• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 4,247 Views, 255 Comments

The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo - A M Shark

Ten years ago Applejack disappeared without a trace. Now Fluttershy must find out why, but will that be possible when she's thrown together with a pierced, tattooed, reality-bending draconequus who's just recently escaped being trapped in stone?

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Fluttershy’s lunch with Big Mac ended quickly, and they parted ways amiably. Big Mac went to find Cheerilee, to explain things to her, and prevent any rumors about his and Fluttershy’s relationship. Fluttershy in the meantime decided to go back to her cottage. There might not be a party to look forward to that day, but there was that surprise Discord had mentioned.

“Discord?” she called as she went into her cottage.

No answer.

“Discord? Discord?”

Still no answer.

“Discord, if you’re trying to pull some kind of joke, this isn’t funny.” Still there was no answer nor any sign of him.

“Are you trying to play hide-and-seek with me?”

No answer.

Sighing, she started looking under the furniture and into corners Discord would ordinarily have been much too big to fit into. All the while she wondered if he would suddenly pop into existence and startle her.

She went into her bedroom, peeked under the bed.

“Angel? What are you doing under there? Have you seen Discord?”

The old bunny crawled out from under the bed and pointed out the door, indicating that was where he’d last seen the draconequus.

Fluttershy frowned in the direction he’d pointed, but then she thanked him, and—thinking he would be more comfortable on top of her bed rather than under it—picked him up, and put him there, before going back out of the bedroom to continue searching for her partner. As she searched, she kept calling his name but was met with silence each time.

“Discord?” she asked in a much more uncertain tone as she started checking through the kitchen cupboards. Then something colorful sticking out of the trash caught her eye, and she hurried over to see what it was. There wadded up on top of the garbage was the colorful scarf she had given Discord.

Seeing it there, Fluttershy felt as if she’s just been punched in the chest.

When they’d first started working together she’d suspected that he might be softening her up for a cruel blow later on. But nothing had prepared her for this.

He had never taken that scarf off since she had given it to him. The fact that it had been tossed in the trash could mean only one thing; Discord was gone and he didn’t intend on coming back.

Pulling the scarf from the trash, she clung to it as the tears started to fall.

Meanwhile, outside the cottage, several part-pony, part-insectile creatures—all semitransparent and nearly invisible in the dimming light—hovered just over the roof, feeding off the sorrow emanating from the pony underneath it.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”—1 Corinthians 13:13

Author's Note:


Now to all my fellow fluttercord fans, before you get too upset with me for ending the story like that, (*chuckles nervously* and start downvoting this story into oblivion) let me assure you that ...

“The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo” is over ...


Please stay tuned as it continues in "The Ponies who Played with Fire."

Oh, also forgot to add a big thank you to Nightwalker for helping me edit these chapters.

Comments ( 60 )

Yup, and there's the next chapter. My day is ruined. Lol, just kidding. I can't wait til the next installment.

I was about to kill you until I read that you're going to have another story, because that is NOT a way to end a story!

6382892 *chuckles* Well, thank you for favoriting the story even if it ruined your day. *chuckles again* I really didn't want to end this story on such a downer note, but considering what's in store with the next story, I'm afraid I had to.

WOW. I was so ready for this romantic thing to happen and now I find out...
See, I saw your blog post first, actually. And it's funny because I didn't know that you had finished this as a way to bridge into the next one. I thought once this was over that it was over. I didn't realize until literally just a few seconds ago that the title of your next work was a pun of the sequel to the real book. I didn't read the books, so I'm going to use that as my excuse. You're clever...! And I say it's funny because before I realized your fic was a sequel, I thought "will there be fluttercord?!?" First thought, I swear!
But now I'm just excited we get a whole sequel! WHOOOOOOOOOO. I'M GONNA NEED A SECOND FAVORITE STORIES BLOCK ON MY FIMFIC PROFILE! :pinkiehappy:

Lol, :rainbowlaugh:. Of course, you're labeling it wrong. It's called good advertisement. You keep people interested and waiting for more. It's those darn cliffhangers we all hate that actually keep us coming back. Props to you. It's kinda better this way, anyway.

Man, what a way to end a story. Just having us want more, while still teasing us about feelings clearly being, uh, felt (yay, words). Darn you. I'm usually not a fan of 'misunderstandings ruining everything for the couple' cliche, but with this being such a great story, I'm not annoyed enough to really complain about it. It sort of fits in decently into the story enough without sounding too melodramatic.

I totally didn't expect a sequel--well, considering there are more books on this series (I dunno how many cause I never bothered to read them and don't plan to), I guess it shouldn't be too big of a surprise--but now I'm just... ugh, gimme. Lol

Also feel like mentioning the A+ writing all around. Characterization was great, and with tense scenes and them finding how how they feel about the other, you feel immersed enough to keep reading and begging for more. Especially with Discord, because this is such a strange, unknown thing for him that he has no idea what to do. Both with the love and the pain. *sighs*

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”—1 Corinthians 13:13

Beautiful:fluttercry::heart: Beautiful way to end the chapter and leave ya wanting more...Bravo:heart:
Don't worry, I won't hate ya or get angry at you:pinkiehappy: I know that Favorite Pony and Needy Potato Baby will get together in the together in the end, Fluttercord 4EVA!!:yay:
FYI, cutie Discord in love is soo cute:rainbowkiss::heart: But then...Discord has the same timing and patience like all men have:facehoof: Bad timing and short patience:facehoof: Dude, if you just wait just a few minutes or interrupted them at the table then Fluttershy would have confessed love to you:heart::facehoof: But his sad state reminds me of BOD Discord sad in Episode 9 & beginning of 10:fluttercry:
Hmmm, I have a feeling in the sequel that Discord will be causing chaos but no hostile Equestria take over. He will mostly be dark, bruiting, sad and lifeless and tries to forget Fluttershy and be as far away from her as possible. As for Fluttershy, probably sad and tries to distract herself with little things. But then, the windigo changelings come to attack Applejack and the Mane Six. Discord comes to the rescue! Haha lol silly theory/fantasy but I dare dream:derpytongue2:
At first, when Big Mac came in the chapter before this one, I thought he was going to ask Rarity (I remember a certain author's shipping fancy;) Lol!) But then, you surprised me with Big Mac asking out Fluttershy and them him liking/use to date Cherilee:)

Oh also, I love how Discord in the last chapter was calling Fluttershy beautiful in her tangled morning hair:rainbowkiss::heart:

Bravo! Amazing way to end it. I'm actually glad you kept it this way.

For those who are saying "this is not the way to end a story!" this is actually the ending to Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (both the book and the film), and it shows the main character's vulnerability and inability to trust people despite being an awesome supergenius outcast.

I'm so glad you're making a sequel, Shark! Yay, more Shark-goodness to look forward to! :pinkiehappy:

Aww :fluttercry: They're both heartbroken
Oh well, I still love the story, and can't wait for the next one! :pinkiehappy:

Ooooh, you did good.

Next one better be as good.

Oh dear....sounds like this is gonna be interesting....

6382899 Yipe! Kindly refrain from killing me until after I've posted the sequel.

Ugh, so cruel. Poor Discord is gonna miss the cuddles. Ok, I have super loved this thing and can't wait for more. You have a lot of plotline power to play with since your villains can shape shift. It makes me real nervous as I read, like is that really Big Mack, Etc always going through my mind. More pls!


But his sad state reminds me of BOD Discord sad in Episode 9 & beginning of 10:fluttercry:

*chuckles* And that is why I've secretly been very thankful that this story will never be even a fraction as popular as BoD, because if it was I'd probably have a lot of people out for my blood right about now (present company excepted) considering I just did the equivalent of ending the story at the Relapse.

Regarding your silly theory/fantasy:
I'm not going to reveal any plot details yet, but your silly theory/fantasy might be closer in some ways than you might expect. *chuckles slyly*

At first, when Big Mac came in the chapter before this one, I thought he was going to ask Rarity (I remember a certain author's shipping fancy;) Lol!)

*chuckles* Lol indeed. I still do think Big Mac and Rarity could make an interesting couple, but they don't really work with what I have in mind for this particular story.

Oh also, I love how Discord in the last chapter was calling Fluttershy beautiful in her tangled morning hair:rainbowkiss::heart:

Ha ha, somehow I just think the big goofball would prefer that over some neat-not-a-hair-out-of-place-do. Though the romantic sap in me likes to think that Fluttershy could probably wear any style and Discord would feel she makes it beautiful even if he normally can't stand it, because I'm just weird that way.

Whadda talking about you? You're popular:raritywink: (*in s cousin Vinny voice*)

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of the 'misunderstandings' cliché either, and I was bit worried it would just come off as stupid here, but I had my reasons for using it. Still, I'm glad you were able to enjoy the story despite that, and hopefully you'll enjoy the sequel as well.

Oh god. I was going to throw something if this didn't continue. This was an amazing story that I've extremely enjoyed, and I can't wait to read the next story. :yay:

Also, throwing something would be really bad right now, because I'm in class. :twilightsheepish:

I need that sequel, also I loved reading the prologue on fanfiction, btw

*Laughs* Your wish is my command. And I'm glad you were able to enjoy this story despite the fact that I ended it on such a sad note since I was afraid going that route instead of happy ending would turn a lot of people against it. Hey, I'd be mad if some other author had written a story I liked and then they went and pulled this kind of ending on me.

6490162 *Chuckles* When you say you keep reading this over and over again, I hope you mean the whole story and not just the epilogue as the epilogue doesn't have much in the way of Fluttercord moments. And as for the sequel, I think I've gotten those little details I needed to sort out taken care of, and am making progress on the actual chapter writing. Depending on how much time it takes me to get all the kinks and typos out of out the chapter, I hope to have it posted either sometime next week or the week after.

Ain't it obvious? I have read the source material, and was interested in how far the author went from the original story, and whom they cast as whom.

It was a fascinating read overall.

Aw poor fluttershy. Can't wait to read the sequel

6382899 *Laughs nervously* I've started posting the sequel. Am I safe yet?

I think it is nice.

6655968 You mean the quotes idea?

7000012 I should be able to let ya know soon, I'm already finishing up chapter 6!:yay:

7000410 I knew what would get the Windigos to disband, what linked all those ponies together and other things.:derpytongue2: I love it so far!

7000425 Cool. Good to hear.

Best not- quite- ending ever! :pinkiehappy: I'm crying a little bit though. :fluttercry:Although some of this was pretty predictable, it was still really interesting and I couldn't stop reading!

7001590 Thanks. If you don't mind my asking, what parts did you find predictable? And did it end the way you were expecting?

7002519 You're welcome!:pinkiehappy:

There were too many things to really point out, pretty much everything, although I didn't notice them right off some of them like the cider bottles sender, I didn't realize until Flutters found out about the ripped page. I knew the gems she had with her were crucial, but I didn't price it together until the sparkling cider was mentioned. I figured out the changeling were part windigo and their role in the beginning as soon as they were described in much the same way, though I was uncertain of it. I knew how it all had to do with love or as you put it self acaridice that frees both the area and the two cabin mates from the storm. It was brilliant though! Part windigo Changelings! :yay:Their diet was also obvious to a point before it was confirmed, but it still took me awhile. You had me going a few times for a time. I've just read so many novels at this point that I recognize details with an ease, but I didn't see the ending coming, I did a little because I read the description of the sequel a forever ago, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't see that the first Angel that was in the yen was the decoy though, I thought his appearent return to get was the illusion.

I don't know what all goes into making a story unpredictable, but I was always eager to read on until the inevitable events transpired. Sometimes it's the predictable details that keeps a person reading on, and this story accomplished just that and more fory reading it. :twilightsmile:

I didnt know exactly how it would end, but how Discord sought a way to announce his affection for Flutters was only to find ger with another stallion was nothing I would have seen coming before Flutters agreed to the "date". I have to say I'm a bit made with Rarity on that one, I understand what she was trying to do, but regardless!:applejackunsure: I was inbetween thinking AJ was dead or alive for so many chapters, it was killing me slowly but surely!

Discord reforming in this was an interesting twist on the mlp universe version as well.

I'd say more but I've filled this with nothing but spoiler worthy comments and I've done enough of that! Sorry about thd long list of spoilers!:twilightsheepish:

I reviewed your story. You can find it here. Also, have a ribbon.


P.S. When you get a Favorites notification before the review comes out, that's usually a good sign.

7396487 Yay! Thanks for the ribbon and thanks for reviewing the story. I'm glad to hear you approved it.

7396514 I will add it to my review list. Don't when I will get to it but I'll let you know

I'm so glad I finally got to reading this, it's amazing. I love how you write Discord and Fluttershy (especially Flutters, she's just so... Competent.). The storyline is well written and executed, not to mention a total blast.

I am somewhat glad i waited to read this; if the sequel wasn't out already, i think this ending would've killed me. Now, to the next story I go!

That was great! You have a natural talent for writing mystery, my dear. Now, I haven't read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, its sequels or seen any of the movies (I'm only aware of the basic premise of the first book) but the way you wrote it was brilliant! Four stars!

*Chuckles* I suppose that's one way to look at it. Though if you've read a bit further into the story, you might spot another reason they aren't at the top of their game.

* salutes vigorously * SIR, YES SIR!!!!

:pinkiegasp:Omc that was WAY better than the reference movie:pinkiehappy: u hit me hard with fake angel tho :/ not sure how i feel bout that but hopfully u make up for smashing his face in as a threat to flutters in the sequel


Yay! Glad you enjoyed it. (Though out of curiosity, when you mentioned the movie, did you mean the Swedish version or the American version?)

Ooh, ouch. Sounds Painful.

Understandable. Honestly i do enjoy fics than put the character thru personality changing events and think u did admirably with flutters. Still doesnt mean i wont kick the ass of those changlings for hurting her >: D

It did but my existence continues BEEP BOOP BEEP... I AM NOT A ROBOT :pinkiecrazy:

Am I the only one around here who’s seen the Swedish films? :rainbowhuh:

Idk all i kno was it was english dub and it wasnt gr8 :/

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