• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 2,565 Views, 102 Comments

Stallions of Equestria: Adam's Apple - mr lovecolt

Adam moves in with the Apple Family to help with cider pressing season while his sister Amy goes on her honeymoon.

  • ...

A Strange Engagement

Chapter One: A Strange Engagement

Rarity stared at the hourglass-shaped figure in front of her and sighed. The aura surrounding the needles around her faded and they fell to the floor. With the boutique as silent as it was, she was able to hear each one clatter onto the tiles.

“Come now, Rarity,” she muttered, “this is a unique project, and if you prove yourself up to the challenge, just think of that whole new list of potential clients you can find.” She smiled, turned to the fallen pins, and levitated them into the air once more. “Honestly, why do they have such odd shapes?” she asked out loud as she tried to string the thread around the bulbs that made up the top portion of the figure.

A book lay open on the desk next to her, and she glanced back and forth from its open pages to the figure as she tried to sew up the side of what was obviously supposed to be a dress. For some reason, however, she couldn’t find the inspiration to complete it.

“Ugh, this is impossible.” She turned to the door. “Garnet!” she yelled, “could you help me, please?”

The sound of steps approached, and a moment later a figure appeared in the doorway, sending its shadow across the room.

“Honestly, Miss Rarity, I know you forget things when you’re in the zone, but can’t you just call me by my first name?”

Rarity placed a hoof on her head. “Oh, I am dreadfully sorry, darling, it’s just that I really want to make this just right for Amy, and I am at somewhat of an impasse, as it were.” She turned her attention back to the dress. “Adam, are you sure there needs to be this much room at her barrel?”

Adam straightened the cuffs of his shirt and pulled at his jeans before walking through Rarity’s inspiration room.

“Still having problems with the human form?” he asked with a smirk.

“Oh hah hah, Mister Garnet,” Rarity replied, “you should be worried just as much as I am. Your sister’s wedding is tomorrow, and I am still having trouble getting these little designs along the bodice.” She sighed and fell backwards. Her horn glowed, and a couch appeared just behind her and caught her just before she hit the ground. “It’s not my fault that the closest creatures you resemble are diamond dogs and minotaurs.”

Adam fell to the couch alongside his employer and looked around the room. He glanced over at the dress and then back to Rarity.

“It looks amazing,” he said as he reached over and hugged her while trying to avoid her horn, “she’s going to love it.”

“Well, Amy is the main farm hoof—well, hand,” she corrected herself, “at Sweet Apple Acres. And given how many of you humans are here now, it was only a matter of time before somepony got married to one of us.”

Adam stood up and made his way to the dress. As he observed the pattern, he traced his finger along the side of the fabric. He shook his head and sighed.

“I know,” he replied, “I just wished my sister hadn’t been the first to do it.” He turned back to Rarity. “Did you know I haven’t even met her fiance? Hell, we’ve lived in Ponyville for almost a year and I haven’t really gotten to know any of the Apple family.”

Adam heard the sound of hooves approaching him, and he turned around to see Rarity standing next to him. She leaned in and nuzzled his side.

“And you just want a chance to get to know your future in-laws?” she asked.

“Oh my God, my in-laws are going to be ponies,” he muttered as he massaged his temples with one hand while patting Rarity’s mane with the other, “not that there is anything wrong with that. It’s just if you asked me a year ago if I saw myself being sucked into some white light and ending up in a land of magical, sapient ponies overseeing my sister’s wedding to one of them, I would have probably called you crazy.”

“But you are happy here, right?” she asked with a hint of concern.

“I am,” he said, “and I’m happy for Amy. It’s just a lot to take in.” He let go of the dress and headed back for the couch, falling onto it with a thud. “Amy and I have always been together, even before coming here.” He stared out the window and watched a pair of birds take off from a nearby branch. “And now she’s going to be gone. Running off to a honeymoon with her new husband, Golden something or whatever his name is.”

“Golden Delicious,” Rarity said and then waited for him to continue, but then she noticed the look in his eyes. When she had first met humans, she was admittedly afraid of their eyes and how much they resembled a predator. And yet, when Adam and Amy were assigned to Ponyville she couldn’t help but see that his eyes were much softer, as though his mind was in some far off land. She smiled and picked up the forgotten needles and thread and resumed her work.

“You know,” she said without facing him, “from Twilight’s last count, approximately a hundred humans have appeared through the portal over the course of the year.” The thread passed seamlessly through the fabric. “Sure, you and your sister may have been amongst the first to arrive, but I am sure that the others will start to find love as well, be it with each other or even with a pony. Who knows? Maybe a griffon will come by and snatch one up.” She finished the dress and pulled lightly on the thread, breaking it with a tiny snap. “Are you sure there isn’t something else on your mind about the subject?”

Adam turned from the window and quirked an eyebrow.

“I get the feeling you want to say something else, Miss Rarity.”

“Oh, nothing,” she hummed to herself as she levitated the completed dress to the side of the room, “just that I’m sure that some of the other humans have already expressed interest in the mares—”

Adam coughed.

“Or stallions,” she continued, “and maybe this frustration that you’re feeling is more about where you possibly see yourself in the future. I know you haven’t really talked much about yourself to the others in Ponyville, but I’m sure that the right stallion is somewhere out there for you.” Rarity leaned forward and nuzzled his side one more. “I just worry about you.”

“I know,” he replied, “and I’ll think about it.” Adam got up once more and bent over to pick up the scraps of fabric that lay strewn about the floor. “But now we need to focus. My sister and Golden Something should be arriving any minute with the groomsmen.”

“Groomstallions,” she corrected, “though there are some odd customs that you humans use which may be difficult for us to replicate.” She pointed to a row of ponnequins in black tuxedos and pants. “I took your advice and added an additional layer of padding on the inside, but some of the stallions that are part of the wedding party are a bit large and may prefer just the tuxedo portion of the outfit.”

“And if they give you a problem, just send them to me,” Adam replied as he cracked his knuckles, causing Rarity to visibly shiver, “this is for Amy. Trust me when I say that this day is going to be perfect.”

There was a knock on the door downstairs and Rarity trotted to the doorway. She turned back and scanned the room before leaving.

“Adam, could you be a dear and put the fabrics back into the closet? Thank you ever so much.”

“Of course, Miss Rarity.”

Adam reached down and grabbed at the violet fabric. May as well do this in order, he thought as he folded the cloth and set each piece in the closet. He glanced in the corner and noticed a stack of newspaper clippings. Curious, he pulled them out and laughed at what he saw. The clippings were dated from almost a year ago and featured both himself and his sister on the front page with dazed looks on their faces.

“Oh my God, Rarity,” Adam said to himself, “I can’t believe you still have this.” He scanned the headline and read briefly through the article, surprised at how silly it sounded. “Meet humans fourteen and fifteen: The Garnet Siblings, by Princess Twilight Sparkle. Fraternal twins… Amy loves using her hands.” He shuddered at the implications of what Twilight had naively written back then. “Adam was studying to be an illustrator and loves design.” He continued to scan the page until he reached the end. “And so on… assigned to Ponyville. Let’s be sure to give them a wonderful Ponyville welcome.”

Adam snickered and tucked the article back into the corner and then resumed his cleaning as Rarity opened the door downstairs to the sounds of laughter. Everything will be fine, Adam thought, just make sure this wedding goes well.

“How’re you doing, cousin?”

Big Macintosh shook his head and looked over at Golden Delicious, who was currently trotting happily next to the human that had been living with his family for the past year. The human placed her hand in the stallion’s mane and he watched as his cousin’s eyes closed slightly and his tongue lolled out.

“Sweetie,” Golden Delicious said, “you know what that does.”

“Of course I do,” she replied as the grin spread across her face, “you’ve just been rambling on so much I bet Mac’s already forgotten what you said.” She turned to Big Macintosh. “Am I right?”


“Then what did I say?” Golden Delicious asked.

“How great it’ll be to meet Adam.”

“Wow,” Amy replied, obviously impressed, “he managed to boil down that ten minute conversation into seven words.”


The gate swung closed behind them, and the three made their way to Ponyville. Big Macintosh took one more look at Sweet Apple Acres before trotting to catch up with the others, all the while thinking about how much had happened in the past year since Amy came to live on the farm.

She’s a hard worker, he thought, and never gives up when there’s a problem. She’s a lot like Applejack. Gee Dee loves her. The rest of the family loves her. She’ll make a great Apple.

“Hey Mac,” Golden Delicious called out, “what’s up?”

“I bet he’s thinking about how much he’ll miss me.”


In the distance, Big Macintosh could still see Applejack bucking a tree from the top of a nearby hill. Of course Applejack gets to use the wedding dress from that wedding in Canterlot, he thought as he trudged through the road, I just hope that Amy’s brother and Miss Rarity don’t try anything too fancy for the stallions.

“Oh my God, remember that tree, Gee Dee?” Amy shouted as she pointed towards the distance.

“Sure do,” Golden Delicious replied, “our first kiss. You thought my muzzle tasted funny.”

“To be fair, you had just finished a bowl of hay and dandelion soup.”

With a roll of his eyes, Big Macintosh turned his attention away from the couple and towards the East Field. Gotten used to having Amy around, he thought, I hope we can find a good farmhoof to help us out for cider season. Should be a bumper crop this year. He glanced from tree to tree, admiring how clean they looked after having been bucked clear over the past few weeks. The Florina's should be coming in soon. Maybe Caramel can lend a helping hoof.


He shook his head at the sound of his name and looked back at Amy.

“Pardon?” he asked.

“Jeez, where’s your head at?” she chuckled, “I was just saying that with cider season coming along, you should probably think of getting someone to help you.”

“Somepony, yes,” he corrected.

“That word is never going to happen, Mac.”

Big Macintosh chuckled at her apparent ability to read his thoughts. Got a good head on her. Gee Dee picked a good one, even if she ain’t a pony. He had heard a few things about humans from Applejack after she and her friends dealt with the first humans to arrive in Equestria—Amy and her brother had been among the first to arrive—and from what he understood, humans were rather adaptable, at least, after the initial shock wore off. As soon as they got settled, it was easy for them to find employment and housing, especially for Amy with how much she enjoyed using her hands and working outside. Sure, there was that time when Granny Smith made hay bacon one morning that caused Amy to blurt out the phrase, ‘why must you taunt me so’, but other than that, she was a skilled worker, in his opinion.

“So,” Amy said, “you’ve only met my brother once. But in case you forgot, he and I aren’t exactly alike.”

Not a good sign, he thought.


“Remember the first day he met Rarity?” she continued “they’ve been joined at the hip… flank… whatever, since then.” Amy stopped and scratched her head. “I hope he gets by all right without me here.”

“Why’s that?” Golden Delicious asked as the hoofsteps stopped.

“Well, Adam hasn’t been as outgoing with other ponies as I have. From what he’s told me, Rarity’s tried to get him out more and meet some ponies. Probably hoping that lightning will strike twice.” She ruffled Golden Delicious’ mane once more and he smiled appreciatively. “Most of the other humans who’ve come here were assigned to larger cities. Add to that that he’s ga—”

She stopped herself and coughed into her hand. Big Macintosh quirked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

“What was that?” Golden Delicious asked before Big Macintosh had a chance to.

“He’s… gained a bit of a unique perspective since coming here,” Amy said, “but I guess if you want to ask him more about it, you can see what he says.”

“Well, I do look forward to learning about my new brother-in-law.”


“Anyway,” she continued, “let’s hurry up. Mac here’s the only one who hasn’t been fitted for his suit. You know how much Rarity and Adam prefer punctuality.” She held up her hands and made air quotes when she said the last two words. A few moments later, they were on their way once again to Carousel Boutique.

The three arrived at Rarity’s doorstep and Big Macintosh raised his hoof to knock. The resulting thud caused the door to shake.

“Knock on the door, Mac, not knock down the door,” Amy said with a laugh.

Big Macintosh snorted in Amy’s direction, causing her to pull her hand away and rub it on her shirt.

“Mac, eww.”

“You think it’s funny when I make that noise,” Golden Delicious said, ignoring the sigh that escaped from Big Macintosh’s lips and the blush that immediately appeared on his cheeks, “seriously, cousin, humans are great, especially with these.” He placed a hoof on Amy’s hand and smirked.

“Gee Dee, oh my God.”

The two stallions started to laugh, and at that moment, the door swung open, revealing the proprietor herself.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where—” Rarity began, only to gasp when she saw Amy, “Amy, darling, I’m so glad that you have arrived on time. Punctuality is always preferred, especially when it comes to an event as important as this.”

She turned around and headed back in, not noticing Amy mouthing the word 'punctuality' to Big Macintosh and Golden Delicious. They all chuckled as they entered and followed Rarity to the stairs.

“I think you’re going to love it, Amy. Adam has been ever so helpful with the design, and he’s even come up with some unique solutions to the—” She stopped and turned to Big Macintosh, who instinctively widened his eyes. “Issues regarding certain shapes.” She turned back around and continued up the stairs. “Oh, Adam,” she sang as she opened the door, “your sister is here.”

“Oh, good, I just—” Adam’s sentence cut off as the newly piled stack of fabrics tumbled out of the closet once more and sent him falling to the floor with a scream. “Darn it!”

“Pink looks good on you, bro.”

Amy laughed as her brother yanked off the fluorescent article from around his shoulders and threw it onto the desk with a huff.

“Oh come now, Adam,” Rarity added, “she’s right. It is a flattering color for you.” Adam shifted his weight to one leg and raised his eyebrow, which caused the others to finally break their silence and join in a light chorus of laughter.

“Well, now that we’ve played embarrass the new brother-in-law, I suppose introductions are in order.” Adam strolled through the room and held his hand out to Golden Delicious. “I am Adam Garnet. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mister Delicious.”

“Please, Adam, we’re kin now,” Golden Delicious replied as he took Adam’s hand into his hoof, “just Golden, or Gee Dee.” He quirked an eyebrow when he placed his hoof in Adam's hand. “Wasn’t expecting that.”

“What weren't you expecting?”

“It seems that working with Miss Rarity has rubbed off on you,” he replied, “your hands are really soft.”

Big Macintosh chuckled once more as Adam’s face reddened and he pulled his hand back. He looked around the room until his gaze came to rest on the ponnequins in the corner of the room. A gasp suddenly cut through the air as Rarity threw a piece of fabric over Golden Delicious’ eyes.

“Oh, what was I thinking?” she shouted, “you aren’t supposed to see the dress. According to human culture, it’s bad luck to see it before she walks down the aisle.”

“Mmph mmph,” Golden Delicious mumbled through the impromptu blindfold and gag as a purple aura surrounded him and levitated him out of the room.

“Amy, could you be a dear and help me take your fiance to the other room? Thank you.” Rarity turned to Adam. “Adam, could you help Mister Macintosh with his fitting? You’re a gem.”

The door slammed shut a moment later, leaving the two alone. Upon realizing it was just the two of them, Adam coughed and rubbed the back of his neck and Big Macintosh shifted uncomfortably from side to side.

“I’ve just realized that this is the first time we’ve been alone since Amy came to live on Sweet Apple Acres, Mister Macintosh.”


There was a pause.

“Well then, maybe it would be best if we tried to get to know one another?” he asked hopefully as he took a few hesitant steps forward.

Big Macintosh quirked his head. Every time he had been in the same room with Adam, he was always quick witted and moved around a room in a way to make Granny Smith once mention that, ‘he slinks around like a draconequus’. And now, here he was barely moving and with a voice just above a whisper. It’s almost like watching Miss Rarity turn into Miss Fluttershy, he thought. Then it hit him that all of the previous times they were together, it was with Amy. If you don’t say something, he may fly off just like her.

“You can just call me Big Mac.”

He sighed when he heard him snicker from across the room as a small smile appeared on his face, revealing his teeth. Those things really do look sharp, he thought, I wonder if any of those stories about the humans in Tall Tale are—, he stopped his train of thought, stupid anti-human propaganda. Of course they don’t bite.

“Amy wasn’t exaggerating,” Adam said as he reached into the desk and pulled out some pins, “you really are rather taciturn. That’s all right, I’m more than happy to talk while we get your measurements right.” Adam pointed to the nearest ponnequin. “If you don’t mind.”

Big Macintosh nodded and walked toward the line of tuxedos as Adam joined him and placed his hand on his withers.

“Um, Big Mac?” he asked, “would you mind removing the collar?”

Big Macintosh blushed as he pulled off the piece of equipment and set it against the wall, returning to his spot only after shaking out his mane. Immediately, he felt Adam’s fingers come to rest against his now bare neck and had to hold back a chuckle as the fingers lightly caressed him.

“Oh dear,” Adam said, “Amy’s been working you harder than Miss Applejack usually does. Your shoulders seem to have gotten wider. I hear she’s been helping you all organize the barrels for cider pressing season, correct?”

The fingers left Big Macintosh, and he let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. He watched as Adam removed the vest from the ponnequin and motioned for him to lift up his hoof; it was met with Adam’s hand against his hoof. Gee Dee was right, he thought, his hands are soft.


“Going to have to let out another half inch,” Adam mumbled to himself as he wrapped the tuxedo over his back, “which means another five-eighths to the jacket.”

Big Macintosh felt a slight pinch as Adam poked a couple of pins into the vest. Adam’s hand let go of his hoof, where it hovered frozen in midair for a moment before the stallion realized what had happened and consciously lowered it to the floor.

“I know I’ve never gotten the chance to say this,” Adam continued as he set the vest back on the ponnequin, “but I am very grateful that you took in my sister when we came here. I know that we were some of the first humans here, and that a lot of you were afraid of us, but your family has definitely been a godsend to the two of us.” He hesitated as he traced his fingers along the jacket. “You guys actually remind us a lot of our family back home—Southerners through and through. Then again, I was a bit of a black sheep. I’m sure that had none of this happened, Amy would still have found a guy like Golden Delicious. From what I’ve heard of him, at least.” He snickered for a moment. “But listen to me, rambling on while there is still a fitting to be done. Big Mac, could you hold out your hind leg, please?”

At that moment, Big Macintosh was very happy that his fur was already red. He tucked his hind leg towards his barrel, eliciting another snicker from Adam.


“Oh please,” Adam said cheekily, “I saw a few of those back home. I have no intention of exploring that here.”

Big Macintosh felt the hand come to rest on his hind hoof, and he instinctively loosened his muscles. There was a small tug as his hind leg stretched backwards.

“Oh dear, this seems to have gotten bigger, too.”

The stallion shot his head behind him, only to see that Adam was currently examining his flank.

“How many barrels have our sisters been making you carry lately?” he asked absentmindedly as he used his free hand to pull the trousers off of the ponnequin, “if you keep at it, you’ll be the size of Princess Celestia before you know it.”

Big Macintosh sighed inwardly at the comment. It was something that he was used to hearing all the time. Though he was a scrawny colt, the moment he hit puberty it had seemed that his growth spurt was unstoppable, and the fact that he continually worked on the farm didn’t help matters much. As he grew into a stallion, he saw the looks the other mares gave him, and it always made him uncomfortable, to the point that he spoke fewer and fewer words. The less he talked, however, the more attention he received from the mares who would ask Applejack about the increasingly mysterious stallion. Oddly enough, as the mares tried harder to talk to him, he couldn’t help but notice that the stallions avoided him more and more.

“What did you mean when you said you seen those back home?” he asked in an attempt to change the subject, only to realize that the new subject was even more awkward for him, especially in his current position.

“I’m sorry, was that too crude? I apologize if it made you uncomfortable.” Adam paused. “However, the sentiment is still the same. I know from what the mares in town say, you are an objectively attractive stallion, but I have no intention of pursuing that. I’m not as—” He paused again and turned towards the window. “I’m a bit more intimidated than my sister at the idea of stallions.”

Poor guy, Big Macintosh thought, though as he looked Adam up and down, he couldn’t help but understand. He is a skinny little thing. A full grown stallion might crush him. He gasped when he felt the trousers on his fur.

“I really don’t like the idea of pants, Adam,” Big Macintosh said as the fabric stretched against his leg, “they’re too constrictin’.”

“Unfortunately, that isn’t for us to decide, Big Mac. Golden Delicious let Amy choose the outfits since he got to choose the venue.” Adam lightly squeezed Big Macintosh’s hoof. “Thanks for letting them use Sweet Apple Acres, by the way. I’m sure the decorations will be beautiful.”

He felt Adam’s fingers wrap around his hock and was unable to suppress the chuckle that now escaped from his lips. It was followed by another laugh from the human.

“Well, that is certainly an incriminating piece of information to know,” Adam said as he released his grip, “but fortunately, we won’t have to resize your pants.”

“I really don’t want to wear 'em,” Big Macintosh persisted as thoughts of unwanted attention of the mares filled his head, “can’t I just wear the vest and tux?”

“Out of the question,” Adam replied too quickly, “my sister wants all of the groomstallions in the same outfits, and the others agreed to wear them. Amy deserves for this day to be perfect.”

Big Macintosh heard Adam say the last part a bit more harshly than the rest of what he said. Still, as the idea of something like this drawing even more attention to his already noticeable size loomed larger, he felt his breathing hitch and his chest tighten.


“This isn’t a debate, Big Mac.”

“Nope.” He felt Adam’s hands clench tighter against his leg.

“Put on the pants.”

“Nope.” He wiggled.

“Big Mac, I am putting these three-hundred bit Mareino wool pants on you even if I have to wrestle you into them myself.”

Big Macintosh felt the fabric reach his hocks and he tried not to instinctively kick, but with each passing moment he continued to think about the size of his flanks and how many eyes would be on him, and he found himself struggling even harder against Adam’s ever tightening fingers. Finally, he reared back and threw his forelegs into the air and whinnied, and then he felt his hind leg crash into Adam, sending him flying backwards into the half-dressed ponnequin.

“Nope!” he shouted as his nostrils flared.

He turned around and glared at Adam, only to see the human’s shoulders shaking, his eyes widening, and his hands covering his face. At that moment, Big Macintosh felt all of the anger drain from him as another feeling began to take its place. He looks more terrified than a prairie dog on seedling day, he thought as he reached out a hoof to help him up, only to shudder when he saw Adam flinch. Great, another one scared of my size.

“I’m sorry, Big— Mister Macintosh,” Adam whispered as he slowly got up, “I… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just want my sister’s big day to be perfect.” Adam bent over and grabbed the pants that had fallen on the floor. He traced his fingers over the now torn fabric.

“She’s all I have.” He draped the pants over the back of the ponnequin. “But I can try to talk to her, if you feel that strongly about it. I’m sure I can get her to change her mind.”

Big Macintosh watched Adam’s fingers move up and down the ruined pants. If he thought Adam looked small before, then the way his shoulders hunched over his frame and his arms pressed into his sides made him look absolutely tiny now. He could see Adam’s eyes started to turn red and could only begin to think about what Adam was feeling. He glanced back and forth between Adam’s face and fingers and then took a deep breath. He quietly took a few steps towards Adam until his muzzle was right next to his free hand and then he slowly edged his face under it and rest his head on Adam's chest. He smiled ever so slightly as he felt Adam’s fingers separate and sink into his mane.

“Adam, Amy means a lot to the both of us,” he said, “I’m sorry for what I did. Can you forgive me? Maybe we can start this whole thing over.”

He waited. His patience was rewarded when he felt Adam’s fingers scratching his head.

“I’d like that,” Adam replied, his voice a little louder than before.

The two looked into one another's eyes and then chuckled.

“I can’t believe I never realized our eyes were the same color.” Adam said.


A few moments later, Big Macintosh was standing next to the ponnequin once more, and as the pants slowly rose up to his flank, he glanced at Adam’s face once more, glad that Adam was too focused on his work to notice the smile forming on the stallion’s muzzle. If Amy is happy, then Adam will be happy, he thought as he felt the pins poking against his flanks.

Rarity sat down in the kitchen and sipped her tea as Amy and Golden Delicious continued their conversation. She smiled each time they corrected each other. It is as though they are already an old married couple, she thought as she tried to suppress a giggle.

“So we’re going to Mareocco first, then the cruise ship goes to Portucolt,” Amy said as she set the teacup down.

“That sounds delightful, darling,” Rarity replied, “so you two will be gone for two weeks?”

“Yep.” Golden Delicious paused to take a sip of tea. “Amy really needs a vacation, anyway, what with all the work she’s been doing at the farm.”

“They’ll manage,” Amy added, “with how I organized everything, the system is now efficient as possible.” She paused and looked towards the staircase. “But that’s not what I’m worried about.”

Rarity watched as Golden Delicious’ hoof reached across the table and came to rest on Amy’s hand. Amy set her other hand on top of it and gripped it tightly.

“You’re worried about Adam?” Rarity asked.

“A little. I know he’s opened up to you, but the stallions around here have always intimidated him.” Amy sighed and picked up the tea once more, taking a sip and then turning to Golden Delicious before she continued. “I think it even got worse when our relationship got serious.”

“Well, I just spoke to him, and I think I am finally getting him used to the idea that there is a whole world of opportunity out there, even for a coltcu—”

The sound of the door opening upstairs stopped Rarity mid-sentence, and they all waited as the sound of hooves and footsteps travelled down the stairs. They all turned their heads the moment Adam and Big Macintosh reached the doorway.

“You two were in there for a while,” Amy said with a wink.

“Did you two get everything settled, then?” Rarity asked.


Rarity hummed to herself and levitated the cup to her lips. Amy and Golden Delicious stood up to go, and as they did, Adam took a small step forward, but stopped himself when Amy turned to put the dishes in the sink.

“I am so grateful for all the work you’ve done, Rarity,” she said as she turned away from the others, “but we still have a little work to do in the barn. I really want everything organized before the ceremony tomorrow.” Amy made her way across the room and gave Adam a hug.

“And thank you, Adam,” she whispered, “everything looks awesome.”

Adam blushed and returned the hug as the stallions turned to one another to head out. As Amy left to join them, Big Macintosh twisted his head back to Adam and Rarity, who both leaned against opposite sides of the doorway.

“Thank you kindly, Miss Rarity,” he said and then nodded in Adam's direction, “and Ah'll see you tomorrow, Adam.”

The two designers remained still as the front door opened and the others left. Adam’s gaze remained on the now closed door for a moment before he moved his attention back to Rarity, and was only slightly surprised to see that she was now looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Rarity giggled as she made her way up the stairs, “Come, we still have work to do.”

Adam waited for Rarity to reenter her inspiration room before turning towards the nearby window to see his sister and Golden Delicious disappear behind a nearby building, followed closely behind by Big Macintosh. As soon as they were gone, he climbed the staircase once more.