• Published 9th May 2012
  • 1,710 Views, 10 Comments

The Lonely Wolf - MadxHatter123

Fluttershy finds a mysterious man injured in her backyard. She decides to help him.

  • ...

Discoveries and Explanations.

Oh hey, look, a new chapter. …I really don't have anything witty to say. Lets just get to the story. Sasuke?

Sasuke: My little pony be longs to The Hub and Hasbro. I belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Now lets find out how there related. Uh, not that I care…

Me: Riiiiight.

Chapter 2:

The princesses clung to Howl for a few more seconds, letting their tears fall freely, while Howl held them and reassured them. Finally, somepony spoke up.

"P-princess C-celestia? W-what's going on?" asked a confused Twilight, snapping everypony out of their shock.

Slowly, Princess Celestia let go of Howl and turned to Twilight, wiping away her tears. She smiled kindly and said, "Twilight, I-I didn't see you there. My most faithful student, all will be explained soon. But for now, me and my sister would like to catch up with our brother, who we haven't seen in centuries."

"Celly," Howl said gently, "why don't we tell them now? It won't take that long to explain." Howl says to her as he walks up behind her.

She pouted a little, but nodded anyway. "Okay…"

Howl smiled and turned to look at everypony. "Well, I guess I'll start with asking what you all want explained."

Several hands shoot up and Howl point at Applejack." You first, Miss Applejack."

"Well, I want to know how ya'll are related?" She asked several ponies nodding in agreement.

"Very good question. Well, we're not related by blood, but we share the same parents, King Diem and Queen Nocturne. They found me amid the ruins of my home tribe's village," he paused and got a very sad look on his face, "after my clansmen all killed each other."

Several ponies gasped. None of them could comprehend family and friends killing each other.

"Yeah… Well, they found me and decided to raise me as their own. Celly was born soon after, followed by Lulu soon after." Howl finished.

"How come you keep calling the princesses, um, w-what you keep calling them?" asked Twilight.

"Heh, well… I call Celestia Celly because I felt her full name was too long, so I started calling her Celly. And with Luna, well, I called her that one day, and it just stuck." he grinned as Luna pouted.

"Well, at least that's better than Nightmare Moon." Whispered Rainbow Dash to Applejack. Suddenly, she heard Howl behind her saying, "And why would my sweet, youngest sister be called something as horrible as that, hmm?" while he smiled dangerously.

She jumped and said, "Uh, umm, well…" while starting to sweat slightly..

"I-I believe we should explain, brother." said Celestia nervously. She proceed to tell him what happened almost a thousand years ago. She also told him of the events that happened when Luna returned. When she was done, Howl was quiet, with a grim look on his face. Then suddenly, *WHACK! WHACK!* followed by two loud cries of "OW!"

"W-why did y-you hit us, b-brother." said Celestia, sniffing while she and Luna were sitting on the floor rubbing rapidly forming bumps on their heads.

"Why!" Howl said while frowning angrily at the princesses. He turned and pointed at Luna, "You, Luna, should know better than to get jealous of your sister! I know Mom, Dad, and I taught you better!"

Then he turned to Celestia, "And you, Celestia, A THOUSAND YEARS! YOU'RE LUCKY SHE DIDN'T GO COMPLETELY INSANE FROM THE SOLITUDE!" Howl yelled at her. Celestia shrank back, and mumbled, "S-s-sorry."

Howl sighed. "…I would say it's fine, but it's not. But for now, I have to let it go. Now, what are those Elements of Harmony you mentioned?"

Everypony gasped. "Y-you never heard of the Elements of Harmony? They've been around forever." asked Twilight.

At this, Celestia spoke up. "Actually, Twilight, Luna and I made them soon after Howl left. He of course wouldn't know of them."

"Oh, well I guess we should introduce him to them." Twilight said smiling at her friends.

They gathered and started their introductions.

"I'm Applejack, Elements of Truth." said Applejack smiling and nodding her head.

"I'm Fluttershy, Element of Kindness." said Fluttershy blushing as Howl smiled at her.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter." said Pinkie giggling and bouncing.

"I'm Rarity, Element of Generosity." said Rarity smiling and bowing gracefully.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty." said Rainbow smirking while giving him a thumbs up.

"And I am Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic." said Twilight, also bowing to Howl.

Howl smiled. "Heh, sounds like you took the things that Mom and Dad valued the most and put them into them." he said trailing off.

"Well, we were thinking of them when we made them." said Luna.

Howl, Luna, and Celestia were quiet for a few moments, each remembering special times with their parents.

Howl sighed. "Well," he suddenly, "I think we should wrap up here. It is almost sunrise…"

"Oh! That's right. I need to get ready to raise the sun!" said Celestia, panicking a bit.

"Calm down, Calm down. You two need to rest after all this excitement. Twilight, do you have room for them to sleep at the Library?" asked Howl.

"Yes, but what about sunrise?" said Twilight curiously.

"Don't worry, just take them there and make sure they sleep." Howl said smiling as he pushed Luna and Celestia toward the door with her.

"But, but." Celestia protested.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. I may have been gone for thousands of years, but I still remember how to raise the sun." Howl whispered to her.

She sighed, then slowly nodded and hugged him, soon followed by Luna.

"We missed you, big brother." whispered Luna as she dug her head into his chest.

"I missed you too." whispered Howl. "Now go get some sleep." He said as he gentle pushed her and Celestia toward Twilight who was waiting at the door.

After most of the ponies had left, Howl started toward the door when he felt a light tug on his arm. He turned and saw Fluttershy holding his sleeve.

"Yes Miss Shy." he said kindly.

"U-umm, I-I was just w-wondering why y-you have a combination of Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's Cutie Mark on y-your back." She asked him.

He smiled widely, showing off his sharp canine teeth. "Heh, so you saw that. Well, why don't I show you." He said as he gently took her hand and led her outside.

He took her to a nearby hill where they could see some light over the horizon. She started to ask why the were there, but he put a finger on her lips, making her blush.

"Sssh. Just watch." he said smiling gently.

He turned and faced the direction the sun was waiting to rise from. He lifted his arms toward it, and closed his eyes. He stood there for a few seconds, then slowly, he started to glow a mix of gold and silver. Fluttershy gasped as she watched him slowly raise the sun, making it glow a beautiful golden silver.

"H-how?" she asked.

"Well, you see, wolves were as powerful with magic as Alicorns, and, I was born with the most magic of them all, which makes me more powerful than Alicorns. That, is sadly, the reason my kind killed each other. They all wanted my power for themselves." He sighed. "Heh, I have so much power, I can travel between universes and time. That's what I've been doing actually."

Fluttershy interrupted, "W-wait, y-you're m-more p-powerful t-than t-the P-princesses!" she stammered.

Howl chuckled at her shocked expression. "Yeah. Our parents had wanted me to rule when they, …died." Howl sniffed. "But I couldn't for two reasons. One, it just didn't feel right. I mean, how can I rule ponies when I'm not one myself?"

He sighed. "And two, I just couldn't stay in one place for too long. I'm, or was, an adventure. I left this universe to explore others. I needed action. I would have gone crazy if I had to sit around and rule over peaceful ponies. I made friends, enemies, and became a hero to countless beings. But, I've grown tired of it all. I'm ready to settle down now. I was leaving the last universe I was in to come back here, when an explosion caught me off guard. I ended up in your backyard, and, well you know the rest."

He yawned. "Ugh, I need some sleep. I'm going to go find a nice tree to sleep in. See you later Miss Shy." he said as he walked away.

"W-wait!" Fluttershy said suddenly.

"Hmm? Yes?" said Howl turning to look at her.

She blushed as he looked at her. "y-you c-can s-stay a-at m-my h-house a-again." she whispered.

He smiled. "Are you sure?"

She nodded.

They left the hill, as the golden silver sun rose higher into the sky.

Well, I think this is a good place to stop. Now, before you all start complaining about me making Howl a Gary Stu, I'm not. One, he does have his weaknesses. You just won't see it much in this story. I am mostly making this story focus on romance, at least in the beginning, so there won't be any chances for Gary Stu stuff. Oh and if you guys think Celestia and Luna were out of character, well, just imagine having a sibling you care a lot about, and you don't see them for thousands of years. Yeah. Also, if you all want to see some of Howl's adventures in other universes, don't worry, I do plan on showing them, but they will all be crossovers of my favorite animes, books, tv shows, and other things. And one last thing, if you're wondering why the mane 6 all said their names when he obviously knows them already. Well, it's just how I picture them doing introductions for people who don't know about the Elements.

Well it's midnight of Christmas Eve, and I'm tired. Oh, and I'm going to try and do a Christmas story for this on Sunday, and it will be set a few months from where things are now, and it will be a separate story. Night, and Merry Christmas.

Fimfiction note: Oh, and in this story, Celestia and Luna made the Elements, they didn't discover them. The Elements, after Celestia was forced to use them on Luna, were converted into life energy, and were remade in the main 6. I put this info down here, because I'm not going to address this in the story at all, so I decided to let you all know. And you can tell I made this story a while back. P.S. that Christmas story never happened.