• Published 27th Feb 2015
  • 1,712 Views, 69 Comments

Words to Live By - RaylanKrios

Spike works hard at being a noble dragon, but what happens when he starts to question his Dragon Code?

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Be Generous
Be Kind
Be Honest
Be Loyal
Spread Joy
Be like Twilight

Spike looked over the first six tenets of his noble dragon code, just like he did first thing every morning. It was no coincidence that they were based off of the Elements of Harmony.

And it was no coincidence that Rarity’s Element was first. For one thing, as a dragon, Spike knew that he was predisposed to be greedy. It was just in his dragon nature to hoard things. Reminding himself of that first, so that he could guard against it, felt like the right thing to do.

Even beyond that safeguard, Rarity was special to Spike. Not just because she was the most beautiful, sweetest, most amazing mare ever in the history of Equestria, but because Rarity was a walking reminder of what could happen when Spike gave into his dragon nature.

A few years ago, he had gotten some extra presents from some well meaning ponies on his birthday. Those seemingly innocuous items triggered his dormant instincts to build his own hoard. It didn’t matter what it was at first, as long as he could claim it as his. But as his hoard grew, so did he, and so did his desire for more and shinier things, until he grew as large as any dragon ever seen, and was fueled only by a desire to grow his stockpile.

And then he had ponynapped Rarity.

As much as he told himself that he hadn’t done that, the stubborn fact remained that he had. He knew what he was doing, he wasn’t under a spell or enchantment. He simply saw Rarity, decided that he wanted her as part of his hoard and took her, as though his greed was the only thing that mattered. What had snapped him out of it was a reminder from her, about who he really was and how Rarity preferred that Spike to the hulking monster version of himself.

The thought that he was capable of ignoring his friends welfare so easily, not just Rarity’s, frightened him to the very depths of his core. So the first six tenets of his Dragon Code where a reminder about who his friends were and their virtues that made them special.

Be like Twilight

Working Twilight into his code had been challenging. Unlike her fellow Bearers, whose elements all reflected a personality trait, Twilight’s element was a testament to her skill with magic. As a dragon, Spike couldn’t do magic, at least not the way a unicorn could, and even if he could it would be hard to work that into a code of conduct. After much thought he realized that he didn’t need Twilight’s Element to be a noble dragon - he just needed Twilight.

Twilight had hatched him and then raised him. She introduced him to other ponies as her assistant or her friend, but in either case the subtext was clear; I know he’s a dragon, but he’s my special little guy, so be nice to him. In a world where his kind was feared, Twilight always made sure he felt welcomed and loved.

It was Twilight who cuddled him when he was a whelp and scared of thunderstorms, and who still tucked him in a night if he asked. She not only hatched him, but made him part of her family when most ponies would have been terrified of even a baby dragon. Whenever Twilight wanted to embarrass him she would bring out pictures of her as a filly, bottle feeding a baby Spike. Spike hated those pictures, but they were a reminder that when he had been small and helpless, Twilight was the one who had cared for him. Twilight was smart, considerate, kind and genuine. Yep, Spike had decided, if he could be like Twilight that would certainly make him a noble dragon.

Always return the favor
Be helpful
Consider others

The next three lines on this list were just simple guidelines, but unlike the first six items on his list, they were concrete suggestions he could use to govern his actions throughout the course of his day. The ABC’s as Spike liked to think of them, were a simple mnemonic he could use to quickly determine if he should do something or not.

That section had undergone some revisions since he first started to from the idea of his code, the fiasco with Applejack proving that he didn’t need to take “return the favor” so literally. Even so, Spike made it his mission to be as useful as possible to whomever needed his help.

The last bit of his code he had cribbed together from the stories he liked to read about the knights of yore. Back in olden times, knights were always running around, saving fair maidens, (sometimes from dragons), thwarting evil barons and generally acting honorably. Spike’s last section for his noble dragon code was taken almost directly from the legends of the Knights of the Round Table.

My claws defend the helpless
My might upholds the weak
My words speak only truth

Spike may have only been a baby in dragon terms, but among ponies that still made him plenty dangerous. He had claws sharp enough to shave gems, he had scales that were hard enough to protect him from sharp objects as well as render him relatively fireproof. His teeth could crunch all the way through bone if he bit hard enough, and he could breathe fire. In a fight most ponies wouldn’t stand a chance. He liked to think of himself like one of the knights in the stories he read. They were better fighters than everyone else, and they had sharp swords and armor. If they wanted to, they could terrorize the villagers, but instead they used their powers to protect those weaker than themselves. Spike admired that.

Combined, those three sections made up Spike’s Noble Dragon Code. He read it every morning when he woke up and then again right before he went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Some of you may recognize the last three lines of the code from the movie Dragonheart. Apropos, no?