• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,159 Views, 101 Comments

A New World, a New Identity - Snek

Pokémon Trainer, Tyler Watsky, is sent to Equestria by the god of Pokémon himself. Now he’s stuck with a new body, a noble pony, and a man-made Eeveelution. Will he be able to adapt to this new world?

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Chapter 1

The sun was setting on Lilycove, a successful day coming to an end. It had taken Tyler about a week to traverse the rainy forests between Fortree and the large port city. But now he was finally back to civilization, and could pass out in one of the nearby Pokemon Center’s beds.

Before he could continue on to Mossdeep he would need to find a Water-type to ride there. Were it much closer to a nearby coast like Dewford he could fly there, but despite his Altaria, Queen’s, strength, she couldn’t make it that far without a break in between. He was considering a Tentacool, their defensive capabilities were sure to come in handy in a battle, but he was wary about adding a Poison-type to his team just before battling a Psychic gym. He checked his Dexnav to see what sort of water pokemon were nearby, noting that there seemed to be many more water pokemon here than when he had first travelled through the area on his way to Littleroot for his trainer license test. He smiled at the memory fondly; to think that he had already been with Queen for a year, time seemed to fly travelling the Hoenn region.

He finally approached the Pokemon Center, it’s automatic doors sliding open with a pleasant whirring noise. He glanced at the TV, seeing some story about a mutilated pokemon corpse found in the Kalos region, believed to be a victim of some notorious mad scientist.

He handed over his five pokeballs to the Nurse Joy, offering a muttered thanks as she took them to a back room to check and heal. The Center was mostly empty, so he figured the wait wouldn't be long. He got out his Dexnav again to look at what was available nearby more closely, but all he could see were the silhouettes of uncaught pokemon in the area. He could make out what was likely a Frillish, which could definitely come in handy with the powerful twin Gym Leaders, as long as it could get along with his Scrafty, Damian.

Having decided what pokemon to fish for, he put away the Dexnav and got up to go see about checking into a room. The nurse had returned to the front desk, likely having left his Pokemon with her Chansey assistant. He got himself a large suite so he could let his Pokemon sleep outside of their Pokeballs.

Deciding to burn more time while he was waiting, he asked the nurse to send his Pokemon to his room once they were finished, and went to find his room. Coming to the room number, he touched his trainer card to the display on the door and it unlocked for him. These Centers just got more and more high tech, he couldn't wait to see what other sorts of improvements would be made to them in the near future. His bag was haphazardly tossed onto his bed, and he sat down next to it. He opened up the Pokeball pocket, only to find it pitifully empty, with only a Dusk Ball and two standard Balls. He would have to check out that famous shopping center tomorrow to restock before going Frillish hunting.

All of a sudden, a powerful wave of drowsiness hit him, “It must be that long day of hiking, gotta stay awake to let them out of their Pokeballs when…” His thought was cut short as he lost consciousness. The last thing to pass through his mind was a distant strange voice.

“Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.”

Bedlam, absolute Bedlam, that’s what Shadow woke up to. He was not a fan of that. He wasn’t really a fan of anything that involved crowds. Or lots of noise. Or people. Lucky for him, he wasn’t actually in the crowd, rather in an alleyway off to the side from where the chaos was going down. Hundred of… Ponyta like creatures all rushing back and forth in a frenzy. The Umbreon got up, and padded silently to the edge of the alley. It didn’t look like a good idea to go out into that stampede, at his size he’d be stomped half to death. Deciding it would be important to get somewhere at least, hopefully to learn what was going on, he looked around the alleyway, finding only a dumpster against a wall. He jumped onto the dumpster, up over the wall, and landed on the other side without any sound. Looking around he appeared to be in someone’s garden. Sneaking around the back of the house out to the street on the other side, he found it to be pleasantly empty compared to the next one over, only a few confused looking Rattata.

He stopped, not knowing which way was best to go. Looking to the right he found another panicked crowd, and to the left, what appeared to be a mugging via Feraligatr. Deciding to avoid the large powerful Water-Type until he knew what was going on, he turned to the right. As much as he hated crowds, that’s where the people are, and where you would most likely find someone.

“Jeez, what a headache.” Tyler was NOT feeling good. He vision was swimming worse than a Magikarp, and he honestly felt as though someone hit him over the head with a hammer. Sitting up, he looked around, finding himself in a large yard with a garden. A very fancy garden. It had tall hedges lining the edges, almost obscuring a stately red brick wall behind them. In the center was a large fountain, with two small Ponyta looking creatures in the middle, shooting water out of their mouths in a colliding arc. He tried to stand, but fell backward almost instantly, due to a strange weight behind him. As he flailed his arms to keep his balance, they seemed… pinker than usual, but he didn’t get a good look before he toppled onto the soft grass.

He would have tried to stand again, but in front of him, was a very pink limb. One that was in the same position as how his arm felt like it was in, and seemed to connect to… a large fluffy mass, which was connected to… oh Arceus no. Upon this realization he jerked back up onto his feet, almost losing his balance again in the process. He waved his arm around in front of him some, making it do certain angles and positions, hoping desperately that it would mess up and turn out not to be his, but to no avail. He looked back to the mass of fluff, now noticing what appeared to be some hanging from his forehead. He brought one of his new arms close and touched it. He could feel the hair shifting at the end of the sensitive nerve endings, all of which, despite his disbelief, were his. He finally looked behind him to the strange weight he had felt behind him, finding a long pink and black ringed tail, with a blue orb at the end, which emitted a faint glow, barely visible in the daylight.

He considered fainting before realizing that’s not how it works. Instead, he collapsed again, remaining conscious while in a state of semi shock.

Shadow dashed down the street as fast as he could. Apparently the locals, which he had discovered by listening in on a conversation between law enforcement, were called ponies. Said law enforcement had noticed him eavesdropping and tried to arrest him. Since when was eavesdropping on cops illegal? The two chasing him were both of the hornless and wingless variant and were easy to dodge when they occasionally caught up. But as he came around a corner, he ran right into one of the horned ones. Which immediately lit up his horn and used an attack, which paralyzed him instantly. He would have to remember these ponies could use Thunder Wave in the future. He tried to use Heal Bell but was unable. Hopefully the paralysis would wear off soon.

As Tyler came back to the realm of thought he realized he was no longer in the garden, and that he was now laying back in a… very comfortable couch, in some sort of living room area. Opposite of him was another couch, seemingly identical to his own. Wherever he was, it was definitely high society. Just the rug looked expensive enough to buy him enough vitamins for his whole team. He heard a loud clopping noise behind him, and a white Ponyta stallion came into view, wearing a fancy high class looking jacket, and a monocle. He glanced at Tyler in a concerned manner, and seeing he was now back to reality, cleared his throat.

“Um, hello. My name is FancyPants.”

“But you don’t have any pants on,” was the only reply Tyler could come up with. “Genius, freaking genius, I make contact with some new species and you say that. Wow. New low.”

This earned a confused look from the stallion, “What does Flaaffy mean exactly?”

Oh crap he can’t understand Pokespeak. What now?”

Tyler looked around for paper and a pencil, but none could be found. He did his best to mime out using a pencil, hoping to get the point across. Luckily FancyPants seemed to understand, “Oh, I know! Give me a moment, I’m sure I have a translator spell around here somewhere.” He went back behind the couch to a bookshelf, and pulled a few off using… wait. Was that levitation? He didn’t think Ponyta could learn Psychic, but then again, he didn’t really seem like one. Just a similar body type.

“Aha! I knew I had one around here somewhere, let me just read this,” he paused for a moment, reading over the page with utmost care. Who knew what could go wrong if the spell wasn’t done properly? His horn glowed slightly, the light encompassing Tyler for a moment before fading. Tyler just stared at him dumbly for a moment before the stallion chipped in again. “Well go on, say something, we need to know if it works.”

Resisting the urge to facepalm, he sputtered out, “Testing testing, 1 2 3.”

“Fantastic! I haven’t had to perform that spell for some time, I believe back when I was still dating…” he suddenly trailed off and a forlorn look came upon his face for a moment, before switching back to his cheery host demeanor. “Ah well that’s not important. What is important, is why you were almost passed out in my garden in a state of shock.”

“Well… It’s hard to explain.”

“Do your best then.”

“Um… You see what I am now? Well, I wasn’t always this.”

“Were you a pony?”

“Is that what you’re called?”

“Yes, I am a pony, and I’ll take that as a no. What were you then.”

“I was a human.”

Fancy paused for a moment, as though checking to see if the species name rung any bells. “I’m afraid I am not familiar with humans, but nor are your with ponies it would seem. What are you now though?”

“Well, I’m a Flaaffy now.”

“Don’t believe I’m familiar with those either.”

“It’s a Pokemon.”

“Still getting nowhere. Where are you from?”

“I’m from Evergrande City, in the Hoenn Region.”

"I believe you are being too specific. What world are you from."

Tyler almost laughed. "What kind of question is that? I'm not an alien. I'm from Earth."

“Well that’s just the problem, we’re not on this 'Earth,' we’re on Equus. Which means you are indeed an 'alien'.”

Those words shook Tyler. Hard. That was not what he was expecting, or hoping to hear. If he wasn’t on Earth, would he ever see any of his team again? Would he even ever see another human or Pokemon? And just like that, he slipped back into his state of shock.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Thadius0 for editing help