• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 5,415 Views, 45 Comments

Offering A Young Filly A New Home. - Matt11

Fluttershy is known as a extreamly good care taker in ponyville but when she finds out Scootaloo has nopony to celebrate Hearts Warming eve with Fluttershy begins to think that maybe she could help the poor filly.

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Offering A Young Filly A Home.

Fluttershy watered her plants and fed her birds, then she moved on to her pet Angel.

“Now Angel, please eat your carrot, it’s good for you,” she said, scooting the carrot closer.

Angel considered Fluttershy’s offering, but ultimately kicked it back at her and ran away to play. However before he could get very far Fluttershy flew right next to him and stopped him with an outstretched wing.

“Angel please. If you don’t eat now you won’t get a present this year,” Fluttershy reminded him. Fluttershy had been trying to get more assertive with her often difficult bunny, and this was a good opportunity. Hearth's Warming Eve was tomorrow, so if she wanted Angel to comply with her wishes that meant she had to do this the hard way.

In response, Angel clutched his chest and played dead in front of Fluttershy.

Seeing Angel collapse, Fluttershy let out a scream “Oh no, oh no are you ok?, maybe I should take you to the hospital” she said worriedly.

His point made, Angel instantly woke up and got out of Fluttershy’s hooves and decided to eat the carrot. He didn't want Fluttershy to make him eat it by giving him the stare.

“Good boy Angel. Now you eat that and I have some presents to go buy,” she said as she waved goodbye to Angel and went off into town.

Fluttershy galloped into town, snow falling as she did. Once she arrived to the market area she went to buy a special tender twig, it was one of Angel’s favorite foods.

Puting the twig in her saddlebag she moved on to buying some gifts for her friends. For Rainbow Dash a wonderbolt plushie, for Rarity some threads for her cloths, for Pinkie Pie a new party canon, for Applejack a rope, and for Twilight a new microscope.

When she finished buying her presents she dropped them off at Sweet Apple Acres in preparation for the groups annual tradition of opening presents together.

She had just closed the door when Fluttershy’s ears twitched as she heard a filly’s voice. It sounded like she was in danger, or maybe she just needed some help. She followed her hearing in the direction of the voice and when she found the filly that needed help it was Scootaloo and it looked like she was being taunted by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Fluttershy decided to stay low and just watch for a minute. She hid behind a barrel and waited to see how this would play out.

“Hey Silver Spoon, can you imagine how bad it must be to have no parents on Hearth's Warming Eve?” she asked trying to make Scootaloo cry; or at least angry.

“No Diamond. I mean what kinda pony doesn't have parents?” Silver Spoon said, excited for what Diamond Tiara would say next.

“Probably a useless Pegasus that can’t fly, like her!” she said pointing a hoof at Scootaloo. “I mean just look at those wings, they’re just so small. You should of been flying along time ago, no wonder your parents left you for dead,” she said. Silver Spoon giggled at Diamond’s brand of mockery.

Scootaloo had enough and pushed Diamond Tiara away with a weak shove. “So what if I don’t have parents? I have Rainbow Dash and that’s all I’ll ever need,” she said beginning to walk away. But before she could escape she was stopped by Diamond Tiara putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Oh, and how long do you think that will last? I’ll bet she’s getting really tired of having to be your so called sister,” Diamond Tiara said pushing Scootaloo on the ground.

Silver Spoon chimed in, “Yeah I bet she’s tired of watching over your worthless butt. I’ll bet she would rather have Pound Cake as a brother, at least he can fly.” Humiliation complete, the two bullies laughed one more time and turned to leave.

Tears began to fall out of Scootaloo’s eyes, this happened every Hearths Warming; Diamond and Silver mocking her because she didn’t have a real family.

Watching the scene play out, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel sorry for Scootaloo. She...doesn’t have a family? If only there was something I could do to help her, Fluttershy thought watching Scootaloo leave.

And idea popped into her mind, but then she thought more carefully about it. No I can’t adopt her. I couldn’t possibly take care of a foal she thought. Deciding that maybe she should ask one of her friends for guidance, she decided to go to Twilight’s thinking maybe one or two of her friends would also be there to help her.

As she approached the tree house she smiled brightly and knocked on the door. She waited for a few seconds and Twilight opened the door and greeted her.

Giving Fluttershy a quick hug, Fluttershy and Twilight went inside and sat down on the sofa. Once they did she levitated some hot cocoa over on a tray for her and Fluttershy.

“Twilight, I saw Scootaloo today. I know little fillies can be mean but she was getting bullied a little too much. They teased her for being an orphan,” she said, waiting for Twilight’s response.

Twilight folded her hooves together and carefully considered what Fluttershy just told her. “I see,” she said, her lips forming a thin line. “This might sound mean but I think you need to let her handle this herself. She needs to learn how to deal with bullies without adults helping her. Is it just teasing or is there something else you’re worried about?”

Fluttershy didn’t like that answer, she knew first hoof that teasing was plenty hurtful, but she shrugged it off. “Well, I was thinking of adopting her, but I’m not sure I’d make a good mother. I really want to give her a good home, but I’m afraid I’m not good enough.”

Twilight was so surprised that she spit her drink in Fluttershy’s face. She then wiped her friend off with a napkin “Sorry,” she said quickly, “But listen, I don’t know why you think that you wouldn't make a good mother, because you're wrong, you'd make a perfect mother.
And I also know that Scotoaloo deserves a home. But this isn't my decision,it’s yours.” Twilight reached out and placed her hoof over Fluttershy’s. “You've got a wonderful heart Fluttershy, what does it say?” Twilight stood up and flared her horn, encompassing the room in a soft glow. “Silence ward,” she explained proudly.

Now you can sit here and think without anypony bothering you.” With that done Twilight left the room to leave Fluttershy alone with her thoughts.

Fluttershy took advantage of Twilight's offer and sat down on the soft sofa to think. She knew somepony needed to adopt that filly, and it had been on her mind for a while to adopt a filly of her own. And Scootaloo would be a perfect pony to adopt. Her spunky attitude reminded her of Rainbow Dash. Also she was a weak flier, just like she herself had been at that age. She hated seeing ponies in pain, especially one that she knew, however the enormity of the task was still weighing her down. “Nopony should spend Hearth's Warming alone,” she thought.

After what seemed like an hour she knew what she had to do.She walked into the main room of the library to find Twilight who was with Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “Twilight, I decided what I’m going to do but I need your help….um you know if you want to help that is.”

Twilight put a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “I’ll be happy to help anyway I possibly can.”

“We'd love to help as well darling,” Rarity added.

Fluttershy explained the plan to Twilight. While she went to the orphanage to adopt Scootaloo, she had her friends go to her house to prepare her guest room, turning it into a room that a wonderful filly deserved.

As she approached the orphanage she began shaking all over, she was frightened but she also knew this was the right thing to do.

Letting her fear go she walked inside and was greeted by the mare at the front desk. “Um h- hello, I’m looking to adopt a filly,” she said, still shaking a bit.

The matron of the orphanage, Summer Love, was an earth pony with a purple mane. Her cutie mark was a desk, symbolizing her skill at being orderly. She was surprised by Fluttershy’s offer. The yellow Pegasus came by with her animals to play with the children occasionally but she had never given any hint that she might want to adopt one. But Fluttershy was a caring, kind and patient mare, she’d make a great parent.

“I was wondering if I could adopt Scootaloo,” Fluttershy said walking up to the desk.

“Okay, well before you can adopt anypony we need to do a home inspection. We need to see if it’s safe, and if you have enough room to care for a child,” Summer Love said getting her quill ready to start the paperwork.

“You’ll need to request an inspection from the adoption agency. Their building is right next to the orphanage; just go outside and you'll see it. I hope the inspection goes well, I’d really like to see her get a good home” Summer said returning to her papers.

Fluttershy stepped outside and took the short walk to the adoption agency’s building. Upon arriving Fluttershy took a deep breath and bravely pushed opened the door. “Um….h-hello.” she said quietly but nopony heard her. She spoke up a little louder, “I’d like to request an inspection of my home. I want to adopt a filly.”

That time one of the pony’s heard her and got out some papers, “ I can do the inspection personally, you have one hour to prepare” she said smiling.

Fluttershy put her name and address and other basic information on the form, “I thought you'd be asking me more questions,” she said softly .

“Don’t worry, I will be asking questions once I see your house,” she said taking the paper from Fluttershy.

Process started, Fluttershy simply left and hurried back home. When she arrived Twilight and her friends had just finished with the room, “Wow you guys are really good,” she exclaimed, marveling over the job her friends did. She saw all of Scootaloo’s things from the orphanage; her scooter, a picture of Scootaloo when she was only a baby being held by her mother, and finally a few posters of Rainbow Dash and a few of the Wonderbolts. The room had also been painted with a rainbow motif.

“You all did a wonderful job, but I need to get this house cleaned. I only have an hour before a pony from the adoption agency comes to inspect it and I really don’t want to mess this up.”

“Don’t worry, while Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie decorated the room, Applejack, and I cleaned up the house a bit. It actually wasn’t too dirty. I don’t know how you keep it so clean with all your animals running around.” Twilight said with a smile.

Fluttershy immediately started to calm down, thanks to her friend’s efforts. “Thanks guys, I’m so lucky to have friends like you,” she said pulling everypony into a big group hug.

“Ok, Fluttershy, we need to go, I hope it goes well,” Twilight said as the rest of her friends left along side her.

After an hour the mare from the agency arrived and she was ready to inspect Fluttershy’s home. As the mare arrived Fluttershy was shuddering, she couldn’t help but feel nervous about this.

“Hello Fluttershy, let’s just get started, shall we?” she said as Fluttershy opened her door, stepping out of the way.

“Oh, I never told you my name, my name is Daytime Garden,” she said as she walked in to observe the home.

As she looked she saw a few birds and animals in the home but everything seemed ok. She had to mark one X because of the fact that there were a few too many animals, but she would let Fluttershy handle that if it became hard to have them in the cottage.

“Now a few questions,” Daytime Garden started, “First question, “Why do you want to adopt a pony?”she asked, waiting for an answer.

“I just want to make her happy and I've actually always wanted to be a mother,” Fluttershy said.

“Next question, can you fit a young pony into your life?” Daytime Garden asked.

Fluttershy noded, “Yes I can, if it means I have to spend less time with my friends then that’s okay.”

Daytime Garden smiled but had one last question. “Last one, you live alone, who will care for her if you're gone?

Fluttershy smiled, “I know someone who can, my friend, Discord. He’s great with kids.” she said.

Inspection complete she walked back over to Fluttershy. It appeared that her answers were satisfactory because the next words out of her mouth were; “Everything looks good. I think this is a perfect place for a filly,” she said handing Fluttershy her inspection approval.

“Just give that to the caretaker at the orphanage,” Daytime Garden said. She started walking off but was brought into a small hug.

“Oh thank you, thank you, you have no idea how happy this makes me!” Fluttershy said excitedly she ran off back to the orphanage.

Once she got there she gave the paper to Summer Love.

Summer Love smiled. “I know you’re going to make a great mother Fluttershy,” she said as she went next to the stairs. “Scootaloo come down here, somepony is here to get you.”

Within a few moments Scootaloo came down.

“Another stupid lonely Hearth’s Warming. I don’t know why nopony wants to adopt me. I’m good at a lot of things, I’d make an okay child,” she thought as she made it down the stairs.

“What do you want?” she asked curiously.

Summer Love simply smiled, “You won’t be alone this Hearths Warming Scootaloo, you're going to share it with somepony,” she said pointing a hoof towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy walked close to Scootaloo and gave her the adoption certificate, “I saw how sad you were when you got bullied by today. I couldn’t stand seeing you alone today of all days, so thought I’d ask you would you like to live with me,maybe like my...daughter?” she asked.

Tears began to drop from Scootaloo’s eyes landing on the ground she dropped the paper and ran to Fluttershy giving her a big hug. “Yes! Yes, this is what I've always wanted, please tell me this isn’t a prank!”

“Of course not Scootaloo. I’d never joke about this” she said, kissing Scootaloo on the head.

Scootaloo smiled, she was happier than she could ever remember being. For once she had a mother, somepony to actually take care of her, “C-can we go home, please...mom?”

Fluttershy was surprised that Scootaloo would call her mom so easily. “You really want to call me mom? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Try going ten years without a parent. I am just happy somepony like you loves me,” she said sniffing.

Once they finished the last bit of paperwork needed to finalize the adoption, they headed back to Fluttershy’s place; now complete with Scootaloo’s new room. A welcome home banner was hung in the center, most likely a gift from Pinkie.

Fluttershy smiled seeing that her friends finished with the room. She wanted to thank them but unfortunately her friends were gone. “They probably left to go be with their own families. I’ll thank them tomorrow,” she thought.

Scootaloo ran straight into the cottage, seeing her room, she was surprised. “Wow, this is really my room?”

Fluttershy noded. “It’s all yours.” Fluttershy put Scootaloo on her back gently. “Hey Scootaloo, wanna help me decorate the tree?” she asked.

Scootaloo’s eyes brightened up, “You bet I would mom,” she said cheerfully .

They made it to the tree and Fluttershy pulled out her box of Hearth’s Warming decorations. A star for the top, a few orbs for the bottom and even some candy canes.

“Let’s start decorating, shall we pumpkin?” Fluttershy said hoofing over a few candy canes and small orbs to Scootaloo.

As the time passed the new family celebrated their first Hearth’s Warming Eve together. Eventually Celestia’s beautiful sun light began to vanish and Luna’s moon began to shine signaling that it was time for all little fillies to go to bed.

Fluttershy tucked her new daughter into bed. It made her smile seeing that she was able to make Scootaloo happy. Tomorrow would start their new life together. And the rest of their lives would be great.

Comments ( 42 )

5703817 fixed and think you.

Oh god so much HNNNNNNG

i like it a lot

Daytime Garden smiled but had one last question. “Last one, you live alone, who will care for her if you're gone?

Fluttershy smiled, “I know someone who can, my friend, Discord. He’s great with kids.” she said.

In that very moment, Princess Celestia and Rainbow Dash both shuddered in fear, neither knowing the doom that had just been laid before them. At the same moment, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle felt a surge of magic in their flank, and knew that they were feeling their potential cutie marks preparing to be epic.

A few errors here and there, but none of them could drown out the feels I go from reading the last part! great job!:scootangel::yay:

5704356 thinks. I've always wanted to do at lest one story on Shy adoption her, and glad to see its doing good.

5704384 WAH!:pinkiegasp: I didn't realise you were the author. Should have known though!:rainbowlaugh: You being scoots biggest fan!:scootangel: It was really good! I'm fave'n it!

5704401 I'm an idiot was looking for errors unpublished by accident when finished.... they really need to move that button somewhere else....

5704452 I know what you mean.

I love it:heart: please let there be a sequal one day

Not bad, there's a good deal of heart in this. Even if it is too late to be Christmas related.

5704543 when I got time,I might do a sequel more focused on their life together. but to busy with other things.

It's nothing short of a Hearth's Warming miracle! The government would never be this streamlined normally!

Also, because Christmas, adoption, and motherhood, I present a carol to the tune of "Greensleeves"

Lovely story. i enjoyed it very much.

Very sweet story even if what Twilight said made me want to punch her in the face. No child should have to deal with bullies.

Not a bad premise, but it moved way too fast. Plus Twilight seemed out of character and Scootaloo was as well. I can deal with Scootaloo OoC since adoption and a home can easily make a tough person/pony break down or cry in joy. Twilight saying she should deal with her bullies herself basically goes against her character in the show and her position as a princess. Princess of Friendship telling/implying that a filly she knows she deal with a problem herself? Not a good friend.

That being said, it's still a good prompt plus I love Scootadopt. It was alright overall. I'd say work on the characterization of the characters and pacing a bit more and you'll go a long way.

5706691 I can understand what she was trying to say. She wanted Scootaloo to be able to stand up for herself, but it's one thing to just ignore idle teasing. It's another thing entirely to stand up against blantant bullying, especially the kind of bullying Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon partake in.

5706691 when I wrote Twilight the way I did, I wrote it part of how my days in school were, in school teachers don't do anything to help you, teachers can careless about the kids, so I practically wrote Twilight like a teacher, I now know that in order to defeat a bully you must face them alone.

5707607 thx for the advice.

HOLY HORSEAPPLES THAT WENT FAST. Seriously, I'm not disapproving your story. It's quite cute and a nice read, But Buck if it doesn't tie itself up quickly. She goes to the shops, sees a little orphan filly getting bullied and adopts just her like that. Just 'Can I have her?' home inspection, 'yep, it's all fine.' Done and dusted. Sorry, maybe it's because I'm used to more pacing in stories, but I just really thought you could have wrote this... Differently. I'm only saying this because I have seen this EXACT SAME STORY from others and I always see it as a cute one chapter flick through. Whatever, anyway I still liked it all the same.

5710018 well I'll be doing a sequel at one point.

5710026 I'm quite glad that you have decided to follow onto this story. I hope for it to be just as enjoyable. (Although I hope you think of your grammar and spellings a little more.) Remember, there is no need to rush a great story. :twilightsmile:


I can understand why you did that, but you have to remember to keep them in character (for the most part at least). Twilight is more of a mentor or tutor than a teacher (e.g. Twilight Time). Portraying Cheerilee as you did Twilight would have fit much better. Think of Twilight here more like a close family friend or something.

Daytime Garden smiled but had one last question. “Last one, you live alone, who will care for her if you're gone?
Fluttershy smiled, “I know someone who can, my friend, Discord. He’s great with kids.” she said.

Now THAT I have to see. Just picture the lovely chaos Discord and a single member of the CMC could get into. Add the other two and we have a recipe for pure chaos pie. (Happy PIE day everyone :pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2::pinkiesmile:)

a little dry in a few parts, but over all a good story. also,

I know someone who can, my friend, Discord. He’s great with kids.

I'm honestly surprised Daytime Garden didn't at least hesitate at that. I mean, the library was in this, meaning before season 4 finale and before everypony accepted that discord had truly learned to mend his ways.

This was super cute!!

manly tears fell from my eyes after reading this.

This was bittersweet I loved it this should be a series

5851191 there will be a sequel sometime and maybe a side fic with Discord foalsitting Scoots.

5851200 Discord foalsitting Scootaloo should be quite interesting. I wonder if, since Fluttershy legally adopted Scootaloo, does that make Discord Scootaloo's father, or maybe uncle? (Probably not officially, unless he and Fluttershy have been dating).

5853739 heh I didn't explane if they were dating weather or not but that's cus I haven't decided on that.

An adorable Scootadopt. It moved a little too quick for me, but it was touching enough that it wasn't a big deal. I look forward to reading the sequel. When you find the time, that is. :yay::heart::scootangel:

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are stuck with booorrrriiinnggg parents. Scootaloo has the best mom ever. Take that, rich snobs. (:heart: this fic!)

6186215 There are some things money can't buy, one of them is a good home with loving parents.

6245950 once I work. On it. But still trying to figure out a name for it.

for Pinkie Pie a new party canon,


Hmm.. there are grammar errors but the story is so good that it really come off as oh, hey, a comma should be there. Nothing serious, but I would suggest a proofreader.

It felt very rushed to me. The grammar wasn't bad though, and scene presentation was nice. Just doubling the length and having Scootaloo react more slowly, and Fluttershy decide to adopt her after showing a better reason to than apparently on a whim. But not bad.

6246202 What will the sequel focus on? I'm curious as to how Discord would feel about Scootaloo's presence around Fluttershy's cottage, especially given how he reacted to Fluttershy inviting Tree Hugger to the gala instead of him.

I found the pacing to to fast. In my option stories like this should have meaning and not just she got bullied for being an orphan. This is a decent story even with the pacing issue but it could have been better if it was more than one chapter as stories like these struggle to do well we it one chapter.

Really good. But so many pacing issues. First noticed in the very first line:

Fluttershy watered her plants and fed her birds, then she moved on to her pet Angel.

Sorry, where is she? What's going on? Feel like you need a bit of establishing text. Maybe a bit establishing the weather at least. It being winter at Fluttershy's cottage is a brilliant opportunity for some flowery establishing text.

But this continues throughout the piece. Things need to be spaced out a bit. Just doesn't flow right.

But other than that, I liked it.

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