• Published 27th Feb 2015
  • 1,710 Views, 69 Comments

Words to Live By - RaylanKrios

Spike works hard at being a noble dragon, but what happens when he starts to question his Dragon Code?

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Chapter The Second

The image in the mirror silently repeated itself, I’m a dragon. But other than the obvious anatomical definition of those three words, Spike realized that he didn’t really know what being a dragon meant. He had spent his whole life around ponies, who would have been terrified of him had he not been friends with Twilight. But dragons couldn’t all be bad; there was an entire country of them, and they held the great migration every hundred years, so they had to have some sort of society. And if they had a society, then that meant that there had to be philosophers, values, and codes of conduct. Being a dragon had to mean something, just like being a knight did.

Be like Twilight

For the first time he could remember Spike found himself bristling at his code as it reverberated in his head. Other dragons didn’t try to be like ponies, did they? Spike hung his head, he really had no clue what it meant to be a dragon. So in the absence of any conflicting information, the question “what would Twilight do?” was as valid as any other.

If Twilight didn’t know something she would find out about it. And her first stop would be the appropriate library section.

Spike had the library to himself, and with his chores finished following Twilight’s disembodied advice sounded the like the best course of action. His job as Twilight’s assistant necessitated a certain amount of research skills as well as a near perfect understanding of how the library was organized, so he immediately headed toward the appropriate sociology section, housed on the top floor.

In short order, Spike had pulled several sociological studies spanning breezies to zebras, a few historical texts regarding the diplomatic relationships of Equestria throughout time, and three books written by ponies who had expended a considerable amount of effort trying to understand the nuances of dragon culture. Buoyed by the fruits of his labour, he eagerly dove right in, looking for any cultural cornerstones he could use to begin crafting his new code.

Six hours later and Spike was close to giving up. He had read through everything he thought might be helpful and had found nothing. It appeared that a very important aspect of being a dragon was never to let anyone know anything about you, and he wasn’t sure how he could work that into his new code.

Hey Spike how’s it going?
Maybe it’s going well, maybe I just ate some bad oysters. I ain’t saying nothing.

There was a plethora of information on what dragons did, most of it being pillaging villages and hoarding treasure, but precious little information on why they did it. Spike refused to believe his birthright could be reduced to mindless avarice, but he was also no closer to crafting a new code then he had been when he started. He was about to give up when a familiar voice rang throughout the castle.

“Spike, I’m home. Where are you?”

“I’m up here,” Spike called out from his corner on the top floor of the library.

“There you are, Trotston was amazing. Did I miss anything here?” Twilight called out as she rounded into view.

“Not really,” Spike replied looking up from his fruitless pile of failure.

Twilight was used to the sight of numerous open books, strewn about the floor, but usually it was her that had caused the mess and Spike was the one cleaning it up. “What’s all this?”she asked, gesturing to the organized chaos currently masquerading as the top floor of her library.

“Just some research I was doing,” Spike replied with a shrug.

“A research project!” Twilight clapped her hooves excitedly. “Why didn’t you wait for me? You know how much I love research projects!”

“I don't really think you'd be too interested in the topic.”

“Nonsense! The beauty of research is always learning about new things. And you know how much I love learning about new things!”

Twilight did indeed love both research projects and learning new things. She had a tendency to go overboard but, except perhaps for when she was with her friends, Spike never saw Twilight happier than when she was digging through voluminous tomes searching for some obscure answer that would explain why things were the way they were.

Twilight sat down on her haunches, prepared to dive into Spike’s mess of information bright eyed and bushy tailed, as though she didn’t just endure a four hour train ride. “So, what's the topic?” she asked, eager to get started.

“You'd probably just think it's dumb,” Spike said, glancing away from Twilight.

“Are you researching if the power ponies could be real? Because I keep telling you that Saddle Rager couldn’t just generate the mass necessary when she transforms, it violates the law of conservation of matter. And if Fillisecond really ran around at those speeds, she’d be crushed by the g-forces,” Twilight said with an ever-so-slight roll of her eyes.

Normally Spike would have pointed out out that Fillisecond achieved subsonic speeds by temporarily slipping into another dimension and thus the g-forces weren’t an issue, but he wasn’t really in the mood to talk about comics. “No it’s not that.”

Twilight leaned forward slightly and tapered her enthusiasm. “Then what is it?”

Spike sighed. If he was really going to figure out what it meant to be a dragon, he couldn’t have Twilight do everything for him. “I think this is kind of one I need to figure out for myself, Twilight.”

Hearing the sound of her full name, instead of Spike’s prefered sobriquet, a much more somber expression replaced Twilight’s previous elation. “Spike, is something bothering you?”

Spike found himself unable to make eye contact with Twilight. “Why do you think something’s bothering me?” he said, his eyes settling on the floor, instead of the mare in front of him.

Twilight smiled softly, one full of warmth and understanding, and it made Spike’s heart ache a little as he remembered that only a few short hours ago, he chafed at the thought of being like her. “Because I hatched you. And no matter how big you get you’ll always be my little dragon,” Twilight said, gently jabbing a hoof in Spike’s soft belly.

Spike flinched but otherwise made no effort to correct her. “While you were gone, I started to realize that I didn't really know a lot about dragons. Why do they do the things they do, that sort of thing. And, you know, being a dragon, it just kind of... yeah.” Spike’s voice trailed off as he found himself unable to explain any further.

“I see,” Twilight said quietly. “Did you... find what you were looking for?”

Spike gritted his teeth and let out a frustrated groan, his failure grating further on him. “No. I searched the whole library, and I barely found anything about dragons other than that nopony really knows anything about them!”

“Well, I noticed you scoured the history section. Did you look in sociology or philosophy? If you’re trying to find out more about dragon culture I’d look there.

Spike reach down and held up copies of Modern Philosophy and Ties that Bind: A Case Study in Comparing Cultures Throughout The World. “Give me a little credit, Twi. I also looked in biology, and political science.”

“Oh.” Twilight pursed her lips, and Spike thought he recognized the expression Twilight always wore before she was about to deliver bad news. Twilight put on a brave smile that didn’t fool Spike for an instant, and he was convinced that Twilight was about to tell him to just let the matter go. He began to mentally prepare an organized list of reasons why he should be allowed to continue his research. “Spike, take a letter,” she said.

“Now?” Spike replied, completely blindsided by that request.

Twilight gently reproached him with a smile. “Yes, now.”

Knight or not, Spike was still Twilight’s assistant, and even if he wasn’t, Twilight was a princess and he was a citizen of Equestria. Spike grabbed a quill and parchment and grudgingly waited for Twilight to begin her dictation. “Whenever you're ready,” he grumbled.

Twilight started her letter slowly.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” she said in the familiar tone of voice she started all her letters with.

“I’m sending Spike to the Royal Library. If it’s okay with you I’d like for him to stay in our old room while he’s at the castle. He wants to learn more about being a dragon. I don’t know how long it will take him to find what he’s looking for but if it’s not too much trouble please instruct the library staff to help him find what he needs. Not that I think he’ll need any help because he’s the best librarian’s assistant ever.”

Twilight paused, her eyes getting decidedly watery. Spike dotted the period and began to set his quill aside, but Twilight shook her head, bidding him to keep writing.

“He’s also a great friend and wonderful little guy, so please let him know that no matter what he finds, there will always be a place for him here in Equestria.” Twilight finished, wiping her eyes as she did so.

Spike finished writing, unclear if Twilight actually meant for him to send the letter he had just written and looked up at the pony he was closest to. “Twilight... are you? Why are you crying?”

Twilight wiped her eyes again with a swipe of her hoof. "I knew this day would come, Spike. I wish I could have been better prepared to tell you about dragons, but I just don't know much about them. I don't know if anypony does. But, I can also understand that you would want to know about yourself and I want to help you as much as I can.”

“So, you're having me go to the Royal Library. But what about the library here? What about you?"

“I think I’ll be okay. I mean, if there’s one thing I know about, it’s how to organize a library. And Owlicious will still be here to keep my company. Just...I don’t want you to forget where you come from, and that’s Equestria, with me.”

Spike blushed and pawed at the ground. He never had to wonder if Twilight actually cared about him, but it was rare that she expressed her feelings so openly. Over the years, she and Spike had developed a kind of shorthoof with “Thanks, Spike”, and “No problem, Twi” substituting for more prosaic language like “I love you”, but whose meanings were no less sincere.

“Aw hey, Twilight, I’m not going anywhere. Well I guess I’m going somewhere, but it’s only to Canterlot and it’s only for a few days. I’ll come back.”

Twilight didn’t respond verbally to Spike’s reassurances. She did, however, close the gap between them and pulled Spike into a hug. For a brief instant, Spike forgot about his previous worries and allowed himself to enjoy the familiar and comforting sensation of resting his head against Twilight’s shoulder as she gently stroked his scales.

“Thanks, Twilight,” he murmured from within the comforting embrace. “Umm... if you're back, I should really go get dinner started.”

“Y’know, just because you’re my assistant doesn’t mean you have to cook for me all the time.”

“I know. But if I let you cook we’d both starve," Spike said with a wry grin before hustling down to the kitchen.

Author's Note:

HUGE thanks to my pre-readers on this chapter. I wrote large parts of it while suffering from a nasty cold, so the drafts I sent them were riddled with errors. They patiently corrected my mistakes and made several suggestions as to how to improve the chapter.

Most authors love feedback.