• Published 18th May 2015
  • 594 Views, 33 Comments

Adventures of Diamond Dancer (Mission Logs) - RarityEQM

The Adventures of a little filly with a big job

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Mission #23: Shake Down

So me n' Virga, right? We're headin to this little out of the way bar in Winnyappolis called The Bit and Bridle. Eh, not really a huge thing for me. It's Virga's mission, not mine, but I asked if I could tag along, and he didn't say no, so here we are.

"Make yourself useful, kid," He says to me with a wink, once we're outside. I flash him a smile and give him a salute. Happily, I march into the bar, while Virga waits outside. See, we had this conversation a little while back, when I was tellin' Virga all bout how I was afraid I was a worthless member to the team. Virga gave me a hug, and told me I was the most important member. I go in first to make sure whatever happens to me, doesn't happen to them. I am saving their lives countless times every single day! I never thought of it like that. I am AWESOME!

Anyway, I slip right in. Place is packed. Lots of ponies, lots of cheer, lots of drinking and lots of smiles all around.

Not for long.

I chuckle quietly and wriggle my way up to the bar. We're supposed to be tracking down this necromancer in this city. Supposedly he was going to steal this gem from Princess Luna to power some dark enchantment or something. He had an inside pony who let the beans slip, and now we're out here seeking this guy out. Supposedly this bartender knew where to find him. We were hot on the case.

Well, okay, Virga was hot on the case. This was his assignment. Never the less, I climbed up onto a barstool and gave my hoof a tap across the bar with a grin.

"One cidah, please!" I grin. The tender doesn't give me a second glance. I know that I can't taste anything, but thats the joy of cider! I don't have to taste it! I drink enough of it and I feel all dizzy and bubbly and happy and goofy! Anyway, I tap my hoof on the bar again. He rolls his eyes. I peer around the room. Packed, but not TOO packed. Only a few ponies that look like they could be a threat. I make a mental note, and tap my hoof on the bar one more time.

"One cidah!" I repeat. This time the bartender has had enough. Good to know how far I can push him. This will make Virga's job easier. He points at the door.

"Beat it kid. We don't serve minors here. Scram, I've got real customers to serve." He snaps. I hop off the bar stroll and twist around, trotting right outside where Virga is waiting.

"Yeah, dats definitely our guy. Place is packed but dare are only a coupla threats to you'se. Dink you'se can make every pony clear out with a strong show of power. He didn't give me no cidah, though," I explain. He gives a nod and heads into the bar. I follow suite, climbing right back up onto the barstool again.

"EXCUSE ME?! EVERYPONY CLEAR OUT! RIGHT! NOW!" I demand. The bar goes dead silent. I hop up onto the bar itself, glancing around. Draw in a breath. Use my big super booming voice. The Royal Canterlot Voice. The one Princess Luna has been teaching me.

"I, SAID, CLEAR, OUT!" I demand. Louder this time. The patrons of the bar start to chuckle quietly. Thats when Virga does his thing. His eyes turn white, and the room starts to grow cold. Colder and colder still. Icicles forming along the ceiling, bottles start to shatter. That pegasus has some crazy powers. Me, I just watch and grin. Ponies start to freak out. Now there's a mad rush for the door. Even the bartender is making for it, but I step over and stop him from leaving.

"Not so fast, buttercup. We gotta talk," I grin at him. I catch Virga grinning too. The bartender stands there, stunned and eyes wide as the rest of the patrons rush out. Now it's just us three. I hop back onto the barstool and grin my head off. Virga nods his head, lifting a hoof to tap it on the bar.

"I believe the lady requested a cider," Virga says stoically. Did I mention that I buckin' love Virga? Like, a lot? He's like the best partner ever. He says if I'm old enough to go on suicide missions for the princess, I'm old enough to develop a chronic drinking habit. Me, I couldn't agree more! Bardigan doesn't think so, but it's not like he's around to stop me! HA!

So the tender gives me a cider. And I have a drink. I set my little plot down and spin around on the bar stool. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
I down that cider like it was water in the desert. Now the room is spinning. Mostly because of me spinning around like a moron on the barstool. Its FUN though!

"Anodah cidah!" I demand. Virga and this tender have been talking. I'm pretty sure Virga is making some threats the way this tender is turning pale in the face. With shaky hooves he gives me another cider. I griiiiiiiiiiin. Virga narrows his eyes at me. I grin at him too. I already know he's cutting me off after this. Don't care. I'm bucking TEN. I deserve to have fun, right?! It can't ALL be fighting and missions right?! RIGHT?! Good thing about being so tiny, it only takes me two mugs of cider and I'm in a good mood for the rest of the day!


I uh, don't really remember what happened next. I got a third mug of cider though. I think we did okay, cause I'm not fired! So....CASE CLOSED! :D