• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 2,589 Views, 51 Comments

Kindred Spirits - Majin Syeekoh

King Sombra breaks into Fluttershy's house in order to cuddle with Angel Bunny.

  • ...

Cuddles are King

A hooded figure watched from the bushes as Fluttershy left her cottage and closed the door. He surveyed the area as she hummed to herself and trotted down the path leading away from her home and into town. When he reasoned that the coast was clear, he quickly stole away into her cottage, closed the door behind him, and removed his hood, letting his vicious red horn breathe as he inhaled.

King Sombra wrinkled his nostrils as he noticed the tell-tale stench of a home that was used to housing animals of all shapes and sizes, reminding him of the quarters where he kept his slaves. He had no time to ponder on good memories, though; he was a stallion on a mission.

He quickly crept upstairs into the bedroom where he presumed that his mark lay, and his suspicions were rewarded when he saw a little white rabbit sleeping on the bed. He grinned wickedly as he crept within range of the rabbit, hearing the sounds of delicate snoring only a creature such as this hare could produce. Finally, when he felt that he was close enough, he sat down on the floor and yanked the bunny close to his chest with his magic.

The rabbit woke with a start and struggled helplessly against Sombra’s glow as the evil king held the rabbit—Angel, he vaguely remembered—close to his chest and stroked him behind the ears.

“Shh, it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you,” Sombra whispered into Angel’s ear as he fought fruitlessly against the assault on his bunnyhood, slowly losing the will to fight as the evil king’s gentle petting pierced his icy heart. Angel nuzzled Sombra’s chest, seeming to sense a kindred spirit encased inside of this large pony.

Sombra smiled. “That’s a good rabbit,” he gently murmured as he carefully lay the rabbit on his back. “Now who’s ready for a belly rub?”

Angel nodded happily. Sombra grinned as he rubbed the rabbit’s stomach, Angel responding by curling up against his hoof, his body seeming to beg for more as the vicious king and the soulless rabbit enjoyed this bonding moment.

They were so lost in their cuddles that they didn’t even notice Fluttershy had returned home until she entered her bedroom.

“Angel, I—” she started before she froze, transfixed at the scene before her as Angel leapt into Sombra’s arms and both Sombra and Angel stared back at Fluttershy.

Sombra bit his lip. “I can explain.”

Fluttershy shook her head as she approached the two and sat down next to Sombra. “Explain what? That Angel’s responding far better to you than to any of my friends?” she said as Angel nuzzled against Sombra’s chest under his masterful stroking. “You must have a real talent for handling animals.”

Sombra blinked. “You… could say that.” If by animals you mean slaves.

Fluttershy watched Sombra and Angel enjoy each others’ company. “Who are you, anyway? I don’t think I’ve seen you around town before.”

Sombra sucked his teeth. He learned a long time ago that honesty was the best policy when dealing with mares. “I’m King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. I was recently killed by a wave of love magic and revived a few months ago by an unrelated blast of magic. Since my unexpected revival, I’ve been stalking you for a chance to cuddle with this rabbit because I sensed great evil within him.”

Fluttershy chuckled. “You’re funny, you know that?” she said as she looked at Sombra petting Angel. “But seriously, who are you? I don’t think King Sombra would be so good with animals. At least not the King Sombra I encountered.” Fluttershy shuddered.

Sombra was at an impasse. Honesty usually worked in these scenarios. He supposed his next course of action would be to lie through his teeth. “I’m, uh, Brown Derby, a... haberdasher from Canterlot. I… haberdash.”

Fluttershy hummed. “That sounds nice. I have a friend who designs clothing as well. Her name’s Rarity. I’m sure the two of you would get along well. You should meet her sometime.”

“Yeah, I… probably should,” Sombra said as he felt Angel purr against his chest. He looked down at the rabbit, who looked up as well. Sombra could see the utter malice that Angel contained and he was sure that Angel could feel the bottled ire that Sombra held in his heart as well.

“So, what are you doing in Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked.

Sombra looked up. “What?”

“Are you here for business or pleasure?”

Sombra looked down, attempting to construct the perfect alibi for his presence that wasn’t the truth. “Well, I heard about the wonderful new crystalline castle that Princess Twilight Sparkle had acquired for herself and I had to examine it for myself. I then grew weary from all of the… examining and thought that this building was a hostel of some sort, where I met this lovely bunny you have here,” he said as he snuggled Angel.

Fluttershy giggled. “Well, I can understand if you were tired and needed a place to rest your hooves. I try to keep my home open to all those who need help—pony or animal.”

Sombra looked around. “This is your home?”

“Yes, it is,” Fluttershy said with a nod.

“Well, it’s a very nice home you have here. Rather warm and inviting.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you. I hope you don’t mind the smell, though. It tends to come with housing multiple animals."

King Sombra felt the foul stench burn his nostrils and permeate his very soul. “What smell? I didn’t notice a smell.”

“Oh, you’re too kind,” Fluttershy said as she blushed. She continued to observe Angel embracing Sombra as Sombra stroked Angel. “He seems to have really taken to you. I wonder why?”

Sombra shrugged. “He probably just senses that we’re kindred spirits.” Kindred spirits of cruelty.

Author's Note:

Blame Rainedash.

Comments ( 50 )

Angel Bunny and Sombra...
I ship it.

I sensed great evil within him.


I read that, and then spent five minutes of my day making an unrelated joke of a photo.

Merry Christmas.

Majin Syeekoh

5629866 Thnx bby u no I :heart: u.

... I have to read this. I have no choice.

The power of Majin compels me!

You actually wrote it. You actually physically sat down, opened a document, and wrote this insane, illogical, incomprehensible idea we came up with.

Syeekoh, don't ever change.

Fluttershy felt way too chatty for somepony who discovered some other pony sneaked inside of her bedroom to cuddle with her bunny.
But she comically missing the point made me laugh.

This is too brilliant. It makes way too much sense, too.

I'm calling it: Gonna be featured soon.

To quote one of the best meme makers online


But no really: great fic m9

You brilliant monster. I love you and I hate you for this at the same time.

Majin Syeekoh

5630116 Feel the cuddles!

5630119 And now I picture Angel having the same problem with Zorc.

Majin Syeekoh

5630116 Thnx bby, I appreciate it.

Great story, Syeekoh. 10/10

Majin Syeekoh

5630309 And I love you for reading it.

5630310 Thanks baby.


Majin Syeekoh

5630671 You know you want to.:pinkiecrazy:

5630676 Must... Resist... Urge...

King Sombra felt the foul stench burn his nostrils and permeate his very soul. “What smell? I didn’t notice a smell.”

Damn, that's a good line.

5630798 This story is literally the textbook definition of random. I liked it. :P

Majin Syeekoh

5630800 Thank you! I happen to like it, too.

5630803 And thank you for the compliment as well.:twilightsmile:

Dammit, Maj, you're making me fave a story about Sombra hugging Angel. :rainbowlaugh: I hope you're happy!

I thought Sombra was going to be slow and accidentally crush Angel. Imagine my surprise and slight disappointment when that did not happen.

This story made me as happy as the milliner's wife, so take a favorite and a like.


*giggles madly*

Majin Syeekoh

5631141 ...you're a monster.

Because why the heck not?

5632358 Just like Angel Bunny.

King Sombra, the most evil villain to ever grace the world has returned.........! :raritydespair:

............to cuddle a rabbit. :rainbowderp:

Imagine if Voldemort came back to life in order to have a quick little snuggle with Crookshanks :rainbowlaugh:

There is only one option Angel bunny and Sombra must join forces and bend the Everfree forest to their will or Sombra becomes Fluttershys animal handler for the more malevolent critters and is paid in angel bunny snuggles. :raritystarry:

5633366 that image of Voldemort made me do a perfect spit take

....What did I just read? And why was it so cute?

Awesome & 20% more evil with Angel:rainbowlaugh:

Omygoodness, couldn't stop laughing. I have an odd sense of humor, but still ten out of ten! :moustache:

Just the description got me laughing!!!!!

Needs more harberdashing.

Majin Syeekoh

8034815 I mean, maybe.

It’s been over a year since I’ve written this, though, so I’m not entirely certain.

8034909 But think of the potential harberdashing...

Majin Syeekoh

8034918 I have to admit that the haberdashery humor would be great...

8034920 The Harberdashery of Doom. What else would be fitting for a ki- harberdasher?

Majin Syeekoh

8034927 that does sound pretty amusing, yeah:rainbowlaugh:

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