• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,059 Views, 11 Comments

Tales of a Brighton Phoenix - The Stainmore Phoenix

What happens when I am transported into Equestria long before the first episode? All sorts of Chaos Ensues

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Things that anger you always show up in ways that you either expect or are waiting for. One such event was when three certain little bullies decided to bully a young filly. This filly was a small, dragon winged changeling from the loving parents of Roseluck and Forge Blade, a Dragon Winged Changeling in dad's royal guard detachment.

I was with Blaze and we were walking towards the train station to make sure the kids caught the train home to their parents, except for those who's parents paid for me and Blaze to foalsit them. I was on a three month relief, following two medical surgeries to correct several screwed up muscles.

How I screwed them up is a story for a later date, but right now, hell was coming forth. The two of us reached the platform just in time to catch the bullies shove the filly off the platform and into the path of the passenger train bearing down. Blaze dove off the platform to grab the filly while I proceeded to chase down and grab the bullies.

“What were you hoping for?” I snarled.

“Her to die. She's wor....” one of the bullies began.

I hauled off and slammed the bully into the wall.

“Worthless is the word to describe you!” I bellowed in her ear.

Her cronies cringed. I rounded on them.

“And your no better!”

“Proof?” they sneered

“You were all guilty of shoving her off the platform. There's surveillance cameras all over this station,” I snarled.

They gulped. I eyed them up as two guards came up to haul them off to jail. I took the filly, who's name is Mystic Flames. As we made our way to the platform, we turned in time to see another group of bullies charge us. I shoved Mystic Flames into Blaze's hooves and told her to take off and find safety.

“But dear!” Blaze protested.

"No buts!” I retorted. “Get going!”

She flew off fast just as they came up. I stood my ground and began fighting. At first, I was holding my own, but soon more joined and I began getting my ass handed to me throughout. In taking beatings, my head was being bashed around.

Red liquid began to fill my eyes and lightheadedness started to take over. I gave a quick, choked call for help before blacking out.


I woke up and found myself standing in something that looked like a field. I looked around, trying not to panic. Just then, a figure walked up to me.

“I see you are new here,” The figure said.

“Who are you?!” I demanded, feeling intimidated.

“Queen Shadow, Changeling Dreamwalker,” she replied.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Your in my field,” she said.

“Where's my body?” I demanded, now scared.

“In my medical ward,” she said.

I said nothing for the longest time.

“Your parents know,” she said. “They're concerned that you're dead.”

“Dead?!” I squeaked, feeling tiny now.

“Yes,” She replied.

“I'm not!” I protested.

“I know that, my doctors know that and you know that,” she replied, calmly. “But they don't. I will talk to them later to see if they want to come down to visit, once your ready.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said.

“Oh and before I go, I should mention you managed to take quite the beating before giving in. Impressive, for a prince,” she said, smiling.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Almost makes me wish I could have a family, instead of being a queen,” she mused, walking away.

I watched the field sliding into the white void. A bluish white bolt of lightning cut across, then everything went into a black that could only be described as being stuck in an ink bottle.

My eyes flew open, surrounded by a deep bluish purple liquid, which smelled oddly like freshly planted roses. Straining, I heard voices.

“He's healing better than expected. However, releasing him in his state might make things worse than they are. He's got ailments that we're trying to treat-Asthma, high blood pressure, upper respiratory infections and a load of ripped muscles.”

“He's a guard, a Prince, a regular work colt and a soon to be father.”

Ah, dad, bringing in logic and pointing out some of the best obvious points.

“If I were you, your grace, I'd remove at least two of his duties. His heart's in such a state that should any more stress be laid upon it, it'll fail and he'll die.”

“Thank you for your concerns.”

I glimpsed outside whatever was holding this liquid in and saw, not only mom and dad, but my friends and two sisters.

“Dad,” I heard Skyla say. “Isn't there anything we can do? Like....some way to help him carry out all his duties without him having to sacrifice them. Blaze can't carry the family alone and with her being a Wonderbolt and all.....”

“I know, Sky, I know,” dad told her. “But what can we do? I've faced nothing like it. Neither has Luna, Celestia or even my father in law.”

I saw their faces turn down, as if giving up. At that moment, Flurry jumped up.

“I've got it!” she squeaked. “We work in rotational tandem with him!”

“Of course!” Tintin replied, smacking her head. “Why didn't I think of that!”

“What does that mean?” mom asked.

“It's simple, Dad, what's his rank?” Flurry asked.

“He was to be promoted to general,” dad said. “He's a captain currently.”

“Ah, promote Skyla to Captain as well and she can work with him in the office. Let her do all the shouting, since nothing's scarier than a female captain of the guard.”

Skyla chuckled sweetly.

“And keep him in the back, processing orders, but make sure it's not too much,” Flurry continued. “As with the railway and odd jobs thing....all the rest of us can take it in turns. When it comes time for him to be a parent, while this is a little forward, Mom, Dad, can you teach him to be a father?”

“Of course, sweetie,” Mom said. “That's sweet of all of you to help.”

“Princess,” Somerset said, in the softest tone I ever heard him use. “We wouldn't be friends if we didn't believe in each other.”