• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 2,569 Views, 102 Comments

Stallions of Equestria: Adam's Apple - mr lovecolt

Adam moves in with the Apple Family to help with cider pressing season while his sister Amy goes on her honeymoon.

  • ...

Picture Perfect Ending

Chapter Twelve: Picture Perfect Ending

The Ponyville Train Station was unusually slow for a Friday afternoon. Occasionally, a pony or two would slowly trot up to the platform, while others galloped, wide-eyed and gasping for breath as they searched their pockets for their tickets.

Just off of the platform, beyond where those ponies would normally glance, a stallion and human waited for the train to come. Adam and Big Macintosh sat on a bench beneath a large oak tree that grew next to the station. As Adam watched the ponies go about their day, Big Macintosh looked around and then leaned in to give the human a peck on the cheek. Adam froze, blushed, and then smiled as he reached his hand out to scratch the stallion’s ear. Big Macintosh’s eyes closed. Adam’s smile slowly became a smirk as he began to scratch at the area just behind the stallion’s ear. Big Macintosh’s ear flapped and his hind leg twitched.

“Heh… stop that,” Big Macintosh said as his eyes opened.

Adam snickered, but then relented, setting his hand back in his lap. He sighed and then looked off into the distance towards the clock tower.

“What time were they coming back again?” he asked.

“Five,” Big Macintosh replied. “Got ‘bout ten more minutes.”

“You know, Princess Twilight said that one of the new humans is arriving on the same train,” Adam mentioned. “The one your cousin offered to help get settled.”

Big Macintosh’s glances moved from Adam’s face to his shoulders, then back again before he leaned in to place his muzzle on Adam’s bicep.

“Eeyup,” he replied, deciding to wait a moment before he asked the next question. “Adam,” he finally asked, “what was it like?”

Adam leaned his head over and let it rest on top of Big Macintosh’s snout. “What was what like?” he asked.

“The whole orientin’ thing. I heard the new humans are kept away from ponies for a while.”

Adam visibly gulped, and Big Macintosh blushed. Adam took a deep breath and turned his gaze to the sky.

“It’s terrifying,” Adam replied flatly. “One minute, you’re at home, drawing, arguing with your sister who came to visit and offered to do some housework in gratitude for letting her stay, and then a white light appears and you just fall through.”

Big Macintosh lifted a hoof and placed it on Adam’s now trembling arm. As his hoof reached Adam’s fingers, the human stopped shaking. Adam smiled and gently kissed Big Macintosh’s muzzle.

“You appear a moment later, in a castle—wait, let me clarify—a castle bathroom—”

Big Macintosh chuckled.

“…A bathroom, where Amy and I see a white horse-thing with a horn and wings sitting in a bathtub.”

As Adam continued with his story, Big Macintosh couldn’t help but laugh at the odd words Adam would accentuate or how his neck swiveled and his hand shook back and forth.

“Next thing I know,” Adam continued, “a bunch of other ponies run in and treat us like we’re some sort of invading army. Not only that, but Amy and I are holding what could easily be mistaken for weapons.”

“But you guys ain’t the first,” Big Macintosh said. “Didn’t they know ‘bout humans?”

“Different people had appeared in other parts of the castle,” Adam replied as he tapped his chin. “I think the first one appeared in the middle of the throne room… Ruth, I think? Then you had the scientist guy, the one who’s now working under Celestia’s Royal Academy of Scientific Studies.” Adam snapped his fingers. “Robert? Richard?” Adam gasped. “Richard, because Amy thought he was a huge—”

“Good afternoon, everypony.”

Big Macintosh gasped and Adam squeaked as Twilight Sparkle trotted up to the tree with her friends in tow. Adam ducked behind Big Macintosh’s massive frame. Rarity held her hoof up to her muzzle and Applejack simply quirked an eyebrow. Adam turned his face away from the mares, but Big Macintosh placed his hoof on Adam’s shoulder, and the human turned back to the trio of ponies.

“Hello, Princess Twilight,” Adam said, fighting the urge to lift his hand to his face.

“Well, I’m glad to see that Doctor Stable was right,” Twilight Sparkle said as she leaned in to inspect Adam’s face. “Give it a few more weeks, and—ow!”

Twilight Sparkle flinched and glared at Rarity, who simply readjusted her glasses in the alicorn’s direction before turning to Adam, who was now looking down at the ground.

“You know she only meant the best,” Rarity said.

“You glad to see your sister again, Adam?” Applejack asked, changing the subject.

“It’s only been two weeks,” Adam replied. “So much has happened that it feels like forever.” He slumped into the bench. “She’s only staying for a day or two to get her stuff, though, and then it’s off to Fillydelphia. Then she’ll be gone again.”

Adam stared at the train tracks. Big Macintosh leaned in and nuzzled the human’s cheek.

“Adam,” Big Macintosh said softly, “you ain’t alone.” He nuzzled the human again. “You ain’t ever gonna be alone.”

Big Macintosh shook his head, but a moment later, he felt Adam’s hands on either side of his muzzle. The human had grabbed him and was now staring into his eyes with an expression that was neither sad nor happy—the stallion couldn’t put his hoof on it. Adam’s lips quivered as he leaned forward and kissed Big Macintosh’s forehead. Applejack covered her eyes with her stetson, Rarity squealed in delight, and Twilight Sparkle gently coughed.

In the distance, the train chuffed towards the station. As it drew closer, Big Macintosh felt Adam’s grip on his withers grow tighter. He glanced up and saw that Adam’s eyes were beginning to water. The stallion reached up and gave the human another peck on the cheek.

“Ain’t gotta be nervous, sugarcube.”

Adam looked down and smiled. The train finally entered the station, and the ponies began to depart. From inside the train, however, the awaiting ponies heard an unmistakable voice shouting through the crowd.

“Thank God we’re here!” Amy shouted as she emerged onto the station platform. “I gotta pee!”

Adam and Rarity both closed their eyes and sighed. Adam pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, while Rarity did the same with her hoof. To Big Macintosh, who was currently seated between the two, watching them mimic each other’s movements so perfectly was enough to throw him into a laughing fit.

Golden Delicious followed close behind Amy and nudged his wife’s side. Big Macintosh noticed something was off about Amy, however. Something ain’t right, the stallion thought, though he couldn’t point out what it was yet. The moment Amy saw her friends and family, she ran over as fast as she could and wrapped them up in tight hugs.

“Hey, AJ,” she said as she released the mare. “Hey Mac, hey bro—holy crap, what the hell happened to your face?”

The ponies on the platform gasped and instinctively took a step back. Big Macintosh’s smile immediately disappeared and was replaced with a deep scowl. He turned back to Adam, but was surprised to see a smirk on the human’s face.

“My face looks like this,” Adam said after taking a deep breath, “because I was in a horrible accident.” Adam pointed to his sister’s eye. “What’s your excuse for looking so ugly?”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity exchanged glances. Big Macintosh looked back at Amy and noticed that she was sporting the remnants of a black eye. Golden Delicious appeared by Amy’s side and gently pushed her back.

“Let’s just say that I have managed to find a very… protective wife.” The stallion chuckled nervously.

“That waitress was totally undressing you with her eyes, Gee Dee.”

“But… I wasn’t wearing any clothing.”

“Amy,” Adam said, “did you at least wait until after your food arrived to pick a fight with those pair of roving eyes?”

“Of course I waited,” Amy replied. “I didn’t want them to do anything to my food.”

“Clever girl.”

“How’d you guess her name was Roving Eyes?” Golden Delicious asked.

As the humans bent over from laughter, Big Macintosh couldn’t help but smile at their antics and the sounds coming from his coltfriend. She mentioned the scars but it didn’t make him upset, he thought as Adam’s gaze met his. Adam made his way over to Big Macintosh and kissed him on the bridge of his muzzle.

“Wait a minute,” Amy asked as she pointed to the two of them. “What just happened? Are you two…” Amy let her question fade away.

“Well, congratulations there, cousin!” Golden Delicious shouted with a pat on the stallion’s withers.

Both Adam and Big Macintosh suddenly found the ground very interesting. As more chuckles erupted from the group, the stallion pressed closer to the human’s side.

“It’s quite the story, Amy,” Adam said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Quite true,” Rarity said. “Why don’t we go to the castle so that we can all catch up.”

“Eeyup,” Applejack added. “‘Sides, I wanna find out more ‘bout this black eye thing.”

“Spike is already there, tidying things up,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’m sure he would love for everypony to come. Now where is that human?”

“You mean Charlie?” Amy asked.

Twilight Sparkle’s horn lit up. A moment later, a scroll appeared in front of her. “Mister Charles Ross,” Twilight Sparkle said out loud as she read from the scroll.

“He’s probably waiting for the last pony to get off before he leaves.”

“Judging by our conversation, that doesn’t surprise me.”

Adam glanced at the train door. “How will we know when he gets out?” he asked absentmindedly, but when Amy and the ponies slowly turned their heads to him, he smacked himself upon realizing what he just said. “Force of habit.”

The alicorn’s gaze shifted back to the train and smiled. Adam followed the gaze until it came onto another human. The human looked down at a photograph and then glanced around the station. When he saw Twilight Sparkle, he put the photograph back in his pocket. He pulled a small hair band that had been wrapped around his wrist and tied his hair back before strolling across the platform.

“Princess… Sparkle… right?” he asked with an outstretched hand.

Twilight Sparkle’s wings ruffled for a moment before she reached out a hoof to shake his hand.

“Twilight is fine,” she replied. “Mister Ross?”

“Charles Ross. Let me say it is an honor to—”

“I know this is all nice and stuff,” Amy interrupted. “But I wasn’t lying when I said I gotta pee. Let’s get to the castle before I burst.”

“Oh Amy,” Adam sighed. “How I have missed you.”

“You too, brother.”

“This is the first time that the dining room table at the castle has been full,” Twilight Sparkle said to the crowd of ponies and humans, plus one dragon. “Not even with my friends and I have I seen so many smiling faces. I propose a toast.” The alicorn raised a glass towards the new human. “To welcoming new friends.” She glanced to her right, starting off a circle of toasts.

“To family,” Applejack said, turning towards Golden Delicious.

“To finding love.”

The others laughed when both Golden Delicious and Amy blurted out the same toast in unison. Amy scratched the back of the stallion’s ear and they clinked their glasses together and turned towards Rarity.

“To making every day fabulous.”

Spike’s claw shook as he held up his glass. Adam wondered why the drake was so nervous until he finally looked up at Rarity.

“To knowing you’re beautiful, no matter what others see,” Spike said in a near whisper as he pointed to Rarity’s glasses. “I think they make your eyes stand out even more.”

“Oh, Spikey Wikey.”

Rarity squealed and pulled Spike in for a hug, ignoring the chorus of ‘awws’ that erupted around the table. Big Macintosh held up a glass and looked at Adam. Adam lifted his glass as well and cleared his throat.

“Do you realize that everything you have been saying has just been one toast?” Adam asked.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said.

“Are we going to have to get Spike to take a letter?” Amy asked with a smirk.

“Oh, come on,” Twilight Sparkle replied as she fought to hide her blush. “I haven’t written a friendship report in—”

“Two years, four months, and nine days,” Spike blurted out before covering his mouth.

All creatures gathered did their best to keep themselves from laughing. Applejack was the first to break as she threw her hooves on the table and howled with laughter. Rarity and Adam were next, though they contained themselves to light-hearted snickers. Amy and Golden Delicious, however, pointed at the increasingly embarrassed princess sitting near them.

“It’s true,” Adam chuckled. “We all have become family, in a sense.” Adam turned to Charles. “It is a great, big family. Given how you’ve been assigned to Braeburn, I wouldn’t be surprised to see you more often.”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said.

“We’ll set it up to where if you need anything, just send me a letter and I’ll be there,” Adam said.

“That’s very kind of you,” Charles replied.

“Trust us on this, Charlie,” Amy said ignoring the way Charles reacted to a nickname. “You’re living with an Apple. We’re going to be family before you know it.”

“Hmm…” Charles replied as he looked into his glass.

“Anyway,” Adam continued as he stood. “We are family and so much more.” He turned to Amy. “I know nothing can replace mom and dad.” The two siblings locked eyes for a moment. “But I’d like to think that the princesses knew what they were doing when they put us here.”

Amy’s lip quivered and she set her head on Golden Delicious’ neck. Adam sighed and turned to the other ponies.

“You all have been everything that we could ask for in a family. As far as the rest of it is concerned, family is how you learn to love not only others, but how you learn to love yourself. A true family loves you for who you are, no matter what others see.” Adam turned to Charles. “A true family will always welcome new members with open arms, hooves, or claws.”

Adam turned to Big Macintosh, who was now leaning his head against the human’s side.

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied.

Adam sat back down and began scratching Big Macintosh’s ear. The stallion turned an even darker shade of red as he squirmed and chuckled.

“You can’t fight it, cousin,” Golden Delicious said. “Just sit back and let those Celestia-blessed fingers do their magic.”

“Mister Delicious,” Rarity gasped. “What a thing to say.”

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Amy replied. “I know for a fact that Adam has scratched your ears more than once.”

“Well, I—”

Rarity scoffed and turned her head back and forth, stammering in an attempt to find a response. Unbeknownst to anyone else in attendance, Spike had made a mental note of the unicorn’s reaction and narrowed his eyes at Adam. Finally, all eyes turned to the new human, who was watching the scene with particular interest.

“Now how am I supposed to follow that?” Charles said, earning a small round of laughter. “I suppose… to finding peace, wherever you find yourself?”

“A perfectly wonderful sentiment, Mister Ross,” Rarity answered.

The glasses clinked together, and murmured words were exchanged.

“Yes,” Charles said with a small laugh. “To finding peace.”

“And parties!”

Charles shrieked and threw his glass across the room at the sudden sight of the bright pink pony that had managed to appear next to him. He leaped back into his chair, which tipped over and fell to the ground. Amy and the ponies simply shook their heads, but Adam and Spike leaped back at the sudden Pinkie attack.

“I knew it!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “I don’t know why Twilight thinks she can hide new pony-people from me, but now that we’re here,” she continued as she reached into her mane, “I can pull out my triple-layer—”

“No parties!” Charles shouted.

“I-I mean my single-layer ca—” Pinkie Pie replied a little more softly.

“We… don’t need a celebration for this,” Charles said as he brushed himself off.

“My ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ cupcake?”

Pinkie Pie pulled the small confection out from her mane. Everyone else in the room held their breath. Adam’s eyes widened when he saw Pinkie Pie’s mane start to deflate. Suddenly, Charles’ eyes lit up in recognition.

“Oh, right,” Charles said. “Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter. I forgot about your file for a moment.” The human smiled at the mare and took the cupcake. “I’m the kind that prefers the quiet parties.”

They have certainly improved their lessons since I went through orientation, Adam thought as Pinkie Pie’s mane reinflated. Adam turned to Amy, who simply nodded her head in understanding. So glad you know what I’m thinking, he thought as he stood up.

“Mister Ross,” Adam said. “Why don’t my sister and I take you to the balcony? We can help fill you in on some things the orientation may have missed.”

Adam saw Charles’ eyes move from him to Amy. Finally, he sighed and nodded.

“That sounds nice.”

Three humans sat on the balcony of the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle. The sun began to set in the distance, and as its warmth began to disappear, Amy couldn’t help but notice that her brother slowly lowered his hand from his face.

“You never hated the sun before, Adam,” Amy said with a chuckle.

“The accident made my skin very sensitive, Amy,” Adam replied as he covered his face.

“Why is there a rainbow in the evening?” Charles asked. as he pointed to the sky.

“Oh, that’s just Rainbow Dash,” Amy replied.

“The Element of Loyalty, right?” Charles thought for a moment. “The file said that if you can get on her good side, she’ll be one of the best friends you can hope for.”

“Still haven’t managed that,” Adam muttered.

“Speak for yourself, bro,” Amy laughed. “She and I became best friends after I beat her at hoff-arm wrestling in five seconds.”

A rush of air burst past them across the balcony. A moment later, Rainbow Dash soared down from the sky and landed on the railing, her gaze narrowed at Amy.

“I heard that,” Rainbow Dash said as she turned to Charles. “The only reason she won was because she cheated.”

“I did not,” Amy protested. “I simply used as many advantages as I could.”

“You licked your hand right before grabbing my hoof.”

Amy leaped out of her chair and made her way to the doorway. “Oh, yeah? We need to make this a three out of five?”

Rainbow Dash smirked and hopped off of the railing. “You’re on.”

Within moments, the human and the mare had disappeared back into the castle. Adam smiled and looked up towards the sky. The sun finally began to set, and swaths of red, orange, and pink appeared in the sky. A few stars even began to twinkle in the dusklight.

“Well, this has been nice,” Charles said as he got out of his chair. “It’s time for some evening yoga practice.”

“Oh?” Adam asked. “You do yoga?”

Charles chuckled quietly. “One does not do yoga… one practices it. Princess Celestia actually gave me some lessons on pony anatomy so that I can continue with both that and massage therapy.”

Adam still hadn’t moved from his chair. “And she felt it best to send you to Appaloosa?” he asked.

Charles stopped at the doorway. “Well, I told her that I just wanted peace and quiet. I don’t want to make a huge fuss here.”

“They must have made the orientation process quite efficient,” Adam said. “You seem very calm about it, considering you’ve only been here two months.”

“Ten weeks,” Charles corrected. “And what can I say? I have always been of the mind that anything that is not inherently self-contradictory must have the potentiality to exist.”

“So appearing in a universe of talking horses doesn’t freak you out?”

“Not any more than finding out that humans date them, apparently.”

Adam frowned and turned away. Behind him, he heard Charles suddenly grunt. When he turned back, he saw the human hunched over and Big Macintosh staring him down.

“You gotta problem with that?” Big Macintosh asked.

“...No,” Charles grunted as he rubbed his abdomen. “Just going to take some getting used to.” He looked the stallion up and down. “I’m sure Adam appreciates having someone as protective as you by his side.” He waved goodbye to Adam. “Didn’t mean any harm. It’s sweet, actually.” Charles turned to Big Macintosh. “You know, it is fitting that your coat is a clear red and your eyes are emerald green.”

Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow.

“It matches your aura.” Charles continued. “You are a passionate protector and a loving creature. I am sure that Mister Garnet is quite lucky to have you in his life.”

Charles nodded towards Adam before retreating into the castle. Adam stared at Big Macintosh for a moment before looking back up into the night sky.

“He didn’t make you mad, did he?” Adam asked. He waited for the sound of Big Macintosh’s hooves before he turned back just in time to see the stallion staring down at him with a small smile on his muzzle.

“‘Course not, sugarcube.” Big Macintosh trotted up to Adam and nuzzled his neck. When Adam started to giggle, the stallion chuckled. “Well, that’s some incriminatin’ information to know.”

Adam smirked and poked the stallion’s hock. As Big Macintosh squirmed and backed away, Adam leaned against a forearm and quirked an eyebrow towards him.

“You think I don’t remember our first meeting?” he asked.

“Yeah, I remember,” Big Macintosh replied as he took a seat next to Adam. You were shakin’ like Fluttershy that time we asked her to sing in our group.”

“Come now,” Adam said as he placed a hand on the stallion’s hoof. “I wasn’t… that scared of you.”

“You were coverin’ you face with your hands.”

Big Macintosh chuckled for a moment, then frowned. He closed his eyes and shook his head as the memory of Adam huddled in the corner of the boutique returned. Big Macintosh felt a pair of warm lips on his muzzle and opened his eyes to see Adam staring at him.

“Mac…” Adam started, but he shook his shoulders as though a chill ran through him. “Mac, I was scared of you for many reasons. As I said then, I know you're beautiful. Ask any mare and they’ll tell you how disappointed they were when they found out you were—” Adam stopped himself and shook his head again. “But you’re amazing, in so many ways.” He crossed his arms and cracked his knuckles. “I know you told me you think I’m good, but—” Adam gritted his teeth and turned away.

Big Macintosh watched as Adam’s gaze turned back to the sky. More stars appeared, and as they did, the familiar pattern of constellations showed themselves. As he continued to look into the sky, he recognized one of the figures in the night.

“I know you talk ‘bout the stars, Adam,” Big Macintosh said as he pulled the chair up next to Adam. “Maybe you wanna hear ‘bout one of our stories?” The stallion paused. When he felt Adam’s lips press against his muzzle, he continued. “Right there, that’s the constellation of Gaskin and Pastern, Dioaloga, the twins.”

“Wait…” Adam traced his finger through the night sky. “We call it Gemini.” Adam shook his head. “You call it two… horses?”

“Once upon a time,” Big Macintosh began, “two ponies controlled the heavens. One was a pegasus. The other was a unicorn. Couldn’t make nothin’, though, ‘cause every time they tried, it’d just fall apart.”

Adam dragged the chair next to Big Macintosh, who laid down on his side so that the human could rest his head on his foreleg. The stallion smile the moment he felt Adam nuzzle against his fur.

“Gaskin waved his horn, and mountains appeared, but Pastern accidentally flapped his wings and they’d break to pebbles. Pastern’s wings made the winds, but Gaskin’s magic turned ‘em to tornadoes. On and on it went.”

“I could listen to you read a grocery list,” Adam whispered.

Big Macintosh chuckled and rubbed his hoof on Adam’s arm. “Wasn’t ‘til they seen what they done that it finally occurred to ‘em.” Big Macintosh nuzzled Adam again. “They were two halves of the same pony.”

The stallion's fur become damp. Big Macintosh looked down and saw that Adam was crying into his fur. He leaned down and cradled Adam’s face in his hooves. Adam leaped forward and kissed him, his tongue just brushing up against the stallion’s teeth. Finally, Adam pulled back and shied away, but Big Macintosh held his hooves against the human’s cheeks.

“When they realized, they promised to stay together for all time, so whatever they made never broke apart again.”

Adam’s reached out and set his hands on Big Macintosh’s muzzle and started to scratch up and down his fur. Big Macintosh chuckled as Adam leaned forward and kissed him again. He opened his mouth and let his tongue reach into the human’s mouth, taking a moment to wrap around his incisors. I wonder, he thought as he tried to constrain another chuckle.

“That’s the most I’ve ever heard you say in one sitting,” Adam said.

Big Macintosh shrugged. “I like talkin’ to you.”

The two lay in silence and watched the moon as it rose over the horizon. Adam glanced down at the stallion’s hoof and traced his finger along its firm, yet pliable heel. Behind him, the human felt Big Macintosh snort into his hair as he tried not to laugh.

“Stop it,” the stallion pleaded.

“The fact that there are so many ticklish parts on you is just begging for trouble.”

Big Macintosh narrowed his gaze towards Adam and prepared himself to start poking the human’s sides, but a shrill cackle from inside jerked both of them from their reverie.

“Oh my God!” Amy shouted. “This is beautiful!”

“I simply must make a copy of that!” Rarity squealed. “Let me see if I can remember…”

Adam and Big Macintosh looked towards each other in confusion before getting up and heading back inside.

“What’s all the ruckus ‘bout?” Big Macintosh asked.

“I have no idea,” Adam replied.

As they neared the dining room, the sound of more ponies’ laughter joined in. When they entered the room, they saw everyone huddled around Applejack, who was holding a photograph. They were too engrossed in whatever they were looking at to notice the two had entered the room.

“He just squeezed himself tight against him like a foal,” Twilight Sparkle cooed.

“Mac’s actually nibbling on his hair,” Amy said.

Adam coughed, causing the group to gasp and look up with wide eyes. Applejack quickly hid the photograph underneath her hat, but it was too late. Adam quickly strode up to the mare and raised an eyebrow.

“And what is so funny?” Adam asked.

“Ain’t nothin’ funny goin’ on,” Applejack replied as a bead of sweat fell down her cheek. Her eyes darted back and forth. “Just showin’ everypony a picture of Apple Bloom is all.”

“Uh huh.”

Adam nodded his head and checked his fingernails as he took a step back. Rarity’s horn glowed for a moment. Applejack sighed and began to trot away, the moment she turned her back however, her hat was yanked away.

“Now what do we… have… here…”

Adam’s words trailed off as he stared at the picture. Big Macintosh galloped to his side, and the moment he saw the picture, he slowly turned to Applejack.

“Now, Mac you don’t need to glare at me like that,” Applejack said, suppressing a nervous chuckle.

“Applejack,” Adam said, “how would you like it if someone took a picture of you without your permission?”

“Well, I—”

“Adam is quite right,” Rarity chimed in, ignoring the incredulous stare that came from Adam, Applejack, and Big Macintosh. “If this is true, then it is only fair that Adam get to keep that photograph, since it is their first one.”

“Thank you, Miss Rarity,” Adam replied as he tucked the picture into his pocket and turned to Big Macintosh. “Mister Macintosh,” he said as he scratched the stallion’s ear, “would you mind walking me home?”

“My pleasure, sugarcube.”

Adam turned to his sister. “You’ll still be in town tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah,” Amy replied. “Another day, but we leave on Sunday.”

“One more breakfast at Carousel Boutique?”

“Of course.”

As the two said their goodbyes, Amy and the others gave them hugs. Finally, Big Macintosh nuzzled Adam’s side, and the two left the castle. The moment the door closed, Applejack quickly turned and glared at Rarity.

“What was that ‘bout?” she asked.

“It is fair that the first picture of the couple is kept by them, darling.” Rarity glanced around the room and smirked. Her horn glowed, and another photograph materialized out of the ether. “But wouldn’t you know it? Somepony remembered the duplication spell.”

“Gimme!” Amy shouted as the snatched one of the photographs.

“Mine!” Applejack screamed as she grabbed the same one at the same time.

“Mares!” Golden Delicious shook his head. “I can’t believe you two, fighting over something like this.”

“Yes,” Rarity added as more photographs appeared. “You think I made only one copy?”

“Could you double the size of mine, please?” Golden Delicious asked.

“Of course,” Rarity replied.

“I need one, too,” Twilight Sparkle butted in. “It’s… historically significant, you know?”

“Oh, darling, you don’t have to lie to us,” Rarity said.

Twilight Sparkle blushed as she tucked the picture away. Rarity laughed first, but was then joined by Applejack and Golden Delicious. The loudest laugh, however, came from Amy, who simply threw her head back and cackled evilly as she clutched the photograph.

Across the room, Charles stood at the doorway and watched the scene. He closed his eyes and laughed to himself. Such a strange world, he thought as he made his way up the staircase to his temporary quarters.

Big Macintosh sat on a chaise lounge in Carousel Boutique as Adam paced back and forth, holding the photograph in his hands. The stallion shook his head at Adam’s antics.

“Ain’t nothin’ to fret over, sugarcube,’ Big Macintosh said.

“It’s not that,” Adam replied as he stared at the picture. “It’s…”

Adam traced his fingers over the photograph. The way Big Macintosh was captured in the moonlight is amazing, he thought. The more he thought about it, the more Adam realized the fact that Applejack had taken the picture wasn’t what had upset him at all. The image itself was suggestive, sure, but as Adam continued to stare at the picture, he was continually drawn to the fact that Applejack had taken a picture of the left side of his face.

“Adam?” Big Macintosh asked.

Adam turned to the stallion and saw that he was shuffling nervously in the lounge. He glanced back down at the photograph before tucking it away again and taking a seat next to the stallion. Adam reached up and placed a hand on Big Macintosh’s withers.

“What is it?” he asked.

“This past week has been amazin’,” Big Macintosh said as he stared down at his hooves. “But why do you like me?” He closed his eyes and shrunk down as small as he could make himself appear. “I’m big and lumberin’, I ain’t the most graceful of ponies, not like how Pokey was, and I—”

Big Macintosh felt Adam’s hands grab his cheeks and the human’s lips press against his. When he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar emerald irises of Adam’s eyes in the middle of his field of vision.

“Trust me,” Adam whispered as he parted lips from Big Macintosh. “You do not need to compare yourself to him.” Adam stroked the stallion’s cheek. “Have I told you what it was about you that made me like you?”

Big Macintosh shook his head. Adam leaned in and pecked his cheek.

“You never saw me or Amy as ‘the humans’. It’s not even about me, it’s about you being the nicest creature I’ve ever met, and that’s even talking about humans back home.” Adam shook his head. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

Big Macintosh blushed and tried to hide his head beneath a pillow. He felt Adam’s fingers in his mane. “So are you,” he replied.

“People sometimes ask why we like who we like,” Adam continued as he tugged playfully at the stallion’s mane. “I think I get it. I like you because you are everything I want to be.”

Big Macintosh jerked his head out of the pillow and stared at Adam. It makes so much sense, he thought as he leaned in towards the human.

“You’re kind, you’re unstoppable. I’ve never seen you give up on anything you’ve wanted to do,” Adam said.

“I get it,” Big Macintosh said. “And you’re the same. You’re confident, and you ain’t scared of nothin’ when you’re with Miss Rarity or Amy.” Big Macintosh ignored Adam’s snicker. “I ain’t never met a pony like you, Adam. Don’t ever forget that.”

Adam smiled and leaned in close to the stallion. “I will admit one thing, though.”

Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow at the way Adam said that statement. He let go of the human so that he could get up. Adam made his way across the room and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck.

“Adam,” Big Macintosh asked. “What’s goin’ on?”

Adam reached behind another couch and pulled a ponnequin out. Big Macintosh’s face grew redder than he even thought possible when he saw that the ponnequin was wearing. Adam snickered as his cheeks burned almost the same color as the stallion’s.

“Seeing you in pants sort of… inspired me,” Adam continued. “I… may have made a few different designs.” Adam pointed towards the trousers. “I made sure to make them looser this time. They… match your mane.”

Big Macintosh stared at the khaki pants. He started to shake his head, but when he saw the hopeful look in Adam’s eyes, he knew that there was no way out of the situation.

“…fine,” he said. “But just for you.”

Adam squealed and removed the pants from the ponnequin. Big Macintosh took the trousers and steadily made his way to the dressing room. When the door closed, he looked down at the outfit and smiled as he turned back towards his flanks. Maybe havin’ flanks as big as these ain’t such a bad thing, the stallion thought as he put on the pants.

Once the pants had been put on, Big Macintosh looked at himself in the mirror. He saw his flanks, but this time, he thought of the human outside. Big Macintosh straightened his back, tossed his mane to the side, gave himself a smile in the mirror, and then turned around. He turned to the side, displaying his fabric-covered hindquarters.

“Well?” he asked, laughing as Adam’s eyes widened.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Adam asked.


“You look good in pants,” Adam admitted.

Adam hunched his shoulders over and wrung his hands together. Big Macintosh smirked and took a step forward. He reached out and placed a hoof on Adam’s hand. When the human looked up to him in confusion, Big Macintosh simply leaned in and gave Adam another peck on the cheek.

“This means a lot to me,” the stallion said. “But you ain’t gotta do all this for me. Don’t want the relationship goin’ too fast.”

“What do you mean?”

“Rarity ain’t told you ‘bout given your special somepony clothin’?”


Big Macintosh blushed and shied away. He looked back down at his pants. He really don’t know, he thought with a chuckle.

“I’m sure Rarity’ll be more than happy to tell you,” the stallion said.

Adam laughed as the two fell back onto the chaise lounge. As Adam ran his fingers along Big Macintosh’s fur, he thought of everything that had happened over the past two weeks. Now, Adam thought, this guy is my Apple. The moment Adam realized what he thought, his eyes narrowed.

“Why does this universe encourage puns?” Adam muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Nothing,” Adam replied as he pressed his finger on Big Macintosh’s muzzle. “Just remember that you will always be my apple… My big apple.”

The two sat together and nuzzled one another. When they parted, Adam noticed a mischievous grin on Big Macintosh’s muzzle.

“What?” Adam asked.

“Nothin’,” Big Macintosh replied. “I know you don’t like puns… but you ain’t gotta be so… adamant… ‘bout it.”

The stallion’s grin grew larger as Adam’s eyes grew wider.


Adam struggled to get away from Big Macintosh’s grasp, but the stallion was too strong and he continued to laugh and hug the human. Finally, Adam relented and nestled his head back into Big Macintosh’s waiting chest.

“All right,” Adam said. “I accept the puns, so long as you wear the pants.”

Big Macintosh smirked again. He leaned in once more and kissed Adam. Adam accepted the kiss. Soon, the two found themselves lying on the lounge, staring out through the front windows of Carousel Boutique.


Comments ( 19 )

D'aww! Cute ending for a cute story! Great job!

Now we wait for the clop side-story...:pinkiecrazy:

Embrace the puns, Adam. Resistance is futile!

Now there's just really one unresolved point that I would've liked to see addressed: What appeared to be Adam's hostile view towards Luna. Did I miss something somewhere? Because it seemed he suspected some behind-the-scenes manipulation on her part going on, but nothing really came of it one way or another.

6144316 I wanted to make it more of a personality quirk of Adam's. Since this is going to be more of a series, I intend for little traits like this to be explored later, as more characters begin to interact with one another.

So this Charlie guy is going to Appaloosa, and staying with Braeburn?

Is that a sequel hook I sense? Or will the rest of the series stay focused on Ponyville?

6144397 Unless I missed him somewhere else in the story, I can't imagine bringing in a new character in the last chapter is for anything other than cliffhanging for a sequel.

And I don't think anyone else here minds :pinkiesmile:

This last chapter was too cute! :pinkiehappy: I smell some sequels in the works! Can't wait to see what you do next. :twilightsmile: Amazing work!!!!


Actually, I have numerous ones planned. After all, there are quite a few stallion of Equestria. Stallions like Soarin, Fancy Pants, Thunderlane, Iron Will (technically).

Wow, i must say this story became my absolute favorite of all the storys i have read so far and that is quite a lot.
I can't wait to read more from you. :twilightsmile:

* My reaction when I see this is the end.

6145096 But it is not the end. I actually have seven more stories planned. Braeburn, Thunderlane, Fancy Pants, Blue Moon, Soarin, Biff, one of the Cherry Brothers, and Prince Blueblood


And they're all gonna tie into this one?



Big Mac is my favorite by far, but the way that you tell a tale is simply wonderful. I can't wait for more! :D

Now, Adam thought, this guy is my Apple. The moment Adam realized what he thought, his eyes narrowed.
“Why does this universe encourage puns?” Adam muttered.

I cannot believe it took me twelve chapters to get the Adam's Apple pun. I feel stupid.

But seriously, I loved this story, and while I'm sad it's over, I'm so happy you wrote it, and I hope I'll be seeing more great works from you in the future!

Great job, my friend! :twilightsmile:

:raritycry::raritycry: NOOOO!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!

If you haven't guessed, I am thoroughly upset that this story is over.:flutterrage:

This was an amazing journey and I'm so glad that I took it.


Looking forward to any future works you might make.



I really enjoyed this one. Your characterizations are just perfect. I can't wait for the next story in the series. Big Mac and Adam were just so sweet together I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of our favorite stallions.


I know I'm late but whatever. Really good story, but I want to punch Charles in the face, I find prime mine gun annoying. I knew it would end, but I did like the ship with pokey Pierce in this story. they worked well together.

So glad to of found this gem of a story.

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