• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 2,271 Views, 69 Comments

A Chance at Self Forgiveness - Dreagknight-LostWriter

It have been nearly two weeks since Sunset Shimmer became Princess Luna student. Now Sunset must face herself and the darkness within her with Princess Luna's help.

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It’s been nearly two weeks since Sunset Shimmer became Princess Luna's student and returned from Equestria. Sunset was sitting outside her school, next to the portal with four of her five friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were having a one-on-one Frisbee match, Fluttershy was feeding some squirrels and birds, Rarity was going over a new design for a dress, and Sunset herself was writing some notes down that Princess Luna had asked for. As for her fifth friend, Pinkie Pie, she was at her after-school job working at Sugercube Corner.

Rarity looked over towards Sunset. "So darling, have you figured out what you’re going to write for Princess Luna?"

"Not yet," Sunset said, sighing, "I still don't quite understand the task Princess Luna asked of me."

Princess Luna had kept Sunset for a few days to help catch her up on the recent events in Equestria. Luna also wanted to see what Sunset remembered from her lesson with her sister, Princess Celestia. Seeing that Sunset would be well informed with the help of the younger Princess, Twilight Sparkle, Luna went on to make a list of the things she would like Sunset to do. Most of the list was just questions about the human world that Twilight didn't get the chance to explore. But there was one other task Luna asked of Sunset: Luna asked Sunset to find the meaning of friendship. And not just the meaning like Twilight did, but also the meaning of what held friendship together.

"Hmm, what did the Princess ask you to do again?" Rarity asked, still sketching her new dress design.

"She asked me to find the meaning of friendship," Sunset answered.

"You mean like the Elements of Harmony Twilight told us about?" Fluttershy said, overhearing their conversation.

"I thought so too, but Princess Luna said she wanted me to find the meaning of what holds friendship together,"

"Maybe it’s loyalty, like me," Rainbow Dash said, walking over to the three girls.

"Maybe, but it could also be honesty. Friends don't last long unless they be honest with each other," Applejack said in her southern accent.

"Yeah, but honesty doesn't mean anything if friends aren't loyal to each other," Rainbow retorted.

"But ya'll can't stay loyal if there ain’t no honesty with one another!"

"Girls!" Sunset broke in, "I get it, it takes more than one Element to help maintain a friendship. But that sounds too simple, and too similar to Twilight's friendship report."

"Anyway, Sunset, can you help us?" Rainbow asked.

"With what?" Sunset asked, looking at them.

"Rainbow here decided it was a good idea to throw the Frisbee high in the air," Applejack said.

"Hey, you said you could catch any of my throws."

"Not when ya go throwin’ the darn thing onto the roof!"

"I only tried to make it boomerang around. I didn't think the wind would blow and get it stuck."

Sunset sighed, watching the two best of friends argue with each other. At first glance, one would assume they didn't like each other or just loved getting on each other nerves, though that last part might not be far from the truth. Yet these two would, no doubt, be right back on friendly terms with one another before the day was even over.

Hmm, these two are always arguing, yet they seem to understand each other. Maybe understanding is a key element to holding friendship together, Sunset thought to herself.

Sunset got up and closed her book.

"So where is it?" she asked, catching both girls off-guard in the middle of their argument.

"Huh? Oh, it’s up there," said Rainbow, pointing up to the three-story school building.

"Where?" Sunset said, shading her eyes from the sun while looking up.

"There, above Miss Cheerilee's window," Rainbow said, pointing to the blue Frisbee.

Sunset spotted the Frisbee. After looking around to make sure no one was around, she charged up her magic. Reaching out with her telekinesis spell, Sunset grabbed hold of the Frisbee in her magic and brought it down.

"Thanks," Rainbow said, taking the Frisbee from Sunset’s telekinesis grasp.

"I still can't get over how you can still use your magic," Rarity said, walking up behind Sunset.

"Yeah, it still feels a bit weird to be able to use it here, but I'm happy that I can and that I didn't fully lose my magic during the Fall Formal," Sunset said, staring at her hands.

"Hmm, last time ya had magic we were dodgin’ fireballs," Applejack said.

"Hehe, yeah, sorry about that," Sunset sheepishly said, looking away.

"Nah, don't worry about it," said Rainbow, placing one arm around Sunset’s shoulder, "We said we forgive you for all of that."

"I know," Sunset said with a small smile.

"Sunset, umm, I think Twilight has a message for you. Your book started to glow and vibrate just a few seconds ago." Fluttershy said, pointing to the book.

"It did?" Sunset said, walking back over to her bag.

The brown book glowed and hummed lightly as it rested within Sunset's open bag. As Sunset reached down and grabbed her book, she wondered what Twilight's message could be. Upon opening the book, Sunset spotted a crescent moon with a single star at the top of the page, the royal seal of Princess Luna. Though Sunset didn't know if the message was from Luna herself or if Twilight was relaying the message to her. Sunset read over the message that was sent to her.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

Princess Luna would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss something with you. Luna did not tell me what exactly she would like to talk to you about, but it seemed rather important. So whenever you are free, please let me know so I can relay it back to Luna.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle

"Huh, looks like I'll be heading back to Equestria sooner than I thought," Sunset said, still holding the book in her hands.

All the girls looked at Sunset with a confused look on their faces.

"How come?" Rarity asked.

"When are you heading back?" Fluttershy asked, looking over.

"How long are ya gonna be there?" Applejack asked.

"Hey, think we can come with you? I wanna see what the other side looks like," Rainbow Dash asked with a small smile on her face.
The other girls must have had the same thought on their mind, because they seemed equally curious.

"Well for one, Twilight said Princess Luna wants to see me as soon as possible. So I was thinking about leaving tomorrow, maybe. Second, I don't know how long I'll be there, maybe a few hours or a few days. And Rainbow Dash, sorry, but none of you girls can come with me, not now at least."

Rainbow Dash huffed, but didn't try argue with her. Taking the frisbee, both she and Applejack went and sat down by the portal, joining their friends.

"So why are ya thinkin’ of leavin’ tomorrow instead of today?" Applejack asked.

"Well, it’s only Thursday, and I still have school. Twilight only said at my earliest convenience," Sunset said, writing a message to Twilight letting her know when she could most likely make it.

"But you also said maybe," Rainbow said, looking at Sunset courisly.

"Yeah, I would like to go back Friday, but if I can't make it Friday, then I'll have to leave Saturday."

All the girls sat by the statute portal making small talk. Most of it was questions about why they couldn't come with her, and if they could, what the first things they did there would be. The conversation continued on for nearly an hour until Applejack got up.
"Well, ah don't know about you girls, but ah best be headin’ home now. See you girls tomorrow," Applejack said, waving goodbye before leaving.

"Yeah, same here. I'll talk to you girls later," Rainbow Dash said, saying her goodbyes and starting to leave.

Sunset watched her two friends walk away, then turned around to see her other two remaining friends still sitting down.

"So, umm, what do you girls want to do?"

"Well, we certainly can't sit here all day," Rarity said, standing up and dusting herself off, "Maybe we should go home. I'm sure you have some stuff you want to pack for tomorrow.”

Sunset thought about what Rarity said. She didn't have much to pack for herself, seeing as where she was going, she didn't need much. She did have some items and souvenirs that Twilight asked her to get, though most of them were books for her royal library. There was also Princess Luna, who wanted some pictures from this world, mostly of people that were here, and Princess Celestia, who also wanted pictures, but more of the structures around the area. Both Princesses were equally curious about this world.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Sunset said.

"All right, darling, then I'll chat with you two later. Bye bye." Rarity said, waving back as she started to walk home.

Sunset got up and helped Fluttershy up. After saying their goodbyes, they both went their separate ways. Taking out a notebook, Sunset began making a checklist for the things she would be bringing with her when she returned to Equestria.

Author's Note:

Well everypony, hope you like the first chapter? Sorry it took so long, I had a long argument with myself on rather I should make this a continuation on the first story or not. In the end I made it into a new story for reason that is to tedious to explain.

Well anyways, hope you pony like it and leave a comment below. :twilightsmile: