• Published 18th May 2015
  • 594 Views, 33 Comments

Adventures of Diamond Dancer (Mission Logs) - RarityEQM

The Adventures of a little filly with a big job

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Training: Personal Techniques

Hiya! This is a run down of allll my personal techniques I've created for myself! See, I got the idea when I saw Rainbow Dash preform her Fantastic Filly Flash, and then the Sonic Rainboom. I figured coming up with my own special moves would be sure to get Princess Luna's attention, so here are all the skills I've come up with so far!

Midnight Missile/Moonlight Missile
Ahh, the Midnight Missile! This is my go-to skill for most situations. Any, situation, really. I lower my head so it's completely in line with my spine, and then I charge forward as hard as I can! KA-BOOM! Ha! Since I can't feel pain, usually I hit stuff a LOT harder than I think. The Moonlight Missile is basically the exact same skill, except instead of running forward, I fly. I call it the Moonlight Missile because if I can go fast enough, my contrail kicks in, and I leave a bright light behind me! I slam head first into whatever it is I'm aiming at! Useful for taking down monsters or opening doors!

Comet Crasher:
This isn't exactly perfected quite yet. My Comet Crasher maneuver ( notice how they're all star related and space themed? Hee hee) involves me racing up to my target, usually a bad guy, and grabbing them, and flying up with them as high as I can. Then I wrap my arms and legs around them, and drop like a rock. I can't feel anything, so basically, I let gravity do all the work and the impact pretty much takes out whoever I've grabbed. The problem is, I'm not very big, so this only works on really small enemies.

Galaxy Grenade:
This move only works when I'm wearing my armor Princess Luna gave to me: The shatter Plate. Crystal armor that shatters on impact into thousands of shards of shrapnel. Usually, Virga hurls me at the ground over a lot of enemies, and I crash into it head first, sending shards flying everywhere. Veeeery dangerous. I hate the clean up afterwards. Yuck.

Filly Flicker Flash (Diamond's Version)
The reflective properties of my crystal coat, combined with my contrail has a really really weird reaction sometimes. If I'm going fast enough to til my contrail kicks in- and then stop, the light from my contrails reflects against my own fur, and creates an illusion of me for a few seconds. It's really kinda cool. I use the Filly Flicker Flash to dart and zip around making monsters think I'm in places where I'm really not.

Radiant Ricochet:
This move only works when I'm surrounded by enemies in tight corners. I mean, I never actually pulled this off properly, but, you know it works in theory! I basically bounce around from bad guy to bad guy, using my trajectory and momentum to carry me around, changing direction with my wings and hooves. Since I can't feel anything, uh...doesn't really...work out so well...heh heh heh...

Starlight Stride:
Star Strider taught me this one! If I go fast enough, I leave a bright white contrail behind me, right? So, sometimes, at night, I'll fly fast enough and zip in different directions, making designs and patterns. I've gotten really really good at drawing stars- but they don't last very long, the contrail fades away after a few seconds...

Dazzling Dream Drop:
This is my ultimate move! I got inspired by watching Rainbow Dash preform a Sonic Rainboom, and I just HAD to see if I could do the same! uh..not so much. I flew up as high as I could and tries to do a dive bomb, figuring flying straight down would make me go faster, right? Not so much. I couldn't pull up in time and crashed into the ground. Funny thing though, the crystal properties of my coat reacted to the ground, and KA-BOOM, there's suddenly this huge mega big blizzard of crystal shimmery flakes fluttering down around me. It was really cool- kinda like a bomb going off!

Star Seeker's Strike: Ummm...This only works in theory...I think..