• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 1,176 Views, 29 Comments

Childhood Sweethearts - Ribe_FireRain

You, Cerulean Blaze, have found a place in your heart for one of your dear friends. Question is, ''does she have the same emotion in her heart to share?''.

  • ...

First Day Of School and New Friend

Finally, after a day of arranging boxes and old furniture around to shape your new house into a place you could call home, you next task was to go to your new school, located just outside of town.

It wasn't that much different than your average school house with its freshly painted, cherry-red structure with small pink hearts and horseshoes painted just below the start of the roof and around the borderlines of the whole building. On top was a small bell tower with a gleaming, golden bell hanging from a pole that went through it on a vertical axis.

As you neared the school house and prepared to start the day with some nervousness lingering in your mind about how it would turn out, you saw who you assumed to be the teacher standing outside on the porch, welcoming the students as she allowed them entry and to take their seats.

Her mane was a soft pink with a very light hue of white in it that made it glisten softly and it contrasted nicely with her maroon coat and sparkling green eyes that were just a tad darker than Sweetie Belle's. On her flanks was a cutie mark of three blooming flowers with pink petals and smiling faces in the middle over a yellow centre.

Just as she was letting the last couple colts and fillies into the school, you appeared to be the last one and for a moment you could see her looking you over with a welcoming smile and slight curiosity.

''You must be Cerulean! So nice to meet you, I've already heard about you from your mother. I'm Miss Cheerilee, by the way. I'll be teaching you throughout the year.'' She said in a friendly manner. Nodding back in acknowledgement, you gave back a small wave with a hoof.

''Nice to meet you too, Miss Cheerilee. Also, everyone calls me Blaze.'' You said with a smile before you entered the room where all the other fillies and colts were sat and right away you could easily pick out the three you met earlier - Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle - all of which sat near each other.

Scootaloo sat at the back of the room on the far right, Sweetie sat bang in the middle of the room and Apple Bloom sat on the front row on the far right. However, seeing as you were new to the class, Miss Cheerilee took it upon herself to introduce you to the rest of the small class that only consisted of around ten or so kids, you included.

''Alright, everypony, today we have a new student joining us today, so please give a warm welcome to Cerulean Blaze!'' You felt a small blush on my cheeks at the welcome everypony in the room gave me as they applauded with their hooves clattering softly on the surfaces of the desk.

After the small introduction, Miss Cheerilee directed you to the back of the room where she sat you at the only empty desk that was directly next to Scootaloo's. Taking your seat and getting comfortable, you momentarily waved a hoof to her and she gave one back, a warm smile upon her lips.

Moving back to the front of the room and standing beside her desk and grabbing a piece of chalk, Cheerilee trotted over to the large, green chalk board that had a fair amount of old chalk lines across it's surface and began writing before turning back to the class and placing the piece of white chalk aside.

Motioning to the word 'Literature' on the board, she looked back at the class. ''Alright, everypony, let's get today's lesson started.'' She began, scribbling yet another thing or two onto the board before turning back to us. ''I want you all to get out your text books and turn to page fifty-seven. For the first half of the day, we're going to learn about Griffon History.''

You heard a groan or two come from some of the students, obviously less than uninterested in the topic. You, however, had a small smile on your lips at the mention of griffon history. At least there was an upside to moving to Ponyville.

*** *** ***

Time went on into the later hours of the day and you found yourself to actually be enjoying the lesson in class, something that you would rarely ever feeling.

The silence of the room with all the students working was only broken by the sound of pencils scribbling on paper and the occasional turn of a page. Beside you, you could see that Scootaloo had long grown bored and fell asleep in class, her head planted softly on top of her book and her face was facing you.

You thought she looked kinda cute as she let out a soft exhale of air with every breath she took and her expression looked so peaceful. In a way, you thought she looked a little angelic in that pose. When you were about to turn back to your work, the bell that signaled break time sounded and it was enough to wake up the deeply sleeping pegasus as everypony was being dismissed and let outside.

However, when Scootaloo and you were about to leave, Cheerilee stopped the two of you for a moment, looking at Scootaloo who had a confused but somewhat knowing look in her eyes.

''I need you to stay behind, Scootaloo. I saw you sleeping again through class.'' She turned to you, her look softening momentarily. ''You can go, Blaze, this'll only take a moment or two.'' Softly, you looked to Scootaloo and she said for you to leave and that she'd be fine. Slowly but reluctantly, you left the two alone and wandered outside into the playground.

You had no idea what that was about but you could only assume that it isn't the first time Scootaloo had fallen asleep during a lesson that was in session and you couldn't help but have some worry for your new friend.

Just as quickly as you stepped outside, you could see both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle talking together outside by the playground equipment. Not knowing anypony else, you decided to walk over to them and see what they were up to. As they saw you approach, they waved to you and you waved back.

The two of them looked behind you momentarily with expectant expressions on their faces.

''Hey, Blaze? Where's Scoots? Wasn't she with you on your way out?'' Sweetie asked, a brow half raised. You simply shrugged.

''Miss Cheerilee told her to stay behind. I only presumed it was because she fell asleep in class.'' You explained briefly, earning a soft chuckle from Apple Bloom.

''Ah've heard that one before. It's not like Scootaloo ta enjoy literature.'' She laughed momentarily before pointing a hoof behind her. ''Oh, here she comes now.''

Coming beside us, Scootaloo joined the group, a slightly saddened look on her face, causing her two friends to cast worried looks. ''What's up, Scoots? You okay?'' Sweetie asked her, touching a hoof to her shoulder but Scootaloo didn't look up for a moment. ''Scoots?''

''Miss Cheerilee's upset with me.'' She said, her tone sounding sorry for herself. ''She says that if I don't pay attention in class she won't have a choice but to kick me out.'' She finished with a frown, the news shocking her friends and you.

''W-What?!'' Apple Bloom exclaimed in an outburst of shock. ''Kick you out?! Where would you even go?'' Scootaloo shrugged.

''I dunno. I guess it wouldn't even matter. I can't even stay awake sometimes during Twilight Time, nevermind school.'' She sighed. ''I don't know what to do. I'm screwed!''

You couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. That upset look on her face set it all and it hurt your heart to see it. Nudging her hoof with your own, she curiously looked you in the eyes, making her now glistening purple eyes visible to you.

''Hey, Scootaloo, I may not have known you that long but if it'd help, I'd be more than happy to help you with your work. Y'know, if you'd like to, that is.'' You offered to her and she managed a smile but still held that doubtful look.

''I-I dunno, Blaze. I think that she was already upset with me to begin with and that she has already given me too many chances that I think that one was my last. If Miss Cheerilee can't help me, how can you?'' She raised a brow at you quizzically.

You felt a soft blush tinge your cheeks a bright rosey colour. ''I was top of my class back where I'm from.'' You admitted and to your surprise, that got an impressed look out of the pegasus. ''Trust me, Scootaloo, I can help you if you need it. All you gotta do is ask me.'' You said with a smile and she smiled back.

Surprisingly and taking you largely aback, you felt the hooves of Scootaloo wrapping around you and pulling you into a brief hug, showing how grateful she was for your offer. When she let go, you could see that she too was now blushing, a little brighter than the fires in your own cheeks.

''Thanks, Blaze. I appreciate it, I really do. So, when should we get started?''

''Just stop by my place whenever you have the time and we'll work from there.'' You said right before the bell rang again and you found yourself back in the classroom and with your nose deep in the text book again.

Occasionally, you would take a glance towards Scootaloo, seeing that same confused expression from before. With a hoof, she held her head and a heavily confused look was on her face as she stared down at the text book, presumably trying to figure out whatever she was looking at meant.

You thought about trying to talk to her or getting her attention so you could help her but went against it when you saw Cheerilee looking over your way to the back of the room with a knowing expression on her face. Clearly, she has been watching the two of you for a while now.

Immediately, you got back to work until the bell rang, indicating that today was over. As everypony filed out of the classroom in a hurried manner, you were again the second to last one out, followed by Scootaloo. As you exited the school house, she called after you.

''Hey, Blaze, wait!'' She called, causing you to stop with a confused look on your face as you turned her direction, watching her run up to you and skidding to a halt just in front of you. ''You got a minute?''

You blinked. ''Y-Yeah, sure. What's up?''

Awkwardly, Scootaloo started pawing at the floor with her hoof, averting her eyes from yours as a somewhat uncomfortable look crossed her features. ''Blaze, I-I was wondering...w-when you offered to help m-me...'' She stopped herself, clearly looking incredibly uneasy at what she was going to ask.

From her looks alone, you guessed that she never or rarely asked for help with any form of work, especially from a colt in particular that made it all the more impossible for her to ask such a simple thing with all the nervousness rolling through her body.

''Scootaloo...yeah, sure. I don't mind if you want to come around to study with me.'' You finished her own sentence for her, causing her to blush softly. You suppressed a laugh.

''R-Really?'' She asked, clearly surprised. ''You'd do that?''

You nodded. ''Of course. Come on, I'll walk you over.'' At that, her blush seemed to deepen, but you simply thought nothing of it. The majority of the walk to your house was spent in complete and utter silence that was only broken by the breathing of the two of you and the sounds of the birds that sang in the trees above and around you.

All the while, Scootaloo kept her head down and her blush still lingered there, fading a bit. You have only known her for roughly a day and already things in your mind started to get a little awkward. Oddly, she kept blushing when she was around you which you found kind of weird but didn't think nothing of it at the times it happened.

Your train of thought ended as you came to be standing in front of your new house. It wasn't anything different or special than the other traditional Ponyville houses around town but the main structure itself was designed to house four, allowing enough space that is more than enough for just you and your mother.

Times from long ago made you heavily miss the point in life where you used to have a family of three under one roof. With one down from that number, it only left you and your mother to fill the space with the rest of pure emptiness and a memory of who wasn't there anymore.

The roof of the house was made from the typical hay and wood materials that was on most other houses in town and the bodywork matched with the white and brown wood paneling that reinforced it to stand tall and straight. Other than when you got here, the newest addition to the household was your mailbox, standing proudly out front.
It was an average sized, metallic blue painted box with a custom yellow thunderbolt marker attached to the side.

Looking to Scootaloo, you motioned with a hoof for her to follow you inside your house and once you were both inside, you closed the door behind you.

Seeing your house for the first time, Scootaloo took in her surroundings, seemingly quite amazed by the decoration and cleanliness of the room. All the walls were painted in a soft blue colour, nearly matching the light blue in your mane and the ceilings were a perfect white.

With no other movement audible but yours and Scootaloo's own hooves, you realized that you were the only ones home.

On walls pictures hung, displaying old and new memories of your life as you grew up. Despite all the others, you couldn't help but notice see Scootaloo look over to one in particular - a large, framed photo covered by glass that hung on the far wall of the room that was located next to the fireplace at the back end.

It displayed three family members, you and your mother and a proudly smiling stallion with a coat as white as yours and a blue mane and tale with eyes that match that almost matched a perfect resemblance to your own.

She looked as though she wanted to say something but wisely kept her mouth closed, not wanting to unintentionally hurt you.

The rest of the room was just as tidy as the rest and the only furniture covering the available space was a couple of small couches aligned perfectly at the edges of the dark blue rug in a 'L' formation that sat comfortably in the middle. On the centre of the rug was a small, black framed glass coffee table.

You led Scootaloo towards the stairs and the two of you ascended them to the second floor where you showed her to your new room, closing the door behind you with a creak.

Unlike your room back at Manehatten, this one was tidier and much cleaner with the same coating of paint as downstairs. From the left of the entrance of the room stood your bed with Wonderbolt sheets adorning it as the covers with a matching pillow that had the Wonderbolt's thunderbolt logo in a blue shield printed onto it. Beside your bed was a small bookcase, various editions and volumes of books displayed with their spines towards you so you know their identity.

Along the walls were some of your racing memorabilia posters from your old room along with a few pictures on shelves of you and your family, some with the whole family whilst most were only of you and your mother.

To the far right of the room was a small window that sat in front of a small desk that had a few bits and pieces laid out over it. Some were old parts from your scooter that were placed to the left side and the rest were new parts to replace the taken out old parts that were placed onto the right side.

On the centre of the table was the scooter itself, the body detached from the handle bars and ready to be fixed up. Leaning on the side of the desk was the handlebars, in desperate need of repair but you couldn't bring yourself to change them around because of what they reminded you of and how dear they were to you.

Moving beside your bookcase, you pulled out a book from the middle that was dark blue-grey in colour and read 'Griffon Kingdom History' on the front in bold, gold letters. Positioning yourself so that you were sitting on your bed, you placed the book down on your lap and patted the covers with your hoof and motioned to Scootaloo to take a seat beside you.

Hesitantly, Scootaloo came towards the bed and slowly climbed her way on top and all of a sudden, her nervousness was gone as she found great comfort in the plushy covers. Taking a nearby pencil, you hoofed it over to her before taking one for yourself along with a couple pieces of paper.

Without wasting time, you opened the book to around it's midpoint and began reading from there whilst pointing out key facts to Scootaloo along the way to help her out and to show her that it isn't as hard as she thought it was and was in fact pretty easy.

The two of you studied for quite some time and for once, Scootaloo was finding herself to be enjoying what she was learning. She particularly liked the old fighting techniques and strategies that the griffons used in olden times and learning about their older and newer model armour.

However, as the time rolled into the later hours of the upcoming night, you took a momentary glance at your bedside clock and your eyes shrank a little in shock upon realizing that it was nearing half seven! You were both so caught up in your studying that you forgot about checking the time every so often!

Scootaloo seemed to take notice, too as she also began to have a short panic attack. She didn't even tell her parents where she was going after school or even what time she would be home. By now they were probably getting worried!

Shocked, she dropped her pencil and paper and jumped from the bed, her panic growing deeper. Climbing off the bed yourself, you held her shoulders and tried to get her attention so she wouldn't freak out. It seemed to work when her trembling figure started to die down a little and she looked into your eyes.

''Calm down, Scootaloo, I'm sure there isn't anything that bad to worry about.'' You said in a comforting tone and it seemed to work when you could feel her physically relax and she let out a deep sigh to get her rapid breathing under control. ''Come on, if you're that worried, I'll walk you home. How's that sound?''

She blushed again and nodded.

Trotting your way out of your room after Scootaloo and closing the door, you grabbed your blue Wonderbolt scarf with the lightning bolt on the ends and offered it to Scootaloo who hesitantly took it with a grateful smile and wrapped it around her neck.

Leaving your house, you followed Scootaloo by walking next to her as you escorted her home. Outside, the night was growing darker in a blanket of blackness that was followed by glittery, white dots in the sky that set a romantic scene along with the brilliant white light from the moon than hung in the skies above.

All through the time the two of you were walking together, you would take a momentary glance towards the skies, admiring the beauty of the scenery around you. Looking away from the sky, you both momentarily looked into each others eyes before immediately breaking contact as fierce blushes ravaged through your cheeks.

When you finally arrived at Scootaloo's house, you saw that it was pretty much the same as your own house, design-wise. The only difference was that the colour of the structure was of a light blue and grey colour that looked rather plain.

Walking her to her front door, Scootaloo stopped before she could turn the handle to the door and looked you in the eyes with a soft look. She unwrapped the scarf you gave her for the walk back and held it to you.

For a moment, you stared at it before looking back into her eyes with a smile and you pushed it gently to her chest with a hoof. ''You keep it.'' You said softly before she unexpectedly pulled you into a hug.
Whilst you were being held in her embrace, you could smell what you knew was the scent of Tressehoof shampoo.

''Thanks, Blaze. For everything. You're a great friend.'' She said before she broke away with a blush on her cheeks, like you did. She said her goodbye's before she entered her house and left you standing there with a perplexed expression as the last word that left her mouth lingered in your mind.


Since the first day you met Scootaloo, it wasn't no lie that you found yourself to take a liking to her and through all the moments you got to hang around with her, from school to your house, you found that you had some things in common. But already, for her to deem you as a friend? That was unexpected.

You let a smile creep onto your lips as you turned around and began to walk home, the word still hanging around in your head.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the Tresseme pun! Couldn't resist! Resistance was futile!