• Published 12th May 2012
  • 2,278 Views, 164 Comments

The Canadian Brony - Biglaw

I'm in high school, got homework to do, deadlines to meet, but one night it all changes.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

"Bolt? You okay? You were tossing and turning in your sleep." Dash asked worryingly "Oh, just had a bit of a bad dream. Nothing to get too worked up about." I half-lied. "Well, if you say so Bolt. If you need to say anything, don't hesitate. You know I love you." Dash said, as I wiped a tear from my muzzle. "Thanks Dashie." I said, and hugged her tightly."Hey Dashie, don't you have to meet the Wonderbolts today?" I asked with a smile "Ohmigosh! Your right! Thanks for reminding me!" Dash said quickly, after we gave each other a kiss, Dash flew out of the cloud house, and flew straight towards Cloudsdale. "Hmm, I wonder what The Wonderbolts want with Dashie, maybe I should tag along? Besides, I don't have anything better to do today." I thought to myself. I then ate a few apples, and set off towards Cloudsdale.


I began to head out to Cloudsdale, when I heard somepony call my name. I looked down, and I saw the familiar blue coloured unicorn. "Hey there Colgate! What's up?" I asked, as I descended towards the ground. "Well, I was wondering if you knew where Flare was. I haven't seen him in days, and I'm getting really worried." Colgate said sadly "Well, I haven't seen him lately. The last time I DID see him was in Canterlot. Does he have any friends there?" I asked "Yeah, he has this friend named Cloud that he sees every once in a while. Cloud is a well known doctor in Canterlot. In fact, I've met him a few times during my visits to Canterlot." Colgate said. "Alright, I'll look for this Cloud guy, and I'll see if he knnows anything. But now I've got to go to Cloudsdale, Dashie's meeting The Wonderbolts!" I said happily. "Alright Bolt, see you around, and tell me if you see Flare, he'sworring me sick." Colgate said, as I began to fly away. "See you later Colgate!" I yelled. "Later Bolt!"


I arrived in Cloudsdale after a while, and I flew towards the Cloud Coliseum, where Dash was meeting up with The Wonderbolts. I saw a dark coloured pegasus in the distance, and he looked at me, and began to fly away. "Oh no you don't! Flare get back here!" I said, as I flew at high speeds towards him. "Bolt! Get away from me!" Flare Chaser yelled "Why? Colgate's been worried sick about you!" I shouted. I saw him frown a bit, "Wel, I'm not going back!" Flare said. "well, you are! One way or another! I shouted, as I increased in speed, a cone was building around me. "Oh buck!" I heard Flare Chaser yell, after he saw what was about to occur. I was going faster, and faster, until I heard a loud crack, and the world seemed still for a second. "This, this is one of the best feelings." I said to myself, as I then felt the velocity take effect, and I went at supersonic speeds. I must've been going over a thousand kilometers an hour, because I reached Flare, who was easily a couple hundred meters ahead, in less than ten seconds flat. I tackled Flare at great speeds, and we flew into a nearby cloud. "Alright Flare, what's up? You haven't been in Ponyville for days, and you left Colgate! I thought you two were each others special somepony!" Shouted at Flare. He didn't say anything, instead, he turned over, and his eyes were green. "What the buck?" I said, as he was engulfed in a green flame, and appeared an ugly black creature, and it flew away with haste. "Oh my god, that was a changeling?" I thought to myself. "Oh god, Dash!" I shouted, and I flew towards the Cloud Colisuem at great speeds.

Dash's Point of View.

"Ohmigosh Ohmigosh Ohmigosh!!! The Wonderbolts want to see ME!" I thought to myself, as I flew into the Cloud Coliseum, I saw the entire Wonderbolt team. "Wow, everypony on the team is here! It must be important!" I said, with a squee. "Hey Rainbow! Nice to see you made it!" Soarin said, eating a slice of pie. "Yeah Dash, good to see you!" Another Wonderbolt added in. "So, guys, why did you want me to come here?" I asked excitedly. "Well Rainbow, at the young fliers competition, we thought you were doing great, and we wanted to award you with something special, something you might enjoy." Spitfire said, with a smirk. Right after Spitfire said that, everypony heard a large cracking sound, and an explosion "What the buck was that!?!" Soarin said, dropping his pie. "Sounded like a sonic rainboom, but Dash here is the only pony I know who can do it." a Wonderbolt said. "Yeah, Bolt can do his own sort of rainboom, except it's more hazely than rainbow-y." I said with a smile. "Well, that's pretty cool!' Spitfire said. "So Dash, about your reward." Soarin said. "Oh yeah! Can I ask what it is?" I asked "Well, I think The Wonderbolts could put on a little show for you!" Spitfire said. Another large cracking sound was heard, followed by another sonicboom. "Man, Bolt must be having a good time! It's a shame he's going to miss this." I thought to myself. "Alright Wonderbolts! You all ready?" Spitfire yelled. The entire team shouted "Yes!", and they all were engulfed in a green flame, and all of them transformed into changelings, except for Spitfire, who became Queen Chrysalis. "What? I thought you guys were gone!!!" I shouted "Well we are back!" Chrysalis yelled. "Now, Changelings, attack Rainbow Dash!" Chrysalis yelled.

Bolt's Point of View

"Oh man, Dashie! They'd better not lay a single hoof on her!" I said to myself. "Alright, time for rainboom number two." I said, as I began to pick up in speed. I felt the wind rush through my mane, and I felt the cone begin to form. "Here we go.". I went even faster, and then, crack. I enjoyed the few moments of peace before the speed hit me, and then, it hit me. The velocity. The speed was intense, and I got to the cloud coliseum in less than a minute. I got to the coliseum, and I saw The Wonderbolts change into Changelings. "Great Celestia give me strength!" I thought to myself, as I prepared to attack. "Now, Changelings, attack Rainbow Dash!" Queen Chrysalis yelled. "Not on my watch!" I shouted, as I began to fly at extreme speeds towards Chrysalis."Ahh, Bolt, we meet. Now, prepare for pain!" Chrysalis yelled, and shot a beam of energy at me. I barrel rolled out of the way, and I then lifted my hoof at Chrysalis, and I punched her in the jaw. I heard an extremely loud crack, and Chrysalis was sent flying across the stadium. "Bolt! Good timing!" Dash yelled. "Buck yeah I do! Now lets get out of here!" I shouted. Dash nodded, and we both flew out of the coliseum before Chrysalis could put together what happened. "I.... I had no clue that would happen." Dash said. "It's alright Dashie, everypony will run into trouble every once in a while." I said. And with that, we both flew back to Ponyville, to tell the others what just happened. "Oh man, how am I going to break this to Colgate?"