• Published 9th Mar 2016
  • 688 Views, 7 Comments

To See Her Smile - Striving Scholar

A good friend wants to see Maud Pie smile.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Reminiscing in Town

Two sets of hooves galloped through the streets of Ponyville. A frenzied Pink pony and an Orange stallion were running like Celestia had canceled tomorrow towards the train station.

“Come on, Cutty Putty, we’re already really late to meet my sister!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as her hooves started spinning to pick up speed.

“Don’t call me that Pinkie! I hate that nickname...” Rough Cut huffed in retort as he tried to keep up with Speedy-Gon-Pinkie. “And besides…I’m still hurtin’ from your little ‘morning greeting’...”

-ten minutes ago-

After realizing what day it was, Rough Cut dashed out of his room, tripped down the staircase and landed painfully on the carpet below. Feeling little pain in his frenzy, he quickly got up, shook himself off and dashed to the bathroom to make half-flanked efforts to look presentable.

Once in the bathroom, Rough Cut grabbed a comb and started hastily combing his messy black mane. After several quick strokes, it got caught on a knot and he had to tug to get it out. after a firm tug, it snapped out and his mane formed a balled up neat style that resembled that famous singer ‘Earnest Parsley’. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the curious style and chuckled to himself at the thought.

Several loud knocks at his door snapped him back to reality. Shooting a glance from the door to the mirror again, Rough cleared his throat, “Ahuh, huh...thank you very much, but no thanks,” he said in a deep voice and shook his head, allowing his mane to fall freely to a naturally messy style. “Eh, good enough…alright already, I’m comin'!” he compromised as he headed down the hall towards the door to greet the annoying and impatient guest.

Rough Cut trotted to the door and fumbled with the doorknob. “Hang on...hey, uh-?!” he started, only to greeted by a pink fur ball tackling him painfully. The pair tumbled backwards, Rough Cut landing on the floor and cushioning the tackler’s landing. It was Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie, who was huddled into his chest, stood up and frantically started trotting in place next to him. “Ohmygosh, I’msosoSOsorrycutty!” She started in one quick breath. “I made a lot of rock candy, it was really tasty...ate a lot of it...went to bed late...and now we’re... late for my sister!” She said frantically, taking deep breaths between words. Rough Cut wore an expression of irritation below her.

“Ugh...whatever Pinkie...thanks, but let’s just get going.” Rough Cut retorted with a groan.

“Hee, hee, sorry Cutty…” Pinkie said as she helped him up and continued to trot in place impatiently, a forced smile plastered on her face, “Ok, let’s go; We can talk more on the way!” Pinkie exclaimed as she zoomed back out the door in a trail of pink.

Rough Cut sighed and shook off his daze before galloping after her, futilely trying to keep up.

~Flashback End~

“Hey I said I was sorry! It’s not my fault I like sweet dreams.” Pinkie said with a giggle as pieces of rock candy fell from her mouth.

Rough Cut just sighed as he continued to trot after her. “Anyway…why do ya...keep using that…dumb name for me?’ He panted, changing the subject.

“Well because, Cutty…hee, hee…” Pinkie trailed off and slowed her trot to run next to him. “I make nicknames for all my friends, you know? I told you before that I think it suits you best, because you like chipping rocks and though you act all tough and stubborn, I know deep down you’re as soft and mushy as putty, so it’s gotta be Cutty Putty!” She explained with another satisfied giggle.

Her statement gave Rough Cut an idea and he smirked, “Ok then...I’ll give it a shot. Let’s see,…how about I start calling you…Pinkis Cupcake?”

Pinkie froze midair with a erratic shudder and dropped to the ground with her hooves wrapped around herself. “Ooooohhh! W-why would you want to c-call me that, Cutty?!” she asked nervously.

Rough Cut slowed down to look back at her curiously, “Well, let’s see…you’re off the wall, crazy and have a bottomless stomach for treats...so why not Pinkis Cupcake?”

Pinkie winced at each trait he pointed out and shuddered, “U-um...please don’t call me that...I don’t like that name.”

Rough Cut tilted his head with an arched eyebrow, “ ...Why not?”

Pinkie bit her lip and continued to tremble. “I don’t know…I just get this weird feeling that that’s the name of a crazy pony who would gobble up anything...even ponies...and make a mess of everything in a crazy way!” she exclaimed with wide eyes and ears drooping. “It just sounds kinda mean to have…”

Rough Cut scratched his neck uneasily; he didn’t get why she’d be so pent up about it, but decided to drop it, “Er…alright, sorry Pinkie…I didn’t think it sounded mean or anything.” He apologized and looked away.

This earned him a smile from Pinkie through pouty eyes. “It’s ok, Cutty Putty…”

“Oh, hey…aren’t we supposed to be going somewhere?” Rough Cut reminded her, getting back on topic.

Pinkie leaped in the air and gasped loudly. “Ohmygosh, you’re right! We’re coming, Maud! Arriba, Arriba, Andale!” she exclaimed before revving up midair and disappearing in a pink blur.

“Dang it Pinkie…” Rough Cut sighed under his breath before taking to the air to continue pursuit.

Up ahead, as Pinkie got out of Cut’s sight, she glanced back with a crazed expression and ominous shrunken irises, “He must never learn the truth…eheheheh...” she thought in a dark giggle before returning to normal and continuing on at her hectic pace.


The train sat idly in the Ponyville Station, the usual hustle and bustle of ponies exiting and boarding the train going as expected. Sitting on a bench near the platform, was a gray mare with a purple mane, a dull frock and a calm expression on her face. Maud Pie had arrived and sat with a familiar pebble in her hoof and a large suitcase at her side, prepared for a stay with her sister.

I wonder where they are?” Maud thought to herself as she rolled Boulder in her hoof. Her sister said that she and Rough Cut would meet her there, but they were nowhere to be seen. Maud was a very patient mare and didn’t mind waiting, but she was a bit curious where they were as they were over twenty minutes late now and that wasn’t like Pinkie at all.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait for much longer. The sound of a particular frantic set of hooves galloping her way reached her ears and she turned her head to see a pink mare barreling towards the platform, earning some surprised expressions from passing ponies.

Pinkie Pie had arrived at the station and upon seeing Maud, her smile brightened. She slowed down and bounced up to her sister, in excitement. “Maud! You made it!” she exclaimed, wrapping her hooves around her sister’s neck, trying to hide her shortness of breath.

Maud blinked and returned the hug, “Pinkie, I’m glad you made it here. I was starting to worry that something had happened to you.” she said, Pinkie letting her go and trotting in place happily, “Where’s Rough Cut? Didn’t you say he’d be here too?” she asked curiously, looking around for a missing orange Pegasus.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow and nodded, “Of course he is, he’s right here with...me…” she pointed behind her and looked, only to realize that he was nowhere to be seen. “Uh...oopsie...I may have left him behind a teensy bit there, heheh…” she smiled sheepishly and looked back to see where he was...which was nowhere to be seen yet.

Maud simply blinked at her sister, “So how come you two were so late to come meet me, Pinkie?”

Pinkie bit her lip and smiled sheepishly, “I’m so so so sososososo super sorry, sis. Let’s just say we both slept in a teensy bit this morning.” she stated, “It was because I was preparing for some extra special surprises for us to do during your stay...and Cutty Putty was...well, just a lazy morning pony, same old, same old.” She giggled.

“I see, so he is.” Maud replied, catching a glimpse of a dusty orange Pegasus that was reaching the steps to the platform.

Rough Cut had finally caught up, was out of breath as he pulled himself up the final hurdle...the few steps to the train platform. “Ok...note to self: remember to not forget that trying to keep up with that crazy pony is futile...and exhausting,” He thought, before composing himself and walking towards the other two.

“Hi Cutty Putty! So you finally managed to catch up?” Pinkie stated, bouncing over to him, with Maud following close behind.

“Yeah, well I’m not a fast flier, y’know? Nor am I made for ‘speed’ stamina...hauling stamina maybe, but not speed,” Rough Cut retorted in irritation at her unintentional insult.

As if on cue to break the tension, Maud appeared beside them and looked at Rough Cut. “Hi Rough Cut, it’s really great to see you. You’ve gotten your mane cut? It looks really nice.” she complimented in a deadpan tone and leaned forward to pull him into a hug.

Rough Cut returned the hug with a small blush, “Hi Maud, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He asked, pulling away from her hug.

Maud shrugged, “It has. Other than a few letters, it’s been a few months since our last meeting.” she stated and then looked over his form. “Did you get a mane cut? It looks nice shortened like that.”

Rough Cut smirked, ‘Yeah, the long ‘do’ got old a while ago, I decided to get it trimmed a few weeks back,” He ran a hoof through his mane for emphasis, the bristles and tufts springing back into place easily, “I still can’t get used to how much lighter it makes my head feel.”

“Mm...it looks really nice,” Maud replied before turning to Pinkie, “So should we go to your place to drop my belongings off before any of your trip plans for my visit, Pinkie?” she asked.

Pinkie grinned and nodded enthusiastically, “Of course! Let’s go!” she said happily before bouncing down the station steps (basically doing cartwheel poses on each step).

Maud nodded and followed her down the steps; Rough Cut watched Pinkie’s antics and just shook his head and followed behind them into the town.


“So how is your job treating you, Rough Cut?” Maud asked as they walked towards Sugar Cube Corner, “It has been a while since you told me about any possible new rock formations appearing in the caverns,” she elaborated.

Pinkie Pie listened in patiently, humming to herself as she bounced alongside and between the pair.

Rough Cut shrugged, “Nah, it’s not too much different than it was before. Although, we did find some small new veins of Amethyst, Rubies and other types of rocks in those mines,” he said with some excitement, “also, it hasn’t been that bad...except a few weeks ago when my coworkers made me dig out some of the stubborn rocks...by hoof, because they ‘forgot’ to grab the shovels,” he scowled at recalling the laziness of his friends and coworkers on his job that day.

Maud’s expression remained blank, though her eyes stayed on Rough Cut, “That’s very interesting; maybe I should stop by to inquire on some of those rocks…” she looked ahead, “I haven’t had a chance to research amethyst since it is so rare and expensive around this area of Equestria, even the ones sold for ornamental display are expensive.” she inquired, as if to herself as much as Rough Cut.

“I’ll say...and I know my boss ain’t gonna let anything happen to them on his watch,” he chuckled to himself and then looked up at the sky in thought.

After finishing his degree, Rough Cut Applied for a job as a sorter in the mines on the outskirts of Ponyville. The managers and foremen were impressed with his attention to detail and ability to sort the gems and supply, so he was hired with several other graduates who were new to the work world. The work was mentally exhausting and hard, but the pay was decent, and he enjoyed it, so it was all good.

“Understandable. So how is your family? Is your sister doing well with her baby?” Maud continued, breaking Cut’s reflective daydream.

Rough Cut nodded, “Yeah, the folks are good; working hard in the gem industry during this busy season,” he stated, before his expression turned uneasy, “As for Gleam...yeah, she’s doing good. She’s working things out and taking good care of her daughter...she’s gonna be four soon, y’know,” he concluded with a semi-happy smile.

“That’s good to hear; my family is well too,” Maud replied flatly.

“You know something that’s really, really, REALLY cool that I just remembered!?” Pinkie chimed in as she popped up between them.

A few moments of silence passed before Rough Cut cleared his throat, “Uh...sure, why not? What’s so special all of a sudden, Pinkie?”

“Well, it’s been exactly three hundred and ninety five days, four hours and twenty six minutes since you graduated, Cutty Putty! It was time for a party at some point in that day, right?” Pinkie piped as she bounced beside Rough Cut, looking at him with her head completely upside down.

Rough Cut raised a brow, “Wow, seriously? It’s been that long already?” he asked, bemused. He thought back to his graduation, which Maud and his other friends and family had attended.

“Yup! And you moved here to Ponyville two weeks, one day, four hours and twenty six minutes later too!” Pinkie continued, “you still remember that super fun awesome party I threw you that day, right Cutty???” she questioned, leaning in uncomfortably close.

Rough Cut rolled his eyes with a half-smile, “Of course I do, Pinkie...I doubt anypony would forget something like that happening…and, how funny it was to see something not go right for you, too.”

~Two weeks, one day, three hours and twenty-six minutes after graduation~

Rough Cut sat at the dining room table of his new home in Ponyville. He was surrounded by cardboard boxes and large parts of furniture that needed to be put together once he was more situated. In front of him on the table, lay a bunch of letters he had received from various ponies, including college friends, his sister, parents and even Maud.

As he sat, he rested his chin on a hoof as he looked over Maud’s letter curiously. It was mainly just her asking how he was, congratulating him again on his graduation and his new home in Ponyville, but one part near the end stuck out to him as opposed to the rest of the letter…

...I will come by to visit you and my sister who lives in town when I have the chance. Please be sure to do the same for me, when you have time, I would love to see you again.

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon,

-Maud Rock Pie

P.S. Don’t worry about finding my sister when you get into Ponyville...she stands out and will surely find you first. You may not remember her, but you will know her when you see her and will get along well.

Rough Cut raised an eyebrow and set the note aside, “I’ll know her when I see her? And what the hay does she mean ‘she’ll find me first’?” He pondered uneasily at Maud’s wording. He didn’t think he’d have to worry about anything, but it just made him warily curious.

A knock at the door snapped him out of the trance. It knocked three times, followed by a hastier set of knocks before he even had time to get up from his seat.

“Alright, I’m coming! Geez...hold your horses, heh.” Rough Cut called as he trotted down the stairs towards his impatient summoner at the door. He calmly opened the door with a partial smile, only to be met with a large blue cylinder in his face...and a pink mare with a mile-wide grin standing beside it, pressing a button. nothing happened; raising a brow, the mare tapped the side and walked around it for a bit, confused on why it wasn't working.

In the background, several crouching forms could be heard whispering among each other in the late afternoon sunlight, “Is it malfunctioning again or something?” “What’s going on?” “How are we doing this now?” “Hurry up, I want some cake…and I need to pee…” “What’s happening up there?” “Is everything alright, Pinkie?”

the mare stuck her tongue out and hopped into the cannon, her back end sticking out and tail bobbing around as she tinkered around inside of it, "Oh, wait! here's the problem! Just gotta move this little itty bitty piece here...wipe this smudge off over there...and now it...uh oh..." The mare called from inside the cannon as she felt the object start to work again...

“Uh...hey, are you Pinkie P-!” Rough Cut’s pupils shrank as he saw that the cannon started to quiver with pressure, “Oh crap, w-wait, hey, no-!” He shouted as he tried in vain to back away and avoid what was to come.

* BOOM! *

The cannon fired, releasing many strands of confetti into the air. Pinkie was thrown forward and crashed into Rough Cut. The force pushed them both backwards as he caught her in the tumble, landing in a heap against a nearby tree.

The Pink mare atop of him giggled and wobbled from the shock, “Whoops…I guess my old cannon needs some tuning, hee, hee,” she said aloud and shook her head, “Hi! Welcome to Ponyville, Rough Cut!” she said brightly, pressing her nose against his with a bright smile.

Rough Cut groaned and looked at her with a scowl, “What the hay was that all about...and what are ya all doing in my house?!” he asked darkly.

Pinkie giggled nervously and leaned back to help him to his hooves, “I’m really sorry about that; my party cannon hasn’t been firing on all cylinders lately,” she explained innocently.

Rough Cut rubbed the his sore neck and eyed said cannon, “Doesn’t it only have one cylinder to work with?” he asked.

“Exactly!” the mare explained as she quickly rolled her party cannon away and waved a hoof to the other ponies outside. With a quick curious look amongst one another, the herd stampeded into the house, shocking Rough Cut and left him to watch as they greeted him with smiles and started talking amongst each other and enjoying the party in his house.

For a moment, he was a bit put off that they were in his house without asking, but since other than the decorations for the party being hung around his freshly set up furniture and his belongings were untouched, he let it go.

“*Ahem*…you’re Maud’s sister, Pinkie, right?” Rough Cut asked, relaxing with the events going on.

The mare grinned with a gasp and nodded rapidly, “Yes I am! Oh I’m so glad you remember me, Roughy!” she said before opening her arms wide and pulling him into a hug with nuzzling his cheek.

“Er, yea, kinda…?” Rough Cut replied, unable to rack his brain for any memories he still had of Maud’s family when they were little.

“Yup! I’m Pinkie Pie and you’re Rough Cut, Maud’s good friend from college, right? Right?” she asked excitedly. At Rough Cut’s nod, she continued, “my sister has told me all about you; your looks, your background, your graduation (which this is also a party for, so it’s a super fun double party**) and even that you were coming to town!” she jumped in the air, “that made my party planning so much easier and everything,” she bounced up to him and pulled him into a hug, “It’s so great to finally meet you…I mean, see you again, Rough Cut!”

“Uh, yeah…nice to see you too, Pinkie,” Rough Cut said, trying to be polite. “So what’re ya doing in my house…and with a bunch of other ponies?” he asked, curious about the strangers in his new home.

Pinkie giggled, “Well duh, silly, it’s your super special welcome to Ponyville party for you, Rough Cut!” she proclaimed, putting her hooves on his shoulders and then waving her hoof around the ponies around the party-fied house.

“I kinda...didn’t order one?” Rough Cut replied.

“Of course you didn’t silly, I did this on my own; I do this for every pony who is new in town.” Pinkie explained as she trotted over to one of the food tables. Rough Cut followed her, “I also do birthday parties, foal showers, Cute Ceneras, anniversaries, and so much more! It’s kinda my specialty.” She concluded with a proud grin.

Oh, ok, well that’s unexpectedly interesting Pinks,” Rough Cut said as he looked around the room at the decorations in his house. He thought the decorations looked cool and it would be fun.

“Yeah, but I planned everything out in advance,” Pinkie continued, “this was an extra special one, because my sister’s best friend is coming here!” she eyed a cake that rested on a tray on the table, “that’s a special occasion, don’t you think? It means we get to reconnect and have all sorts of fun while getting to know each other all over again!” she proclaimed and then closed her eyes.

Rough Cut nodded, interested to do so…until he saw her tongue come from her mouth, coil down to the cake and in an instant: scooped it up into her mouth, swallowed it and saw her belly bonce downward from it hitting its mark. His jaw dropped and he blinked in shock, “What the-?! D-did you even taste that?!”

Pinkie scrunched her nose, “Hang on…” she smacked her lips for a few seconds, “Ok, now I do...and it wasn’t sweet enough; I knew I should have put extra bag in the mixer. Oh, well! Hee, hee.”

Rough Cut remained stunned for a few seconds but shook his head and looked around at the party in the room. It wasn’t the kind of ‘introduction’ he would have liked to his new home in Ponyville, but it was still a great party.

~Flashback ends~

“Yeah…it was a memorable experience, I’ll give you that,” Rough Cut chuckled with an eye roll, enjoying the thoughts of the past.

“You’re welcome, Cutty Putty! I promise that your next birthday will be extra, super-duper more awesome than last year’s party!” Pinkie continued as she bounced ahead again.

Rough Cut chuckled nervously, as he recalled the mishaps that happened in that one that he said nothing about and then looked at Maud, “So anyway, Maud, what classes do you have in this last year at the college?” he asked.

Maud looked at him and thought about it, “Well, this semester I have a few electives left to fill in and I also have the graduation seminar course to take as well,” she explained.

Rough Cut sighed, “Oh yeah, that thing…ugh, I hated that class, but I did manage to finish it with a B+ in the end,” he said proudly.

“What subject did you choose for yours, again, Cut?” Maud asked with interest.

“I did mine on the polish of gemstones and certain techniques that jewelry stores have to make them stand out more to ponies aside from the type of cuts that are used on them,” Rough Cut explained, remembering his topic.

Maud blinked with a nod, “That’s interesting Cut, you’ll have to finally let me read the paper sometime. I’m considering doing mine on rocks, how hard they can be and rocks that can be different levels of hardness depending on how they are formed under the ground in different areas of Equestria,” she detailed. “It’s still just a draft idea that I need to do more research on, but so far my data.” She continued and then looked ahead at a back side of a large gingerbread-like house that they were now approaching.

“Just so long, as it’s not a special project on ‘fire stones’ that Spare Change used for that one project…my tail still feels the burns that it gave me and the other ponies in class…” Rough Cut muttered at a less than fond memory he had of that finals day in class.

“We’re here!” Pinkie exclaimed as she trotted up to the back doorway, “The cakes say we can go in…but, just be careful; I may have made a teensy bit of a mess that I didn’t have time to clean up yet…” she trailed off with a sheepish smile.

Rough Cut snorted as he approached the door, “Oh come on, Pinks, I’ve seen some of the huge messes you can make, and I doubt his would be any better,” he rolled his eyes and smiled before proceeding to push open the door.

Pinkie winced with a pained grin as the door creaked open and a sudden landslide of multicolored rocks spilled out, covering Rough Cut and stopping a few inches from the door.

A spot at the top of the pile started to quiver and Rough Cut poked his head up, shook off some rock candy that stuck to his mane and spat a couple pieces out, “Ok now I see what ya meant, Pinkie,” he deadpanned at how much she had piled there.

Pinkie grinned sheepishly, “Eheh…yeah, sorry…I was still cleaning it up and everything before this morning,” she explained.

“You were making all this rock candy for my visit?” Maud asked honestly.

“Well I didn’t want to make so much! It’s just that the flavors weren’t coming out that well this time no matter what I did and I ended up making more than I had planned,” she explained.

Maud understood and glanced over at Rough Cut, “Are you alright, Cut?” she asked.

Rough Cut nodded as he chewed on a couple pieces of the rock candy still in his mouth and scrunched his face in disgust, “Ugh…yeah I’m good…and she’s right, this stuff tastes like junk, blagh!” he told them and spat them towards the bushes and wormed his way out of the pile to shake himself off. “Anyway…I say we go in through the front and just sweep the defects out the back,” he voted sternly.

“Yeah…but let’s go in the front either way,” Pinkie giggled, seeing as the backdoor was not really an entrance right now.

“Agreed. I wanted to say hi to the cakes and drop my stuff off before we headed into town,” Maud said before glancing at the pile once more, “We’ll help you clean it up first, ok Pinkie? Let’s head inside.”

Rough Cut snorted and curled his lips, “well...sure, but I just wasn't planning on doing more work on a day off, ya know? I clean this kinda junk every day at work already," he complained calmly, not looking forward to the job.

Maud and Pinkie looked at him, “Come on, Cut, we’re going to help Pinkie with the mess. It’s a really small pile, so it shouldn’t take that long,” she said with a soft sense of finality.

Rough Cut just blinked and sighed, figuring there was no sense arguing with them and followed them. With one last glance at the pile, he did see and think that it wasn’t that big, but still didn’t like it.

At the door, Pinkie opened the split flip door to let them in. Rough Cut bracing himself for another pile to spill over them, though miraculously, it wasn’t.

“You can share my room, Maud; I’ve got a guest bed set up for you!” Pinkie said and bounced inside.

Maud slowly followed her sister inside and looked back at Rough Cut, “Come on, Cut…I have some new rocks to show you once I can unpack my books,” she called warmly, waiting for him to come.

Rough Cut smiled and took a deep breath as he trotted into the house. He was glad to have more time with his friends and knew it was going to be a long and interesting week with the Pie sisters here in Ponyville.