• Published 9th May 2012
  • 1,713 Views, 10 Comments

The Lonely Wolf - MadxHatter123

Fluttershy finds a mysterious man injured in her backyard. She decides to help him.

  • ...

The next day part 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I began typing this at exactly midnight, so yeah. And I got to say, its awesome to start the new year with a mini Bleach marathon on adult swim, so it's all good. Well, I'm sure you are all excited to read this new chapter, but first, let me tell about my Christmas. It wasn't bad, I got some money, gift cards, and some art kits to help my improve my art abilities, hopefully enough to do my own art for this story, and others I do. Oh, I also got a brand new laptop. SO, I will now be able to update more often, and plan my stories better. Feel free to tell me about your guys Christmas if you comment. I love learning about people who enjoy my stories. Well, without further ado(what the hell does that even mean?) here is the story. Sasuke?

Sasuke: My little pony be longs to The Hub and Hasbro. I belong to Masashi Kishimoto. And why didn't you ask about my Christmas?

Me: Because no one cares about you.

Sasuke: *shrinks into the fetal position, and sits in the corner*

Oh, and Howl is going to make some references to universe he's traveled to. Lets see if you all can spot them.

Chapter 3:

Fluttershy was awoken by a sweet smell she had never smelt before. She went down stairs and found Howl in the kitchen laying out a bunch of flat, frosting-less, cake like things. She watched as he spread some butter on each stack, and then put some sort of thick, brown substance on them. He looked up and saw her standing in the doorway.

"Good morning sleepy head. I thought I would pay you back for taking me in and helping me by making breakfast for us." He said while smiling.

"O-oh, you didn't h-have to." she told him while blushing lightly. "W-what kind o-of food is that anyway?" she asked curiously.

"Hmm? You don't have pancakes here yet? Huh, I thought for sure they would appear in our world. Well, as I already said, these are pancakes. I discovered them during my travels, surprisingly, in almost all the universes I traveled to. They are delicious, especially with maple syrup."

"Maple, syrup?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Wha-? You don't have syrup ether?" Howl asked with a look of shock on his face. "I thought for sure something so sugary would appear here. Oh well, at least I thought to carry some with me, and the ingredients for pancakes exist here. Go ahead and try it, I'm sure you'll love it." He told her while he sat down and started eating his own.

Fluttershy slowly sat down and picked up her fork and cut a small piece off of her's. She slowly lifted it to her mouth and stuck it in her mouth. As she chewed, her eyes grew wide. She swallowed, and quickly cut off another larger piece and ate it. She soon finished all of it and sighed in content. She then heard Howl chuckling, and looked over at him. She blushed and sank lower into her chair.

"I take it you liked them?" He asked while grinning at her. She slowly nodded her head.

"D-do you think you can teach me how to make them sometime?" She asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

He chuckled and nodded.


While all this was happening Twilight, Celestia, and Luna were all waking up and starting their day.(AN: Ok, it was at this point that I got too distracted by that Bleach marathon and fell asleep after it was over. Then I was lazy the week after, and a few more days. Then I got some motivation to write more.(and my internet crapped out for a while, so I had nothing else to do) Oh, and I read Cupcakes, sort of. I'll explain later, story stuff now.)

Twilight was the first to awaken, and at first she started her day as normal. Then she saw the princesses sleeping in the guest room and the night before came rushing back. Then, she realized the sun was up, and the princess had been there, asleep at the time it was to rise.


Needless to say, she woke up the princesses.

"Ugh, five more minutes, Tia." grumbled Luna as Celestia shot up out of the bed.

"Twilight, whats wrong." she asked worriedly.

"T-the sun's u-up. B-but you didn't r-raise it." Twilight replied confused, and slightly scared.

Celestia sighed in relief, having known what happened.

"Do not worry Twilight, I know how it happened and it is nothing to be worried about." Celestia told her as she started to poke Luna to wake her up, who grumbled in annoyance.

"A-are you sure princess, the last time the sun changed on it's own, Discord was involved." Twilight replied in return.

Celestia frowned and said, "Twilight, it didn't rise on its own, our brother rose it."

"Oh, ok th- WAIT! WHAT!" Twilight yelled, her jaw dropping.

Luna startled awake while Celestia sighed and thought to herself, 'This is going to be a long morning.'


Howl had just finished cleaning the kitchen when Fluttershy came down from showering.

She was dressed in a light yellow wool sweater that showed her shoulders, showing off her butterfly cutie mark. She also wore a darker yellow dress that went down to her ankles, with her cutie make stitched on the hip.

"Umm, H-howl, would you l-like to use the s-shower." Fluttershy asked him as she sat down.

"Hmm, yeah, I haven't had one in a bit with my traveling and everything." He replied as he headed toward the bathroom.

Fluttershy then thought of something that made he blush slightly. "Oh, I-I just remembered. Y-you don't have a-any clothes to c-change into."

Howl stopped. "Ah yes. Actually," he said as he pulled out a roll of paper wrapped around a small red rod. "I have this. This is a storage scroll. Very useful. Can store all sorts of things of any size. I use them to carry all of my things. Clothes, food, weapons." At this Fluttershy squeaked.

"W-w-weapons." She asked worriedly.

"Ah, I forgot, ponies don't really have need for those. Don't worry, I would never, ever think of using my weapons to hurt any of you ponies. Maybe to protect, but never to hurt. I would never be able to forgive myself if I did." Howl said kindly, calming Fluttershy down.

"O-oh. T-thats good." she said, and thought to herself, 'I'd hate to love someone who hurts others I care about.' She froze at that thought.

'W-wait! D-did I j-just s-say I l-l-love h-him?' Fluttershy asked herself not realizing Howl was standing there, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Miss Shy? Miiiiiss Shyyyyy? Crap, did I brake her?" Howl asked himself.

Suddenly, Fluttershy snapped out of it, blushing bright red at how close Howl was.

"U-umm, U-uhh, Ihavetogofeedtheanimals!" she said quickly, dashing off with a speed that would have made Rainbow Dash proud, and a bit jealous.

"Ummmm, o-k." Howl said as he went to use the shower.

Ugh, ok, I hate to end it here, but I just wanted to get something up. I'll try to have the next chapter up saturday, but no promises. Oh, and I really want to find a beta, preferable someone who would be willing to nag me to work on this stuff. That's my main problem, no one to constantly remind me to do this. Oh, and I would also like to remind people about my challenge on my profile. If your a bleach and naruto fan, look it up. So, remember to review and all that jazz. Hatter, out.

Fimfiction note 2: Ok, I wrote these first three chapters when I was still kind of new to the fandom, so, yeah, some info I have will contradict the show, but, whatever. Oh, and this chapter was wrote back when I had writers block with this story, but I have since gained a few ideas to use in it, I was just distracted by The Brother at the time. I'm going to see if doing to stories will help me, I have heard from other authors that working on other stories can help with writers block, so lets hope that works for me. Hatter, once again, out.

Comments ( 7 )



It was one of my first fics. I know how to pace things better now though.

It's good, with a good consept.
We wants MOAR !!

simple request..............MMMMMOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR.........please :twilightsheepish:

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