• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 750 Views, 27 Comments

Selflessness, Deception, Courage, and Rage, Elements of war - Unending Suffering

Wraith team really didn't sign up for this $&#%. A Ghost Recon Phantoms X MLP crossover.

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First Contact Pt. 1

Author's Note:

Please dont kill me?

I bring peace offerings! Looky here! Fresh new 1000 word chapter, with amazing writing quality!

But seriously its good to be back! Expect more! I hope you enjoy better writing cuz your stuck with it! Any way heres the teaser for the rewrite. Im going to leave the other chapters up for now, but they are not cannon any more. Next chapter will be 1000 - 2000 words K? :P love you guys thanks for the support!

Also tell me if you enjoyed it!

US Ghost HQ

"All right, now that you are all here we can begin the briefing"

The speaker was a bald man, dressed in standard olive green generals drab. To anyone who hadn't met him, he looked like a stereotypical army general. However to anyone in the Ghost program this was General Keating. The same General Keating who organised the missions in Mexico to help control the rebels and ultimately stopped a nuclear war.

"I brought you all here to talk to you about the current threat of these, so called, 'Phantom' defectors." the four soldiers assembled in front of the General shifted slightly, they were all too familiar with their defected brothers-in-arm's.

"I'm sure you are all aware of the dangers these defectors pose. That is why I want to start an elite counter force, code named 'Wraith'. You are that elite squad, Captain Robinson, has been assigned as squad leader. With good reason too, he has served in the past three unofficial wars. Captain step forward."

The man on the left stepped out to address his squad. "I am Captain John Robinson. Pleasure to meet you, and, hopefully continue knowing you." The most obvious things that stood out about the man was that he was Caucasian, with green eye's and black hair, he stood about six foot and appeared to be fairly young. After addressing his squad John went back to where he was standing.

"Your second in command, and support personnel is First-Lieutenant Sanchez, Lieutenant step forward" continued General Keating.

The man to the right of John stepped forward. "I am First-Lieutenant Charles Sanchez, however, you may call me Charlie. Pleased to meet you." Charlie was a large man at six foot four, and was obviously African-American, and had a large build. He was bald and had blue eyes that shone of mirth.

"Your designated sniper is our finest shot, Lieutenant Dean please step forward."

The woman on the far right stepped out to introduce herself. "Hello, I am Lieutenant Jesse Dean." She was obviously shy, and quite young. She was on the shorter end of the team at a couple inches short of 6 foot. She was Caucasian, with red hair and brown eye's.

"And lastly your assault personnel is Lieutenant Abrams ."

Stepping forward like the rest had done she introduced herself. "I am Lieutenant Chris Abrams, pleased to offer my speciality." She was Caucasian with auburn hair and

After the last introduction, the General continued his explanation. "Now unlike a normal ghost team, you will be outfitted with the latest in Athena tech. You will also have an entire armoury at your disposal. Team training starts at oh-nine hundred. Now go get some sleep, or get to know each other better, I really don't care. As long as you get to training on time." After a quick salute the General dismissed the newly dubbed "Wraith" team.

Ciudad Juarez
Chihuahua, Mexico

"I thought you said this was an escort mission!" yelled Charlie, trying to make his voice heard over the heavy gun fire. "Because this is a hell of an escort mission!"

"You know there is always the risk of an ambush Charlie!" John yelled, "that's why we are here in the first place! If there was no threat they would just send some Mexican troops!"

The mission was supposed to be routine; get in the truck, drive to the location, drop the package, and return. However the local "Anti-America" militia had decided to get in the way. Currently the Wraith team was taking cover behind the bullet-proof doors of the Humvee. The truck they were escorting was under fire, but relatively OK with its bullet resistant shielding. The attackers only had small fire arms, like AK's and M4's. However, they were trying to capture the truck currently, if they wanted to destroy it they probably had a few AT4's hiding in the back, which is why we have to fight the bastards off, instead of driving through them.

"Yeah, I know but it still doesn't make it any easier." Replied Charlie. "Still better than working at Mc. Donalds."

Redacted, Germany.
John POV

We approached the Phantom's Weapon Facility from the eastern wall, where there are only three guards watching. However there are more cameras on this wall then any other.

"Abrams, do you think you can set up a footage loop so that the CCTV monitors won't know a thing?" I asked.

"Give me thirty minutes, and then we should be set." She replied while setting up her laptop.

"Alright. Jesse, get into position up in that tree, be ready to neutralise the guards once Chris is done." I commanded, "Charlie I want you and Chris on me, we are going to push up to the building once the guards are down, and we're going to store the bodies in the woods. Then we will all group up and enter through that air-intake."

"Got it", "Rodger", "Consider it concrete."

"Alright boss, we're ready to move." Notified Chris.

"Words to action people, do it!" I said.

Three silent coughs rang out and three dead bodies hit the snowy ground. We moved up hid the bodies and regroup at the designated Air-Intake.
As we made our way throughout the facility via air ducts, I had Chris use an echolocation device to map out the labyrinth of metal corridors. We then overlayed the map of air ducts onto the map of the facility so we could navigate our way to our designated objective's. The only complication was that we didn't have nearly enough explosives to actually destroy the entire compound. Instead we had to set up sever small demolition charges on key support structures to bring the compound down on top of itself.

This had its own problems, do we split up and finish the mission faster, or do we stick together and do it one by one, effectively increasing our chances of being noticed, and the time required to finish the mission.

I decided splitting up was the only option.

Comments ( 4 )

Why did you stop this? It seemed to bo pretty good.

I don't stop I just got really busy I'm coming back to my stories soon

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