• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,157 Views, 101 Comments

A New World, a New Identity - Snek

Pokémon Trainer, Tyler Watsky, is sent to Equestria by the god of Pokémon himself. Now he’s stuck with a new body, a noble pony, and a man-made Eeveelution. Will he be able to adapt to this new world?

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Chapter 4

Morning came quickly, and Shadow found himself being woken up by someone moving around in the next room. Glancing to the window he saw the sun rising, at an alarmingly fast pace! Chalking it up to a quirk of this apparently new place he shielded his eyes and climbed out of his sleeping bag. As he got up he glanced to Valerie, who was already awake and alert, trying to find the easiest way out of the sea of sleeping Pokemon. As he got up she looked to him, and he gestured for her to follow him, as he lead her through a makeshift path between the sleeping forms, doing their best to be quiet.

They reached the kitchen, finding the pony owner and the Gothitelle already eating. There weren’t many chairs at the table so Valerie and Shadow decided to share one, the poisonous Pokemon only resisting slightly upon his suggestion. The pony pushed forward a plate of pancakes for them with her magic. Shadow thanked her and moved one to a plate that the Gothitelle had gotten out for them. He pushed the plate to Valerie who just gave him a deadpan stare. Realizing his mistake he moved one to her plate too.

The pony spoke up, “I don’t believe we made introductions earlier, considering the time of night. My name is Offered Hoof, I work as an assistant to a rather distinguished noble.”

“My name is Henrietta, I’m a former human and used to work as a costume designer at the Pokemon Musical in Nimbassa. I hear there are some theaters nearby so I may go look for jobs there if we’re here long term.”

“I’m Shadow, and this is Valerie.”

“Well I must say you two make a wonderful couple.”

At this Valerie nearly choked on her pancake, coughing it up onto her plate and sputtering. Shadow wasn’t sure whether to be offended by her reaction. But opted to simply reply, “No, we’re not a couple, but thanks for the compliment I guess.”

BBK floated in then, a drowsy look on her metal face. She hovered over next to Shadow, thankfully not taking another seat, and grabbed a pancake with one half of her ring. Realizing it was far too big for her she cut off a third and dumped the rest on Shadow’s plate, splashing his syrup on his coat. Ignoring his glare she began eating it without syrup, stuffing it into her keyhole bit by bit.

Henrietta cleared her throat, and began speaking again to Valerie, “So, we didn’t get a good chance to talk last night. What are you, if you don’t mind me asking. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a Pokemon like you before. Are you a newly discovered Eeveelution like Sylveon?”

Valerie, instead of replying, shrunk into her seat and averted her eyes, obviously embarrassed. Shadow picked up on how she didn’t want to talk about it, and replied for her. “You could say that, she doesn’t like talking about it and I won’t give it away if she doesn’t want to. I hope you’ll understand.”

The Psychic quirked an eyebrow at it, but didn’t push the issue. They all continued eating for a minute, silently enjoying pancakes and trying to ignore the awkward feeling that was now felt by everyone. Valerie finally spoke up, “Ok, I can tell that you’re all still wondering about it, Shadow’s right, I don’t like talking about it, but it’s bound to come up again. Henrietta, BBK, have you ever heard of Doctor Nurem?” BBK shook her head in the negative, still eating her pancake bit by bit, but Henrietta’s eyes bulged at the name.

“You're telling that you’re one of HIS experiments?” Valerie nodded. “My goodness, I’m very sorry about asking with such little tact, that must be a very sore subject and a very painful memory.”

BBK spoke up again “Can someone please explain what’s going on? Who’s this Doctor Nurem guy?”

“He was a mad scientist, he was on the top of the most wanted list for Pokemon abuse, kidnapping, and murder. He kidnaps Pokemon and does ‘experiments’ on them, most of them with fatal results. The stories are very gruesome,” Henrietta looked to Valerie again, “Please accept my sincerest condolences for having to go through that.”

BBK dropped her pancake, and then Offered gasped at the explanation.

Valerie blushed at the reactions. “Yes, it was terrible. But I’m here now, and I survived…” She looked to Shadow again, “And don’t worry about keeping it a secret or anything, people should know I’m dangerous.”

“No, you’re not dangerous, not in the way you make it sound!” Shadow said adamantly. “It’s not your fault, and you can’t control it.”

The Poison-Type averted her eyes, “I- I know. But still. Just be careful around me please, if you come into contact with me get Shadow immediately, I’m very poisonous, in fact I’d recommend washing that sleeping bag VERY thoroughly, maybe even burning it once I leave.”

Offered shrugged. “Those are all old sleeping bags anyway, you can keep it if you like. This is the first time they’ve been used in ages.” She took a quick glance at the clock and gasped, “Oh dear, I need to leave or I’ll be late! Henrietta, you’re in charge while I’m gone, don’t let in any more Pokemon unless they know the ones already here,
we’re running low on space.” At that she gulped down her coffee and put her dishes in the sink, and then rushed out of the room. They heard some items shifting as she put on her saddlebags, and the door open and close.

“So what are your plans for today? It would seem I am house sitting.”

“I figured we would go look for our trainer and the rest of our team,” BBK answered, “I would assume that you had the same plan, Shadow?”

The Umbreon nodded, “Yeah I was gonna suggest that.” Looking to Valerie he continued, “If you like you can come with us, or you could go look for some of your friends, from… you know.”

“I would like to find Vincent again if possible, the others too I suppose, but we can search together.”

“Ok, fair point. Where do you think we should look? I’ve never really had to search for missing people on an alien planet before.”

“Well Shadow,” a familiar voice came from the other room, “I don’t think you’ll have to look far for me!” All heads turned to the doorway to the kitchen, where a Scrafty in a pair of black glasses stood, leaning on the doorway.

Henrietta was to speak, “Ah, so you three know that fool. I wouldn't have guessed reasonable folk like you would have anything to do with his type.”

“Well sorry, but I just can’t ignore a pretty face when I see it, even in strange situations such as this.”

BBK silently fumed at her idiot friend and left the room, saying something about looking for metal polish. The rowdy Scrafty gave a light fist bump to Shadow and sat down in one of the remaining chairs, scooting it over closer to Henrietta. The Gothitelle immediately got up and cleaned up after herself before also leaving.

“Jeez, wonder what kind of stick they have up their asses… or keyholes.”

Shadow did a half grin half grimace at his risque companion. “So dude, how did you end up here?”

“Dunno, went to some bar and got hella drunk last night. I kinda remember getting thrown to the curb, next thing I know I’m waking up here. Not like it didn’t happen pretty regularly before I joined up with you guys.”

Shadow sighed, it was true. Tyler had found Damian half dead on a curb from alcohol poisoning in Fallabor Town, and had rushed him to a Pokemon center. After he was out of intensive care, and Tyler got out of a stern talking to from a Nurse Joy who didn’t realize the Dark type wasn’t his Pokemon, yet, Tyler offered him a spot on the team, which was happily accepted. As far as the group knew Damian hadn’t done any drinking since then. But it was apparent now all it took to go back was one night of separation.

“So who’s the new bitch? Don’t think I’ve ever seen any of her kind before.”

Before Shadow could scold him Valerie spoke up, “My name is Valerie, I’m a Veneon, a newly discovered Eeveelution under a mad scientist named Doctor Nurem.”

There was a moment of silence, before Damian let out a simple “Kay.”

Shadow looked to Valerie, who simply shrugged. “I’m sorta used to his type. A certain Gabite in the lab helped me grow a thicker skin. If anything the ruder about it the more comfortable I am talking about it. It seems sorta backwards I know,” she added with a giggle.

“I like this chick,” commented Damian, spewing pancake crumbs all over the table.

Tyler woke up to a light knocking on his door. He groaned and turned over to face it. After a few moments of waiting the knocking repeated. “Yes?” he called out.

The familiar accent of the butler greeted him through the mahogany, “Master Fancy instructed for me to wake you while breakfast is still fresh. He also wishes to know what sort of hygienic supplies you may need, he will be sending out someone shortly to fetch groceries and now is a good time to add them to her list.”

“I’ll be down in a minute, thank you.”

“Of course.” He heard the faint sound of retreating hoofsteps.

After extricating himself from his sheets, which were still sticking to his electrically charged fur, he looked in the full body mirror on the bathroom door. He had thought his bedhead had been bad before, but now he had bed body, and his woolly scruff looked even more tangled and matted than it had the day before. “Ok definately adding a comb to the list of supplies.”

After doing his best to straighten himself up with his hooves he wandered downstairs back to the dining hall. An assortment of breakfast foods were laid out, and Fancy Pants was speaking with a white unicorn mare with a red mane. They both turned to him as he entered the room. The unfamiliar pony spoke up, “Ah so this is the Tyler I’ve heard about. My name is Royal Flush. I must say I would like very much to get to know you better, you sound like a kind person. However, Fancy and I have important business to discuss concerning all of your fellows who were locked up, for ‘bullshit’ reasons I might add, pardon my Prench. We are searching for a solution, but unfortunately it would seem that until Celestia or Luna decrees otherwise this will continue. So if you plan on leaving the estate again please go with pony escort.”

Tyler voiced his thanks, but the two only looked to him in confusion, until Fancy Pants remembered the translatio spell and recast it. “So how was your night’s sleep? I hope your accommodations are to your satisfaction.”

“The room is great, thank you once again. I didn’t sleep all too well though, it’s hard to find a comfortable position when you suddenly have a new limb, and the sheets kept sticking to my fur.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do much about the tail, other than cut it off I suppose. But I doubt that would be much more to your liking.” He added with no small amount of snark.
“I don’t know what would be causing the sheets to stick to you though, but once I can deduce a solution I shall rectify it.”

The Flaaffy began shoveling some hash browns onto his plate “Oh, well you’re definitely right about the tell, heh, but I think the sheets sticking to me is because of electrical buildup. I am an Electric-Type after all.” At the confused looks earned by the statement, he realized his mistake. “Oh right, I haven’t explained Pokemon that much have I? You see, Pokemon are divided into different types, similarly to ponies I suppose, depending on which type of energy they can tap into most efficiently. There are eighteen, Grass, Water, Fire, Fighting, Rock, Flying, Steel, Ground, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Electric, Poison, Bug, Dragon, Ice, Normal, and Fairie. I’m an Electric-Type, so I’m better with Electric-Type moves, but also have a weakness to Ground-Type moves.”

“Well, that seem awfully complicated,” spoke up Royal after a short pause.

“It may sound like it when it’s a new concept, I’m sure there are other people who could give you a more detailed and comprehensive description though, I’m comparatively new trainer, got my starter Pokemon a little over a year ago.”

“Starter Pokemon?” questioned Fancy Pants.

“It’s the first pokemon a trainer receives, usually one of three that the regional professors offer to newbies, thats how I got my Delphox, Kenny, but my first was my Altaria, Queen. She was a gift from my Uncle.”

“Well, I hope you can find them soon. My assistant should be here soon, can escort you around the city as you search, act as a guide if you get lost and make sure you aren’t detained like the other Pokemon.”

“Okay, sounds good. Thanks.”

“Now I believe we will allow you to eat in peace, come Royal, let us move to my study.” The two gathered up their quills and paper and exited the room, finally allowing Tyler to enjoy the food presented to him. After he finished he wandered out to the entryway, seeing Loyalty standing off in a corner, he approached him and inquired to the whereabouts of the pony meant to escort him through town.

“She should have been here five minutes ago. This is most unusual for her. I would recommend waiting another ten minutes before seeking out the Master. In the meantime please enlighten me to bathroom necessities and any other supplies you may need. I shall get the list to the stewardess.” He then pulled a pen and parchment from seemingly nowhere and looked to the Flaaffy expectantly.

“Um… The basics I guess, I’ll need a toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, a brush for my fur and a comb for my wool. Although I may need a special comb for this, I wish I still had my old grooming kit for Queen,” he sighed.

“You seem rather similar to a race on Equus know as sheep, they have wool similar to your own. I believe a sheep comb would work rather well.”

“Ok get one of those then. I think that’s all I need.”

“Should you think of anything else simply come find me and I shall be happy to assist. I shall depart now so the stewardess may begin her duties.”

After the butler departed Tyler needed only to wait a minute or two before an exhausted looking mare opened up the door and came in. Looking to the strange Pokemon for a moment, giving him a curt nod and continuing inward. The small Electric-Type realized she didn’t know what her duties for the day were he called out to her. “Excuse me miss?”

“Yes? I must apologize but I must be getting to my duties running the household.”

“Well that’s just it, you’re supposed to ‘escort me’ around town so I don’t get lost or taken away by the guard, ya know, being new in town, and a Pokemon and all.”

The mares eyes widened when she realized that she had nearly blown off her ward. “Oh my apologies, had I known I would never have-”

“Don’t worry about it, I have a feeling it’s different from your usual duties.”

“Well, yes, usually I relay messages, help organize things, and do paperwork for Fancy Pants. Ahem, anyway, my name is Offered Hoof. I shall be your… guide, for today. What will we be doing?”

“Mostly searching for my friends. It’s fairly likely that they've been captured and locked up by the guard, but I don’t know what else to do today, so we’re mostly just going to wander around town hoping to find them.” He offered an apologetic grin.

“Well, I suppose we should get started shouldn't we.”


Author's Note:

So close, yet so far.

Thanks again to Thadius0 for editing help