• Published 9th Mar 2016
  • 688 Views, 7 Comments

To See Her Smile - Striving Scholar

A good friend wants to see Maud Pie smile.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Their Meeting

“Alright everypony, gather ‘round! We’re starting the quarry assignment.” A gruff, older Earth Pony stallion in a mining coat and hardhat called to a group of younger ponies that were all dressed in similar attire for the cool weather that was plaguing their campsite in the autumn season.

The group of students obeyed and gathered into a semicircle around him.

“This may be our first research trip of the semester, but we’re still here to work in this region of the Foal Mountains,” He began and then reached into his pack to retrieve a small stack of papers. “Now, each of you have been assigned groups and have a little warm-up exercise to do today,” He explained, "Your jobs are to find a few sample specimens of rocks listed on this paper in different qualities, organize them and record your findings.” He explained as he passed the papers around and listened to the murmurs of his students. “Your results papers and specimens are due tomorrow night, which we will then move on to the other projects planned. You can get to it.”

The students all nodded in understanding and gravitating towards others who were in their groups. The instructor observed their departure until a particular student caught his eye.

“Oh yeah, just a moment, Rough Cut.” The teacher called.

Among the crowd of dispersing ponies, a dark orange Pegasus stallion with a dark messy mane, charcoal colored hooves and grey eyes poked his head up over the crowd. On his rump was a chisel with two gems and a magnifying glass cutie mark. He responded to his name being called and let out a bored sigh as he jumped into the air and hovered over to the instructor. “Yeah, sir?” He asked flatly, peeking through a messy dark mane.

“Since you were busy napping during class yesterday, you didn’t hear who you were working with, so I’ll tell you now,” he stuck out a hoof and pointed to a grey pony sitting at a nearby bench, “your partner is the mare over there. Good luck with that one...” He explained before turning back to his clipboard.

Rough Cut raised an eyebrow as he looked over and spotted said gray mare who was looking over the assignment paper while slowly moving towards a nearby rock. “I get it, sir.” He replied lazily as he gathered up his pack and walked towards the mare in question. He wasn’t interested in the assignment, but knew he had to do it to pass this class.

As he approached her, he could make out more detail about this mare from under his messy mane. She had a neat, yet dull purple mane and tail that complimented the color of her gray coat. Her eyeliner matched her mane and the frock and belt she wore didn’t really stand out either.

Rough Cut stopped beside the mare and stood quietly beside her for a moment; she didn’t seem to notice him over the assignment paper. “Hi there.” He started, trying to get her attention.

The mare looked up from the paper and slowly met him with turquoise eyes. “Hello,” she simply stated, keeping her eyes fixed on him.

Rough Cut smiled uneasily as she looked at him and cleared his throat. “Um, I’m Rough Cut.” He introduced, trying to break the ice with his new partner.

“I’m Maud Pie. Nice to meet you.” She replied mono-chromatically.

“Maud Pie, huh?” Rough pondered a moment, as he thought her name sounded familiar. He didn’t have time to ponder on it though, so he brushed off the feeling and nodded, “Well, it looks like we’re partners on this trip…”

Maud simply nodded slowly and continued to look at him. “It does.” She deadpanned as she put the paper away. “Should we head out and get to work?” She asked calmly.

“Uh…yeah, sure. So, let’s head out and find some samples then?” Rough Cut said with a nod.

“Sure.” Maud simply replied and slowly followed him towards a small area in the distance to begin their mining expedition.

“Wow, I can already tell she is going to be ‘gem piles’ of fun.” Rough Cut thought to himself sarcastically, still wrapping his head around her personality as they headed into the area to begin the task for finding samples.


Around lunchtime, the groups took a break and set up small picnic like areas for lunch.

Rough and Maud had found a long flat rock around their area and had set up for lunch there, munching on the assortments of veggies, sandwiches and other snacks that had been packed for the day’s trip.

Rough Cut had munched on a packed cheese and carrot sandwich as he looked over some extra rocks that had been acquired during the sample retrieval. He paused his observation to look at his partner out the corner of his eye.

Maud was calmly eating her dandelion sandwich that looked to also be filled with daisies, lilies and…rocks? *Crunch* As she took a bite, a demolishing crunch confirmed that suspicion. From the sound of it, she had incredible power in her jaw muscles.

Though Rough Cut didn’t care for the projects yet, he did think he should try to get to know his partner. Out in the field earlier, he noticed she was entirely focused on her work, more so than almost all of the other students in their entire class was, so he didn’t get to really talk with her. Now that she was more relaxed and unfocused, he thought he’d have better luck here.

“So, uh…” Maud looked up from her sandwich and stared at him. “…What are you studying for?” Rough Cut asked, trying to start a conversation.

“Geology. I’m here to earn my Rocktorite.” Maud replied before returning to her sandwich.

“Oh…that’s cool.” Rough Cut replied with a half-smile as he watched her for a few seconds and then looked away. “Pffft…ok, I might as well be talking to a rock.” He thought to himself.

“…What about you?” Maud asked a few moments later, returning her gaze to look at him in the same stony stare.

“Huh? Oh, it’s…for Ore Refinement.” Rough Cut started, surprised by her sudden reply.

“Why Ore Refinement?” Maud asked, her expression remaining blank.

Rough smirked internally at the idea of getting some reaction out of her, “Oh, I just happen to have a knack for seeing details in gemstones and stuff.” He explained as he looked over the stone in his hoof for details.

“Oh. That’s nice.” Maud replied and continued to watch him silently.

“Yeah, it is pretty cool isn’t it? I have a good eye in making sure the stones are good and look good too, y’know?” Rough continued, thinking he had her interested with the conversation.

“I see.” Maud replied.

Rough Cut was kind of expecting a better follow up and was now pretty annoyed at how hard it was to converse with her. “Wow, this is like trying to milk a rock…” he whispered under his breath as he looked back at his current sculpting piece.

“You can’t milk a rock,” Maud quickly stated, turning to face him with a calm gaze, “Rocks don’t have mammary glands, are gender-less and don’t reproduce offspring that way, so there is no need for any kind of maternal nurturing.” she explained.

Rough Cut blinked. Not only was he surprised by her correction, but also because that had to be the most words she had ever said to him since they had been paired up. He just cleared his throat and looked away, “Um...right...thanks for clearing that up for me.”

“Sure.” Maud said and then simply turned and went back to her lunch. She then took one half of the sandwich she had left and slid it towards a rock that was sitting next to her on the table.

Rough noticed this and raised an eyebrow. “Why are you giving that pebble your sandwich?” He asked curiously.

Maud looked at him silently for a few uncomfortable seconds. “This is my pet. His name is Boulder.” She stated.

Rough Cut blinked and glanced down at the rock near her hoof, perplexed by her idea of a pet. “Um…ok then…” he replied curiously and then went back to finishing up his sandwich in awkward silence.

Lunch continued rather quietly, though there the other groups were all chatting it up and getting to know one another. The only noise from the pair, came from the noises of lunch and coming by for a quick hello and to ask how their project was going.

As Maud finished her lunch, she took notice that Rough Cut was now looking over the rocks that were extras from their findings for the day. He had a chisel tool in his mouth and was chipping away at the rock as though it were a shaping stone. Since it was an extra that wasn’t part of their actual findings, she didn’t pay any mind to his work. However, after a few more seconds, Rough looked over the worked rock and blew off any stuck fragments from the finished work and set it down next to several other ‘sculpted’ works. Maud’s eyes widened slightly as she stopped playing with Boulder to look over the rocks that he had been working on.

In the small pile of rocks, Rough Cut had fashioned them into various shapes that were well crafted. One was shaped like a small sailboat, another like a star, a ball, gear and finally a small diamond with various grooves that resembled a real gem.

“You’re really good at shaping rocks.” Maud stated calmly.

Rough Cut paused from the grooves he was currently making in a piece of limestone and looked at her. “Yer, whaa abouu ii?” He asked, chisel still in mouth.

Maud looked at his work silently for a bit and gave a shadow of a shrug. “Nothing, I was just curious about the skill.” She said, “You take a lot of care in cutting the stone; I don’t see very much excess pieces on the rock.” She commented.

Rough Cut looked at the table and the half-done piece in his hand to see the pieces she was talking about and just shrugged. “Eh, yer, I doo. I’f awaysh been gerd a doin ii.” He muttered through the chisel before dropping it into his hoof to think about his next cut. “If you take care in the crafting, a rock can become more beautiful than it already is. That's the way I see it, anyway,” He stated, before replacing the chisel back into his mouth.

Maud’s eyes widened slightly at his statement, as it sounded familiar to her. Her thoughts were interrupted however, when she eyed the rock he was crafting. “Is that the specimen of limestone from our chosen sample set?” Maud asked flatly, pointing at the rock in his hoof.

Rough Cut looked from her to the rock in his hoof. He grunted and shook his head. “Don’ worra, ish on off a toshed…blegh, sample we decided not to use.” He explained, taking the chisel out of his mouth again. He then looked over the piece again and made a few more scratches with the chisel in hoof. “Come on, Maud, do you think I’m dumb enough to use a project rock for the job?”

“No, I was just checking, but that’s a relief.” Maud said. Something about him, the way he was chipping the rocks with care, the way he looked and especially with that little quip he mentioned a few moments ago, all reminded her of something…like somepony she had met before, but she just couldn’t put her hoof on it. All she could do was watch him work and find enjoyment in it.

Rough Cut remained focused on the stone before noticing her gaze out the corner of her eye. He looked up with a raised eyebrow. “Uh…is there something on my face?” he asked.

Maud snapped out of her trance and shook her head. “No.” she replied, showing no sign of emotion about her action. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” She apologized and then started packing up her lunch remnants.

Rough Cut looked at her for a few moments and just shrugged as he too proceeded to pack up his little ‘rock projects’ and got ready to return to work. While he was still a bit put off at her stoic nature and dry attitude, but he somehow still felt like he was starting to connect with her, even a little bit. Either way, he continued on after her towards the campsite, to prepare to continue on with their assignments for the first week of being partnered together with Maud Pie.


The sounds of birds chirping loudly could be heard in the distance as Rough Cut groaned in his sleep. The sunlight shining in the window only aided in awakening him as he gave in to the hopes of sleep and opened his eyes. “Mmmm…” he groaned as he tiredly sat up and yawned to look around the area. He was in a cottage bedroom with housing furnishes...and a case of bedhead in his jet black mane. “Oh...so I was just dreaming...of that first day.” He muttered to himself as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Getting out of bed, he stretched and trotted over to the open window. Shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight, he looked out across the neighborhood. With one last yawn, he sighed with a smile as he looked out across the town. “Ah...good morning Ponyville.” He mused to himself as he put his head out the window and closed his eyes.

The morning breeze felt wonderful on his fur; the birds were also chirping and the morning business of Ponyville was commencing as usual. He took the time to let himself wake up and recall the dream he was just having.

It had been a couple years since he had met Maud Pie during the class trip. A lot has happened since then with both of their lives. Since then, Rough Cut had graduated with his degree in Ore refinement, had taken residence in Ponyville and had taken up a job in the town’s mine. He had also changed physically as well; his hair was clipped to a shorter and more manageable length, he was a bit taller and was even a lot easier on the eyes.

As he enjoyed the crisp autumn morning breeze and looked around the early morning bustle, a nagging feeling invaded Rough Cut’s mind. If felt like he was forgetting something very important, but couldn’t put a hoof on what it was. He arched an eyebrow and looked back into his bedroom, curious if it held a clue.

In his room, there was a typical assortment of stuff: his big and comfy bed lay unkempt from his night before, an assortment of tools and knick knacks were around on the floor and desk and other things were around as well; nothing looked out of place to him. On the opposite wall, partially illuminated by the morning sun, was a calendar that sported a nice painted image of an autumn field with trees and wooden fences along a pathway. Below, was a typical set of numbered days, some with notes written on them...and near the middle of it, rested one marking that stood out. the beginning of the week was circled in red pen with a note:

‘Me+Pinkie, Maud, station: 9:20 a.m. :)’

Rough Cut arched an eyebrow...and then it dawned on him. A certain somepony was supposed to meet him to go to the train station to pick up her sister at the station. “Wait…where is she?” He asked himself meekly and then glanced at his bedside clock, which read 9:43 a.m.

Where was Pinkie Pie and why wasn’t he already on his way to the station???

Author's Note:

Here it is, the first chapter of my first multi-chapter fiction. Thank you for checking it out. More to come down the road, all feedback is welcome and encouraged :twilightsmile: