• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 897 Views, 5 Comments

A Gray Box and a Black Bag - Pickle

Somepony's been murdered... Even in a world of ponies, there isn't always a happy ending.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The metal table felt cold. It didn't matter though. With all that Bon Bon had gone through in the past few days, her heart might as well be frozen. The light that hung above her was quite dim for an overhead light, but not dim enough to where she couldn't see her reflection in the large mirror wall that faced her. They're watching me... Bon Bon thought, staring into the mirror, hoping that she was sending the stink eye straight into one of the detectives that had brought her there.

A couple of hours had past with Bon Bon just left in the solitude of those four concrete walls. The only thing she thought of doing was getting her story straight. It wasn't really hard for her to do so though, seeing as how she wasn't at fault here. Bon Bon had curled up her her front legs on the table as a pillow for her to rest on. Celestia knows the one thing she needed now was rest; however, no matter how exhausted she was, both physically and mentally, she wouldn't be able to sleep without her by her side.

The thick, metal door opened. Two detectives stepped into the box of an interrogation room, calmly shutting the door behind them. "Wake up, sleepy head," the stallion detective said, shaking the table Bon Bon was attempting to sleep on.

"I wasn't asleep," Bon Bon yawned as she raised her head and eyes, keeping direct eye contact with the mirror.

The stallion blocked Bon Bon's view of herself with his dark blue face. His eyebrows rose as he beamed at Bon Bon. All the while, his partner waited in the corner of the room, watching her partner work.

"You could have fooled me," the detective chuckled. "You seem pretty tired. Guilty conscience keeping you up?" The detective's face became more stern as he tried to get out a quick confession from Bon Bon.

Without an ounce of emotion, Bon Bon asked, "You're aren't going to introduce yourself first?"

Moving out of the suspect's view, the detective greeted, "I'm Detective Stable." Gesturing to the mare that watched from the corner of the room, Detective Stable informed, "This is my partner Detective Fields."

Bon Bon remained gazing into her reflection.

"You were the victim's spouse, correct?"

"If I wasn't, would I be in here?"

The magenta filly trotted to the table and put her hooves on it, her body hanging over Bon Bon's head. "Listen, you need to drop this attitude you've got! Right now, your situation doesn't look so good, so if you want to make everypony's lives a lot easier, sign a confession statement and we might be able to get you a plea."

Barely glancing up at the detective, Bon Bon appologized, "I'm so sorry that I have an attitude. I'm sure everypony that's falsely arrested is all smiles and sunshine, right?"

Fields rolled her eyes and sighed. Drawing Bon Bon's attention away from his partner, Stable asked, "You and the victim had been together for four years?"

"Yes. The ponies behind the glass their should have already told you that, or is everypony that works here as incompetent as you two, you know, seeing as how you two obviously arrested the wrong pony?"

"Just leave your responses to answering our questions..." Stable waited for some type of confirmation that Bon Bon understood what he said. "Aren't you going to answer me?"

"I thought you only only wanted me to answer your questions?"

Once again, Detective Fields cut in, unable to tolerate Bon Bon's hostility. "You and the victim had lived together for the past three years in Ponyville---"

"Don't call her that..."

Fields paused, staring intriguingly at Bon Bon. "Are you referring to the victim?"

"Yes I am. She has a name. Lyra. She's not just the hollow corpse that you think she is. To you she's a job, but to me she is... everything." Tears would have formed in Bon Bon's ducts had she not already been emotionally drained.

"Explain to us how you first met Lyra."

"I originally lived in Detrot. The town had nothing special to it. It was run down, poor, crime filled, the works. Well, I was living on my own, and--"

"Why was that?"

"My father abandoned my mother and I at birth, and my mother was an addict to shrooms. She spent most of her time trying to do all she could to get more. I couldn't stand the restless nights, worrying whether or not she would come home or if she was alright."

"Okay, continue."

"At this time, I had been selling it near a bar on Mane Street. I had only been doing it for a few months and I wasn't the best, but it paid the rent. One day, she walks up to and asks me about the time. I tell her about time, how much it is and what it's worth to her. I figured that somepony who tried to come onto me with a line like that was worth a fast twenty. But then, you know what happens?"

Detective Stable, who, along with Detective Fields, had been paying close attention to Bon Bon's story, asks, "What?"

"She starts telling me about what time actually means to her... philosophy! On Mane Street! She's telling me about cyclical and linear concepts, predestination, general relativity... worm holes even. I thought to myself, 'I've got a real freak on my hooves here.' Like most ponies from Detrot, I was starving and desperate. It was getting late and I needed to get some bread, so I tried finding business else where. Funny thing is though, she wouldn't leave me alone. I walked away. She walked away with me. I went into the bar. She went into the bar with me. A real fuck bar, too! Ponies were practically humping up against each other, moaning and groaning as loud as they wanted. She didn't even notice. The whole time she's spouting Farfignewton and Aristrotle to me, oblivious to all of what was going on around her. I was tired of it, so I turn to her and said, 'Look, I'm hungry, so I would really like it if you would talk business with me!' You know what she does? She takes me out for dinner... I never even found out what she wanted from me. And the whole time, she never stopped talking... never."

Bon Bon huffed, winded from her reminiscent anecdote. The two detectives gave each other looks, signalling that they should press her more. It was one of a detective's oldest tricks: Once a suspect shows emotional release, interrogate them while they're vulnerable...

Comments ( 5 )

Fantastic story, looking forward to more chapters

Oh, this is good. Really looking forward to read more chapters. :pinkiehappy:

One tiny little thing: "Bon Bon had curled up her /her/ front legs..."

Good story so far. Godspeed and goodluck.

Favoriting this to keep track of it.

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