• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 10,588 Views, 152 Comments

God Among Us - CrypticMetaphor

The God of Destruction Beerus finds himself far from his home dimension and must live among mortals until Whis finds him

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The Universe, its vastness is only rivaled by its absolute mystery. To this day not many have fully explored it or even charted it, there are many worlds yet to be discovered that scientists could fear or rejoice at. However not many know that there is more than one universe! And within each there is a multitude of new and wonderful worlds ripe with mystery and adventure. Each universe shares one thing in common; the Gods and what they do. Most gods are benevolent and seek to do nothing more than stick to their own devices and help where necessary. But there are others who are malevolent, seeking nothing but to bring misery, despair, and ruin. Unfortunately, that is the way nature has decreed it. For where there is creation, there must also be destruction. In this case, there are beings known as The Gods of Destruction, Twelve in total. All do just what their title implies; destroy so that more can be created.

In one universe however, the unthinkable had occurred. A God of Destruction, whose very name and level of power could strike fear into the heart of any mortal, had not destroyed a world. The world’s name was the planet Earth, home of many strong warriors. These warriors protected it from all forms of evil, terrestrial and other, never once backing down when the odds were stacked against them. But their greatest trial appeared in the form of Lord Beerus, the Destructor God of the Seventh Universe. A great struggle erupted between him and the Earth’s mightiest champion, Son Goku, a saiyan raised on Earth. The duel was indeed fierce and it seemed bleak, but in the end, Beerus spared the Earth and departed to slumber for three years. However this, is where our story begins!


Deep within the reaches of space, past many swirling quasar’s and shimmering stars, rested a world belonging exclusively to the God of Destruction and his attendant. The world itself resembled a massive upside down black glasslike pyramid with a great tree jutting up from its flat surface to the sky. Dotting the surrounding space were smaller planets and two suns. The suns shined the light down upon a lush and rich grass and flower filled surface with a great lake filled swimming with all forms of creatures. As the occasional insect like creature buzzed through the air, a lone being walked along a brick like path that spanned toward the great tree which resembled a structure when one got closer. This being was humanoid with teal skin and white hair that stuck straight up and curled a little back at the top. His features to most were quite effeminate to say the least. Around his neck was a large light blue ring and his attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations, and a blue sash. And upon his feet were a pair of black high-heeled shoes with white spats.

The being was known as Whis, the attendant to Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction. As Whis leisurely strolled amongst the flowers, sniffing the occasional one with a calm smile, he would cast an occasional glance at the Temple. A look of puzzlement appeared as he tilted his head.

“Hm, that’s odd,” he mused to himself, “If I’m not mistaken, it’s been only a few hours since Lord Beerus drifted off to sleep,” he held his chin in contemplation and muttered somewhat jokingly, “He’s usually tossing and turning by now before he goes completely to sleep.”

It was true. Though Beerus was known for many things, he was famous for loving and taking VERY long sleeps….that and eating good food, at least famous to Whis. Like most mortals, whenever the God of Destruction would go for his sleeps, he would toss and turn until he found a perfect sleeping position. Although his version of it usually ended with him putting subconscious holes in the walls and floors with unconscious Ki blasts. Whis stared up at the Temple, watching and waiting for a miniature explosion or some form of debris to fall from the Temple, but none came. Whis, pursing his lips, shrugged and made his way toward the Temple.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to check on him for a moment,” he sighed in mild annoyance, “I really hope he didn’t decide to sleep on top of one of his alarm bombs again,” he chuckled at the memory, “though the last time that happened, it was quiet humours.”

Soon, Whis entered into the great Temple and started to climb the massive spiral stair case leading to Lord Beerus’s room. As he did, he smiled at the fact his restoration work had stuck since Beerus had woken up several hours ago and the whole debacle with Goku had transpired. Granted he wasn’t one for long road trips, the cuisine he got to sample on Earth was worth the hassle. Eventually he arrived at two large grand doors and quietly cracked open one of them. Glancing inside, he glances around. Floating in the air, suspended by an invisible force were several hourglasses, the sands calmly falling. His gaze went to the center of the room. Floating lazily in the center of the room was a gold chalice like bed with red velvet like bedding inside it. Whis raised an eyebrow when he noticed it was vacant.

“Hm…,” he hummed as he peers around the large sandstone colored room.

Stepping fully inside, he walked to the bed and then cast his gaze further around the room, levitating off the ground for a better vantage point. As he did, his expression slowly started to lose its calmness.

“This…does not bode well,” he opened his right hand as a staff materialized, a large black sphere like gem encircled vertically by a light blue ring.

Whis landed on the ground and tapped the bottom of his staff once on the ground, a loud chime ringing out. In a matter of moments, green energy like diamonds appeared in the air and he gazed into each one in turn. The gems displayed different part of the world he and Beerus resided on. No trace of the destructor god could be seen on the read outs. His look became more focused as he gazed into the gem on his staff, searching the Temple and the entire world he was present on more intricately. But there was absolutely no sign of him.

Heaving a mighty sigh, Whis rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Not again….of all the times he had to sleepwalk,” he looked at the gem on his staff and the floating diamonds, “All I can say is, I pity whatever world Lord Beerus is currently sleeping in. As long as they don’t wake him up, they should be fine,” his voice dropped to one of slight defeat as he reclined in mid-air and gazed into his staff, “Well….time to search every world…..and universe……”


Meanwhile, far across the greatest dimensional gap, a fun activity was taking place. Well….fun for most.

“RAINBOW DASH! HIT SOMEPONY ELSE WITH THOSE BLASTED THINGS,” cried a frightful Rarity as she galloped away from a water balloon packing Rainbow Dash.

“What’s the matter Rarity,” she snickered, “Afraid of a little water?”

The cyan pegasus chased the alabaster unicorn around a clearing that was nearest to the bridge that lead to the Castle of the Two Sisters while the others merely basked in the warm sun, enjoying the pleasant heat. With the castle at their backs, Twilight was laying on her back, her wings spread out and a dollop of sun screen on her nose as she merely sighed in relief. Applejack was watching her two friends chase each other as she shook her head. Fluttershy was sitting with Pinkie Pie enjoying two sandwiches.

“Applejack you were right,” Twilight said in a relaxed tone, “Coming out here away from everypony, with friends, was the perfect way to relax,” she gave a cute smile as she stared up at the clear sky, “Why I never did this before I’ll never know.”

Applejack chuckled, “See? A little sun can do wonders for a pony, calms the nerves an makes ya forget yer troubles.”

Pinkie pouted, “Every time I lay in the sun I just get as red as a tomato.”

Fluttershy gave a small smile, “that’s because you forget to wear sunscreen.”

“Oh yeah,” Pinkie waved a hoof, “But that stuff is such a pain to put on! I mean, it’s all slimy, it smells weird, and it makes my mane feel all dry and icky afterwards.”

Applejack was about to respond, but then jumped a bit when a bunch of cold water splattered her. A familiar laugh caught her attention as her hat went limp from the water.

“HAHAHAHA,” Rainbow laughed, “Nice look Applejack.”

Rarity, who was soaked to the bone, glowered at the laughing pegasus. Applejack shook herself slightly dry and glared at her laughing friend. Casting a gaze at Rarity, both ponies nodded and turned their attention to Rainbow. The pegasus stopped laughing and looked at her friends, and paled. Levitating around Rarity was more water balloons, and on Applejack’s back was something that resembled a sling shot that operated on a muzzle switch.

Rainbow blinked, “Uh…..I surrender?”

The pegasus flew off as the water balloons started flying in an endless tide


Within the castle, as the game took place outside, a shape slumbered. The shape itself was garbed in a white plain dress like garment that went down to its ankles. It was mildly humanoid, but resembled a purple cat with ears similar to a Sphinx Cat’s and his nails were black claws. The being was thin in build, but despite the fact he was wearing such plain sleeping attire, he was also adorned. On his wrists were gold bands and around his biceps and neck was a single gold ring. Attached to his left ear was a gold ear ring. The shape itself slept with a content look on his face and curled up in a ball. As for where he slept, it was fairly simple. The Castle, though old and abandoned still possessed two intact towers that were once the Royal Sister’s bed chambers. Though the beds were long since wrecked, that didn’t stop the being from curling up on a nearby window sill that had two drapes fallen on it.

However, as The Being slumbered, one of his ears would occasionally twitch. His content smile vanishing all but completely as the twitching became more erratic. Soon the ear swivelled in a set direction. The Being’s eyes slowly opened as he picked up the screams of both terror and excitement. His eyes were yellow with black pupils, and they were lazily half open as he lay still for a few moments. He then gave a mighty yawn and stretched out.

“Whis, keep it down,” he muttered sleepily, “Some of us are trying to sleep.”

The Being shut his eyes while trying to roll over and go back to sleep. However, he then rolled off the window sill and onto the floor into the sitting position which jostled him into a more awake state of mind. Yawning again, he licked his wrist and rubbed it against his forehead to get rid of some dirt. He looked around drowsily at the room he was in and stood up, his tail whipping lazily in the air as he lumbered to the door of the chambers.

“This had better not be one of your jokes Whis,” he muttered as he opened the door and started to descend the spiraling stairs, “You know I hate practical jokes….”

Eventually, he reached the landing and started to follow the hallway he was in. He licked the roof of his mouth a few times as he lazily walked down the long hall. After quite a bit of walking, he emerged in a throne room. Pausing, he cast his sleepy gaze at the thrones and the occasional tapestry.

“Tacky….,” he muttered again, “Whis, your sense of humour is still horrendous. If this is all you’ve got, I’m going back to bed,” he then turned around, “And when I get up, I’m destroying Pluto again….”

Behind The Being, the throne room doors opened in a flash and a posh sounding voice yelled out, “AH HA! I found YOU!”

In a blink of an eye, a mass of water balloons rained down upon The Being, causing him to freeze in place.

Rarity stopped her pelting, “There! Now maybe you’ll learn that pelting innocent ponies with these blasted things after being told to stop−“

Rarity stopped her chastising and stared on in silence and mild fear as the shape was now standing at his full height, now fully awake….and drenched. The air around The Being seemed to ripple and grow hot as the water evaporated off of him. The being slowly turned his head and stared with a livid glare at the unicorn. He turned fully and looked at the unicorn, and Rarity gazed on in fear at him and started to back up. The Being started to slowly advance on her, an aura of burning dark violet looking energy flaring to life around him in a menacing aura.

Rarity smiled weakly as she continued to back out, “I−I am so sorry, you see, me and my friends,” she looked around as The Being continued his advance, “We were just having a picnic in the sun, you know, get away from the stress of the day and just relax and have some good food.”

The Being’s advance didn’t slow as Rarity’s voice became more fearful, “And you see one of my more excitable friends decided it would be fun to pelt me with, well, water balloons and I didn’t realize when I decided to chase her with her own weapon that I would hit one such as you…,” she looked The Being up and down, “whatever you might be. Not that I’m saying you’re a thing, I’m sure you must be the talk of your home….with your posh accessories and….”

She fell to the ground and trembled, “Please forgive me Sir, it was an accident, don’t hurt me.”

The Being stopped an inch from the trembling life form and stared at her as she gazed up at him with watery eyes and a trembling lip. Rolling his eyes, his aura disappeared, a mildly disgusted look on his face.

“I can’t stand looks like that,” he stated in an agitated voice as he stared down at her evenly, “Stand up and take your punishment with some dignity, stop whimpering, you’re giving me a headache.”

Rarity then broke down into tears as The Being shook his head, a vein throbbing on his forehead.


Rarity jumped in surprise and stared at the being in shock as she was now on all four hooves.

The Being raised his hand toward her as his aura reappeared, “First I’m awoken from my sleep. Next, I’m pelted with water, and finally, I have to deal with a snivelling being like you,” his eyes narrowed in annoyance, “Acts like these cannot be forgiven!”

Rarity shut her eyes.


The Being turned his attention to the audacious voice and saw another equine with wings and a rainbow colored mane and tail with cyan fur. The Being looked at the pony as she flew from faraway to right in front of him, glaring angrily into his eyes. He lowered his hand as his aura vanished, an amused smirk on his face.

“Oh? And who might you be to address me in such a manner,” he asked in curious amusement.

“My names Rainbow Dash,” she stated proudly, “and nopony or cat, threatens my friends! If they do, they’re going to get a massive whooping!”

The Being chuckled, “Oh really now, tell me Rainbow Dash,” he spoke her name in a mild condescending tone, “Do you know who you’re talking too right now?”

Rainbow growled and pressed her forehead against his, “No, all I know is I’m talking to a cat that’s about to get his clock cleaned.”

The Being’s smile vanished, “I am known as Lord Beerus, and you’d do well to address me by that lest you wish for a swift punishment.”

Rainbow backed off slightly, but maintained her stance. She didn’t know why, but this Beerus guy….he felt wrong.

Beerus noted her shielding Rarity, “So this Rarity, you say she is your friend?”

“Yeah, one of my best,” Rarity smiled at Rainbow as she landed and planted herself in front of the unicorn, “And there is no way in Tartarus that I’m going to let you hurt her.”

Beerus stared at her in silence for a moment, his hands going behind his back.

“And what if I do?” he questioned with a raised eyebrow and a curious tone; “She has pelted me with these so called water balloons and awoke me from such a pleasant slumber. Accident or not, she must be punished for this transgression. Although,” he smiled somewhat sinisterly at the pegasus, “If you wish to take her punishment in her stead, I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

Rainbow Dash paled as she looked at Rarity and then to the smiling Cat creature known as Lord Beerus.

Both beings stared the other down.

Author's Note:

Whoa! Looks like Rainbow Dash is in a pinch! What will happen next? Find out next time on God Among Us!

I'm a little proud of this one, hope you all like it! A crossover with my all time favorite DBZ character and since no one has done it yet! This and Baen the Barbarian will be the two fics updating, until Baen the Barbarian is completed. Then I'll pick another to update alongside this one. Later, now it's time for me to sleep.