• Published 13th Feb 2015
  • 744 Views, 8 Comments

swarm - TheJoker

Ponyville maybe in the past has experienced... There fair share of fights, Tirek, Discord, Trixie. But nothing prepares any city, nation planet... for the swarm

  • ...

chocolate is my favorite

Still staring at those two strange horses oddly, I sat up staring at the purple on specifically. I didn't trust her at all. Finally I took one last loo-

"O.M.G. TWILIGHT! She fainted! Oh no!! Oh no! What are we gonna do!!??" Pinkie screamed while running aimlessly in circles.

"PINKIE!!" Twilight finally got Pinkie to cease her screaming. "Would you stop trying to attract a timberwolve or something else!? We just need to stay calm and bring 'her' to a hospital, alright?"

"OOOHHH, why didn't you just say so twi?" She said as she began the trip home humming along the way.

"Pinkie wait."

"Whats up?" She said after bouncing back over to twilight.

"Do you mind taking... 'her' to the hospital? I have a letter to write." Twilight said with extra emphasize around her.

"Twilight! You just made me think of something!" She gasped excitedly.

"And what would that be?" She asked sarcastically already knowing the answer.

"If I stay with the alien at the hospital when she wakes up I can ask her if she wants to be friends! And then we can throw her a party! And then introduce her to everypony in ponyville! And then...."

"I get it, alright you take the alien to the hospital and explain to the nurses what happened." Twilight interjected.

"Okey-dokey-loki! Wait do I tell them about the spaceship?" She questioned tilting her head like a puppy.

"Well no, just tell them this is a special project of Celestia's and say it was injured." Twilight hated to lie but, This time she needed to. Luckily AJ wasn't here.

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes Pinkie..." Twilight trailed of staring at the ship that had crash landed.


Keira began to look around the huge white room she was in, she didn't remember how she got here. Looking all around she saw nothing but, white. Until she came across her mother sitting on the white floor staring into nothingness.

"Mom?" The expressionless being sat there staring. Keira after a few minutes had given up trying to talk to it, she simply sat next to it. Eventually the motionless being sprung to life, While scaring the living hell out of Keira, It looked at Keira grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Keira? Oh thank god your alive!" She spoke for the first time pulling Keira into a hug. "Alright don't talk, we don't have much time i'm going to explain to you something very important, ok?" All Keira gave was a simple nod.

"Good you know a lot about your powers almost everything but, there is one thing I never told you about... Every queens cells are made up of the disease that created us its what gives us our power but, it's also a virus its intentions are spread, evolve, kill understand?"

"ok..." Keira replied shakily.

"Now, since that's the diseases only goal it may... it may try to force you to began creating monsters it may give you a desire to kill to hunt to evolve but, do not listen to it! It will try to control you and everything you have!" She finished the sentence as an explosion rocked the white room somewhere in the background. "Keira I have to go," she stopped to give Keira a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, stay alive we will find you, oh and I forgot don't try to-" Her voice was cut off by another rocking explosion. Keira looked around as the white room began to collapse on her.

"AAAHHHH!!" She screamed once before the white began to fade.


Pinkie stared at the young alien curiously hoping soon she would wake up soon. While waiting she had baked a big chocolate cake for the alien, hoping it liked chocolate that is. Every once in a while the alien would move or toss and turn around, every time that had happened Pinkie would get even more excited. eventually a new figure entered the room, a large one at that.

"Oh hi, princess cake?"


Blackness began to turn to white as a light filled Keira's eyes, she turned again to the other side of the bed.

"Oh man, it was just a dream thank god i'm not actually stuck on a planet full of talking horses..." She said trying to drift back off to sleep when she heard a voice, one all to familiar.

"Well, nice of you to say but, we prefer ponies!" Opening my eyes I saw the same small pink horse from earlier and her purple friend. When I looked to the right I saw something a bit worrying. There was another horse, pony whatever, standing next to me but, she was much different from the two other ponies. This one was by far at least as tall as my mom and two times bigger than the other ponies, it was white and had a pair of wings and a horn like the purple one but, they were much bigger and obviously much stronger. It had a aura of kindness, yet at the same time a intimidating stare. It eyed me not saying anything.

"So, everypony? how 'bout that cake? Amiright!?" she asked obviously trying to calm the thick tension filling the room.

"What flavor?" Keira asked. The purple one muttered something like 'it can talk'.

"Well it's chocolate, oh man I should've asked what your favorite flavor was before you passed out."

"No, its alright chocolate happens to be my favorite."

Comments ( 2 )

What flavor?

Pie flavor!!! XP

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