• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 1,176 Views, 29 Comments

Childhood Sweethearts - Ribe_FireRain

You, Cerulean Blaze, have found a place in your heart for one of your dear friends. Question is, ''does she have the same emotion in her heart to share?''.

  • ...

You've Got Some Explaining To Do!

Author's Note:

Tension is abrewing! Come and join the fun! Enjoy this one, I'm tired as f*ck!

This was going to be longer, but because I couldn't be bothered with adding the parts in, I didn't do so. May be bad for my work, but now and again or even once won't kill me.

Enjoy the chapter!

Today was another, casual Tuesday - School time for all the local colts and fillies.

You had long been up since unusually early hours from your annoyingly distracting thoughts and your eyes felt heavy with sleep, threatening to close whilst you were scooting on route to the school house.

Even now, your thoughts became a major distraction to you and they never seemed to leave you alone for even the smallest amount of time, driving you crazy in your tired state. At this rate, the only thing keeping you awake was concentrating on where you were going on your scooter and the wind blowing in your face that felt a mix of both warm and cold, holding a sense of relaxation with it.

Ponyville was gentle and still at this time in the morning and for that, you were thankful. Otherwise, you may very well bump into somepony or something else. Oh, and speaking of things to crash into, your eyes drooped downwards and for a second, you were asleep before you got awoken by a female voice that was caught off guard to your ears and you collided, getting thrown from your scooter and landing on top of the pony and falling down a nearby ditch with them before landing in a heap on the floor, your scooter landing beside you with a crash.

Fortunately, despite your helmet's old age, it still managed to withstand such forceful blows of many severity levels.

Looking below you to apologize to the pony you crashed into, all sleep requirements forgotten, you gawked at who it was, and so did she.
It was none other than Scootaloo, your crush.

In an instant, you jumped off of her, a blush burning your cheeks. Getting up herself and dusting off her coat, she undid her purple and white striped helmet that rested firmly atop her scruffy, purple mane to match and pulled it off. Looking into your eyes, she too blushed a softer shade of pink and when you caught her expression, you couldn't help but notice a strange look in her eye that you haven't quite seen before.

''S-Scoots.'' You said awkwardly and slowly, averting your eyes from hers.

''Cerulean.'' She said back, her voice surprisingly calm. You heard her come a little closer and your heartbeat began to pound with nervousness. ''I've been wanting to see you.'' Blinking, you turned your head back around to face her and oddly, her eyes seemed to hold traces of both worry and...anger?

''Scoots, I-I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention and I-'' She stuffed her hoof in your mouth, silencing you.

''I'm getting tired of this, Cerulean. Since before yesterday, you've been acting so nervous and I'm worried about you. Especially since the other day when Apple Bloom ran from the clubhouse crying.'' Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at you and you reeled back at her intimidating stare and she lowered her hoof to allow you to speak. ''You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?''

Oh, no! No,no,no,no,no,no,NO! Your mind began to race and your heart felt as though it was doing a rapid drum solo. I should have known she'd figure it out eventually! Oh, no! No! She's gonna hate me! HATE ME! There's no backing out of this one! If I don't answer her, she's surely going to hate me forever!

Slowly, you backed up from her, feeling increasingly uneasy at that stare she was giving you.

No matter what you could do to make an escape, you could already tell that there was going to be no way out from this one.

Slowly but surely, you ended up with you back pressed against a tree and before you could make your move from the position you were now in, you found yourself to be boxed between the tree and the intimidating pegasus whom was now directly in front of you, her muzzle pressed against yours and you could feel her warm breath on your lips.

Though pleasant, it only added to the intimidation factor of the moment.

''S-Scoot-Scootaloo, I-I, um, I-'' You stammered but found no words to form a sentence. She lightly pressed her muzzle against yours, narrowing her eyes further to a piercing glare, like she was trying to pick the answer from you.

''If you got nothing to hide, why are you trying to get away?'' She raised her brow at you, frowning. ''I wanna know what's been going on and you are going to tell me, right now!''

Thump, thump, thump!

Your heart was going at a rapid beat, audible in your ears. All you could do was stare with small, terrified blue eyes into the amethyst eyes of your crush and know what was about to happen.

One way or another, you knew it had to come out.

Awaiting your response to her question, she continued to push against your muzzle, her breath warming your lips so much that you felt them become increasingly moist. Sweat rolled down your head from beneath your helmet and slid past your temple, the cool bead dripping off of your cheek and onto the ground below with a barely audible 'plop'.

As gentle as you could, you shakily pushed her away from you with your hoof against her chest. Staring at you with a slightly softened expression, you tried to calm down your breathing to find your voice to finally come clean.

''Scoots, p-please promise me that no ma-matter what I tell y-you, you will still b-be my f-friend.'' You tried to say as calmly as you could but it came out as a quiet mumble. Seeming to understand you, her eyes softened their gaze upon yours and she nodded once.

Breathing a heavy sigh, you began explaining whilst she listened closely. From when you first met her to how you felt about her and your still developing feelings to the part with the clubhouse where Apple Bloom kissed you out of the blue.

At the mention of what her friend had done behind her back, you could practically feel the anger radiate off of her, as if her orange fur coat had turned into a coat of burning fuel.

''S-S-SHE WHAT?!'' She exclaimed and the purple that made her eyes began to bubble with rising anger. ''Apple Bloom KISSED you?!'' You nodded awkwardly, your nervousness growing ever so deeper. ''Me and her are so gonna have a little talk later at school!''

''NO!'' You exclaimed uncontrollably. Scootaloo looked at you awkwardly for a moment, taken aback by your outburst. Blushing dimly, you said in a much softer tone, ''I-I mean...no. Scoots, please don't! I swear, I didn't know she had a crush on me! But I-''

''But you what?'' Scootaloo said, anger returning to her voice as her suspicion was once again aroused. ''Do you like her? Did you miss something out or do you actually not like me at all?''

Yourself growing a little mad at her saying such a thing after you spilled out your heart and feelings for her, you also began to gain a slightly angered tone of voice. ''Scoots! No! As a friend, yes, but as a fillyfriend? No! I swear, Scoots, we're only friends! Nothing more!''

''I don't believe you!'' Her stubborn mind refused to give in to your pleas of love and affection for her.

''But I do, Scoots! I mean, come on, seriously?! You and me are close friends! I like you and I know that you like me, too!'' You covered your mouth, not meant to say that last part. ''I...I mean...''

Scootaloo's eyes grew wide as a new found anger raged within them. ''Wait, what?! You knew all along?! Who told you? Was it...'' Her mouth hung open. ''...Sweetie Belle...'' She gasped, hurt evident in her voice from her close friend whom she considers her sister that told her biggest secret.

All the while, you watched her brew with boiling anger for her friends' betrayal to her. ''You can't be serious! No, you just can't be! How could she tell you?! How?!''

''Scoots!'' You shouted, grabbing her attention. ''For Celestia's sake, calm down! It was obvious you liked me! Quite a few ponies know about it, in fact!''

She stared at you flatly. ''What?! A few?! How many is a few?!''

''Well, Miss Cheerilee, for one.''


''And Halo,''


''and Archer,''


''oh, and Rumble.''

She looked as if she was about to faint. ''R-R-Rumble knows, too?!'' She exclaimed, her own heart pounding furiously at the foreseeable embarrassment that was going to come in the upcoming week.

''Why is it such big of a deal to you? You know that I liked you to begin with, let alone Rumble liking you! Besides, I know you know he likes you, too!''

''Cerulean, I'm gonna kill you!'' She pounced on top of you without a second thought and you thanked Celestia for that helmet strapped to your head when she plowed you head-first into the trunk of the tree behind your back.

On top of you, she thumped you with her hooves, yet they didn't really seem to be felt by your nerves and it didn't pose or render as a full-on assault. It didn't stop her from trying, though.

She pummeled your chest and face with her hooves and knowing that you couldn't hit her for any reason, you easily blocked her semi-forceful blows with your hooves and eventually managed to push her off of you. Yet, she wasn't giving up so easily.

With a flap of her wings, you were taken by surprise when she rammed into you at a high velocity, taking your helmet off from the following impact as you were thrown with her on top of you once again into some nearby bushes.

The two of you rolled around, switching places with who was on top of each other as you were tossed around. Sticks are twigs got into both of your manes and coats with pockets of sticky tree sap and caused them to be stuck up and ruffled, sticking out at all angles and at different places.

Eventually giving up from trying to fight you, seeing that you were too strong to actually physically feel a punch from the other pegasus, she released you and you both frantically got to your hooves, staring into each other's eyes whilst you panted for breath.

''S-Scoots, listen to me! It is all just a misunderstanding!'' You tried to reason with her but she didn't buy it.

''A misunderstanding, huh?'' She rolled her eyes at you and guffawed ''No, I don't think so!''

''Dammit, why are you being so stubborn?! Why won't you listen to me!'' You snapped back, seeming to amuse her.

''Because I don't believe you!''

Your ear twitched. ''Oh, you want me to prove that I don't like Apple Bloom? Is that it?'' She nodded firmly, eyes closed.

''Alright, fine! You asked for it!'' Determination taking over your mind and without a second thought, you came closer to her and with her eyes closed, you tightly wrapped your hooves around the back of her neck and back and pulled her in closer, touching your lips to hers in the best passionate kiss you could offer.

You closed your eyes and hers snapped open, shrinking in shock at what was happening as a blush burned her cheeks, possibly the brightest she has ever managed to burn before.

You were amazed by how soft her lips were against yours and you could easily tell that she thought the same. They tasted surprisingly sweet and were incredibly smooth.

The kiss lasted for a blissful few seconds before you broke away, opening your glistening eyes at the speechless Scootaloo in front of you.

''T-There! Satisfied?'' You asked her. She simply stood and stared at you with shocked eyes, still trying to process the moment of your lips connecting. She looked like she wanted to say something, presumably still go against believing you, but wisely kept her mouth shut.

Coming close in front of you, Scootaloo stopped just inches away from your muzzle and unexpectedly raised a hoof. Eyeing it for a brief second, you barely had any time to react, let alone a second, before it collided forcefully with your cheek and sent you into the floor.

Quickly recovering from the surprise assault, you gawked at her as you rubbed your sore left cheek. Without a doubt, that was going to leave a bruise.

''That's for not telling me sooner about that kiss between you and Apple Bloom!'' She shouted at you, taking you aback. However that compared nothing to what happened next.

Coming beside you, she raised you from the ground with ease, holding her gentle but strong hooves around you. ''And this is to make up for it.'' Without hesitation, Scootaloo pulled you closer and connected her lips with yours, pushing against yours in an attempt of showing her affection towards you.

Surprised at first at the kiss, you slowly settled into it, pressing you lips against hers as the two of you closed your eyes and let pure bliss take over.

You both almost didn't realize that your wings had puffed out at your sides at their full lengths.

After around a minute or so of being locked in the affectionate moment, Scootaloo pulled away and you were a little disappointed that the moment had to end.

''Wow...'' You murmured dreamily. ''...that was awesome.'' You finished, seeing her look back at you with those cute eyes of hers, an all new look behind them.

''You weren't so bad yourself, but you don't beat me just yet.'' She smirked at you.

''Hey, I didn't see you having the courage to start this off! Besides, I could always go for a rematch!'' You retorted with a smirk of your own and she blushed.

''Perhaps some other time, Cerulean.'' She smiled and you smiled back, the taste of her lips still lingering on your own. ''Come on, Miss Cheerilee's probably wandering what happened to us.''

At the mention of school, panic began to set its way in at the realization that the two of you have been down here for a long time.
the two of you went back to get your scooters and helmets and when you strapped them on, you both made your way out of the ditch and carried your scooters along with you.

Upon getting to the top, a challenging smile smeared itself across Scootaloo's lips and with a confused look, you watched her set her hooves onto her own scooter (which was a little more of the down-grade, standard type than yours) and when she turned to you, her smile widened into a daring smirk.

''Race ya!'' And like that, she was off!

Watching her go out of sight, a smirk crossed your own lips as you got on your scooter and flared out your wings. ''Oh, it is so on!''

*** *** ***

The wheels of your scooter screeched as they halted to a stop outside of the school house and you stood with a triumphant smirk at your victory against Scootaloo who also came in with a screech of her wheels and came to a stop beside you.

She panted deep breaths. ''No fair!'' She wheezed. You smiled wider at her, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

''Hey, there's always next time.'' You assured her and she only sighed in defeat at that grin on your lips. Pouting cutely she playfully punched your shoulder.

''Yeah, next time you'll be mine!''

Sharing a laugh, the two of you entered the school house with your scooters, the teacher who was sat behind her desk at the time looking up at you both with a quizzical expression in her light green eyes, her brow raised as she came towards you.

''There you two ponies are!'' She began, stopping in front of you. ''You are over half an hour late! What happened to the two of you?'' She motioned to your coats and manes that sat beneath your helmets.

Confused at first, you both looked each other over, noticing what she meant by all of the visible scuffs and dirt covering your coats and manes, the tree sap and traces of broken twigs still stuck inside them.

Immediately, blushes burned your cheeks and you looked down in embarrassment. Amongst the occupants of school children in the room, you could have sworn you heard a familiar snicker that you recognized as the kind that belonged to none other than Halo.

''Um...we cr-crashed.'' You said quietly, feeling awkward.

''Yeah, pretty hard, from the looks of it...'' A barely audible voice whispered with a delighted giggle that was barely suppressed by the owner of the voice. Your ear twitching, you looked over with wide eyes at Halo whom was trying not to burst into a giggling fit at her desk.

''I heard that!'' You scolded the soft pink filly and she burst into a laughing fit, earning a round from some of the other students, including Archer, Rumble, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Trying to ignore their teasing and tormenting laughter, you both rolled your eyes and let it go over your head, attempting to turn it on deaf ears.

''Alright, everypony, that's enough!'' The teacher commanded and at the firm voice of their well-respected teacher, silence fell upon the room and once she was satisfied, she turned towards you with one final glare before she ordered us back to our seats and going back to her desk, resuming what she was doing before your entry. ''As for you two, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you both detention after school.''

Detentions may sound bad, but if it meant you got to spend it with Scootaloo, you seriously and honestly didn't find the need to care less about it. Since opening up to her about your feelings that you had for her, you felt a whole lot more comfortable around her as a friend and- No, she wasn't just your friend now, she was practically your fillyfriend.

When you were seated, you gave a smile to Scootaloo and she gladly returned it. Turning forward, you looked briefly to the row in front of you and to the desk that Apple Bloom occupied. She had her back turned to you and her head was hung down as she was concentrating on writing what you assumed was the work set by the teacher. Like any other day, it was the same - Literature.

You desperately wanted to tap her on the back and see if she was alright after yesterday and possibly get an answer from her but decided against it at the risk of making an even bigger fool of yourself than you and Scootaloo did on your entry not long ago.

Sighing internally, you opened up your desk and took out a pencil before you too started to write the work up on some pre-placed paper in front of you.

*** *** ***

''Cerulean!'' You turned your head from the conversation you was having with Scootaloo, Rumble, Archer and Halo like you always would do during recess to face the furious face of Sweetie Belle whom was stomping her way across to you with a rarely seen anger burning behind her green eyes like torches

Coming directly in front of you and stopping an inch or so from your muzzle, she didn't hesitate to raise her hoof and give you a firm, solid smack across the cheek that sent you sprawling to the left, thankfully not hitting the ground thanks to the agility of Rumble who caught you in his hooves.

With a stunned expression and gaping mouth, Scootaloo turned to her friend with angry eyes. ''Sweetie! What's wrong with you! What did you do that for!?'' She brought her own muzzle up to hers and matched her piercing glare.

Recovering from the surprisingly hard smack from Sweetie, you picked yourself from Rumble's hooves and came out of the daze it put you in. Rubbing your now sore cheek and feeling a pain run through the whole of your jaw, you stared wide eyed at your assaulter. You have never seen Sweetie so mad before and honestly, it was scary for you to witness.

Especially since that anger was all directed towards you for some unknown reason.

''Don't you ever do anything to hurt Apple Bloom again, you jerk!'' She screamed at you with fury filling her angelic voice, adding a more threatening and darker tone to what it would normally sound like as she pushed Scootaloo aside, ignoring her as if it was only between you and her on the playground.

You stared at her with a shocked and confused expression, yet soon realized what she was on about. ''W-What?! Sweetie, what's gotten into you?! I've done nothing to hurt Apple Bloom, ever! Why would you even think that I'd do anything to her! She's my friend!''

She huffed, flaring her nostrils as her anger still burned. ''Well, some friend you turned out to be! She told me about what happened and do you even know how upset she is because of you?!'' At that fire in her eyes, you etched back slightly.

''Sweetie, it isn't like that!'' Scootaloo defended, getting back in front of Sweetie, a mix of anger and fear in her own eyes towards her friend's unusual attitude. Sweetie shoved her chest.

''Oh, you're siding with him now? Who's friend are you, Scoots, his or mine?''

Scootaloo scoffed. ''Are you serious!? Cerulean hasn't done anything to hurt Apple Bloom, and you know it! He told me everything and it's all just a huge misunderstanding! If Apple Bloom told you about it, she surely didn't tell you it right because that wasn't what happened!''

You came beside Scootaloo and draped your wing across her back and she smiled to you and you returned it. Sweetie still held a frown but when she looked at your white, well-preened wing draped across her friend's orange furred back, she held a softer expression in her eyes.

''So that's why you two were late? A little 'alone' time?'' She snickered behind a hoof and some of her anger was disposed. You and Scootaloo blushed. ''I always wandered when you were going to ask her. I'm happy for you, Cerulean.'' She smiled to you and you were caught off guard by her current change in attitude from pure, seething anger to her usual sweetness.

You didn't respond and nor did Scootaloo. For you, it was weird to see Sweetie more furious than a dragon awoken from its nap and to transform back into her usual, sweet and patient self the next second! As a matter of fact, you were maybe expecting another hoof to the cheek.

''So...'' You began, hopefully to a conversation.

''So what?'' Sweetie asked softly, raising her brow at you.

''So, where's Apple Bloom? I kinda need to talk to her.''

Sweetie gave you a mad yet soft look. ''Yeah, you do. I think we should all talk after school about this. Apple Bloom doesn't really wanna talk to you at the moment, so I guess we'll meet you someplace later?''

With a disappointed feeling in your gut, you managed to smile. ''Sounds good. Why don't we all get together at Sugarcube Corner?'' You offered and Sweetie's face brightened at the mention of one of her most favourite places in all of Ponyville.

''Sure. So, we'll see you then?'' She asked and you nodded. Smiling, she took her leave to presumably find Apple Bloom and continue doing whatever she was doing.

Turning back to face the rest of your friends, you said, ''If you want, you lot can tag along, too.'' They smiled and shared nods of agreement, seeming to also be enticed by the sound of going to hang out some place that promises generous helpings of sugary goodness. You figured that if you were going to tell Sweetie the truth, you might as well let the others in on it to drown out any pools of confusion in your relationship as a friend with them.

It was even more to clarify your relationship with your fillyfriend, Scootaloo.

Turning to face her with your wing still draped over her back and slightly over her side, she smiled to you and nuzzled your cheek for a brief moment before leaning her head against yours. A warm smile spread on your lips and you gingerly held her hoof in your own, igniting blushes on both of your cheeks.

Noticing the giggling faces of all of your friends, the two of you blinked before snapping away like a flash and standing casually, pawing awkwardly at the ground and avoiding eye contact.

''So, just friends, huh?'' Archer teased with a laugh, followed up by his sister.

''Oh, sh-shut up!'' You said, only prompting them to all burst into more laughter, including Rumble, the one who has had a crush on Scoots since the day he met her, which was quite surprising seeing as you thought he would be disappointed about you being in a relationship with her.

''Yep, definite fillyfriend!'' Halo broke into laughter and rolled around on the floor with everypony else whilst you and Scootaloo stood there with embarrassed blushes rampaging across your cheeks.

Beside you, Scootaloo frowned. ''I can already tell that this won't be the last we hear from them about us.'' You nodded in agreement, rolling your eyes.

''I figured.''