• Published 6th May 2012
  • 6,125 Views, 292 Comments

Luna's Student - MyWorld93

1000 years ago, Luna had a student. Luna was banished and he was turned to stone. Now what?

  • ...

EPA: Equestria Psychological Association

Disclaimer: Today I've brought in another guest, from an entirely different show. Hope you enjoy her. Say hello to Melfeulle Sakuraba!

*polite clapping*

A pink haired girl with flowers in her hair smiles at the crowd, "Hello everyone it's so nice to be here! I'm sure that at some point the rest of Galaxy Angel Brigade and I will be in a story on this site!" Her smile brightens, "And now for the wonderful disclaimer!"

"When reading Luna's Student sit in a bright room well away from the screen! Be sure you understand." She gives a little giggle.

Disclaimer: Hmm, hmm

Melfeulle's eyes widen, "Oh right, MyWorld93 doesn't own anything from the MLP universe, which is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, or the Galaxy Angels Universe, owned by Broccoli and Bandai. I hope you understand."

Chapter 9: EPA: Equestrian Psychological Association

Written by MyWorld93

I shook my head slowly trying to loosen the hold the spider webs had on my brain.

What exactly had happened back there? Why would I run away like that, I couldn’t think of a good reason. One moment I had been trotting along through Twilight’s house, happy as could be, and then I saw Twilight and started galloping away. I’ve never galloped like that in my life. I’d always needed a reason before. I know I sometimes hid, but I don’t gallop. I’d never really had anything that I needed to run away from. Most of time not getting hurt involved staying right where I was and defending myself, they generally came from multiple directions anyway.

Where had I ended up anyway? I hadn’t been paying attention to where I’d been going in my terror induced state. The walls and floors were a grimy mess, which didn’t really tell me much, but I was between two buildings. My best guess was that I was in the middle of an alleyway, probably somewhere around Twilight’s home, but I couldn’t be sure.

“Hey Dawn!” Sakura’s voice drew my attention upwards to where the pink dragon was hanging out of a hanging lamp. I know she’s fairly small, but there was no way that she should be able to fit in there. How had she found me anyway? Not that I had been trying to hide from her, but I had been galloping pretty quickly. I doubt she could have kept up.

“So Sakura, how did you find me?”

“Well I saw what happened back there. I was worried, you were screaming so loudly. I was going to just follow that, but you were galloping so fast. I tried to follow you, but then I tripped and now I’m hanging here from a lamppost.” She smiled, “It’s actually pretty fun! Weeee!” That sounded a lot like something that would happen to my sister… Wait… Okay so she was a female and she was my familiar, which made her part of the family. So did that mean that she had the same abilities that the mares in my family did? Which meant that I had possibly, maybe, bonded myself to someone as cool as my sister, this could be fun.

That was a thought for later though. Now that Sakura was here I could ask her about what had happened, my own memories on the matter were a little colored by fear, so it didn’t hurt to ask. Maybe an outside perspective would help me understand what was going on, or at least give me an idea of what to do about it.

First I better get her down from that overhanging lamp. My neck was starting to cramp.

“Hey Sakura. Would you mind coming down here?”

“Sure!” I moved below her, to catch her when she fell. I’d never actually watched as any mare in my family actually pulled themselves out of those impossibly small spaces that they often ended up in. The process was very interesting to watch, I’m also not sure how I missed those times before. Sakura looked almost like pink toothpaste coming out of a tube as she grabbed the edges of the lamp and pushed downward. An instant before she was actually out her body appeared to look like it had the consistency of water before she poofed back to full size.

I realize that I’m just distracting myself, but for the moment it couldn’t hurt.

Soon enough her full body was out of the lamp and, like I had expected, she fell from the lamp and landed on my back. It was lucky that Sakura was so light. Otherwise I might have gotten a few back problems.

“Weee! That was fun! Can I do it again?” I had to smile. She just looked so cute like that. I wish I didn’t have to interrupt her thoughts of fun to find out what had happened to me.

“Of course,” I wasn’t going to stop her from doing things my sister had done on a regular basis, “but at the moment I was wondering if you would mind telling me what you saw earlier.”

“No problemo! I was right behind you when you walked into that room so I saw everything! You trotted into the room, saw Twilight. Then you just froze for a bit and didn’t move. You probably shouldn’t do that, it seemed dangerous.” I saw the worry in her eye. hopefully I could keep from doing such a thing again. I didn’t really like doing it much myself. “Then you just started screaming, which kind of hurt my ears.”

I felt a little worried. She was a baby dragon and damage to her ears could give her permanent damage, “Are you alright? Do your ears still hurt?”

“Nope! They stopped hurting after a few minutes.” That was good. I did not want to hurt anypony, least of all my familiar. That did bring up the idea that I would need to get Sakura a checkup though. I mean she is baby dragon and I was doubtful that she had gotten one of those since she was born. I waited a few seconds for her to continue speaking about what had happened.

“What happened after that Sakura?”

“You galloped away faster than I could follow, I tripped following you, and then I ended up here and you asked me what had happened. Then I said that I was following you-”

“Thanks Sakura, that helps me a lot.” She pouted, I guess she had really wanted to keep talking. Still what she had told me had really helped, if only because it matched up with what I already know. For some reason I have an unreasonable fear of Twilight, but only actually seeing her. I know it didn’t happen when I thought about her or when I heard her. I wonder why it was only seeing her that did it.

The sound of flapping wings surprised me. I know that Pegasi fly everywhere, but the sound of these wings just felt different and somehow familiar. It was pretty obvious why that was when a dark blue Alicorn landed in front of me.

“Teacher! What are you doing here?” Instead of providing me an answer Luna reached out and gave me a hug. While I don’t understand quite why she did that, I wasn’t going to refuse it. Like I’ve said before I like hugs and strangely this one felt almost needed to me. Feeling another sensation on my leg I looked down and saw Sakura joining in. I still have no idea what was going on, but at least I was reassured that I have friends.

Luna backed off, but Sakura continued to hold my leg. “I heard you screaming across the town Dawn.” Either my vocal cords can reach pitches I’d never thought possible or Luna has even better hearing then I thought. I think I was going to go with the second one, I’ve never heard anyone say that I have very strong vocals. “What happened?”

“Honestly I’m not really sure… One second I was fine and the next I was galloping away, scared out of my wits.”

“You went from fine to running away? Give me a little more detail?”

“Well I heard Twilight talking, then I walked into the room where she was, I saw Twilight, and then I ran away screaming.” That explanation wasn’t as detailed as Sakura’s had been, but I think it got the point across and hopefully she’d be able to help me figure out what had happened. It couldn’t hurt anyway.

“So… You saw Twilight and then ran away?”

“Yes. That’s what happened.” Hey I said it and I meant it. I’m not one to lie to an immortal being who just happens to be my teacher, especially when I actually like that teacher. Even less so if they can help me.

Luna looked at Sakura. “Sakura can you confirm that? I wish to make sure that this is the case before I say what I believe should be done.” My word wasn’t good enough? No I suppose she’s just making sure for my sake. Telling me to do something and not getting the right answer could be devastating.

“Yuppers! That’s what happened. I was watching. He entered the room and saw Twilight. Then he just ran away.” I’m glad she didn’t mention that I’d hurt her ears. I get the strangest feeling that I would have been the one with damaged ears at the end of it.

Luna was silent for a few minutes. Actually it was starting to drag on for a pretty long time at this point.

I decided to break the silence, “So do you know what’s wrong with me?”

“No,” I blinked. That was not the answer I had expected, “but I think I know what you should do to find out. You should go see a psychologist.” Now that I think about it, the doctor told me to do that as well, after I had trouble talking about lilies. It probably wasn’t too bad of an idea. Still that left one question for me.

“What is a psychologist? I mean the doctor mentioned that I should see one as well, but I have no idea what they are.”

“A psychologist is somepony that helps you work through mental problems. Many people like to call them mind mages, but they don’t use any magic at all. A fair number of them are actually Earth Ponies. They are a fairly recent profession, but they had been of help to a great many ponies and appear to be thriving.” She had me at ‘helped with mental problems’. There was a good probability that was where my problem lay and it would likely help me. Still that left me with another question, which seems pretty par for the course really. I always seem to have more questions to ask after I hear about something new, but this one was a little different. It involved Luna.

“If they only came about in the last thousand years, how do you know what they are?”

My teacher blushed. I don’t think I’ve seen that sight for a very long time. She was generally in enough control of herself that she didn’t do that. I suppose that this must be really embarrassing to her or something to that effect. “While you were in a coma,” It’s a little sad, but I’d almost forgot about that, and it had only been a few hours, “I looked for books to assign you for when you got out. I am still your teacher after all.” That sounded like Luna alright, even when her student was in a coma she wanted to make sure that she would be ready to teach me when I got out. Honestly I’m rather touched by the sentiment, “When I came across a particular book on the subject of psychology. It looked so interesting that I gave it a read myself. While I had started reading it out of simple curiosity, I soon enough found that the session sounded like it would be a good idea for me.” That made sense, being on the moon could not be conductive to a pony’s health.

“So how did that go for you?”

“Very well, I learned quite a few things about myself. I thought it was pretty useful. It’s also helping me to get over an old fear of mine and I’ve had that fear for almost three thousand years.

“What do you do in one of those sessions?”

“Well mostly you talk through your problems and hopefully reach a satisfactory conclusion. I believe that this will greatly help you.” That was honestly one of the least informative answers that I have ever heard. Maybe you’re not allowed to talk about it? Well it still couldn’t hurt to try.

“All right.”

A couple of hours later I had an appointment, which was honestly very fast for this sort of thing. Normally whenever I needed an appointment for anything I’d need to make it at least a week in advance. That was rather annoying actually, this was rather amazing. Still I had used those few hours to great effect, mainly by sending Sakura to deliver a message to Twilight telling her about what had happened. I hadn’t received anything back, so all I could hope was that she wasn’t mad at me. Also kind of hope she didn’t pity me for it. I wanted to get over this fear so that I could actually try and get a date.

Hopefully this session would help me to understand what caused my reaction to Twilight. Maybe then I’d be able to find out how to solve the problem. One always needs to know what the problem is before they can find a solution. Hopefully the psychologist would be able to help with that.

Now though it was time for my appointment. Luna and I sat in the waiting room, doing what everyone does in a waiting room… read magazines. The room was rather quiet, other than a slowly ticking clock in the corner. I think it was only ticking every other second. I had gotten a special afterhours appointment, likely because Luna had requested it. Which meant that we were the only two in the room.

“Dawn, you want to do this right? It won’t work if you’re just doing it because you think that I’m right.” The sound of Luna’s voice was rather startling in the silence. I suppose she had a point, did I really want to do this? “Yes I’m sure. I’m willing to try anything to get rid of this fear and this seems like the best option.”

“At least you sound like you’re ready.”

We sat in silence for a little while longer. The creaking noise drew our attention to the door, that thing really needed to get oiled.

I blinked… A very familiar purple pony wearing a beard trotted out from behind the door. Who was Twilight trying to trick? I could see that it was her behind that fake beard. The sad bit was that I wasn’t running away… was the beard really that effective of disguise?

I took a glance at Luna. Her expression was blank. Either she was in on this or she really couldn’t tell that this was Twilight, and with Luna I’d never be able to know which is the truth.

“Vello Dawn. I am Dr.Freudlin. I hear dat you are having some issues vith a particular mare.” She held a hoof out to me and I shook it, her beard shook at the sudden jostling. I couldn’t help wondering what would happen when it fell, “Please follow me.”

I still don’t know who Twilight thinks she’s tricking, but followed her in anyway. It wasn’t likely that this would be too damaging and I thought it would be better to confront her about it away from Luna. If she was in on this I didn’t feel like getting laughed at.

We trotted down the short corridor in silence, eventually reaching a door marked Dr.Fraudlin. Apparently she’d really gone all out in her deception… or borrowed someone else’s office and name.

Twilight trotted in and I followed behind her. The room was rather bare, only containing what I assumed to be the bare minimum, a chair and something I could only describe as a strange couch-chair hybrid. It was raised like a chair at one end, but stretched out quite a bit farther.

As soon as she and I were seated I popped the question that had been on my mind this entire time.

“Twilight, why are you wearing a beard?” I paused for a second and then continued with the question that was really bothering me, “and why is it working?”

“I don’t know vho you’re talking about,” her glasses hid her eyes, but there was a good chance that she was looking around wildly. Diamond used to do that too, whenever she wanted to hide something. She had been a terrible liar, “and dat means dere is no vay that my vonderful beard could be doing anything. So hov about ve get started den. Ja?”

I don’t think this idea would make any sense, but since I wasn’t running away I didn’t think there was any reason not to try it. Hopefully my earlier thoughts about this not causing damage would prove accurate.

“Ja- I mean sure.” I’m going to have to watch myself. That accent was catching, if only because it would seem like fun to try.

“Ja, good.” Twilig- excuse me Dr. Freudlin, might as well go along with the full act, pulled out a small notebook and wrote something in it, “Now I vant you to tell me about your moder.”

“My Mother?” That was rather odd. What did my mother have to do with anything? She isn’t even around anymore. How could she be connected to this?

“Yes, yes, tell me about your family. Please start vith your moder.” Not sure what this has to do with anything, but it couldn’t hurt to tell her.

“Well my moder,” oh brother that was quickly going to get annoying, “my mother was a rather nice pony, but was… strict would be the best word for it I suppose. She’d always expect me to do everything perfectly. If I ever failed at anything she would threaten to throw me out of the house.” Dr. Freudlin gave me a rather strange look. I don’t know why, that was a perfectly normal threat from when I was foal, a lot of ponies I knew were told the same thing.

Still she seemed to go back to normal soon enough, scribbling something in her notebook, “Yes… Yes… interesting, very interesting…” She looked back up at me, “Please continue.”

This was just getting rather strange. Still couldn’t hurt to keep going I suppose. “Well… whenever she wasn’t threatening me with homelessness she was actually a fairly nice pony. She would give me treats every once in a while and would take my sister and I places. A lot of the time though she would leave Blueberry and I-”

“Blueberry was the name of your sister?” Well that was rude of her. I can’t help feeling that she wasn’t supposed to do things like that.

“Yes, that’s right. As I was saying, my mother would leave my sister and me alone whenever she took us out anywhere. Usually she would go and do work or something somewhere else. I never really did know what she was actually doing. Blueberry would usually do something fun with me instead. I remember this one time…”

It was a rather nice day and-

“No, No. Dis is not de time for the Flashback. Dis is the time for di talking.” I think she was starting to take the accent a little too far, I can’t tell what it’s supposed to be anymore. I mean I think it was supposed to be Germane, but now it sounded like she was mixing in some island dilect. “Now please tell me about dis memory.”

“Um alright?” What in the world was that about? “Well it really was a rather nice day. My mother had taken Blueberry and I to the beach. Then she kind of just left us there, with nopony watching us.” Now that I think about it, my mother hadn’t been very responsible. Who leaves their only children alone on a beach? Or anywhere really? Especially considering how young we were. “Blueberry played sandcastles with me until a butler came and took us home.”

“Huh, interesting. Very, very interesting. It sounds to me like you don’t like your moder very much. Is dat true?” Her beard shook a little from her mouth movement. I could only hope that it didn’t fall off.

“Um no.” I will admit that she hadn’t been the best mother, but I never actively disliked her. There were times when she had been nice; they had just been fairly far apart. “I don’t dislike my mother. I mean she raised me. It might not have been very well and most of the time it might have been a servant who was actually taking care of us and she pretty much ignored me most of the time.” You know the more I think about it, the more I realize that my mother had not been around very much.

“Hmm, yes, yes. I tink I knov vhat is vrong.” I had to wonder how she could get any kind of conclusion from what we had just talked about. As far as I could tell I hadn’t once mentioned anything that was related to the actual problem. In fact everything that we had discussed had happened over a century ago. I don’t think those things actually had any bearing on the what was going on now.

Still, couldn’t hurt to hear her conclusion on the matter.

“I believe you have an Electra Complex.” Her beard, which had been precariously hanging onto her the entire time, suddenly fell off from the final movement of her mouth. I followed it with my eyes as it fell to the ground, before glancing back at Twilight. The last thing I saw, before I galloped out of the room was a fairly cute, but dopey looking, smile on her face. I really want to figure out what’s going on here, I don’t feel like running away from her like this.

Also what was an Electra Complex?

“I’m guessing that it didn’t go well then?” The caring look on Luna’s face belied the neutral statement of her words.

Considering that I was shaking like a leaf I couldn’t exactly respond in the negative. “Yeah. It started out alright and then her beard dropped.” That sounded a lot weirder than I meant it to.

“Oh that’s too bad. I thought for sure that Twilight wearing a beard would keep you from recognizing her.” Well that at least answered whose idea that was. The beard was probably enchanted against ponies seeing who is wearing it. In other words I could recognize her, but not necessarily actually connect that fact in my mind. Still I had to wonder why Luna thought it was a good idea to place me in the same room as Twilight when I had run away before. Perhaps she had thought that I would be able to get somewhere if I confronted the problem directly? Well the best way to find out things is to ask about them.

“Luna… You knew about this didn’t you?” She nodded her head, but was smiling, “Why did you do that?” I wasn’t angry about it, I was curious.

“There were actually two reasons. One is that Twilight really wanted to try being a psychologist.” Considering all those books in her house I could see Twilight wanted to try some of them out and Luna like went along with it as a prank. I suppose I should feel grateful that I got to help out a crush at least. “The other reason is that I thought that if you confronted your fears it might help you get over them.” Apparently I had been right on the money with the second reason.

Even though I could have told them that it was a bad idea, I still feel a little bad that I had run away from Twilight.

“Luna, would you mind apologizing to Twilight for me.” Luna gave me a confused look, “For running away. I might not know why I’m scared, and it might not have been the best of ideas, but I still feel bad about it.”

“What exactly happened in there anyway?”

“Well… Twilight kept asking me about my mother and seemed to think that she had some effect on my problem. Personally I don’t think that made any sense.”

“You’re right, and I’d like to apologize to you for putting you in such a situation.” Luna looked me in the eye, “That method Twilight was rather old. I think she found the wrong books.” I get the feeling that Luna did a lot more reading than I would have thought possible in a week. Maybe she had a stronger interest in the field then I thought? “Still I think it might be a good idea to go to another psychologist. One who is trained in the contemporary methods rather than the classical methods.”

Classical methods? Contemporary methods? “What are you talking about?”

“There are a variety of different methods that are used in the field of psychology. The one she used is known as Freudlin Psychoanalytic method.” That didn’t really help, but it did give me a new subject to research later on. Actually I had way too many research topic to count at this point, I’d need to get started on those when I got some time. I hadn’t even started studying that weird statue that I’d been looking at for almost a thousand years. Hopefully I’d get that time soon, or get a notebook.

“Couldn’t hurt.” Like I’ve said before, I’m willing to try things at least once.

“Well it will take a little time to get an appointment with my psychologist, but it shouldn’t take too long.”

“It’s no problem. I’ll go read some books in the castle library to pass the time. There are so many things that I still need to learn about. I mean one thing that I really need to find out is what an Electra Complex is. I mean Twilight apparently diagnosed me with it.” Even if I still doubted that it would make any sense.

“Did you say Electra Complex?” The smile on her face worried me a little, what could be so funny about it?

“Yes that is what I said. Why do you ask?”

“Just something I might have heard about it. When you research it please tell me about it.” Somehow I couldn’t help feeling that I was about to be pranked by my teacher, but I still wanted to know what the complex was. “You go do your research and I’ll come get you when I have an appointment for you.”

“Alright… Also if you happen to see Sakura could you send her in my direction? It’s nice to have someone to talk to sometimes.”

“Of course.”

I’m pretty sure I’m lost at this point. The Royal Palace has really changed since I was last here and I’d barely been able to find anything back then. Now I couldn’t even find my own room, if it was still around here somewhere. I mean it could be anywhere really. I really wish I had asked for direction.

I better ask the next pony I see for directions. Although I really have to wonder why the palace is so empty, you’d think guards would be running all over the place trying to protect the princesses from assassins.

“Ow!” I was knocked out of my thoughts when I actually ran into another pony. I really need to stop running on automatic, I keep running into the strangest things.

Standing up, I reached out a hoof to help the pony up… “Sorry about that… Rarity?” Well that was rather surprising, I mean what are the chances that I would run into someone that I knew in the middle of a giant castle? Oh right, my luck.

“Think nothing of it darling, these things happen.” Her eyebrow was twitching a little. At least she was trying to be cordial about it, “At least this spot of floor has been cleaned well. Let’s just say that somepony would have to pay if it hadn’t.” Rarity looked up at me and her eye stopped twitching and gained a new look, one that scared me a little. I feel a lot less safe than I did a minute ago.

She batted her eyes at me. This would not turn out well, I could tell. “Actually, would you mind helping me out with something?” I really need a model for a Stallion line of clothing and I think that you would be perfect.” That chill was coming back and I almost said no, but something stopped me. I don’t know what it was, but I think that saying no would somehow lead me to a really bad place.

“I’d be happy to help.” I felt that chill roll all the way down my spine and my tail started twitching in the weirdest way. I think I’m going to regret my decision very quickly.

“Oh that Wonderful!”

“Could you lead me to the library afterwards?” I might as well get something out of this.

“Of course, now just follow me. My boutique is only a little ways away.” Her boutique was in the castle… why did that feel like it made sense?

“If you don’t mind me asking, why is your boutique in the Royal Castle?”

“Oh it isn’t, it’s right outside the castle. I’ve been given the position of Royal Seamstress by her majesty Princess Celestia, and hopefully Luna as well.” That was actually pretty high up there. The royal seamstress that I knew had sold millions of styles into the market. There is no end to what they could do with their position.

“And we’re here. Welcome to the Diamond Boutique.” Here was a slight distance outside the castle and the Diamond Boutique wasn’t exactly the most normal thing to look at in the world. It was literally the largest diamond I had ever seen in my life. It must have cost a fortune! Well either that or it was actually a fake designed to look like a diamond. I was no genius at gemology so I couldn’t tell, but it was still a rather amazing looking building and of course it also matched her Flank Marking. So I suppose that it makes as much sense as anything else.

“No time for gawking. Clothing waits for nopony!”

I blinked before looking in her direction. “Sorry about that, your place of work is just… eye catching.” Somehow that seems vaguely rude and I get the feeling that she caught that, considering the looks she’s sending my way.

“Why of course it is, it needs to draw the attention of the customer!” or maybe I was misreading the situation entirely. “It’s based off my Cutie Mark.” And there was that word again. It was honestly getting on my nerves.

“Now please walk this way.”

“I don’t think I can.” It seemed like such a hard way to walk.

Rarity gave me a strange look before a look of dawning comprehension appeared on her face, “Oh funny. Just follow me please.” I could hear her muttering under her breath a little. The joke wasn’t that bad was it?

The moment I passed the threshold of her home, my tail started acting crazy, going in every direction. I couldn’t think of a single reason for it to be acting like that. There wasn’t anything dangerous around here at all.

Rarity blinked, “Is something the matter with your tail?”

“I don’t know, it’s never acted like this before.”

“Well I think I know just the thing to settle it down. It always works on Pinkie Pie’s tail.” She magically gripped a hairbrush and started brushing my tail. My pink hairs started to calm down, which was really strange. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my tail go from anything close to a full out panic to complete calm like that before.

“Ah, looks like that works as well with your tail as with Pinkie’s.”

“How did you do that?”

“Oh I laced the brush with a nerve locking hair gel.” Ok, I’m starting to think that my tail may have had a point with what it had been doing. I don’t care how many Pie’s she has to take care of, there is no reason she should have that kind of thing in her boutique. I suppose I could deal with this though.

“Alright darling, if you wouldn’t mind standing on this pedestal here.” Okay… this is not going to be fun. I stood on a pedestal for a thousand years, do I really need to stand on one again?

“Um is there any way that we could do this while standing on the floor? I don’t really feel like standing on pedestal again.”

“I suppose, but it might be a little more awkward to get your measurements.” Now what did she mean by that. Still if I didn’t have to get on the pedestal I suppose that would be alright.

“That shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Alright I’ll get started then.” She pulled out a measuring tape from somewhere in the room and began to measure every inch of my body. She started at my head, I guess for a hat, before moving farther downward, taking notes all the while. She measure my legs, my chest, and everything in-between. Although she was starting to get a little close to particular part of my anatomy then I felt comfort with…


“Huh? Oh I’m so sorry darling. I didn’t mean to measure that, I was just so entranced by these numbers. They are absolutely perfect for my new designs.” I wish that I could say that I was glad to hear that, but I had kind of just had a very sensitive piece of my anatomy strangled by a rather sharp measuring tape. At least it didn’t seem like I was bleeding.

“It’s… alright, just… be careful… okay.” I know I should be mad about this, but I’m a fairly forgiving pony. If she does it again though, I’ll get Luna involved and have her sent to the moon for a year.

“Oh good. Although you might want to get that voice checked out sometime, it sounds so much higher pitched than it did before.” I can’t tell if she’s being serious or not. “Well that’s all the measurements I need at the moment. Come back in a few days and I should have something for you to try on.” She turned away from me, apparently ignoring my existence to get to work. I stood there hoping that she would remember her deal to lead me to the library, but after several minutes I gave up on her just remembering.

“Do you think you could lead me to the library now?”

It took her a few seconds to respond likely my words were just now filtering through her mind, “Oh of course darling. I’m so sorry about this. I just get so wrapped up in my work sometimes that I forget what I’m supposed to be doing.”

“Please just lead me.” It was the least she could do for what she did to me.

“Well here it is darling. I’ll just leave you to whatever it is you need to do.”

“Alright, see you later.” Hopefully without a measuring tape, seriously do not want to go through that kind of thing again.

Still at least she’d lead me to the right place, the grand doors and the plaque with the words ‘Royal Library’ on it both indicated as such.

I walked on through.

The Royal Library was still huge, just as I remembered it, which is fairly different than almost any other place in this castle. Every room in the castle had those new ‘electric’ lights and seemed to have some weird boxes on the walls that I had no idea about, although air seemed to blow out of them whenever I walked past them. This room was still lit by the candles. While it was less bright than anywhere else I felt much more in place than I had.

Still at least this area of the castle had remained the same. The walls lined with hundreds upon thousands of books and yet it still felt like they had fewer books then Twilight’s home. I don’t know why that is, but it just did. I suppose that it might be the lack of books covering every inch of the floor or something.

There was one difference from what I was used to though, the entire library was empty. The library had always been full of ponies researching one subject or another, no matter the time of day, so it was rather strange to see the entire library completely devoid of any ponies at all.

I wonder where all the ponies are at the moment. I mean even if all the ponies decided that there was nothing to research, there should be a few pleasure readers around.

Well there was one pony. He was a rather old looking Unicorn, but I couldn’t help feeling that he would know both where all the ponies were and where the books I was looking for would be.

“Excuse me sir. Are you the librarian?”

“Eh?” He held one of his grey hoofs up to his ear, “Would you mind repeating that sonny? My hearing ain’t what it used to be.”

“Of course. Are you the librarian?”

“Eh? Am I eating? What a strange thing to ask. No I’m not eating. My name is Mystic the Librarian.” Wow, this pony had really bad hearing. Well at least I got my question answered. Still I had the feeling that this was going to be a fairly difficult conversation. Normally I’d just help his hearing or my voice with magic, but at the moment I still didn’t have anything I could use.

Well hopefully he’d be able to hear my questions. At least he seems easy enough to understand.

“Would you mind telling me why there are no ponies around?”

“Why aren’t there any phonies around here.” His face was incredulous, “This is a library foal! Only genuine ponies come in here now and there aren’t too many of those left.” I get the feeling that he didn’t even know what I meant. Although it’s rather strange that even though he hears the wrong question, he still gives me a fairly useful answer. So there aren’t that many ‘genuine ponies’ left. Wonder what that means… I’m also kind of curious why I care so much about this. Maybe it’s the fact that the library had been kind of a sanctuary for me when I was younger.

“Hey sonny you okay there? You seem to be a little lost in thought.” The librarian’s voice drew me back into the real world.

“Sorry about that, got a little lost in thought there.”

“No problem sonny.”

“Oh thank yo- Wait you can hear me? Could you hear me the whole time?”

“Ehehehe Nope, couldn’t hear a word you said.” Mystic raised his hoof to his ear and twisted it around a little, “I didn’t have my hearing aid in.” At least he hadn’t been playing with me, he was just forgetful.

“So you mind telling my why this place is so empty?”

“Ponies don’t really like to read real books anymore.” That was rather worrying, books are important to the future, “Oh don’t give me that look. They still read, they don’t read real books though.” That didn’t make any sense to me.

“So they read, but they don’t read books?” Mystic nodded, “Then what do they read instead?”

“Hehehe Sonny have you been living under a rock?” I’m pretty sure the answer to that question was yes so I nodded, “Well they’re all on the internet instead. So this place is always pretty empty.” The internet?

“Excuse me, but what is the internet?” I saw him open his mouth, “And for the moment let’s say that I have lived under a rock for quite a while.”

“It’s a system connecting everybody to information boy! It’s absolutely amazing! But, it does mean that ponies are coming to the library much less often.” That sounded incredible, and I’d need to find out more about it later, but for the moment I’d rather just go find the psychology section.

“That’s great, but could you please direct me to the Psychology section? I need to do a bit of research.”

“Of course, it’s that isle right over there.”

“Thank you.”

I trotted over to the section. Now I need a book on, what did Luna call it? Oh right, Freudlin Psychology. Hopefully it would be in this section somewhere.

Well let’s start with the F section. There sure are a lot of authors in this section, I mean there are six whole rows for authors who’s name begins with F. The worst part is going to be trying to find anything in there. Well here goes nothing.

Several minutes of searching later and I still couldn’t find the thing. Was it hiding from me or something? Maybe I should go ask the librarian?

The feeling of a heavy object landing on my head knocked me out of my thoughts and onto the ground. What in the world was that?

Wait. Is that? It is! The book I was looking for was sitting right in front of me. Sigmund Freudlin’s Psychoanalytic Theory by Feletic, but where did it come from?

“Hey Dawn, up here!”

“Hey Sakura.” I looked from where Sakura was hanging out in space between two books far too small for her to fit in and the book on the ground.



“How did you know I was looking for this book?”

“What book? Luna told me that you wanted to see me and so here I am.” That was interesting… Did Sakura have another ability I’d never understand or was it a coincidence. Considering my luck I was going to guess both.

“Hey Sakura you mind coming down here?”

“Oki Doki Loki.” I guess the look I gave her must have been inquisitive, “Pinkie Pie taught me that. Oh! Luna wants you to meet with her as soon as you get done in here. She had your appointment time read.” When had Sakura found the time to go see Pinkie Pie? I’d sent her to tell Twilight and then she must have… gah my head hurts.

“That’s fine Sakura. I’ll be sure to do so when I get a chance, but could you please come down now?” I have no idea why she seems to like popping out of such high places, but it’s going to become a strain on my neck if she keeps it up.

Seeing her drop down, I grabbed the book from the floor and brought it over to a nearby table. Flipping to the index, I found the pages that I needed. Flipping to them I began to read.

The Electra complex is a mare’s sexual attraction to and intense love for a father. Okay… That’s a little disturbing, maybe there is more information in here about it? It is part of a mare’s development in Freudlin’s Psychoanalytic theory. It begin with the filly realizing that she lacks a penis and she will believe that the penis is superior to her clitoris and thus feels mutilated. She therefore transfers her desire for a penis into a sexual desire for the father to impregnate her.

I’m not sure how Twilight got to this conclusion considering she never asked about my father, but geeze was she off the mark. I don’t think that she read this all the way through.

This theory has been essentially debunked as the data shows there to be a lack of any real scientific evidence substantiating this theory.

Well that was good to know at least. I just wish that Twilight hadn’t felt it necessary to give me such a strange diagnosis. Maybe it would have made more sense then.

“Hey Sakura, where did Luna want to meet me?” I could only hope that it would be close. I really don’t want to ask for directions again.

“The West Wing, but We need to hurry.”


“Because we need to be there in ten minutes.” Okay, unless the West Wing is right next door there is no way that I’m going to be getting there in ten minutes. I simply don’t know my way around this rebuilt castle well enough. I really hope that Sakura knows the way, I don’t think I’d have time to ask for directions even if I wanted to.

“Do you know where that is?”

“Yup! Just follow me.” With that she walked into the bookshelf… and through it. Well couldn’t hurt to try following her I suppose.

My arrival at the West Wing was nothing short of disastrous. I couldn’t even hold my lunch. Luckily there had been a nearby trashcan to throw it into, I don’t think I’d want to clean it up later. I think I’ve just found out why the stallions and colts in my family don’t try the disappearing act, it disorienting and causes us to throw up. That was worse than the time I failed my teleportation.

“Dawn you okay?” No, no I wasn’t okay and it was kind of her fault, but considering how worried she was looking at me I couldn’t tell her that. So I went with the next best thing, I lied.

“Not so much. Next time please remind me not to use your method of transportation, I don’t think I was designed to handle it.” That actually brings up a good question of how the mares in my family could handle it. I mean was it a special bodily function or something else entirely?

“Well Dawn. That was not how I expected to see you arrive here. Somehow I thought you might have used the door instead.” From the smile on Luna’s face I really had to wonder if she had suggested this to Sakura. I’d really like to believe that my teacher would never do such a thing, but she is a master prankster and I’m her apprentice. She pranks me all the time to help me recognize them and from how she looks, and her words, I think this was one of those times.

“Let’s just say that I don’t think I’ll be traveling this way again.” Unless I really need to be somewhere quick, but how often does that happen… And now it’s going to happen at least once a day isn’t it, those words always make something happen. “So I’m guessing that my appointment is around here.”

“You are correct Dawn. You will be meeting with the psychologist I have been meeting with for the past week, a Dr.Disim.”

“Alright.” Hopefully I could get a better diagnosis this time. I’m absolutely positive that I do not have an Electra Complex.

I trotted through the open door into a new room. It was fairly small and looked like just about any other waiting room that I had ever seen before.

I had to wonder why the room was empty though. You’d think that being the Royal psychologist one would likely get have more patients. The ponies that work in the castle at the very least.

The rooms design did highlight a single place in the room. Specifically the spot where a Orange Night Pegasus stallion sat reading a blue book. The fact that I could see another door made me thing that this was likely the psychologist’s secretary rather than the psychologist himself, or was it herself. I never did ask about that did I?

The stallion looked up from his book, “Ah you must be Dawn right?” I suppose it made sense that he would know my name, it was likely written down in the schedule planner, or it might be the fact that I was a last minute addition. I’d never been able to get an appointment on such short notice and I’m Luna’s student.

“Yes that’s right.”

“Good to see your on time, you’d be surprised how many patients show up late all the time.” He took a glance at the clock on the wall, “Even if you’re only on time by a few minutes. Still it can’t be helped I suppose.” Now what did he mean by that?

“Well my name is Dr. Disim. Your my last patient for the day.”

I blinked, “Wait, you’re the psychologist?”

“You’re not the first one to be surprised by that. You wouldn’t believe the number of ponies that come in here and see me sitting at this desk and think I’m my own secretary. Every time I have an after-hours patient to tell the truth. My normal secretary always leaves at exactly closing time and not a moment later. ” I’m an afterhours

“So I’m an after-hours patient?”

“Yes.” He smiled, “Did you think that this place is normally this empty? I’m the Royal psychologist. I take care of everyone who works in this castle.” I couldn’t help thinking that it might be a good idea for Rarity to come here sometime. Considering what she put me through earlier, I think she needs it.

“If you would please follow me?” Dr.Disim’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.

As I followed him through the doorway, I took a look at his Flank Marking. It was a book with the letters D.S.M. on it. I have no idea what it meant, but hopefully it was related to the concepts of psychology.

We walked down a short hallway behind the doorway and into an even smaller room than his reception room. I moved to sit down on the sofa in the room while Disim sat in a rather uncomfortable looking chair. Although I suppose it must be comfortable for him or he wouldn’t use it.

“Now how about you tell me what brings you here today?” This was certainly different from Twilight’s method. Disim seemed to actually be trying to find out what the problem was before trying to solve it. It’s remarkable.

“Recently I’ve been in situations in which I keep running away from things that I have never before been scared of, certain ponies to be exact.”

He nodded his head and I took that as a sign that I should continue, “It happened earlier today, honestly it still amazes me that I got an appointment within a single day.”

“Yes that seems to be what happens when one has two immortal beings schedule his appointment times.” Well I suppose he was right about that.

“Well to continue my previous statement. There are two ponies I particular that I had a pretty strong reaction to. One of these ponies I only met for the first time today and I can’t think of a good reason why I would be scared of her. I didn’t have too strong a reaction to her, I didn’t run away or anything. The second one though, I’d seen her before and I hadn’t run away, but this time for some reason I ran away the moment I saw her, but not when I heard her, only when I physically saw her.”

“So you didn’t feel scared or frightened until you actually saw her directly?”

“That’s right, I didn’t feel a thing until then. In fact I was looking forward to seeing her again.” I could feel my face heating up a little. Uncontrollable facial reactions are embarrassing. However, Dr. Disim seemed to ignore it and wrote a few more notes down.

“Has anything in particular happened in the last couple of days?” This was going to be a hard question to answer considering where I’ve been for the last thousand or so years. I mean how does one tell anyone about everything that has happened to me. Although… I suppose he must have some training with this kind of thing. He has been working with my teacher after all.

“Well it’s a little bit of story there. Do we have enough time?” I don’t know why, but I assume that these visits are set on a timed schedule.

“We have all night. Like I said, you’re my final patient for the day.”

“Well okay. First you should know that I am Luna’s student.” I waited for some reaction. Whenever I mention that fact most ponies seem to show a reaction whether good or bad, but Dr.Disim was seemingly uninterested in the concept, simply nodding his head. I suppose that would make sense, there was no reason for him to know the importance of Luna or working with the princess herself might do it too. If I was used to hearing secrets about the princesses I wouldn’t react much to hearing about anyone else’s.

“So you’re Luna’s student? How is that working out for you?”

“Well it was going great for me, up until I was locked in stone for a thousand years.” To give Disim even more credit he didn’t seem to react much at all to my statement, just writing a few more notes down on his clipboard. “Then when I woke up I had to fight off, with the help of the mare that scares me and her five friends, my teacher, her teacher, and a monster who had been controlling them and who then tried to take over me. Who afterwards decided that when he couldn’t take me over he would release all my memories that had been locked up inside my head.” You know when I say it all like that even I don’t believe that it actually happened. The fact that Disim wasn’t reacting at all was actually rather startling. He was sitting there writing more notes on his paper and yet he kept his eyes pointed at me. This pony was good at this.

“So your memories were locked away?”

“Yes. Apparently my memories from when I was in stone had been locked away. I suppose in order to protect me or something to that effect. In any case that’s what put me in the coma. I simply couldn’t handle them all at once like that.”

“And what were these memories about?”

“Overall they were about watching many ponies simply walk past me, ignoring me. Those didn’t hurt so badly really. I mean they never talked or visited me, but there were a few who did. The worst memory though was when a little filly visited me. She could talk to me somehow and then I fell on her and she died.”

“How did that make you feel?” I still couldn’t believe that he wasn’t reacting to any of the things I was saying in a negative fashion. I mean I just admitted to killing somepony. You’d think he would react more to that. Maybe he didn’t believe me or something?

“Honestly, it made me feel guilty. I was one who landed on her and killed her after all.”

“Could you please tell me what she looked like?”

“Well she was an yellow Earth Pony filly.”

“And the small filly that you were scared of today?” What was he getting at?

“A yellow Earth Pony filly.” I blinked once, “Wait… Is my guilt from Phoenix being placed onto Applebloom?” That would actually make sense.

“Only you can tell me that. If you believe that to be the case then there is a good possibility that it is true.”

“Then maybe, just maybe, the reason why I ran away from Twilight is because I was scared of what happened to Diamond would happen to her.” I don’t know if this is actually the case, but it’s my best guess anyway. I mean it’s makes sense, my memories of those events had been dulled, now that they have returned I would have a stronger reaction to them wouldn’t I. Therefore, I ran away from Twilight because I was scared of anything happening to her… or this could be off the mark and it could be something else instead. I really don’t know.

Of course even if all that is true and that is my problem, it really doesn’t help me solve it.

“So is there any way that you can think of to help me get over my fear.”

“Well there are some ways, but I think that we should look into this more next session. Right now you seem to be far too into this idea.”

Author's Note: Well I'm hoping that people are still enjoying this story and feedback is still appreciated. I want to let you know how grateful I am that people are still reading this. Hope you're all having a wonderful summer.