• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 1,783 Views, 43 Comments

Hollow Heart - Dapper Guy

A Heartless begins to devour the hearts of Equestria

  • ...

Black Flowers

Lily Valley was in a good mood, all things considered. After arranging a floral bouquet for a new couple, a griffoness and pegasus stallion, her chest was absolutely bursting with joy. “Nothing cements a wedding better than a perfect flower arrangement. It’s the small things that make it worthwhile,” Lily said to herself as she pulled a spare forget-me-not from her bag and placed it in her amber mane alongside her trademark lily.

As she skipped to an unheard song, she felt a small twinge of cold ruffle her pink hair. Stopping for a minute, she heard only silence, so she resumed her return home. Huh, guess my heads in the clouds again. Reaching the front door, Lily rapped against the door.

“Well now, look who’s back,” said the cream-colored mare who opened up the door.

“Good to see you too, Roseluck.” Sharing a hug, Lily walked past her sister. “I’m surprised to see the shop up and running. Especially after last time you were left in charge.”

Roseluck rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind her. “One time, one time that happens, and it wasn’t entirely my fault. If Fluttershy could just put a leash on those stupid rabbits, we wouldn’t have lost nearly all our stock.”

“Don’t be so hard on Flutters, Rose. Besides, Applejack and Fluttershy paid for everything those little monsters ate.” A green-maned pony wearing a dirt-covered apron peeked her head through the doorway, a watering can held in her mouth. “If it wasn’t for Applejack siccing that mutt of hers on those poor bunnies, none of that would’ve happened.” Daisy leaned past the arch, keeping her hooves on the other side inside of the indoor greenhouse. Specific plants needed to be regulated and kept away from the harsher elements or even risked being eaten after a freak parasprite infestation a few years ago.

Ignoring Daisy’s bunny phobia, Lily released her green saddlebags to the floor. “Well, I dare say that the flower triplets may just be able to expand outside of Ponyville,” she announced. Rose and Daisy squeaked with joy at the wonderful news. It was no secret that the three wanted to spread their floral decorations across Equestria.

“You won’t believe who decided to place an order already with a down payment.” Pulling out a thick booklet from her saddlebag, Lily tossed it open onto the kitchen counter. "Take a good look at the signature."

Rose snapped up the book before Daisy could muddy it with her hooves. “TheFancy Pants? He was there?”

“I know right? Turns out he’s friends with the groom and even gave his own blessing on the marriage. Big surprise, seeing some big-time noble at an interspecies wedding,” said Lily. The sound of coins knocking against each other seized her sisters’ attention as she deposited a bag of bits on the table next to Rose. “With this, we could even afford a shop in central Manehatten.”

Nearby residents all leapt out of theirs seats and beds from the resounding scream of joy bursting from Ponyville’s flower shop. As the sound of laughter died down, Lily headed up the stairs, while Roseluck began to count the bits.

“Don’t try skimming off any extra coins into your pockets, Rosey,” called out Daisy. “I’m heading out to the greenhouse. Don’t lock me out again.”

Humming a small tune to herself as she donned a set of galoshes and her overcoat, Daisy opened the greenhouse door and took in the exotic smells of foreign flora gathered from the farthest reaches of Equestria. Zecora is going to be here, bright and early like usual. Need to make sure that I get her herbs boxed tonight.

After finally clearing up the odd rumors swirling around Ponyville about Zecora, the Flower Triplet had been very welcoming of her advice. Having dwelt in the Everfree for a few years, Zecora seemed to cultivate flowers better than even Applejack knew how to grow apples. She checked the sprinkler system to release the correct amount of water during the night and began to harvest the list of herbs that Zecora requested.


Daisy nearly popped right out her boots at the sudden sound of thunder, followed by a shower of rain washing over the greenhouse. Stupid freak storms from the Everfree. Pegasi can manipulate clouds, but they can’t put up a storm barrier around a town like Canterlot? Shaking off the small case of jitters, the earth pony halted immediately at a bothersome smell.

She pointed her nose high in the air and let her senses guide her towards the source. A small pot, alone and easily overlooked, was smoking on a wooden table stand by the back entrance. The tip of the stalk emitted a red glow, and dark grey smoke hissed upward from it.

Treading cautiously towards the back, Daisy glanced towards the front glass door. Both locks still remained bolted, and none of the panes on the roof were open. “If this is some kind of prank, Rainbow Dash, you’re going to have to pay to replace that.” The only response was the roaring of rolling thunder and crackle of the lightning outside. She doused the blackened stalk with a quick splash from a watering can and deposited the dead plant into a compost heap.

“What a waste,” she grumbled as she pulled out a fresh bag of fertilizer. Dropping in a few scoops of the bag’s contents inside of the pot, Daisy began sorting through her seed packets in the drawer bins. Another flash of lightning lit up the scene, and something reflected in the glass pane. She hurtled the soil-filled pot with a swing of her foreleg, which sailed through the empty air before exploding harmlessly into several shards on the floor.

What’s beating louder, the storm or my heart? Seeing as she was by her lonesome, Daisy grabbed a broom and a dust pan and began to sweep up her mess. If Rose or Lily find out, I’m never going to hear the end of this.

As Daisy filled up the pan, she turned around and was greeted by the most horrific sight of her life. A blackened claw clasped around her withers, lifting her up like a foal. Her eyes peered into a void beneath a white hood, but she knew something was there. The monster’s claws clenched tighter against her pink body, but she couldn’t utter a single syllable.


A wail of terror reverberated through the glass walls as Daisy remembered her voice.

“Daisy!” cried out Roseluck. She threw open the door of the greenhouse, shattering the glass inside of it. Roseluck felt the world fade to gray as a white monster released Daisy from its claws only to see her fade away. A bright pink light flashed and fizzled out as the creature’s head turned to meet her gaze.

Roseluck felt her legs turn to jelly as the creature made its way towards her. Grabbing whatever she could from the table next to the door, she hefted a large bright bulb at her attacker. The swollen plant collided and burst into a cloud of golden pollen. The white monster screamed out in pain, clawing at the cloud to no avail.

Seeing her chance to escape, Roseluck ran out of the greenhouse. Rain soaked her body as she ran into the house and bolted down the door, throwing a cabinet in front of it for good measure. Panting as her lung began to burn, Roseluck slumped to the side. Her mind was racing faster than the Wonderbolts as the scene repeated itself behind her closed eyes.

“Rose, what the fluff is going on down there?” Lily ran down the steps, a red hairbrush caught in her golden mane.

“Lilly, we need to call the guards,” said Roseluck as she pulled herself up.

“What? What’s going on? Did something happen in the greenhouse? Where’s Daisy?”

“LILLy! There’s no time! Something broke into the greenhouse and snatched up Daisy,” cried Roseluck, shaking her vigorously.

“Rose, there’s nothing there,” responded Lily as she shot an accusing hoof towards the still-open backdoor, flapping wildly in the wind.

The door to the greenhouse clattered to the ground, small shards of glass spread out across the lawn. Rain pattered down, soaking the wooden floor as the elements raged on. There was no sign of the white creature that had spirited away Daisy in sight. “No, no. Where did it go? Where is it?”

“Okay. Ha, ha. Very funny, you two. Whatever game this is, it’s coming out of your pockets, not mine, to fix everything.” Taking her leave with her nose high up in the air, Lily strutted out of the room and back upstairs.

Roseluck remained seated on the floor, dumbfounded by her youngest sister’s words. She rushed outside again, thencrept towards the greenhouse. Peeking inside, not even the smallest trace remained of her ghostly attacker. Nothing was there; not under the tables, behind the gardening equipment. Where did you go? Spores from the Everfree Burst Berry coated the ground where she had thrown the flowerpot earlier. Golden mites covered the ground, glowing softly in the pale moonlight.


Before she could ponder the situation any longer, a pained cry rented Roseluck’s thoughts.

Whipping her head around, a bright pink light flashed and vanished. Just like before with Daisy. "NO!” Roseluck grabbed another bulb and charged into the house, cupping the red projectile in hoof. No sooner had she stepped a hoof through the doorway than she saw it. It hovered there, a lily clasped tightly in a blackened claw. It toyed with the flower, twirling the white petals between its digits. The oil lantern hanging high above flickered, as if this creature’s presence sucked the light out of the room.


Burnt petals drifted to the ground, crinkling into ashes as they touched the floor. With a quick jerk of its hooded head, the assailant bolted forward. Surrender your heart.

Throwing herself to the side, Roseluck chucked the bulb with all of her earth pony might. It whizzed through the air, deadlocked on the white creature. Right before Rose’s attack made contact, the creature slashed out at the bulb with its gnarled claws. A golden cloud burst out, obscuring Roseluck’s vision. Keeping low to the ground, she crawled out the door and ran.

Gotta find a guard. Somepony, anypony that can help. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she ran blindly in the night. She could feel the tears building around her eyes as she struggled onward. A wave of vertigo took over as her steps grew weaker, sending her spiraling into the ground. She felt the cold touch of metal against her shoulder.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” A voice called out to her, but she couldn’t reply. Her throat felt parched, crackling as she tried to form the words to warn whoever was coming to her aide. She opened an eye and saw a white pegasus, clad in royal guard armor, fly down towards her.

“Are you in need of assistance, ma’am?” he asked as he lowered his helmeted head and placed a well-polished hoof against her foreleg. For a small moment, she felt warmth from the strong aura coming from the guard.


Roseluck sprung up, her innate survival instinct screaming for her to run having returned. Before she could take one step, the guard grabbed her tightly. “Ma’am, I don’t want to use force, so please cooperate.”

“Please, please. We have to get out of here. That thing’s coming,” pleaded Roseluck as she tried to remove the guard’s iron grip.

“Are you saying you’re were just recently assaulted, ma’am?”

“I-“ A white flash appeared above the streetlight. Roseluck felt an invisible shackle snare itself around her throat. The creature had finally caught up with her.

“Who are you? Come down here at once,” called out the guard, his voice taking on a more commanding tone.

Heh, heh, heh…

“I am Sargeant Silent Edge of the Royal Equestrian Guard, in service to Princess Celestia.” Kicking up off the ground, Edge thrust his spear towards the mysterious creature. “Consider yourself under arrest!”

Letting out a frightening hiss, the creature weaved around, narrowly missing Edge’s assault.

Celestia…Celestia… it repeated to itself. Show me, Celestia! Letting out a soul-rattling wail, the creature raised its claws above its head as it lunged at Edge.

Comments ( 8 )

From what I've read so far, this story is pretty good. It has a good premise, and the dark theme going on is quite chilling. I was quite happy that D.T. was Phantom's first victim, but I do feel bad for Lily and Daisy. I hope Roseluck gets out of this okay.

First things first. I finally picked a voice to read the things lines in. The Witch King of Angmar seems a good fit.

Secondly this is pretty good. Never even played Kingdom Hearts and I like this story. I don't often enjoy stories about things I haven't previously known about so you're doing rather well.

Thirdly. "“Are you saying you’re were just recently assaulted, ma’am?”" It should be "you" not "you're" when in conjunction with something like "were".

Appreciate all of the feedback my friend.

1.Twilight has a rather extensive knowledge of magic and subjects relating to the matter, not to mention she pursues such things as challenges considering how she poured so much time over the box from the tree of harmony. Having her obsess over something such as 'cursed' fire just seemed to appeal to me because she'll try in every conceivable way to figure out who conjured it and how to destroy it.

2. fount - a source of a desirable quality or commodity. This is what I meant

3. I need to go reword these much more carefully, so thanks for taking the time to point out my mistakes. I enjoy side-characters and hidden bosses because it's so much easier to write their own personal history into a story. Phantom is unique because of its powers and how it was presented in kingdom hearts. If you get the chance, look at its boss battle, its unnaturally powerful.

Soon, call-edge classes are eating up my time but I will definitely do a chapter since I've got an active reader :rainbowkiss:

7027232 it lives i did this in hopeing it was alive i was thinking it was dead

Woot it updated, I love this story

Kind of wish there was more to be honest.

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