• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 2,271 Views, 69 Comments

A Chance at Self Forgiveness - Dreagknight-LostWriter

It have been nearly two weeks since Sunset Shimmer became Princess Luna student. Now Sunset must face herself and the darkness within her with Princess Luna's help.

  • ...

A Dizzy Morning

Stirring around, Sunset tried her best to go back to sleep, the soft cool blanket that enveloped her made her all the more tired. Spending the last three minutes turning around in bed, Sunset gave up on trying to go back to sleep and decided to just relax within the soft, azul blue, cool breeze, velvet blanket. It was only mere seconds once Sunset was comfortable did it dawn on her that she was not within her own bed. Sitting up, Sunset looked around and noted that she was still in Princess Luna’s chambers and that her jacket was removed off of her. As the event of last night flooded Sunset awoken mind, she started to feel light headed as she got up and out of bed. Stumbling, Sunset lean against the wall, trying to keep herself from falling over. Trotting to the door, Sunset fell over on the floor, the side of her head pounding with an intense pressure. As Sunset laid on the floor, waiting for the pain to subside, the chamber doors cracked open. Two bat pony guards peaked their heads in through the door, fixating their eyes on her. Before Sunset could breathe a word, the two guards launched themself into the room and next to Sunset’s side.

“Miss Shimmer, are you alright? You aren't hurt, are you?” One of the guards asked, a stallion who helped her back onto her hooves.

“I’m…. alright.” Sunset groan as she stood back up. “Probably just a dizzy spell from getting up too fast.”

As Sunset tried to stand on her own, another sharp pain shot through her head, almost causing her to fall back down. Before she dropped to her knee, the other guard, a mare, was already at her side to catch her.

“Miss Shimmer, are you sure you’re okay?” The mare asked, pushing herself away while still staying close by.

Shaking her head slowly, Sunset took a deep breath before looking back up. “I think... I'll just take it easy for a little bit.” She replied, sitting down and looking around the room, noting that it was just her and the two bat guards. “Where is Princess Luna?”

“The Princess had to leave on a small errand.” The mare replied.

“The Princess also stated that if you were to awaken before her return, we are to stay by your side until she gets back.” The stallion added, going back to stand by the entrance with the mare following suit.

Sunset wanted to argue that she didn't need any guards, but the throbbing pain in her head told her otherwise. Added on to that little fact, Sunset knew that this was just a mandatory procession, at least until the guards learn who she is. As Sunset was about to get up, there was a small grumbling noise that cause her to blush a little.

Putting a hoof to her stomach, Sunset looked to the guards who was looking back at her. “Umm, is it too early for me to get some breakfast?” She asked, sheepishly.

The mare gave a small chuckle as she looked away. “Right this way Miss Shimmer. We shall inform Princess Luna where you are when she gets back.”

Nodding, Sunset turned to look for her jacket, which she spotted on the edge of the bed. “Let me just get my jacket first.”

“...an’t hide...”

Sunset froze in place, a chill running down her spine as she swore she just heard a voice. The sound was faint and slow, almost a whisper. Looking back to the guards, she saw them waiting digitally for her, both their eyebrows raise.

“Is something wrong Miss Shimmer?” The stallion asked.

“Its… nothing. Just hearing stuff.” Sunset replied, walking towards her jacket. The throbbing pain in her head started to subside to a more bearable buzzing throbbed.


Walking down to the royal dining room with both her guards at her side, Sunset replayed the event of last night's ‘dream’. Her demon, her friends, her regrets, her self. Too many things plagued her mind, too many thoughts overlapping one another. Is her friends truly her friends, someone she could count on in a time of crisis? Would they always be there for her, or would it take just a bit more to drive them away again? These two questions bothered Sunset the most, because she didn't even know if she knew the answer to them. And the thought of the first friends she had ever made leaving her again, tore at her heart and mind. Walking into the dining room, Sunset spotted Celestia eating at the table, mindlessly looking at some papers. Both bat guards gave a small bow to Celestia as Sunset went to sit at the table.

“Good morning Sunset. Did you sleep well?” Celestia asked, taking a sip from her tea cup.

“It was, okay.” Sunset answered, forging a false smile.

“I see.” Celestia replied, not looking away from her papers. “And how are you feeling?”

“I… I have a little headache, but other then that, I feel good.” Sunset answered earnestly, stifling a yawn.

“I’m glad to hear that. I suppose with what Luna had you doing last night, you would have a headache for a few hours.”

Sunset eyes flew open, surprised that her old mentor was aware what had happen. Before Sunset could ask how she known, she realized that Luna may have consulted with Celestia before proceeding with her plan. Shaking the stupify look off her face, Sunset nodded. Celestia eyed Sunset, her face bore a passive neutral look. Soon a chef came out the kitchen, holding a tray that carried their breakfast of pancake, oats, and some juice in his magic. To some other ponies new to the castle, they would wonder how the chef already had their food ready, even when they didn’t ask for it. For Sunset who had lived in the castle before, she knew that the food was pre requested, and probably would have been sent to Luna’s chamber if she hadn't woken up. Taking the food, Sunset and Celestia began to eat in silence, enjoying the peaceful quiet morning.

As Sunset was eating her breakfast, a blurred image past her sight. Stopping, Sunset looked around, wondering if her mind was playing tricks on her once more. Seeing nothing amiss, she went back to eating her breakfast. Before she could have taken another bite, a sharper pain in her head cause her to drop her fork from her telekinesis grasp. The pain quickly went from her head to her right eye, causing her to put a hoof over it.

“Sunset, is your headache getting worse?” Celestia asked, her voice calm but worried.

“My eye, it hurts.” Sunset said through gritted teeth, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Sunset, I think it may be wise to returned back to Luna’s chamber and rest until she gets back.”

“Maybe,” Sunset answered, her pain starting to cease. “I think this… headache…” Sunset words died in her throat as she stared at the figure before her.

Standing before her was her She-Demon self, but something was off about her other self. Her She-Demon stood, leaning against the wall in her human form. She didn’t have her wings, her clothes was clean, and she was eating a red apple with no care in the world. The only indication that the image before her was her She-Demons self was the fact that it was twirling Twilight’s crown on her finger. Before Sunset could even croak out a word, the She-Demon looked at her and smiled. The smile alone sent a shiver down Sunset’s spine, it was the same smile she used to give when she was planning something against someone, and now it was directed at her. Taking another bite out of the apple, the She-Demon stood up and walked towards the door. Morphing into her pony version, the She-Demon vanished out of sight in a mirage blurr.


“Miss Shimmer!”

Coming to her senses, Sunset found the concern eyes of both Celestia and the two bat pony guards as they called her name.
“Huh?” Was all Sunset could manage to say, her eyes still fixated on the spot she recently saw herself.

Celestia turned to the two bat ponies who was standing next to Sunset. “Will you two be so kind as to escort Sunset to my sister’s chamber and make sure she get some rest. I will stop by shortly to check on her.”

Nodding, both guards stood side by side of Sunset, allowing her to use their bodies as support if she so needed. Sunset didn't argued, but she didn't want to sleep and have a chance of running into herself. Hastily, she got up from her seat and follow the guards out the room.

Stopping by the door, Sunset turned to Celestia. “Princess Celestia, can I ask you a question?”

Celestia looked a bit surprised by the sudden question. “Sure Sunset, what would you like to ask?”

Sunset stood for a moment, wondering just how to word her question properly. After a few seconds of silence, and concerned glances from her guards, Sunset finally spoke.

“Would you still consider a pony a friend, even if they abandon you in a time of need? Or worse, turned on you?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at that, putting a hoof to her chin. Closing her eyes, Celestia took another sip at her tea in thought.

“Well Sunset, I believe everypony has a chance to correct themself, even if they made mistakes. If they are truly apologetic by their mistake, then they will make it known. Would I still consider them a friend after such? Yes.”

Sunset mouth twitch, a new question coming to mind. “And what if they never apologise, they just kept moving on like nothing ever happen. Can you consider that a friend as well?”

“Well, that is a question only one can decide.” Celestia answered and a neutral tone as she looked Sunset in the eyes. “Though, if you would like a better answer than that, I believe Twilight would be the pony you want to talk to. She recently had to deal with such problem as of that. I also believe this could be a nice learning experience for the both of you. How about you visit her once you’re feeling better?”

Sunset blinked a few times at that, not believing that Twilight may have actually face a similar problem. She was curious as to what had happen and how she dealt with it. Seeing as Twilight is both the Princess of Friendship and her friend, she would be more than capable to helping her with this problem.

Before Sunset could reply to Celestia, another sharp pain made it way known as Sunset struggle to keep standing.

“For now, it would be best if you get some rest, Luna should be back soon.” Celestia said, dismissing Sunset and her guards from the dining room.

With both guards bowing, they left the dining room, keeping Sunset in wings length in case she need support. Rounding the corner, a sharp pain shot through Sunset eye, followed by a mango blurr. Closing her right eye, Sunset spotted her other self trotting through the halls, glancing back at her as she did so. It took Sunset only a few moments to realize that the pain in her eye might be linked to her other self.

“Miss Shimmer, if you need to rest, please let us know.” The stallion said, holding Sunset up.

“Umm, thanks. Just give me a few seconds.”

Nodding, both guards gave Sunset some breathing room as she stared forward at her other self, who looked back at her, smiling.

“Why wait for Princess Luna to get back when we can just go to Twilight first.” Her other self spoke, echoing in Sunset’s mind. “She's already out of the palace, I’m sure she wouldn't mind stopping by Twilight as well.”

“Why? And even if I tried, Celestia wouldn't let me go until she knew I was feeling better.” Sunset hissed under her breath, making sure the guards couldn't hear her.

“Celestia, she’s a fool sometimes.” Her other self laughed. “Sure you may need to rest, but you can do that on your way to and in Twilight’s castle.” Her other self said, walking up to Sunset. “I mean, Twilight did gave you your own room in her castle that you can rest in. That again, if you're too afraid to talk to her on your own, then you can just sit back like a good little student and wait for Luna to get back.” The Demon mocked, walking circles around Sunset.

“Why do you want me to go to Twilight first?” Sunset asked, trying to keep her voice down as her head started to throbbed more.

“Why? It’s for the same reason as you, I want to know what our ‘friend’ Twilight have to say.” Her other self laughed. “Think about it, what good would it do you to wait here until Luna gets back, by that time, Twilight could be gone.”

Sunset thought about it. To her, it wasn't a bad idea, and it’s not like anything could go wrong if she did decided to go early. Convincing Celestia that she would be okay enough to travel might be a problem, but it would be nice to have her friend to talk to afterwards. That again, Luna probably wants her to stay at the palace, and Sunset didn’t know how please Luna would be if she left. And it not like she wouldn't see Twilight again if she was gone, she would just have to wait until she gets back.

Her other self started to laugh as she faded away, leaving Sunset with her decision.

“The clocks ticking Sunset, so what is it going to be?”