• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 10,579 Views, 152 Comments

God Among Us - CrypticMetaphor

The God of Destruction Beerus finds himself far from his home dimension and must live among mortals until Whis finds him

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Twilight stretched a little before rolling over and standing up, giving her wings a mild flap to work a bit of the stiffness. She turned to glance around and took notice that she, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were the only ones left at the picnic area. Pursing her lips, she glanced toward the castle but then noticed the broken water balloons strewn about on the ground and shook her head with a smile.

“Well at least their having fun,” she turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and noticed they were playing cards.

Trotting to her friends, she smiled and sat beside Pinkie Pie, “So, what’re you both playing?”

Pinkie Pie reordered her hand, “Go Fish,” she narrowed her eyes at Fluttershy, “So far it’s a stalemate.”

Fluttershy stared at her cards and then smiled sweetly at Pinkie Pie, “Do you have any threes?”

Pinkie stared at her hand and pouted, handing over two threes, “Here…”

Fluttershy placed the matches she had down as Twilight stared at Pinkie, “Um…you know the object of the game is to have no cards in your hand right?”

“I know it is,” she leaned over Twilight and whispered in her ear, “But I’m trying to psyche her out, but she has an amazing pokerface.”

Fluttershy sat patiently with a smile on her face as Twilight chuckled, “Well can you deal me in next game please?”

Pinkie nodded with a chipper, “Sure thing!”

Behind them, Applejack approached and deposited the slingshot harness on the ground, “I’m back,” she noticed that two of her friends were still missing, “Did Rarity and Rainbow Dash come back yet?”

Twilight shook her head, “No. Rainbow is probably chasing Rarity near the castle,” she smiled as Applejack sat beside her, “They’ll be back soon. What’s the worst that could happen?”


Rainbow Dash continued to stare at Beerus, whose smile was gone but he still radiated a serious air about him. Rainbow had met and fought several monsters in her career as a hero in Equestria, but this guy was on a whole different level. Just like all the other villains she fought with, this dude meant business.

Beerus raised an eyebrow, “Have you made your decision?”

Rainbow looked back at Rarity who shook her head. The pegasus inhaled and steadied her nerves. She shut her eyes for a moment and stared at Beerus with complete seriousness.

“Listen Beerus, I don’t know who you are, or what you’re doing here. But the fact is, I’m the Element of Loyalty and I NEVER abandon a friend,” Beerus’s expression became one of slight amusement, “If that means I have to put my life on the line or take some lumps for them, you bet to Celestia I’ll do it!”

Beerus regarded the small equine, searching her for any hesitation or lies. But much to his surprise, he found none. This lifeform, this…pony, had every intention of putting herself on the line to protect her friend. Beerus knew such an action was foolish and almost childish, but at the same time, it was admirable.

Beerus rolled his neck a few times before rotating his shoulder, “Well you seem quite sure of yourself,” he approached Rainbow and stopped a foot from her, “willing to lay down your life for a friend. Though the action is needlessly foolish, I must at least acknowledge that your action is….selfless,” he raised a finger and an almost playful smile appeared on his face, “Which is why I shall test your conviction.”

Rainbow blinked in surprise as he glanced at Rarity, his smile vanishing for a mere instant, “Go back to where you came from, and tell no one of this meeting, at least not yet.”

Rarity nodded and quickly whispered, “Be careful,” and zipped off.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, “Alright Beerus, what game?”

Beerus sighed, “Such rudeness, didn’t I ask you to refer to me by my full title,” he shrugged, “But I suppose it can’t be helped,” he then stared evenly at Rainbow Dash, “Here’s how our little game will work. You seem quite fast, there is no mistake of that.”

Rainbow felt herself swell with pride.

“However,” Beerus added, “You’re both arrogant and just from the way you carry yourself, quite the braggart.”

Rainbow Dash snorted as Beerus smirked, “Which is why this game is perfect for you,” he pointed to where Rarity ran off, “We shall race. Starting from here, to where your friend is. If you win, I shall overlook this, Rarity’s, action against me. However if I win,” he stared at Rainbow with that same sinister looking grin, “You take her punishment in full.”

Rainbow nodded and opened her wings.

“Now, just to go over one more thin−,” Beerus flinched as a massive cloud of dust was kicked up and a gust of wind blasted him.

He took note of a rainbow blur getting farther away from him, he smirked.


Applejack threw her hat down in frustration as Pinkie smiled in satisfaction, “Consarn it! Pinkie, that’s the 10th time in a row you’ve won,” she looked at the pink pony in confusion, “how in the hay do you do that?”

Pinkie smiled as she raked in the bits, “It’s a talent.”

As the girls started packing up their cards they all turned their heads and noted Rarity, who seemed exhausted, fall over and started to pant for breath.

The girls rushed to their friend’s side as Fluttershy started to gently fan the unicorn with her wing.

“Rarity,” Twilight asked in concern, “What happened? You look like you’ve run a marathon!”

Applejack nodded, “You’re sweating more than Big Mac when he tried to lift that fallen tree last summer durin that heat wave.”

Rarity looked at Twilight, “Oh Twilight it’s horrible!”

“What’s horrible? What happened,” Twilight asked frantically.

Rarity swooned and spoke in a tired tone, “There I was, chasing Rainbow Dash toward the castle. Granted I lost her at first, but then I heard a voice coming from inside the castle. Thinking it was Rainbow; I of course opened the door and attacked immediately. But what I didn’t realize is that I struck someone completely different.”

Twilight blinked in surprise, “Well, did you apologise?”

Rarity nodded, “I did, but…oh Twilight,” she said in mild fear, “He was….there are no words. Just being near him…you could feel that he commanded such authority with his mere presence. He even referred to himself as a Lord!”

Twilight paled as visions of another being with the title of Lord entered her mind, “A Lord?”

Rarity nodded, “Yes, he even carried himself with a certain dignity and….,” her eyes seemed to drift into space, “power….”

Before Twilight could prod any further, there was a mild gust of wind, and everypony looked up to see a grinning Rainbow Dash.


The pegasus then started to do a jig in mid−air, “Who’s the fastest in Equestria? I am! Who’s number one? I am! Who’s the greatest? I am!”

Applejack glowered at Rainbow, “Rainbow what in the hay are ya spoutin now?”

Before Rainbow Dash could answer, everypony froze. In the blink of an eye, a being seemed to materialize from thin air, an odd noise accompanying its arrival. The being was levitating a couple of inches off the ground, staring down at the assembled group. He then touched down in silence and approached the gathered ponies, who didn’t dare move. The being then extended his right index finger…and poked Rarity’s nose, the unicorn sputtering in surprise as she pulled away and covered her booped nose.

“Well,” Beerus stated, “It seems I win.”

Rainbow landed in front of him, “Like heck you do! I beat you here fair and square! So get lost!”

Beerus tilted his head with an amused smile, “Oh? You’re so sure of that are you? Well let me ask you a question,” he leaned forward and spoke in a mocking tone, “Did you just hear the word race and decide to speed off? Or did you decide to take the opportunity of a head start while I was about to explain the rules?”

Rainbow paled as she backed up.

“If you had stayed put, you would‘ve heard the specifics of our race,” he raised his index finger, “One simple rule. The winner isn’t decided by who reaches Rarity first, but by the one who reaches her and touches her.”

Rainbow growled and stomped her right forehoof, “That was a dirty trick! You didn’t even say that at the start!”

Beerus stared at her evenly, “If you recall what I just said, I was about to. But in your arrogance, you flew off before I was done speaking. It’s no trick, and it’s no one’s fault except,” he pointed directly at her, “Yours.”

Rainbow looked from side to side frantically as Beerus extended his hand, “Now it’s time for your punishment.”

Twilight however, stood in front of Rainbow Dash and glared at Beerus, “Alright, that’s enough, I’m stopping this!”

Beerus narrowed his gaze at her, “Stand aside equine, this does not concern you.”

Twilight flared her wings and her horn lit up, “If it’s involving my friends, it does concern me.”

Beerus noticed the other ponies, sans the yellow looking one, looking like they were about to leap at him.

“Tch, how annoying,” he glared at Twilight, “do you intend to stop me?”

“Yes,” she stated as she planted herself firmly between her friends and Beerus, “I do.”

Beerus noticed her stance and the power pooling at the tip of her horn, his temper steadily bubbling. It wasn’t just the fact that this was the second time one of these ponies had gotten in his way; it was also the fact that ever since he had gotten here, he couldn’t sense a thing. Despite the fact that there was other things that frustrated him today, the fact that he was practically blind to…whatever energy this pony was using, infuriated him. It was almost like something was blocking his ability to sense the power of lifeforms on this world, or at the very least, dulled it.

Twilight looked at Rarity, “Rarity, who is he?”

“He says his name is,” she stared at the cat, “Lord Beerus.”

Twilight gazed at the one known as Beerus, “Lord Beerus, as a Princess of Equestria I ask you as a fellow ruler, state exactly why it is you’re here.”

Beerus narrowed his eyes, “You do not ask anything of me, Princess,” Beerus spoke the last word scathingly, “the only business I had here was to have a pleasant sleep. But your two friends, and now you have made me MAD!”


Everyone turned to look at Pinkie Pie, who had broken off from the group, and was now rummaging around inside the picnic basket. After digging deeply, she smiled.

“Found it!”

Pinkie Pie pulled out a plastic rectangular container and opened the lid. Beerus immediately lowered his hand as a smell hit his nostrils. He sniffed a few times and then did a deep inhale. Pinkie approached him and raised the container toward him, inside were six jumbo grade cinnamon buns.

Pinkie Pie smiled sweetly up at the cat, “Here, try one! As I always say, ‘when you’re feeling mad, have a cinnamon bun to sweeten your mood!’”

Beerus sniffed the container again, “A cinnamon bun you say,” he raised an eyebrow as he stuck one of his claws in the center most one and lifted it out.

Pinkie was still smiling while the others held their breath in both shock and confusion. Beerus gave one last sniff before he took a bite out of the pastry. He stood still for a moment and swallowed, a tremble went up his spine, and a massive smile spread across his face as his eyes lit up.

“IT’S DELICIOUS,” he practically screamed, “the golden brown and perfectly baked texture mixed with the grandness of the cinnamon is only rivaled by the sweetness of the frosting,” his tail whipped back and forth happily as he closed his eyes and savoured the taste, “It’s baked perfection!”

Pinkie squeed and handed him the container, “Here you go then, “ the girls stared in utter confoundment as Lord Beerus sat cross legged on the ground and started to slowly eat the pastries.

Twilight approached Pinkie as the ponies seated themselves from Beerus, “Pinkie….how did you?”

Pinkie giggled, “Come on Twilight, everypony knows that nopony can stay mad when they eat great food!”

Beerus glanced up at the girls for a moment, and then went back to eating his pastries.

Twilight exhaled in relief, “Well at least we avoided a disaster,” she stared at Beerus, “I hope.”

Lord Beerus rubbed his stomach in satisfaction, “Ah that was superb. You, pink one,” he said as he looked at Pinkie, “Thank you for the meal.”

Pinkie smiled, “No problem.”

Twilight cleared her throat, “Um…Lord Beerus.”

Beerus started to pick his teeth with a claw, “Yes?”

“You’re….not going to punish Rarity or Rainbow Dash anymore….are you?”

Beerus stared at Rarity and Rainbow, then sighed in minor irritation, “Nah, I think they’ve learned to respect the terror that is Lord Beerus,” he smirked at the two, “Just as long as they never do it again.”

Rarity nodded, “Of course, my Lord.”

Rainbow huffed and turned her back to him.

Beerus shook his head and gazed at Twilight, “And you, you claim you are one of the leaders of this world?”

“Yes,” she stated with a smile, “My name is Twilight Sparkle,” she then pointed to her remaining friends in turn, “And that’s Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.”

Beerus nodded and lay on his back with his hands behind his head, “Tell me, what is this land called?”

Twilight blinked, “Um…Equestria?”

“I see,” he stated.

Twilight thought or a moment, “You wouldn’t by chance be a visiting Lord from a land outside of Equestria’s borders would you?”

He continued to stare at the sky with his natural expression, “Of sorts.”

Applejack shuffled slightly, “Well…where do ya come from?”

Beerus groaned in irritation, “These questions are starting to annoy me.”

Applejack snorted in irritation, but was stopped by Twilight, “Lord Beerus,” she stated politely, “If you are a visiting noble from another land. I’m positive Princess Celestia and Luna would love to meet you!”

“Well if you say so,” Beerus stated mildly bored, “However, I refuse to continue to walk around in my pajamas,” he stated as he grabbed a bit of his night gown, “Are either of you a seamstress?”

Rarity raised a hoof and spoke in an excited tone, “I am, my Lord!”

Beerus smiled and sat up, “Ah excellent! Now, where is your spinning wheel?”

Rarity chuckled, “Oh I don’t have one. But I do however own a shop with many supplies and fabrics.”

Beerus stood and stared at Rarity, “Very well then. Take me to your place of business and fashion me my appropriate garments to my exact specifications. If they’re not to my liking,” he gave an ominous smirk, “I’ll be quite upset.”

Rarity smiled, “Rest assured Lord Beerus, you shan’t be disappointed.”

Twilight looked to the girls, “Alright everypony, let’s pack up, we’re heading back.”

Author's Note:

God's, love the cinnamon buns! See ya all next chapter!