• Published 12th May 2012
  • 2,278 Views, 164 Comments

The Canadian Brony - Biglaw

I'm in high school, got homework to do, deadlines to meet, but one night it all changes.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I felt comfort, with Dash sitting by me. She had pretty much saved me.

Man, I gotta find a way to pay her back... But how?

"So Bolt, how did you end up like that" Dash asked

"Oh, um, err..." I was kind of embarrassed

"Well? Are you going to say it?"

"I kind of, well, crashed." I was blushing when I said that to her.

"How did you crash? You should know how to fly, right?" Dash said

"Well, no. Not really." I sighed, and put a pillow over my head.

"Well, hey, how about I help you learn to fly? I mean, it's be kind of mean not to." Dash spoke, and she saw my ear spring up when she said it.

"I knew it, now come on Bolt, get your face out of that pillow."

I pulled the comfy pillow from my face, and smiled at Dash.

"So Dash, how did you get your cutie mark?" I ask.

She smiled and said "Well, back in Cloudsdale when I was just a filly, I was challenged to a race. The boys who thought they could beat me were wrong."


"They were wrong because I was going fast. Faster than when I got Twilight. I was going so fast, I made a Sonic Rainboom."

I knew what a Sonic Rainboom was, but I had to play along. "A Sonic Rainboom?"

I asked "Yeah, It's when I go so fast, I break the sound barrier and a HUGE rainbow coloured explosion happens!" Dash said ecstatically.

Seeing the joy in her eyes when she said that made me pull out a giant smile, and she smiled back.


Dash and I were talking when a nurse came in the room with a tray of food

"Here you go Bolt! Here's your dinner."

The nurse had put the tray on my side table, and then left.

"Yuck." Dash said

"Why yuck?" I ask.

"I was in here too, I hurt my wings, and I was stuck here for three days. The food wasn't exactly the best."

I gave Dash a shrug, and asked her to hand me the tray, since I can't use my hooves to grab it.

"Here's the grub, hope you'll enjoy it more than I did." Dash said with a smile.

I was unsure on how exactly to eat it, but I decided to just put my face in the food and try to eat it.

Dash looked at me for a second, and burst out laughing.

"What? I can't use my hooves!" I say with a half-full mouth.

Dash is still on the floor, laughing her flank off.

After "Eating" my meal, I ask Dash if she could grab me a mirror. Why? I haven't really had a chance to see what I looked like.

Dash asked why I wanted a mirror, I just said "To make sure my face wasn't all messed up.".

Dash put the mirror in front of me, and I tried to grab it with my left hoof.

"Feels almost, natural to grab this."

I took a look at myself "Well, my coat is a light brown, I have hazel eyes, and a dark brown mane. Seems similar to my human self.".

I put the mirror down, and I was feeling tired. I let out a yawn, and so did Dash.

"Hey Dash, I think it's time I hit the hay." I drowsily said

"Yeah, same here. 'Night Bolt." What Dash did next made my wings pop open a bit, she gave me a hug.

She noticed, and blushed a bit.

I blushed too, and she went to a chair and fell asleep smiling.

"Dash, you're the best."

The next morning the doctor had walked into my room and said "Good news Bolt, we can fix up those breaks and sprains today!"

I was half asleep when he started talking, but when he said "Today!" I sprung up

"Really?" I said excitedly "Yes, now, if you want, we can start now, and you can leave by lunch.".

I was thrilled, I accepted and went off to get my breaks repaired, and by noon, I was out of the hospital.

"Ahhh... Walking." I said to myself.

I then wondered "Where's Dash?".

Then as if on cue, she swooped down in front of me!


I fell onto my flank, and Dash was laughing, again.

"Dash! That's not funny!"

She came down and stood next to me "I'm sorry Bolt, I just couldn't resist!"

She gave me a hug, and she started to fly towards Ponyville

"Uh, Dash?" I said to her.

She looked back and I flapped my wings

"Oh, yeah, you can't fly. Hey! I was going to teach you to fly! Right?"

"Yeah, so, where should we go?" I asked "Well, we could go to a field under my house! It's an open place." Dash said happily

"Alright then! Lets head on over there!"

"Flying, she makes it look so easy. Perhaps it is?"

It takes us twenty minutes to walk to the field under her house.

"Well, under home sweet home!" Dash said with a smile.
I laughed at the joke and we began.

"Alright Bolt, all you have to do is open your wings like this." I did as Dash instructed.

"Now, just give yourself a bit of a jump, and flap your wings!"

I did so, and believe it or not, I was flying!

"Oh my god, this is so easy!"

"Alright, now that I'm up here, lets see how fast I can go!" I try flying quickly, but Dash caught up to me with ease

"Whoa man, you just started flying, don't try and do sonic rainbooms!" She said jokingly.

I gave her a smirk, and I went off flying.

"Hey man wait up! You're a newbie and you think you can beat me?" She shouted at me

"Buck yeah!" I shout back.


I was flying faster than I thought I ever could.

"The wind in my mane, it feels... AWESOME!"

I was flying so fast, I crossed over Ponyville in less than 20 seconds, the speed felt incredible, I felt free.

Dash had caught up and was smiling at me

"You're pretty awesome for somepony who can't fly!" Dash said

"Well, I guess it's beginners luck?" I say back.

"Yeah, but I don't think a beginner can do this!" Dash shot up at least 300 feet in 5 seconds, and shot straight down, when a cone was forming around her, and she did it. A Sonic Rainboom.

I was in awe. I had never seen one before, at least, not on a computer screen.

The blast was powerful, and I was flung upwards. "Maybe I should give it a shot." I said.

I was about 1300 feet off the ground when I began to nose dive.

Dash was a good 500 feet away from me when she saw me going straight down.

"Bolt! What are you doing?" She yelled out "A Sonic Rainboom!!!"

I yelled back. I was gathering a lot of speed, and a cone began to form around me.

"This is it."

I did it. I broke the sound barrier.

I felt like I was just still for about half a second, then the velocity hit me.


I shouted out. I saw the rainboom colour, it was a hazel colour, with small bits of rainbow in there.

I must've been flying for hours, because by the time that I landed, the sun was setting.

"Hey Bolt! You have some pretty awesome moves!" Dash said.

"Thanks! But it's you who's awesome. You taught me to fly, pretty much!" I replied.

Dash flew over to me and gave me a hug, and I gave her back a bigger hug.

"Hey Dash?"

"Yeah Bolt?"

"Do you think, I could maybe, stay at your place tonight?"

Dash had given it some thought, and said "Alright, you can come over, but don't think about pulling any moves on me."

"Alright. Seems like a fair trade." Dash had given me a smile, and I did so back to her.

We then flew to her cloud home, and man, clouds are COMFY!

"Wow, you have a pretty nice place here!" I complimented

"Thanks!" Dash said, and gave me another hug. My stomach growled, a bit loudly. So did Dash's.

"Sounds like an Ursa Minor is in here." I said jokingly. Dash laughed and flew to the kitchen.

"Well, what do you want? I have some leftover cake from Pinkie's party yesterday, some daisies, and some bread."

"I wouldn't mind some bread." I said.

"Suit yourself, I'm having cake!".

After a quick bite to eat, we were both tired.

"Alright Dash, I think I'm gonna go to bed. Mind if I sleep on the couch?" I asked.

"What? There's room in my bed for two, and I don't have any extra blankets, so I would mind if you slept on the couch." Dash said, with a wink.

"Alright then, to your room then." I said kindheartedly.