against her throat and was still shaking like a leaf before Marco walked over to her and hugged her which seemed to get her to calm down before she returns the action. After she stopped shaking she looked at Marco and said thank you, before going over to Ax and giving him a hug and saying she was sorry for causing him to react like that, to which Ax said,

<While I accept your apology Pinkie Pie, I would also like to apologize for my actions. I let muscle memory take over and was only able to stop myself from following through with the strike because was waiting for Prince Jake to tell me what to do.>

Before Pinkie could say anything I look at Ax and say,

“Don’t call me ‘Prince’.”

<Yes Prince Jake>

At that, the mood in the room actually improved as Pinkie giggled a bit at the exchange and told Ax that she accepts her apology. After that, she smiles and says,

“Now let’s get this party started!”

Once the party was in full swing we all started to mingle when I heard Twilight ask Ax how he ate without a mouth from my position on the wall, I almost laughed at the expression on her face when he said that he eats through his hooves. When I looked at Tobias I saw Fluttershy asking him all sorts of questions about what type of hawk he was. I also saw Marco and Pinkie talking and laughing about something. Then Cassie walked over and stands next to me and says,

“So fearless leader enjoying the party?”

I put my arm around her and said,

“Even better now that you’re here.”

With that, we both just watched as Rachel and Rainbow decided to have an arm/hoof-wrestling match. After the party when we asked where are we going to stay Twilight said that since she had tons of spare rooms available we could stay in those for now. As we were getting ready to head to bed the doors opened and a unicorn mare with light purple fur and light blue and white mane walked in and asked,

“Twilight why are the towns ponies saying that there are six weird creatures that can turn in wolfs and…”

She stopped talking as she realized that the creatures she was describing were in front of her and gave us a look of shock.

Comments ( 3 )

Nice to see this story back! Well the gang is all here so what will fate be throwing their way next I wonder?

:raritystarry: OH dear me I am do happy that Sweetie Belle has been returned to me here in Ponyville, I must say that Marco fellow is quite handsome for the type of creature he is.

Huh.......Rarity what are you doing here, other then what she just said about Marco, I got to say this story is great and I can't wait to see what you got planned for the next chapter and I do hope to see more Animorphs/MLP crossover fanfics on the site.

More good

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