• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,058 Views, 11 Comments

Tales of a Brighton Phoenix - The Stainmore Phoenix

What happens when I am transported into Equestria long before the first episode? All sorts of Chaos Ensues

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Well, Friday night was there and upon the lands. Inkwell and I were smartened up and dressed accordingly. He waited a good ten minutes for Echo, who was just as smart looking as him. I opened the door and found a chariot awaiting.

“Take care you two,” I said, bidding them farewell.

“We will, sir,” they said.

“Drop the sir, we're on leave,” I said.

They chuckled and boarded the chariot and it pulled away just as Luna's Chariot arrived. I was shown in and once in place, we were taken straight to Manehatten. The city lights dances around, like starlight lovers in the purplish-black skies.

“That's pretty,” Luna awed, softly.

“It is,” I confirmed.

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.



“Aren't you mom's adoptive aunt?”


“So why are you asking me out when I'm your adoptive niece's son?”

“It's because....I.....love you,” she said.

I blinked.

“You.....love me?” I asked. “Don't you think that it's backwards?”

She giggled.

“No,” she said. “I talked with your mom and she said it's okay.”

I smiled, albeit very weakly. If anything, I was half expecting to hear that Luna had plans to share me with Celestia, but that'd be farfetched at best.

“Come, we must partake in this.....what was it again?”

“Dinner and a show,” I said. “Tradition on most dates is dinner and a show at a movie theatre, but with a stage play in town and me managing to secure box seats, we should take full advantage of the local customs.”

She nodded. We were soon out of the chariot and heading to a hidden restaurant, where she had made reservations in advance.

“The Golden Orchids?” I asked, reading the name.

“Yes, a well to do restaurant,” she said. “I had many a heartbreak in here.”

“Then we should go somewhere so your not reminded,” I said.

She smiled and told me it'd be okay. I was skeptical of that statement, but said nothing as we went in and were shown to a booth. Once seated, we waited for our menus to arrive. I saw that Luna was reaching into a small bag and pulled out a small box and pushed it across to me.

“Open it,” she said.

I did and saw an engagement ring.

“Oh, Luna.....” I said. “I possibly couldn't refuse your request.”

She smiled softly and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned in and accepted it. It felt....odd, kissing a princess.

“Mmmm...that was sweet,” she said, pulling back.

“Yes,” I said.

She just giggled softly. I smiled. It seemed that all I could do was the dimwitted things of smiling or just saying “yes” like a puppy on a leash.

“Any plans for the rest of the evening?” Luna asked.

“No,” I said.

“If your superiors do not mind, I would like to talk with you about some arrangements,” she said.

“Sounds good,” I replied.

We ate in quiet and once outside, Luna came with me and after doing some talking (threatening to remove them from their perch of power and stick the on remedial tasks) she and I returned to the Castle at Canterlot, where we were taken to her room.

“Okay, so what's your plan?” I asked.

“How do you want to start the family?” she asked.

Okay, did the gas pedal stick and this relationship hit max speed? First of all, we're engaged and she's now thinking about the family? Gee, I wonder if this is how fast all royal engagements happen-one second your engaged to a princess, the next, married, and the second after that, the babies start arriving.

“Uhmmmmm.....Luna......we're not even married,” I said, trying to be careful.

“I know, but I'd rather plan out the family so I can put money aside for them,” she said.

I smiled and we laid down to plan out the family. And by plan, I mean we laid out where we would send them for school and college. As to what would happen, that's another story.