• Published 6th May 2012
  • 6,125 Views, 292 Comments

Luna's Student - MyWorld93

1000 years ago, Luna had a student. Luna was banished and he was turned to stone. Now what?

  • ...

Trauma Center

Disclaimer: I've asked for a little help with this one.

"Oooh, ooh, does that mean it's my turn to speak?! Does it, does it!?"

Disclaimer: Yes Pinkie it does.

"YAAHH. Okay all you readers MyWorld93 does not own any of the MLP franchise." Pinkie looks pensive, "Well actually I think he might own Dawn and Sakura, but that's it. Remember all that and I'll throw you a wonderful remembering everything important party! Won't that be fun!"

Disclaimer: Thanks Pinkie.

Chapter 8: Trauma Center

Written by MyWorld93

My jaw muscles felt horribly cramped. I think the last time I wrote this much with my mouth was… actually I don’t think I’ve ever written this much with my mouth before. I have to wonder if it was really necessary for me to sign one-hundred of those documents to check out of the hospital. Whatever advances they’ve made in medical technology must come at the cost of millions of trees.

I think I want to become an environmentalist.

Well at least that ordeal was over with now. I could take my first steps in into a brand new world… or at least a brand new hallway. Pushing open the door with my snout I trotted out the door, Sakura riding on my back and Dash trotting along behind me.

The hallway was as white as my room had been. I suppose that was a theme with hospitals. I suppose that they use it because it gives the place a sense of purity and for a place that was built for healing it made perfect sense.

Looking around a bit more, I realized something that was truly amazing. There were no windows and no Unicorns and yet the room was still lit up. It seemed to be coming from small glass covered objects on the ceiling. I had never seen anything like it.

“Hey Dash what do these lights run on?”

“Electricity.” That doesn’t sound like anything I’ve ever heard of before in my life.

“What is electricity?”

“Buck if I know. I’m more into the athletics then science.” Somehow I should have expected that answer. She seemed like the athletic type then the type to sit in a lab like I would.

We walked in silence for a while, but as we got closer to the entrance I saw something else that once again amazed me, I get the feeling this is going to happen a lot. I’d never seen such a thing in my life. It was rectangular in shape and had a black edge, but the most impressive bit were the moving pictures that seemed to scroll across it. It was amazing, moving pictures! I needed to know what this was called and if I could I wanted to know how it worked.

“Hey Rainbow,” She looked towards me, “What is that thing?” I pointed towards the black rectangle hanging on the wall.

“Huh? Everyone knows what that is, how come you… Oh right stuck in stone for a thousand years. Yeah that would probably make it difficult to know what that is. It’s called a television.” Well that may have given me a name, but I wanted to know more about it.

“What exactly does it do?” I really wanted to know more, I could see ponies on the screen, but where did they come from. Were they stuck inside there by magic or something of that nature?

“It show’s movies and television shows.” That was even less of an answer then before. I could say with confidence that I know what a television shows, but how does it work and what is it used for?

“So what do you use it for?”

“Ponies use it mainly to sort of forget about their problems for a while and watch someone else’s.” Okay, that was a little strange. Honestly though it just sounded like books, why would ponies go and invent something that just did the same thing that books did. I mean it doesn’t make much sense really. I’d need to do more research. Still that left me with one question.

“So how does it work?”

“Buck if I know. Ask Twilight, I just like to watch the shows.” Well that would at least give me a conversation piece for later.

During my chat with Rainbow on what exactly a ‘Television’ was, we had reached the entrance to the hospital. Considering I had been running on automatic I’m glad that I didn’t run into to anything. That would have been embarrassing.

There wasn’t much of interest in this room as there had been in the hallways. Somehow I had expected that something even more amazing then what I had seen earlier would be in here. Perhaps I was just viewing what I was seeing in comparison to what I had seen earlier.

At least the view outside was interesting. I was getting my first look at a completely new time, but honestly it looked very similar to a thousand years ago: aristocratic ponies snubbing each other, the roads uneven and out of alignment, and it still feels like somepony is scheming to stab me in the back.

My gaze into the new world was soon blocked by a pony about to enter the hospital. It’s rather strange honestly, there doesn’t seem to be anyway of actually opening the door. How did ponies get in?

I watched as the pony at the door got closer and closer to it, seriously how was he planning to open it? Soon he was close enough where if he didn’t do anything he would walk straight into the door, but something different happened. The doors opened on their own. How did that happen?

The pony stepped passed me as I walked closer to the doorway, amazed as it opened itself for me. It was amazing, how did the door know where I was? I couldn’t see any magic powering it, I suppose it was powered by the same ‘electricity’ as the lights, and likely the television were, but still…

I was broken from my daze by the sound of Rainbow Dash and Sakura breaking down into laughter. I guess my expression of amazement must have been amusing. I couldn’t really fault them. I had laughed at enough looks myself.

That didn’t mean that I wouldn’t throw them a glare of my own though. Didn’t actually help any, they kept laughing, but it made me feel a little better. I probably should have expected that, they didn’t seem the type to stop laughing because someone threw them a glare, especially Sakura.

That made me wonder how Sakura would have looked when she had first seen the electric lights herself. The image made me smile, it would have been so cute.

Since at this point I guessed that nothing would stop them from laughing besides time, I didn’t bother to try. Instead I turned towards the doorway and trotted out into the new world. Well it would be a new world for me anyway, I think most ponies have seen enough of it by this point.

The world appeared very similar now that I was outside as to how it looked inside. That was of course ignoring that the building that had only looked to be a single story from inside the hospital apparently were actually almost ten stories tall each. That was eight stories taller than any building I had ever seen. How do they do that, it’s freaking amazing. The sheer number of ponies that you could fit into one of these buildings was likely double that of any small town!

I stood in front of that door, drinking in all the changes for at least five whole minutes. I would have stood there longer, but Rainbow and Sakura ran straight into my backside.

Rainbow peered down at me, “Hey you okay?” Sakura was looking at me with concern. Nice to know they care, but I wish they would look where they’re going next time. At least I know that I had made the right choice in giving friendship another try if this was the kind of attention I was going to get for such a simple accident.

I stood up. “Yeah I’m alright.” I began to brush myself off, I may not be wearing any clothing, but dust gets stuck in fur so easily.

“Good, good. So, where should we go first?” I raised an eyebrow. Did she really think that I would know?

Rainbow responded with a quizzical look of her own, “Huh? What’s with the look?” She blinked, “Oh yeah, you don’t have any idea what would be around now would you? Let alone what would be in this city.”

“No, no I don’t.” My stomach rumbled and I blushed, it at least seemed to know what it wanted. I suppose being locked in stone followed by being unconscious for a week, without ever getting a bite to eat in between, leaves you hungry; even if they feed food into your veins. I’m still not completely sure how that works, but I’m sure there’s a book at the library about it that’ll tell more than the doctor would have.

“Heh, I think I know just where to take you.” Rainbow looked down at Sakura, “I think he’d like that place, don’t you?” What was she talking about?

“Yah! He’d love that place.”

“What place are you talking about?”

Sakura started to jump in the air waving her arms around, “It’s just the best restaurant in town!” Well that seemed like a pretty good endorsement to me, especially since she could at least partially read my opinion about things.

“So where is it exactly?”

“Heh, just follow me!” Dash spread her wings. Wait… What was she doing? She does remember that we can’t fly right? I wouldn’t be able to follow her if she took to the air and I don’t know my way around the city. No offense to Sakura, but I don’t know if I want to trust a baby dragon with direction.

Since I didn’t have much time to think of the best action I went on instinct. This of course meant that I did the least intelligent thing I could think of, taking a bit out of Rainbow’s tail and trying to drag her back. I don’t know why, but Sakura took a bite of my tail.

Now remember that I am not the weakest Unicorn around, I had been gone through the Night Guard regime and that was not easy, but that seems to mean little compared to the inborn strength of a Night Pegasus combined with Rainbow’s own training. We were in the air before I could blink, Sakura being dragged along for the ride as well.

Dash didn’t seem to notice Sakura and my added weight as she began to ascend higher and higher, the ground falling below us at a faster rate than I really wanted to think about. Instinctively I began to try and cast a Pegasus transformation spell on myself before remembering that I was completely drained of magic.

Well this was a pickle I was in. I didn’t have any magic to rescue myself from falling to my doom and I couldn’t actually talk to Dash while I was biting her tail. Since I didn’t feel like falling to my death, I went with the next best option.

I tapped her on the rump and almost got bucked in the face for my troubles. I suppose it wasn’t one of my best ideas, but I hadn’t really had many choices. It seemed that it had done as I had intended though. Dash was turning to face us, a smirk on her lips. I suppose she felt that she had given the ‘lecher’, i.e. me in this case, what they deserved. Her expression quickly changed to one of shock when she noticed the two of us hanging by her tail.

I pointed my hoof downward. I could only hope she got the message. I think she understood because she nodded her head and went into a nosedive. I wish she’d gone for a more level dive, but the feeling of wind rushing past me was enjoyable. Still I wish I could enjoy it while not feeling like I was about to die or that Sakura would fly off. You had to take the good with the bad I suppose.

The closer we got to the ground the sooner I realized that we may have a slight problem. Unless Dash slowed down well before we got the ground, Sakura and I would become pancakes. We would hit the ground well before she did.

Lucky for us it seems that Rainbow Dash was as good a flyer as she thought she was. When she got a couple of feet before the ground she slowed to a stop and simply hung suspended in the air.

“You might as well let go, it’ll be softer landing if you do.” Understanding her intent, I released my rather tight grip on her tail, falling a few feet to the ground and producing a thumping noise. Strangely I didn’t feel a second thumping noise, which was rather worrying. I mean Sakura should have made another thump.

“Hey Sakura, you alright?” I turned towards where Sakura should have landed, I realized that she wasn’t there and almost panicked. I calmed down when I noticed that she was still hanging from my tail, which had lifted above the ground to keep her from touching it. Glad it did, it was nice to know that she hadn’t been hurt from that fall. My tail moved a little and placed her on my back.

Sakura released my tail, “Yeah! That was fun.” Her eyes were shining brightly. I gave a small smile; it was one of the cutest looks I’ve seen in a long time, “Can we do it again?”

I gave her a nuzzle. “Maybe when I get my magic back ok?” I thought it would be a good idea to wait until I would be able to save us before trying that again.


I turned to face Dash who had seemingly landed while I was panicking over where Sakura had gone.

“So Dash where exactly are we going? Please don’t take off flying this time.”

“I told you already, we’re going to this restaurant to get you some food. It’s called A-”

“Hey Rainbow!” My tail pulled to the right and I jumped to left, narrowly dodging a careening orange blur. It came to a stop in front of Rainbow Dash, who seemed rather happy to see whatever it was.

Now that the orange blur was standing still I could make out her features, because it was most assuredly a her. She was a small, orange, Night Pegasus filly.

Strangely the first thing that jumped into my mind was to wonder why she wasn’t in bed yet, from everything I’ve gather Night Pegasi are nocturnal.

“Wow how’d you do that? Nopony has ever been able to dodge me before.” The filly’s voice broke me from my thoughts. What did she mean by that?

The filly rubbed her chin, “Well actually Pinkie may have done it once, but the jury is still out on that one.” Did this small filly actually try to hit other ponies? I’m going to hope she meant something else. For that matter, who was this little filly?

Well I can find that out in a moment, it would be rude of me not to answer her question first.

“Well my name’s Dawn Pie and I’m related to Pinkie P-”

“You’re related to Pinkie Pie! That makes so much sense! No wonder you were able to dodge me.” I really have to wonder if this foal has some kind of speed issue.

“So then who are you?”

“Me? I’m Scootaloo, Rainbow’s little sister!” Wait… What? How did that even work? I mean they looked nothing alike, Rainbow was blue and colorful while Scootaloo was orange and kind of reminded me of a flightless bird. I have no idea why, I mean she had literally almost flown into me, but I still felt it.

I needed to find out if this was true.

“Is this true?”

“Yup, this is my little sister Scootaloo.” Dash turned to face Scootaloo, “So where exactly are you headed in such a rush anyway?”

“I promised to meet up with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle at Applebarn for a Flank Mark Crusader’s attempt.” Huh? Flank Mark Crusader’s? That group is still around? I mean I was in when I was a foal, well before I had become Luna’s student, we had some fun attempts at trying to get our Flank Markings.

The three of us sat there, Diamond, Flitterflutter, and I, waiting for the arrival of our scoutmaster for the Flank Mark Crusaders; not a single one of us had gotten our Flank Marks yet. So of course we joined up hoping to get our mark.

That isn’t to say of course that a pony couldn’t join if they had already gotten their cutie marks. Those who have already gotten their mark could join the Flank Scouts if they wanted to. I really question why they named it that.

“So does anyone know where our scoutmaster is? We’ve been here for three hours now.” I was getting a little annoyed with his tardiness. I mean he had told us to meet him here at this time.

“I don’t know bra, but I’m okay with just chillin’ right here.” Flitterflutter folded his green wings back before laying down on the ground.

I rolled my eyes. Flitterflutter had been like this the entire time. Seriously, he was way too laid back with things.

Diamond stomped her hoof, “I for one just wish he would show up already. At this point I’m about ready to leave and find him myself.” I was with Diamond on this one. I don’t think I’ve ever sat in one place for this long. Was he ever going to show up?

Well I might as well make the most of my time anyway. Turning towards Diamond I opened my mouth to begin a conversation when a bright light interrupted me. Where in the world had that thing come from?

Wait was something in there? I looked a little harder. Yah, there was something in there, but the light was too bright to make it out. It wasn’t until the light began to dim a little that I actually managed to see what the object really was. It looked like a Brown Unicorn pony with a Flank Marking of a broken clock.

He turned to face us. “Oh hello my name is Final Time. I’m here to meet three foals who joined the Flank Mark Crusaders. Is that you?”

So this was our scoutmaster? He seemed a little weird, I mean he didn’t even seem to realize that he was over three hours late.

Diamond looked like she was about to go on a screaming rampage, but I held out my hoof to stop her. Somehow I knew it wouldn’t be worth the headache.

“Hey bra, where you been, pon?” I suppose that Flitter hadn’t gotten the message, not that he ever seemed to, “Not that I mind bra, I rather enjoyed the chilling time, but I think these two would like ta know.”

“Hmm?” He leaned forward a bit as if surprised that we would ask such a question. Didn’t he realize that he was several hours late? “What are you talking about, I’m perfectly on time.” He held out his watch to us, “See its nine O’clock right on the dot.”

“But the hands are painted on!” The words slipped out my mouth before I could stop them. I hadn’t wanted the headache that would come from getting a response, but my need for knowledge had overwhelmed my logic centers.

He looked down at his watch, then tapped it once, “Hmm what do you know, you’re right!” Somehow he sounded both sincere and sarcastic at the same time, how did he do that?

“Okay, I really just got lost on road of life trying to find this place. You have no idea the kind of hazards I have to pass through to reach here. Sorry about that.” Somehow I have the feeling that either he was lying or I really don’t want to find out what he was doing before he came here.

“How about you just tell us what we’re going to be doing today?”

“Well why don’t you tell me?” I blinked, that didn’t make any sense to me at all.

“What do ya mean bra, you’re the scoutmaster, you should be telling us what to do right?”

“Now why would I do that?” Getting information out of Final Time seemed to be like pulling teeth with your hooves.

“Because it’s your job.” Diamond telling people what to do, as always, one of her more endearing qualities really.

“Yes, but my job is to get you three your Flank Marks. If I simply told you what to do you wouldn’t be very interested in it would you?” We shook our heads, “So that likely wouldn’t get you your Flank Marks would it?” That made perfect sense actually. Flank Markings only came into being when a pony found something they enjoyed doing and were willing to do it for a lifetime.

“So what would you three like to do?” I needed to think about this. I couldn’t just blurt out an ans-

“Surfin Bra.” Flitter of course apparently didn’t need time to think it through.That of course was Flitter.

“Sandcastle Building.” Surprisingly neither did Diamond. Ah well, might as well go with the crowd on this one. A beach trip seemed like fun.

“Scuba Diving.”

“Alrighty then, looks like we’re off to the beach.” A bright light surrounded us and when it had dissipated we were at the beach. How did he do that so fast? Most power Unicorns took a little longer than that to find out. Still I’d leave that thought for another time, it was time to try and get our Flank Marks.

“FLANK MARK CRUSADERS BEACH MARKS! YAH!” It was traditional, it was necessary, it was just plain fun.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach surfing, building sandcastles, and scuba diving. None of us got our Flank marks that day, but we did end up covered in tree sap. Still not exactly sure how that happened.

“You mean Cutie Mark Crusader’s don’t you sis?” The sound of Scootaloo’s voice brought me back into the present. What is a cutie mark anyway?

“Nah I meant Flank Mark Crusaders, turns out that there used to be a group like us and we thought we should respect the memory their memory.” Well that was sure nice of them, but I’m going to pretend I don’t understand the implications of that statement.

“Hold up squirt. We’re heading in the same direction. We don’t get to spend much time together, so why don’t you come with us?”

“Of course sis. I’d love to come with you guys!” She seemed really happy about it. Well hopefully it wouldn’t cause any problems.

“This is it, this is it!” Sakura seemed excited to have reached our destination. My stomach growled its agreement.

With Rainbow Dash leading us it hadn’t taken long for us to reach our destination, which honestly looked… interesting I suppose would be the best word for it. Standing at only a quarter the height of any building around it, with its red wooden walls, white roof, and the grass surrounded by a white picket fence it stood out like a sore hoof from the tall, cold, grey buildings that surrounded it.

“Don’t you think this place seems a little out of place?”

“Yeah, but their food is delicious. Isn’t that right?” Rainbow looked towards our companions.

“Yah it’s pretty good.” Scootaloo’s quickly replied, looking away from her sister. I wonder if maybe there is something I should know about this place before I entered considering how Scootaloo was acting.

“Yah! The foods great and its loads of fun!” Actually I think I’ll take Sakura’s opinion over Scootaloo’s, she seemed much more enthusiastic and somehow I get the feeling she shares some of my interests. Probably because all familiars I’ve ever met seem to do so to some extent.

Besides I was hungry enough to eat anything at this point.

“C’mon hurry up slowpoke.” Rainbow flew to the building. The rest of us followed at a more sedate pace.

There was something a little strange here, there didn’t seem to be any other ponies around. I had to wonder why that was. You’d think that the place would be hopping if it was as popular as Rainbow and Sakura made it out to be. Maybe Scootaloo was right? However, the sign on the door made it abundantly clear why there was no around.

“Uh, Rainbow this place is closed.”

“Well duh, it doesn’t open for at least another hour.” I blinked. The city had seemed so active. I’d have thought that everyone had been awake for hours. You’d never see that many people out at once a thousand years ago unless they were all going to work.

“So then why are we here now if they don’t open for another hour?”

“Because I’m friends with the owner and can get us in early.” Well that was as good an explanation as any I suppose.

Rainbow knocked on the door. “Come back later we’re closed!” That voice sounded familiar. Now where did I hear it before?

“It’s me Applejack! I brought Dawn and Sakura.” Oh! So that’s where I recognized the voice from. It was one of the ponies that I had met during that whole prank. Well this made things easier, I could just apologize now.

“Hey don’t forget about me!” Scootaloo looked a little hurt, I suppose because her sister hadn’t acknowledged her. Why hadn’t she acknowledged her anyway? Maybe Rainbow was a little forgetful, but the grin I saw her face made me think otherwise.

“Oh Rainbow, come on in.” The door opened to reveal Applejack’s smiling mug. However, she was soon knocked over by Rainbow and Scootaloo flying past her. Somehow I get the feeling that this was a normal occurrence because Applejack was smiling as they flew past. I followed them at a more sedate pace.

The inner design was just as strange as the outer portion had been. The walls and ceiling were the same color as they were on the outside and everything, from the chairs to the bar, had been made to look like they were a part of a barn. The tables for example were actual hay bales, not imitations. The strangest bit though was the small pit full of round rubber balls. I have no idea what the function of it is, but it appears that Sakura does. She jumped off my back, ran straight towards it, and jumped in laughing. I gave a smile. She looked so cute like that.

Rainbow Dash was sitting at the bar where a very large, red, Earth Pony stallion was cleaning some cups. I’m honestly not sure how she had gotten over there so quickly. She seemed to be very interested in just looking at the stallion, so for the moment I just left her alone. Besides it was prime teasing material.

Strangely Scootaloo was nowhere to be seen.

“So watcha think Dawn? Pretty nice ain’t it?” Applejack’s voice broke me from my thoughts. I suppose it was a nice place really. I’d never been in another restaurant like it in any case. Was that a good thing?

“Yeah it’s pretty nice. I like how everything looks like it came from an actual barn.”

“That’s because it did.” Ok, don’t think I expected that. How did they get past the health inspectors? “My family runs an apple farm right outside the city. We’ve done so well for ourselves that we been expandin somethin fierce. We got an entire chain of these restaurants all over the continent. Each one is run by an Apple.”

“Wait. These stores are run by fruit?” Wow! That would be amazing, the sheer amount of time you could keep the place open would be amazing.

“Hehe, Naw pardner, they’re run by my family, the Apples.” Ah, that makes more sense, but I still preferred my explanation. I was hoping they’d developed living, breathing apples. It would have been interesting to study such a change in the societal system.

That was when something very strange thought broke into my mind.

“Wait so your full name is Applejack Apple?” I blinked slowly. There was something wrong with that line.

“Sure a shootin’.”

“Huh.” Somehow that felt a little redundant, “So wait, that means you live here? I thought you lived in Ponyville?”

“Nope, the Apple clan has always lived right here in the Royal City of Neigh England.”

“So what were you doing in Ponyville for the Summer solstice?”

“Now how in the world did ya know about that?” Had she forgotten where I met them already? Well I suppose it’s possible that she could have traveled from here to there, but considering that Twilight had been in Ponyville that had seemed rather unlikely.

“I knew where Twilight had gone and I just kind of guessed afterward.” That pretty much summed up my thought process, “So what were you doing in Ponyville?” I am way to curious for my own good, someday that is going to bite me in the ass.

Applejack gave a short laugh, “Suppose that’s as good an explanation as any. Well I was selling our apple wares. It was a big festival after all, it just made sense ya know.” I nodded my head. Fairs and large events always had a lot of food sellers and they always seemed to make quite a bit of coin.

Well I had kind of run out conversation at this point, so I looked around for a new topic, spotting Dash still sitting by the bar looking at the big red stallion, I think I had a new topic.

I opened my mouth to ask who the red stallion was when my stomach gave another rumble. Oh right, I’d come here to get some food…

Applejack gave a small laugh, “Sounds like someone’s hungry. Come on let’s get ya some food.” Well that was nice of her, “I’ll just put it on Dash’s tab.” That made more business sense.

Applejack trotted over to the bar, past the oblivious Rainbow and knocked her hoof against the countertop. “Hey Big Mac!” The red stallion looked up from his latest glass, “Stop washing those dishes and come over here, ah got someone I want ya to meet.”

Placing the mug on the counter the red stallion, Big Mac I suppose, looked me in the eye. Honestly it was a little intimidating. The only reason I wasn’t galloping away as fast as I could was that he didn’t seem hostile, merely intrigued. I wonder why that was?

Applejack waved a hoof in my direction. “This here is Dawn, he’s new in town.”

Big Mac nodded his head once, “Pleasure to meet ya Dawn.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, but I’m afraid that I didn’t get your name.” Well, I kind of did, but not really.

“Big Macintosh.” For the moment at least, Big Mac didn’t seem inclined to continue this conversation any further. I didn’t mind much, I couldn’t think of anything to say at the moment anyway.

The red stallion looked over at his sister, “So where’d you meet him?”

“Well now that quite the story,” My stomach gave a rumble, “but I’ll have to tell you later, for now you think you can grab Dawn here some grub? He sounds mighty famished.”


“Oh and put it on Dash’s tab.”

“Huh?” That lost comment seemed to have gotten through the currently slightly addled mind, perhaps by an infatuation with the Big Mac, of Rainbow Dash, “Did someone mention my name?”

“Yup, putting Dawn’s food on your tab.”

Dash blinked once then shrugged, “That’s fine. I was going to do that anyway.” Huh that was nice of her, for some reason I thought I might actually have to work the food off. I guess I’ll just save the teasing for later.

“Eh, actually don’t worry about it. This one’ll be on the house.” I was right. Applejack couldn’t really go through with taking money from a friend of hers, at least if the food is for someone else. I doubt they would be able to stay open if they just gave away free food to all their friends.

“Hehheh, I knew you wouldn’t be able to charge me Applejack.” From the grin on her face I could only feel that this type of conversation was a fairly common occurrence.

“Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t let you do that pardner. Maybe I shouldn’t let you get away without paying so easily…” The smirk on Applejack’s face, and since this was a turnabout again, made me feel this was another part of a well-known act.

“Come on Applejack, you know how this conversation always goes.” And I think this confirms it.

“Yeah, yeah I do.” She sat down in the set next to Dash and they both reached out their hooves.

“Um, would someone mind telling me how this conversation goes? I’m kind of curious.” They gave me a glare, “Um… nevermind I’ll find out later.” Hopefully I could figure out just by watching, it didn’t seem I’d learn by asking.

The two of them raised a hoof and locked them together. What in the world are they doing? I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. Are they going to try and hurt each other? I kind of doubt it, if this happened as often as it seemed anyway.

Huh… They’re trying to push each other’s hoof to the ground? What in the world is this?

A light tap on my leg has me moving my attention downward to find Sakura. I suppose I was so distracted by this spectacle that I hadn’t noticed her approach.

My tail reaches down and places her on my back. It’s being very helpful today.

“Hey Sakura, do you have any idea what these two are doing?”

“Yepperooni. They’re hoof wrestling.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a contest of strength.” A deeper voice responded. Big Mac was placing a large plate of food on the counter. The smell wafting off of it was absolutely amazing. No wonder Dash liked this place so much if the food always smells this good.

Of course I have no idea what this food is. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

“Is that for me?”


“Thank you very much, it smells absolutely amazing.” Out of the corner of my eyes I see that Dash’s hoof is being pushed closer to the table by Applejack. I wonder if that means that she’s winning or losing.

My tail carefully lifts Sakura off my back, placing her on the seat to the left of me. I picked up the provided spoon with my hoof, luckily I had learned how to use utensils without the use of magic during that week a long time ago. Otherwise I would have needed to eat with my mouth and no one wants to watch that.

While the smell was delicious and I really wanted to take a bite, habit dictated that I needed to test it for poison. Like I said before, ponies were always trying to off me for my position. While I doubt that Big Macintosh was going to try and kill me, old habits die hard. My lack of magic however, makes this a much more difficult prospect. There are a many more ways to hide poison when there isn’t any magical means of sensing it. There are ways of doing it though, specifically through smell.

I raised the food to my mouth, as if I was going to take a bite, but stop for less than half a second before putting it in my mouth. It isn’t noticeable to anyone else, but I give it quick whiff. The enchanting smell of the food enters my nostrils, but I don’t smell even a hint of poison. Not that I had really expected to find one.

The next test was a bit more dangerous. I bring it up to my tongue and barely touch it with the food. An explosion of taste in my mouth….This food is increadible! I can’t believe how good it tastes.

I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t really eaten anything for a thousand years or what, but before I could even think more about the possible ramifications of eating food what was still possibly poisoned, my plate was empty.

“That was incredible Big Mac.” I really couldn’t believe I’d done that. I’d always tested food for poison before eating that much of it, but it had just been too good.


“You cooked that right?”


“What was it anyway?”

“Malum Sauce.” Huh, that sounded familiar… Wait…

“That amazing tasting dish was ordinary APPLE SAUCE!?”

“Eyuup.” Seriously? That hadn’t tasted anything like apple sauce. There was no way that was plain applesauce. There must be something else in there. Perhaps they added other herbs or something to the dish to make it taste better? I needed to know!

Hey I’m one of those people who like to know everything about everything, give me a break.

“How did you do it? Did you add some kind of strange chemical additive?”


“Did you cook it differently than anyone else, family recipe maybe?”

“Nope.” The sound of something hitting the bar counter distracted me from asking anymore questions about how this food was made, but mark my words, I will find out.

“It’s the apples.”

“Huh?” I turned towards Applejack, “What do you mean?”

“I mean the answer to your question, the reason the Applesauce tastes so good is that they were made with Apple Family Apples.”

“Huh, interesting,” Why would that make a difference? I’d tried a lot of different types of Applesauce when I younger and none had tasted as good as that one. Well I was willing to leave that until I could get my hands on one of their apples and chemically analyze its components both magically and physically so I could understand what makes them so delicious.

That was for later. I might as well stay in the present for the moment.

“So who won your ‘arm wrestling contest.” Considering how dejected Rainbow looked, I was going to assume it was Applejack, but I think it’s a good idea to confirm things.

“Me a course, but I’m still letting this one go as a freebie.” Rainbow seemed to perk up quite a bit at those words. I wonder if my food had cost more than I thought.

“Thanks AJ.”

“It ain’t no trouble at all Dash. The teasing I’ll get out of all this is enough of a payment.” That was a double negative. Wonder if that was on purpose… Probably not.

“Alright so we know what we’re going to do right!” The sound of Scootaloo’s voice from behind the counter interrupted the rather sweet scene.

“Yeah!” Two new voices sounded off. What was going on back there?

“Okay, on three. One, Two, Three!”

“FLANK MARK CRUSADERS RESTAURANT OWNERS! YAH!” Oh, so that was what was going on. It felt pretty good to hear that old chant again.

My tail pulled out towards the right, so of course I moved left, just in time as well. Scootaloo and another filly galloped past me, but the third member of the little trio of voices seemed to have stayed behind.

“Scootaloo you get back here and apologize!” Rainbow Dash followed the little fillies out the door. I can’t figure out why. She did the same sort of thing to Applejack earlier and she hadn’t told her to apologize when Scootaloo had almost hit me earlier. I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway.

“Applebloom you get out from behind that counter, you know you aren’t old enough to be working back there.”

“Ah shoot.” A little yellow filly with red hair and a red bow walked out from behind the bar, although she was still facing away from me so I couldn’t see her face.

“So who’s the little Filly Applejack?”

“This here is my little sister Applebloom.”

“Huh? Who’s this sis?” She turned around to face me and I felt my body stiffen, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My body wasn’t under my control any more. My vision began to go black, the only thing I could still see were those eyes, Phoenix’s eyes. Why did this filly have her eyes… Why? What did I do to have to see those eyes again? They just stared right into me, blaming me for her death. Just watching me.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” I could hear someone muttering. I realized that person was me. I’m so very sorry Phoenix, why did you have to die. Why couldn’t I have taken your place?

I felt someone tap me on the leg, “Hey you okay mister?” The darkness faded a bit and the eyes seemed to move just a little farther away, but I still couldn’t feel myself move.

“Applebloom hows about you go play with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle for a bit.”

“Aw, but I want to stay here and get my Apple Restaurant Cutie Mark!”

“Now Applebloom,” I heard the drawling voice of Big Macintosh, “You listen to your sister alright. You’ll have plenty of chances to earn that Cutie Mark later.”

“Oh fine.” The voice sounded slightly angry, “I never get to know what’s going on.” The eyes left, no longer staring at me. Their absence helped me calm down, my heart rate returned to normal. What was going on here? I mean what had just happened?

“So care to tell us what happened Dawn?” I nodded my head, talking things out seemed to help a lot when I was younger. Granted they weren’t necessarily my first choice of who to talk to, but considering how I felt right now I just wanted some to talk to.

I opened my mouth to try and speak, but found that no words would come out. I wanted to talk about it, but my throat felt constricted and I couldn’t force any air through it. They must have realized what was going on because they sat there calmly, waiting.

The tension in my throat slowly disappeared until I could get a set of words out, “You remember how I said I was trapped in stone?”

Big Macintosh gave me a confused look, “Nope can’t say that I do.” Oh, that was right… Big Macintosh hadn’t been there at the time.

“Big Macintosh, Ah promise that ah’ll tell you all about it just as soon as I can, but let’s let Dawn here finish his story alright?” Big Macintosh just nodded his head, I get the feeling he’s a very understanding pony.

“Well, there was this foal… She came to visit me and she could actually talk to me.” If I wasn’t feeling so serious I would have laughed at the stunned look on Applejack’s face.

“The times when she came to visit were probably some of my favorite times in that stone prison, but then…” I stopped, it was difficult to get the words out for this part.

“Go on.” Applejack’s voice was soft.

“But then one day something pushed me and I fell on top of the filly and she died. I couldn’t do anything except stare into her eyes as her life left her.”

“But why didn’t seeing Scootaloo affect you then?” I heard Rainbow Dash ask.

“Because she didn’t look anything like her, but Applebloom was the spitting image of Phoenix Apple.” The stunned look was back again and this time it looked like it might be staying a while longer then it had before.

“Phoenix…Apple? You killed one of our clansmembers?” Somehow I don’t think this is going to end very well.

“Yes.” I deserve whatever punishment they decided to give me, it had been my fault after all. I had been the one to fall on her, I hadn’t been able to stop myself.

“Why I ought to…” She looked like she was going to jump at me, but Big Macintosh put one hoof down on her tail and she stopped in her tracks. She was still trying to gallop towards me, but she simply wasn’t getting anywhere.

“Nope. Sis, calm down.” I am not going to lie, I am so sincerely grateful to Big Mac right now. I’ve tussled with Earth Ponies before and I have never come out without at least a few rather heavy bruises. They are the toughest group I have ever known.

“What do you mean calm down!? He killed one of our clansmembers! You know what we have to do.” She didn’t look happy about the interruption to her attack, but I couldn’t feeling that she was relieved that she wouldn’t have to attack me. Maybe she hadn’t wanted to in the first place and had just been blinded by her anger for a bit.

“I don’t think this is one of those times. It was an accident, you can see how hurt he was by it, don’t make it worse.” I really am starting to owe ponies far too many favors recently, “Remember there is precedence for this.”

“Really? Caus all I can remember is that anypony who hurts an Apple family member gets hurt in return.”

“Eyuup, but do you remember the accidental clause?”

“The what now?” Big Mac grabbed a book off the nearby table, on the cover I could see the title of Apple Family Rulebook. I’m not sure which amazes me more, that there seems to be an actual rulebook for this family or that it sounds like there was actually a legal system involved.

“The accidental clause,” Big Mac held open a page of the book titled, Accidents and You. “It says that anypony who accidently hurts an Apple family member can ask the head of the family, in this case Granny Smith, to either give him a parden or an alternate form of punishment.” Yikes, I’m starting to wish I hadn’t told them what had happened, but what else was I supposed to tell them about why I acted as I did around Applebloom. Still it might have been prudent not to tell them that it was an Apple.

“Alright, you’re off the hook for now, but I’ll need ya to come by the farm tomorrow and meet up with Granny Smith.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Right well glad that’s settled for the moment.” I’m still trying to figure out how any of this makes sense. Well either way I just need to come back tomorrow and solve this issue.

“I’ll just be leaving now.” I turned towards Sakura, “So Sakura, you ready to go?”

“Yup.” She almost looked sad to leave.

“Hey, I promise that we’ll come back another time alright?” Sakura’s sad look instantly changes into a much wider grin, “Alright hop on.” After Sakura jumps on my back we walk back out into the world.

Trotting out through the front door I heard the sound of what could be considered a lecture, if one was giving a lecture in the concept of causing property damage.

“Okay Scootaloo, you remember what I taught you right?”

“Of course sis, I’m not that forgetful.”

“Right, good. Alright now it’s important that you remember that you don’t hurt ponies, only nonliving things alright?” What in the world was she talking about anyway? I mean even hurting nonliving things wasn’t the best idea. Although, could you really hurt something that wasn’t living? I mean it didn’t actually have any nervous system and thus wouldn’t really feel anything.

“Yeah sis. I got it.”

“Good. Now go play you little scamp.” I’m glad that they seemed to get along at least, even if their subject matter made me question their sanity.

“So Rainbow-” She jumped in surprise, somehow it feels nice to be on the giving end of that for once.

“Oh hey Dawn.” I think she’s trying to look nonchalant and ignore what just happened, well that’s fine. I don’t really mind allowing her that much dignity.

“So what were you explaining to Scootaloo?”

“Huh? You were listening?”

“Yeah, kind of walked up during the end there and I’m curious.”

“Oh. Well, I was explaining the rules of dream flying to her again. She keeps forgetting them and I thought it might be important. She says she wants to come on a test run with me tonight. I figure it should be alright.”

“Dream Flying… That’s how you came into my head right?”

“Yup, isn’t it awesome?”

“Actually yes, yes it is. I know it’s because you’re a Night Pegasus that you can enter dreams, but how do you do it?”

“Oh that. Well maybe I’ll just show you sometime.” Huh that’s surprising, she can take other ponies into the dream world with her? Actually I probably should have known that already, Sakura came with her when she came into my dream world. I had thought that she had brought Sakura with her because she needed the connection to me to get in, but perhaps it wasn’t so much that.

“You can take other ponies along with you?”

“Yah, because I’m awesome! Most Night Pegasi can only go by themselves. I’m going to be teaching Scootaloo how to bring others along though. You have no idea how fun it is to see the looks on ponies faces when they enter the Dream world for the first time.”

“It really was fun!” Sakura’s voice from my back startled me a little, she was just so light and quiet most of the time that I had almost forgotten she was there, “It started out like whoosh, then boom, and the finally we saw you in your egg.” While that sounded cute to hear her do that little show, it didn’t really explain much. However, it did let me do something else.

“Sakura I’m sure if you ask Rainbow nicely she’ll take you with her on a trip back to the Dream World sometime.” I could almost feel Sakura’s eyes widening, preparing for the ultimate in attacks. The dreaded Baby Dragon Stare, seriously someone should patent that thing as a weapon. I remember seeing it completely destroy an entire battalion of ponies. I think it might be one of the reason that baby dragons are so valued as familiars.

“Of course I’ll take you again Sakura, but not for a week at least.” I suppose that the stare hadn’t actually been necessary, “It can be dangerous if you go in too quickly without being a Night Pegasus.”

“Why is that?” Rainbow gave me an odd look.

“Oh right, thousand years stuck as a garden gnome,” I think I may have used that one once, “the Dream World is guarded by creatures. Night Pegasi are invisible to these guardians, but everypony else is fair game to them.”

“So how can other ponies go to the dream world.” From what I was hearing, it wasn’t actually possible for normal ponies to pass past these guys without being affected.

“Most of the time they can’t. Only when they are with really cool Night Pegasi like myself,” Somehow I expected her to say that, “can they get past the dream guardians. However, even I can only do it once per week per Pony-” She saw the look Sakura was giving her, “Er… I mean creature.”

“Huh that’s interesting…” It really was, it’s a whole new field that I’ve never heard about before. So of course I’m interested. Still, I kind of wonder what else is going to be happening to me now that I’m here. I mean where am I going to be staying?

“So where to next.”

“How about you tell me where I’m going to be staying? I think it would be rather important.”

“Oh right. Well Princess Luna told me that you would be staying with Twilight Sparkle.” I could feel the blush starting to brighten up my face. Of course Luna saw that blush earlier and decided to play matchmaker, she tried it before back when she saw me with Diamond.

Dash’s laughter snapped me from my memory, “Oh this is rich! You like Twilight, no wonder Luna set this up.”

“Oh be quiet or I’ll tell everyone about your crush on Big Macintosh.” That seemed to quiet her down right quick.

“How did you know?” She was trying to hide it? Honestly I thought she was trying to broadcast it. I mean come on, she was looking directly at him that entire time.

“You weren’t exactly being discreet with how you were looking at him. I’m really don’t understand why Applejack didn’t notice, or Big Mac himself for that matter.”

“Well let’s just say that I think their under the impression that Night Pegasi have some strange ways of showing they’re interested and leave it at that alright?” Now I’m really curious. Was this a long standing prank of hers that she was pulling on the Apple family or was it something else?

“So truce on this?” I held out my hoof.

She hit it back, “Truce.”

“So would you please lead the way to Twilight’s home?”


The trot to reach Twilight’s home had been relatively uneventful. Nopony had tried to kill me even once on the way here. It honestly felt strange that I could walk around the city without feeling like someone was planning to stab me in the back, or poison me, or… you get the picture.

Now I just needed to know one more thing, which house belonged to Twilight anyway? None of them really stood out as Twilight’s home.

“So which one is Twilight’s house?”

“You mean you really can’t tell?”

“No, most of the buildings around here look exactly the same to me.” I turned towards Dash, “Besides how would I know which one belongs to her?”

“Really? I thought it would have been pretty obvious.”

“Well it isn’t, mind pointing it out?” I know, I’m being passive aggressive, but it’s hard not to be sometimes.

Dash raised a hoof and pointed towards somewhere to the left of her, “It’s that one.” Following her hoof I realized that she had been right, I really should have realized it.

It was big, but that wasn’t all that special considering the size of the buildings around the town. The thing that really made it stand out was that it was shaped like a giant hat with stars. It looked like what the lead character used to wear in the play the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, although I still have no idea what a mouse was doing trying to learn magic. I’m getting the feeling that there was going to be a theme for the certain ponies buildings.

I had to wonder if Pinky’s house would look like a funhouse.

I sighed, “You’re right, that should have been obvious.”

“Yeah I know.”

I didn’t think there was any way for me to respond to that statement, so I didn’t bother. Instead I trotted right up to the door and prepared to knock.

“Can I do it?” I looked at Sakura, “Please?” Why not? There wasn’t a good reason to not allow her to do so.

“Sure, I don’t see any reason why not.” Sakura leaped off my back, ran up to the door, and knocked. I still couldn’t understand why she seemed so excited to do something so trivial.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, hold on a second.” Huh, that’s strange. Not only was that not Twilight’s voice, but it was male. I hope that it isn’t what I think it is. I’d hate to have lost my chance before even trying.

Nah, I’m sure Rainbow would have told me when I admitted my interest in Twilight. Besides, I doubt Luna would have set it up like this if I didn’t even have a chance. How she would know I wouldn’t really know.

Well the best thing I could do in any case was just wait for the door to open and find out. This strangely reminded me of something that happened before, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

I wouldn’t have to wait long, the door was already opening to reveal a… a baby purple dragon? Why was there a purple dragon at the door? Well at least it wasn’t a pony.

“H-hey Spike…” I guess the baby dragon’s name is Spike. I wonder why Sakura seems to be so nervous around him now.

“Oh hey… ah man your summoner never did give you a name did. The big jerk.” Somehow I feel I deserved that… even if I hadn’t even known she was my familiar until she came into my dreamscape.

“Um… you might not want to call him that right now…” Sakura gave me a sidelong glance, “Besides I have a name now, it’s Sakura!”

“When did that happen?!” I don’t know why he looked so surprised, it seems like it had to happen.

“A couple of hours ago maybe?”

“So then where’s your summoner now?” I suppose that was my cue, besides I think I know why Spike’s here now.

“That would be me. My name is Dawn Pie.” From the startled expression on his face, you’d think he hadn’t seen Rainbow or I. I suppose it was possible, we had been a little ways back and he had been paying attention to Sakura. I wonder if I should be worried and playing the role of overprotective big brother.

Spike looked slightly suspicious about what I had said. I don’t know why that would be, if he would just look at my Flank marking he would know that I’m telling the truth.

“If you’re her summoner than how come you didn’t give her a name?”

“Well first of all, let me allay your fears that I’m not her summoner,” He gave me a questioning look, “And yes I know that you didn’t ask that question, but I know you’re thinking it.” It was pretty obvious really, “Just look at my Flank Marking.”

“What’s a Flank Marking?” He didn’t know? How could that be? I mean you’d think it would be common knowledge.

“The mark on my Flank.”

“Oh you mean your Cutie Mark?” Wait. Whoa. Hold on here. Did he just call my Flank Mark a Cutie Mark? I’m a stallion, I did not have a Cutie Mark… Wait! Did this mean that they changed the name to something so ridiculously girly? Not that I have any issue with girly thing, but it’s not gender neutral and it’s used for everypony. Well I’m going to keep calling it a Flank Mark, I don’t care what other ponies call it.

“Yes… that.” I know that I sounded aggressive, but I was a little annoyed by the name change.

While he was looking at my mark, I was looking at his tail. Just as I had suspected, Twilight’s marking was on his tail. This was Twilight’s familiar. I wonder why she had never brought him with her when she came to visit me. Maybe he’d been too young at the time or busy with other things at the time.

“Huh, fine. So you are her summoner. Still that doesn’t explain why you didn’t give her a name.”

“I’ve been in a coma for the last week.”

“Why would that matter, you could have named her before that.” I think he was rather protective of Sakura… hmm.

“Well I’d only met her a few minutes before going into the coma, I didn’t have enough time to name her.”

“Huh? How did that happen?” I would have thought that Twilight would have told her familiar more about what happened, but I suppose not. At least he didn’t seem angry at me anymore.

“Well it’s a long story, how about we go inside and I’ll explain the whole thing to you.”

“Hmm… How do I know that you aren’t here to do something to Twilight’s home?” Well I suppose I would be protective like this too. However, you’d think being with both Rainbow Dash and Sakura would give me the benefit of the doubt.

“Spike he’s with me.”

“Oh right Sakura.”

“Since you seem to be in Spike’s capable claws I’m just gonna jet. I got some things I have to do.” While I wondered what ‘things’ Dash had to do, I suppose it wasn’t any of my business.

“Um… Ok?” By the time I had finished that statement Dash had already flown off into the air away from us.

I turned to Spike, “Does she do that often?”

“I dunno. I’ve only known her for a week.” I suppose that made sense. Why would Twilight’s familiar have known Rainbow Dash longer than Twilight had?

Spike walked into the building, Sakura and I followed him. Twilight’s home seemed to be just as big on the inside as it had appeared to be on the outside. However, there was a lot less space for moving. Every piece of the floor had been covered in books. There wasn’t a single part of the room that had been left clean.

It was heavenly. I had always loved libraries.

“Hehe, you must really like books Dawn.”

“Why do you say that Spike?” He was right of course, but I wanted to know why he said that. Knowledge is useful after all.

“That look on your face, Twilight gets it when she visits a new library somewhere.” Interesting, very interesting. Now that I think about it, where is Twilight?

“Speaking of Twilight, do you know where she is?”

“Yeah, she went out to see the Celestia.”

“Do you know when she’ll be back?”

“In a couple hours probably, she always ends up chatting with her teacher for a while.”

“That should give me enough time to at least give you a basic rundown on why I didn’t give Sakura a name when I first met her.”

“You better have a good explanation for that.” We entered another room. It was absolutely huge, books lined everything. Including…

“Spike is the furniture made of books?” Even I don’t have that much interest in books.

“Nah it’s designed to mimic the look of books so it matches everything else in here. Go on give it a try.” Sakura and I move sit down on one of the chairs. Huh, it really does feel comfy; this was some amazingly well done design. Wonder who the designer was.

“Now tell me about why you didn’t name Sakura until today, or else.” I think he was trying to look intimidating, but instead it just made him appear cute. Honestly, I know that in a few years both Spike and Sakura are going to look scary, but right now I think I’ll just admire how cute they look.

“Well it’s like this. When I first took the test I…” I told him the story about how I had actually failed my summoning exam, how I had somehow gained the position of Luna’s student, and how I had ended up in stone. I didn’t go into that much detail beyond that point, but his eyes grew larger throughout the retelling.

Strangely, Sakura seemed mostly unaffected, even though this was the first time she would have heard this story. Perhaps she had already seen it in my mind… or Dash might have told her I suppose. She likely would remember the part about her summoning.

“Well that is a very good reason why you didn’t give Sakura a name. Sorry about giving you that look earlier.”

“It’s not a problem, I know how it feels to think one way and then realize you were completely wrong.” That might not have been my best choice of words, the looks both Sakura and Spike were giving made that abundantly clear.

“I’m sorry I meant-”

“Hey Spike I’m back.”

“Twilight! You're back.” Spike ran out of the room towards where the voice came from, Twilight’s most likely. I suppose my apology would have to wait until later. I should probably go greet Twilight though.

Following Spike’s rapidly retreating backside, I soon found myself to the foyer.

“Oh, hello Dawn.” Twilight’s voice drew my attention to her. I caught sight of Twilight and was about to respond when my body froze up. I couldn’t move at all, my heart began palpitating like crazy, sweat started running down my body. I could hear somepony screaming… Who was screaming? Why were they screaming?

My body began to gallop on its own; out of the room to who knows where. I wasn’t paying attention, I felt scared out of my mind. I don’t know what’s going on, what happened to me? Why was I reacting this way?

That scream is still following me. Why had it followed me all the way here? Where was here anyway?

My legs began to feel tired, but my body kept pushing against it. I needed to get as far as possible from Twilight. I don’t know why I just did. I kept running until my body simply fell to the ground, exhausted.

I can still hear the sound of somepony screaming. Who was it? My throat felt raw… Wait, I was the one screaming, why am I screaming? I need to calm down, yeah that’s the first order of business, calm down and think rationally about what just happened. I caught sight of Twilight and then I just started to have a breakdown, what was going on…

Author's Note: Sorry this is a week later than my regular schedule. My finals took more work than I thought they would. I hope people are still enjoying this story and please provide feedback. It helps me increase the quality of the story.