• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 1,643 Views, 28 Comments

Friendship is Fleeting - Lord Erhswin Wholewheat

Princess Luna returns after being banished a thousand years on the moon. She comes back to something much diffrent than she expected.

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Author's Note:

This story was an experiment I wanted to try for a bit now. I'm also not sure if the tag should be Dark or Sad, you guys tell me.

You might like this in the background, I did.

Luna sailed through the stars, blazing her way through the cosmos like a comet on a crash course for Terra, her vision white with rage and anticipation. A twisted snarl adorned her face as she bored through entire asteroids, not willing to delay her trip by even moment. She would have retribution and she would have it tonight.

“I’m coming for you, sister!” She roared, although it might as well have been a whisper in that infinite stratosphere. Images flickered through her head, of the days when the barrier was weak enough to see them, to see how her sister celebrated the day of her banishment. She remembered the patterns, and after one thousand Summer Sun Celebrations she knew which one her sister would be attending. It was no coincidence that it was at the town nearest to the castle from where they ruled.

“Clever, Celestia. She thought. “Poetic that you choose to end it where it began.” Thoughts flooded her head of her sister, the arguments, her penchant for stealing glory, the day she banished her, the days they fought side by side, played together, laughed together,bathed together, that time they decided to prank their guards, replacing their helmets with-. Luna quickly forced these thoughts out of her head and reaffirmed her anger. Besides, she needed to be focused. Terra was swiftly coming under hoof and she could not wait to see her sister again.


The roof of Ponyville City Hall exploded into rubble at Luna’s cacophonous entry. She landed directly on the stage overlooking the audience hall, she savored the brief moments before opening her eyes imagining the fear and confusion on the faces of her subjects. She guffawed in her royal Canterlot tone, she wanted to drive home that this was no good omen for her subjects. They probably forgot today was the day of her return, they probably forgot her all together. With a mixture of cool rage and excitement, she opened her eyes and drank in the emotions of the crowd.

Her laughter instantly ceased.

There was no crowd. Ponyville City Hall was empty. expecting the confusion of her subjects she would have to make do with her own. she leaped down from the balcony craning her neck in every direction. Maybe they’ve hidden from her? Maybe they didn’t forget? As a last resort she looked under every table in the room, no ponies but as she continued her search, checking under every chair, every closet and in some cabinets in case a filly or two were hiding from her. Until something began to dawn on her. Cobwebs adorned every corner and arch of the building, undisturbed dust lined the hallways, and even before her entrance this place was in a serious state of disrepair spider web cracks and holes adorned every wall, all of the windows cracked and broken, furniture uncared for. This place wasn’t empty it was abandoned.

After she was confident that not a single pony was in this building with her she decided to make her way outside, surly her subjects would leave some sign of where they fled from her. she tried pushing open the front door but the hinges proved to be broken causing the door to fall and hit the ground with a rather loud THUNK a thick cloud of dust flew into the princess’ eyes and lungs as she spent the good part of a minute waving a hoof and coughing. as the dust finally settled she got a good look at Ponyville.

Abandoned. It was the first word that came to mind, each building in a similar or worse state of disrepair then the town hall, some missing their roof while others were completely demolished. The marketplace was no better. piles of lumber and tools signifying where vendors once set up their stores while large amounts of detritus littered the broken cobblestone of the street. Luna walked up to a basket of apples, left for what seemed like months. Luna began to feel an emotion she hadn’t felt for a thousand years, worry. For herself or maybe even her subjects she was not sure but she knew that whatever happened here it wasn’t in anticipation for her. walking further down the street she began to notice many things. for one it was still nighttime. While this was her goal in the first place she has not even felt the pull of her sisters magic, not even a token effort to raise her sun. As Luna continued to walk down those desolate streets considering this, a drizzle began. It was almost enough to startle her, not because she was afraid but because once she heard the sound of those droplets hitting the ground around her she realized how quiet it was. not even the smallest of creatures stirred. besides the pitter patter of the rain Ponyville was truly silent. Luna sat down for a moment inside the doorway of a nearby shop to collect her thoughts.

What has befell these ponies? Is this perhaps a jest? It has to be, you knew I would be back, Celestia! this is for me isn’t it!” She looked straight outside, talking to nopony in specific. It was then that something in the detritus caught her eye, then after the first she started noticing them everywhere. her pupils dilated her original worry replaced with something much worse. Bones, hidden among the wood, tools, rotting food, garbage and other knick knacks laid countless bones. Something incredibly wrong happened here. Luna decided that she would have answers.


unfurling her wings, she took flight. She could have easily teleported to her sister’s new castle. But she needed to see everything, she inspected every road as she flew over the rain soaked Equestria. Scanning for any sign of life below. All were devoid of life and ill maintained, along them all were scattered carts, saddlebags, and more bones. Always facing towards Canterlot. Most of the carts still stood upright as if they were dropped along with the saddlebags to lighten a load, to travel faster. What perturbed Luna most though was the furrows. Occasionally she would see massive trenches cutting straight through the roads and the rock they were made of, some were messier than others signifying where trees were caught up and uprooted. the thought of what made them sent shivers down Luna’s spine but also filled her with a morbid sort of curiosity. Whatever happened everypony was heading to Canterlot, and that’s where she would find her answers and hopefully something besides bones and the rain to keep her company.