• Published 19th Mar 2015
  • 5,585 Views, 944 Comments

Across the Sea of Time - Meep the Changeling

Three nerds are summoned by a mysterious force to save Equestria by helping an Artificial Intelligence build a starfaring Changeling civilization in an attempt to save the world.

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10 - A Few Kilos of Ore - Part 4

From the Journal of Princess Twilight Sparkle

Running to the mine without any real break was not my best idea. We had just run for eight hours, sustained by magic, hastened by spellcraft. All six of us were hungry, and even with the magical assistance we were fatigued.

Rarity and I were low on mana, AJ, and Pinkie were too hungry to think straight, Dash, and Shy were too sore to fly. Unfortunately for us, orders were orders, and so we ran for another eight hours. Right though the black of night until the sun began to peek over the horizon and the rocky foothills of Mount Everfree lay underhoof.

The mine’s main entrance lay perhaps three hundred yards away. It looked like a gaping hole in the side of a hill made of iron banded fire blackened logs with massive wooden doors like some sort of house for giants. Though it would be more appropriate to call it a concentration camp them a home.

A massive four pony tall piece of carved obsidian sat over the entrance, shaped into a pair of obelisks which helixed around a core of dark amethyst, and tapered to needle like points. The Dogs called it the ‘Earthroot’, a symbol for their people and a display of their wealth. The entire point of the marker was it was difficult to make, made from rare gem grade materials, and made entirely by slave labor.

I had hated that statue ever since I first read about it. I can’t even remember how many letters I had written to Celestia begging her to let me purge the Dogs from my fiefdom, but the truce stood. Their agreement to not enslave ponies was never enough to satisfy me. Not while other species toiled in their mine.

I laughed grimly, prompting Aj to look at me in concern. “Ya all right?”

I shook my head, “No. Do you have any idea how many times I have asked Celestia to destroy this place? The first time in five years she has ordered me to come here, and she puts us on intelligence gathering… Not to mention I’m too tired to do anything about this place anyways.”

AJ nodded in agreement, “I hear ya. I wish my great grandma had driven ‘em off instead of agreeing to play nice. Can’t blame her though, we still thought harmony would work for everypony back then.”

“I still think it can,” Fluttershy said softly, “not every one of them is bad. They just need more time to learn.”

“Maybe, but until then it would be best if they weren't three hours march from Ponyville.” Rainbow muttered.

“Oh-well, yes.” Fluttershy agreed. “I don’t think we shouldn’t protect ourselves. I just think we should try to be friendly when we can to them. They won't change if they aren’t shown a better way.”

Rarity lifted her head over the rocky outcropping we were hiding behind, “I’m inclined to agree with Fluttershy.”

“Even though they tried to make you a slave?” Rainbow asked skeptically.

“Yes. Our ancestors were just as barbaric before the pre-classical period. They can grow into something better too. Though I personally would prefer it if they did it somewhere other than here.” Rarity sighed. “But it isn’t our job to make them leave today. We should focus on our mission.”

I nodded, “True… Everypony’s tired, we should work out a watch for the night. We can get a few hours of sleep and a meal before the humans show up if we are careful.”

Pinkie shook her head, quickly pointing to the mine, “That’s a hole in the ground full of mean Dogs.”

“Er- yes.” I replied, giving her a confused look.

“The wind’s blowing towards them, and we are pretty close.” Pinkie added, gesturing for me to put what she was saying together.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy squeaked, “Their sense of smell! They already know we are here! We should retreat!”

Fluttershy started looking around the rock strewn, plains doing her best to find us the quickest exit.

I held a hoof to my forehead in shame, “How could I forget their sense of smell?”

“It’s fine, we are all tired and hungry.” AJ said as she looked over the top of the rocks at the mine. “The real question, is why haven’t they come out to say anything to us yet? The treaty says they have to talk to anypony who visits.”

“Um, girls… We are surrounded.” Fluttershy whispered. With one hoof she quickly sketched a map in the dirt. Assuming the box was us, the line the mine’s entrance, and the dots were Dogs, we were surrounded by over fifty of them in a ‘u’ shape with the open end being the mine’s entrance.

A loud, thundering creaking of timber filled the air as the mine’s doors opened. The quiet morning shattered as a warhorn blared. The thundering crash of dozens of creatures in armor marching echoed out of the mine as several hundred fully armored and armed Dogs spilled forth like a hoofball team entering a stadium. Black and red standards of the mine’s chief were held aloft alongside the cream and black heraldry of the Diamond Dog’s High Queen.

I could feel my face turn pale as the army marched towards our position. The first few ranks were made up of mutts, the overly muscled and under bright most ponies thought of when they thought of the Dogs. Behind them were wave after wave of their purebreds, well built, bight minded, highly trained, elites, the best their species had to offer.

“I think the treaty is over.” Rarity squeaked.

I nodded grimly, “That’s the High Queen’s banner, whatever they are doing she’s approved it.”

“Right, so we should make a break for a weak point in the line surrounding us. Like now.” Rainbow exclaimed urgently.

I opened my mouth to speak only to close it quickly as the army stopped marching and parted ranks to allow a single pony to walk to the front of the formation. The pony had on a hooded cloak made from thin black leather decorated in white arcane markings. A bright blue horn stuck out of a slit in the hood made especially to allow the horn to keep the hood up at all times. A glint of red and gold under the hood hinted at the ruby circlet I knew was around her head. Her fur was entirely covered in a dull grey jumpsuit, decorated with spidery white arcane marks and held tight to her body with black belts festooned with pouches. She was a unicorn in a Tribunal Magus’s uniform.

“Not now we shouldn’t…” I said gritting my teeth. Even if that was simply somepony just using the uniform to deceive people, we had to take her prisoner, or take her down.

The Magus’s horn suddenly burned with black, purple, and green energy of dark magic. She slowly rose from the ground, lifting herself with her own telekinesis and launching herself towards the six of us. Reaching for my diminished magic I threw a shield over us. She landed a few feet from my lavender dome, everypony quickly gathered around me in a circle, back to back.

“I remember you Twilight.” The Magus said, her voice female, but deep and echoing. Signs of long term dark magic use which confirmed she was the real thing.

“Can’t say I remember you.” I said as I probed her with my magic, trying to figure out how many wards protected her and any way to get around them.

“You wouldn’t. You were busy fighting my mentor, you have excellent form with Sombra’s Lance if you don’t mind me saying so.” I felt her casually swat my probe aside. “I thought you felt tired… You should surrender.”

“That’s not an option.” Rainbow snapped glaring at the Magus with more hatred than I had seen from her in along while.

“At your best, you would have a problem handling these fine canines. At your best, you would likely perish fighting them with me on their side. Add the fact you are impeding a direct order from their High Queen and the clergy and even at your best their zeal would overwhelm you. You are not even close to your best. I can feel your auras, you are all tired, low on energy. I could personally kill you all, though it would take some effort.” The simple factual tone of her voice dug into my brain, her words twisting my thoughts to match her will.

“She’s trying to manipulate us. Don’t listen.” I warned.

“I would rather we didn’t have to walk over your corpse, see we will need all the canine power here for a little mission. Surrender, and in accordance with international law we will release you in twenty four hours.” The Magus informed.

“Wait, what?” Rarity asked.

“According to international law you can’t hold a sovereign and their staff prisoner for more than twenty four hours without an official declaration of war… Which means you are not working for the Tribunal!” I said in hopes of getting her to tell us some of what was going on.

“No I am not. You did an excellent job of destroying us. If it were not a devastating blow to Equestria, I would applaud your skill and ruthlessness. I work for His Highness now, and these fine Dogs have agreed to help Him. See, they have some ore He wants, but these Dogs can’t deliver it without some help so here I am. I’ll ask you one more time, please surrender. Expending resources to kill you would be an inconvenience.”

Fluttershy leaned over to me slowly. “Twi,” she whispered, “we should surrender. We want to see the mine and they will take us inside. Since the Queen is involved, they will let us back out and if they don’t Celestia knows we’re here.”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow shouted, “Well these guys might give us some trouble since we haven’t had lunch, but I’ll bet if we take you down they’ll just run off!”

I flinched, “Rain-”

The sky split into jagged fragments as the Magus’s horn erupted into purple and green lightning. A storm of streaming bolts slammed down against my shield shattering it in an instant, melting a ring of rock around us, and leaving a low humming ringing sound in everypony’s ears.

I growled in frustration, Fluttershy was right. Before I did anything I had to make sure we would be released. “Celestia ordered us here. If we don’t report back… I’m sure you can imagine the consequences.”

She nodded once. “My King does not yet wish to fight her. I swear by my blood and the seven Lords, the six of you will be released when the moon rises this day.”

“Unharmed?” I asked.

“If you do not attempt escape.” she replied.

“Twilight, you can't seriously be considering surrendering to her!” Rarity and AJ exclaimed together.

“There is no way we can ever trust her word!” Rainbow shouted.

“My wife has a point,” I said looking to where I believed the Magus’s eyes to be, “Why should we trust you?”

She stared at us for a long moment, “Is swearing upon my soul not good enough for you? I believe you know what happens if I break my oath. How about this, fighting you would take time. I am on a very strict schedule, the ore in this mine needs to be collected, transported, processed, and worked before the next new moon. There is not much room for delay.”

I took a deep breath and thought through everything one more time. She did swear an oath which I knew from experience had dire consequences if broken, we couldn’t beat her in our current state, and if we did the dogs would tear us to pieces. Celestia knew we were here, and we were supposed to go into the mine and observe the coming attack.

I grinned as I remembered the mine was about to be attacked by humans. We could slip away in the chaos easily enough the moment they got here. “Alright. We surrender.”

“What? Why?” Rainbow demanded, grabbing my shoulders, “Did she get inside your head?”

I shook my head and gently pushed her hooves off me, “Hon, she’s right. We are in no shape to fight, they can’t hold us for long without starting a major war, and while they will kill us if we fight. Which would also start a war. Isn’t that right?” I turned to look at the Magus smugly.

“She speaks the truth, but I would not hesitate to destroy you if you delay me much longer. War between us is inevitable, but we are not yet ready.” The Magus informed kicking the ground idly with one hoof.

I looked Rainbow directly in the eyes and whispered, “We were told to infiltrate the mine. This is an easy way in and out again.”

She nodded angrily, “Fine… Everypony had better come out of this okay.”

Rarity nodded, “I second that Twilight… though this may be our best option.”

The Magus held up her left hoof and shouted, “Chief! They are your prisoners until sunset. They will come quietly, if you harm them without due cause my King will be displeased.”

A tall mutt in fullplate carrying an oversize axe broke ranks and walked towards us, six slightly smaller mutts in equally good armor followed him. When he reached us he mockingly bowed, sweeping his helmet off his head like a gentlecolt would a hat, “Princess Pony, nice to have you! I have a royal cell prepared.” He snickered at his own joke, his entourage laughing loudly with him.

They started to march us towards the mine. Just before we would have been out of earshot of the Magus she called back to me, “I wouldn’t want you to be lonely princess. We will pick up some of your friends to keep you company. Dogs, march!”

They were going to raid Ponyville. She had entirely outwitted me, there was no way Celestia could get the reinforcements she had said she would send to Ponyville in time, no way for me to even warn the local garrison. Worse still if I did anything now, if one of us died or if we killed the Magus war would be the result. Because of the existing treaty, the attack on Ponyville would only see this individual mine’s banishment. Before that could happen this King would have everything he needed. I had been entirely outmaneuvered.

“No…” I whispered. I felt my heart ache as if somepony were crushing it in their hooves.

“Twilight…” Fluttershy whispered.

“What?” I moaned.

“Pinkie’s gone.” She whispered back.

I looked around slowly, fairly certain the Dogs wouldn’t think much of it. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. I smiled softly. I may have failed, but that’s what friends are for. To help you fix your mistakes.

“Your move now Magus…” I whispered.

From the Diary of Dinky “Muffin” Hooves:

I spent the night reading up on diamond dogs. I used my Guide first, but well not all of its entries are super helpful. Especially when it consists of a few pictures and the words ‘Avoid, if at all possible.’

Fortunately Twilight had made the castle library open to the public day in day out. Though if you ask me requiring a separate library card to access the library at night was just a way to get another 15 bits out of everypony. Nonetheless, there were plenty of books on the Dogs.

I figured I should be as prepared as I could be. It was a good thing I decided to read up, I learned many things which could come in handy. For example, Diamond Dogs have three castes within their society, mutts, purebreds, and progenitors.

Mutts are basically lower class working types, considered to be low in brain power, but high in muscle power. Purebreds are basically specific bloodlines drawn from the elites of their civilization over the millennia, how are thought of as smarter, better, faster, and stronger. A progenitor is actually interesting in that they are the species the dogs believe themselves to be descended from, wolves. Wolves are not a part of their society at all, but hold top rank in it, they are at equal authority to the Queen.

While that information would be useful in formulating strategies to stay alive in their mine, it was completely overshadowed by a gem of information I found in a badly water damaged book. The water damage made it a little hard to read, but I could still make out the characters.

The old volume was written in Changelish, fortunately the author chose to use an ink visible in normal light, and I was permanently linked to the TARDIS translation circuit. The battered, chitten bound book was a journal a Changeling royal had kept detailing a border war with Dogs a hundred years ago. The important page was one which stated the Dogs had reverse engineered animaurgy as a result of their war and were using it in their weapons’ enchantments.

Though what animaurgy was beyond me. Reaching for my black leather and silver bound copy of The Adventurer’s Guide to Equis I opened the book to a random place in it’s vellum pages and said, “Animaurgy”.

The pages I opened to turned black as ink filled them entirely, only to soak back into the pages leaving behind a few illustrations as a polite female dragon’s voice softly narrated the text around the pictures for me. “Animaurgy is a magical field which drains energy from objects or organisms. Originally used to drain the life force from a subject to prolong one’s own existence, the Evil Overlords who invented it discovered the longer and Dark Lord lives, the greater the odds of him being slain by a hero become. In order to avoid death by increasing probability these same Overlords found other uses for animaurgy, making it into a general purpose arcane energy transfer mechanism.

“Unfortunately, having invented a school of magic designed to absorb energy from one thing and use it in something else, the Overlords brought about their own doom. This occurred when a unicorn enchanted millions of toothpicks at random with a spell he called ‘Detect Evil and Turn it into Crispy Bacon’ which were fueled by the energy of an evil soul. Today animaurgy is generally used in weapons to turn magical protections into tissue paper which makes the weapon stronger as it destroys an opponent's defenses.

“This has naturally upset the Evil Overlord community, who largely see’s its creation as a ‘bad move’.”

Just as I had committed those facts to memory, a bookcase slid open. The sound of wood sliding on crystal instantly caught my attention. Pinkie Pie stepped out of a hidden passage on the opposite side of the library. She looked exhausted, but also tense, in equal proportions. Worse yet her mane hung straight down, the normal frizziness gone.

With impossible speed Pinkie zipped to my side and began to babble, frantically waving her forehooves as she ranted, “Muffin! Thank Celestia! I was going to get Spike to write Princess Celestia but this is so much better! The Dogs are being total meaniepants and everypony is locked in a deep dark hole at the bottom of their mine where they probably are fending off pony-eating rats with yucky moldy straw meant to be their bed! Where’s your dad? He’s a doctor, he can fix all kinds of things right?”

Somewhere in her panicked shouting she had managed to get her hooves around my shoulders and shake me. I couldn’t tell you when. “It’s okay,” I told her slowly, “dad put me on it. We’re on top of this.”

Pinkie frowned and stared directly into my eyes as she asked, “Are you sure? Because they have a whole army that’s really scary and is-”

“On it’s way to enslave ponies. I know, my future self told me. I got this.” I gently took her hooves off my shoulders. “They will be here in, actually any minute now… But that’s not important. At nine this morning, humans attack their mine to steal some arcanite. They will free anypony who got taken as a slave, and I have to make sure they all survive and get away with the ore. Otherwise, the future is terrible.”

Pinkie blinked twice and cocked her head, “You’re doing this yourself? Are you sure you can handle this?”

I nodded, “Yep. I’ll make sure your friends get out of there okay. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” I said while making the motions of a Pinkie promise.

Pinkie bit her lip thoughtfully for a few seconds before slowly nodding, “Well… okay. If anypony can help them it’s somepony like you… but I’m still going to tell Princess Celestia.”

“That’s probably for the best-” The blaring scream of a dozen warhorns rendered me mute for a full twelve seconds.

I grabbed my copy of the Guide with my magic and tossed it into my bag, then bolted out the door. The second my hooves touched the castle’s lawn the howls and braying of countless Dogs filled my ears. The air seemed to crack as screams started to come from all over Ponyville.

Most run from that kind of danger, but the job of an adventurer is to run towards the sounds of terror, pain, and anguish to confront their source head on. I stopped on the castle lawn, a platoon of Guards rushed past me in full armor shouting orders. My breath came in short huffing gasps, I hadn’t prepared quite enough, but I could get a hold of myself and still do my job.

“Magus!” somepony screamed.

The disorganized ranks of guards froze in their tracks. Just beyond the castle’s gates stood a single pony in a grey and white uniform cloak. Her horn blazed with green and purple energy as she telekinetically lifted six needle like swords out from under her cloak and stabbed them into the ground a short ways in front of her.

“Good evening guard-ponies,” she said in the casual tone of a normal citizen. “My job today is to prevent you from helping your fellow townsfolk. Would you like a simple display of skill at arms, or something more entertaining?”

“Don’t just stand there! Somepony kill that witch!” A Sargent bellowed, gesturing violently with one hoof.

Nopony moved.

The hooded mare nodded, “Entertaining it is, very nice choice. This mornings beating will be accompanied by Beet Haven’s ‘Ode to Luna’, hospital and funeral bills to follow.”

Her horn blazed with magic. A phrase escaped her lips in a whisper. In an instant, darkness consumed her. where a creature of flesh and blood had stood a second before, a shape cloud of black, sickly green, and violet energy remained.

It held the vague shape of a pony, but the only features with any definition were her two orange cat-like eyes. She transformed herself into a living aura, pure concentrated dark magic, shaped, and guided by her consciousness.

The sound of an orchestra came from everywhere at once, the instruments growing in volume as the Magus’s astral form grew in size. Within a few short seconds she reached the size of a small house, and as the orchestra was joined by a Nocturn choir, she leaped forwards, crushing the sergeant who had spoke up effortlessly underhoof.

The next few seconds were a blur of action during which I was too horrified to do anything. the guards scattered screaming in panic. The Magus ripped the roof off a house and threw it, blocking the way back into the castle. A few guards threw spears at her, they rusted and rotted away the second they touched her. A beam of violet energy erupted from her mouth incinerating a squad of unicorns before they could cast and burned a hole ten feet deep in the earth. All while a thousand strong ghostly choir proclaimed the joy and glory of the night.

As the Magus stomped a fleeing pegasus flush with the ground, something in me snapped. Every single time anything threatening happened dad always said violence wasn't the answer. He always found a peaceful way to solve a problem, but ponies were being hurt right now. Every single second was suffering for somepony in my home. Sometimes, violence is the only answer.

I grit my teeth and picked my brain for absolutely any way to hurt the monster. It was made of dark magic, manifested into a solid form, but the burning and bubbling indicated it was still energy. If I generated an electromagnetic pulse I should be able to disrupt it’s body. Only problem was I would have to hit the right voltage and waveform.

“Hey! You! Are you able to cast?” A voice demanded from behind me.

I wheeled around seeking the voice. Two pegasi stallions, one a rusty red the other a dark blue stood in the castle doorway. Each of them had on the field plate issued to veteran soldiers as well as a crossbow.

I nodded, “I think I can disrupt it’s astral form.” I turned back around and started to charge my horn with magic. “But I’ll need a few shots to get the waveform and voltage right.”

“We’ll buy you time. Can it use ranged attacks?” the same voice asked.

“Yeah but it’s having too much fun with the privates. Oh! Solid weapons are useless, try lightning!” I called as I fired off my first pulse.

The pale blue bolt lanced from my horn, splashed against the monster’s chest, and simply dispersed. “Okay, so a rectangular waveform won't work…”

“Keep trying!” one of the veterans ordered. I heard a whoosh as the two took off.

I readied my second shot. The monster swept a beam of pink death down the street, melting stone and trapping a group of panicked guards. A few of the remaining guards managed to form up into ranks and fire bows, but the arrows simply rotted away like the spears.

The two veterans shot into the sky, grabbed a pair of clouds each, then dove down in complementary spirals, throwing lightning at each intersection, then shooting off in opposite directions. The monster screamed, enraged not injured as the six bolts crackled across it’s body.

I fired my second pulse. Nothing, the monster simply ripped a statue from the ground and threw it at the blue pegasus. The stature missed, slamming into something with the sound of a sledge hammer hitting a watermelon.

I hurriedly readied my third pulse, praying to anything listening that a damped sinewave pulse would do something, anything. The two veteran pegasi climbed up, looping back to face the monster. They moved through the air in a corkscrew pattern, throwing a few bolts as they flew, peppering the thing’s face with low voltage shocks.

I fired the third pulse. The pale blue energy slammed into the monster, it’s body crackled, organized shape turning into chaos for an instant. I smiled, charged a second pulse and fired. The bolt struck just as the monster’s shape returned. It’s eyes locked onto me, the two veterans fired in unison, the lightning bolts slipped through it’s dark magic skin.

Blinding purple light filled my vision, a pained scream rang in my ears. A few heartbeats later I picked myself up from the ground, ears still ringing, eyes watering. The monster was dead, in it’s place lay the Magus’s original form, crumpled into a broken little pile.

The red pegasus was waving his hoof in front of my face. I saw his mouth, but nothing came out. Sound returned to the world halfway through his sentence, “-hear me?”

“Yeah, I can now.” I moaned.

“What?” He asked, obviously not hearing me.

“I said I can hear you.” I shouted.

“Oh. Midnight and I are going to take these greens and see if we can't save anyone. We could use your horn.” He informed.

“I need to clear my head,” I rubbed my forehead with a hoof, I could feel a migraine starting to form. “I’ll catch up.”

He nodded and quickly turned to face a small group of battered guards who were picking themselves up off the lawn. “Right! Everypony who’s injured but can move, drag the dead into a pile. Everypony who can fight, follow me. There’s still evil to smite.”

With surprising speed the two pegasi veterans organized everypony into groups, got a field hospital established and marched off towards the center of town. I sat and watched, doing my best to will my headache into submission. A minute after the two were out of sight the throbbing began to die down.

“Oh thank Luna,” I groaned getting to my hooves to follow them.

The Magus jerked upright like a puppet on strings. Everypony screamed in panic, our voices lost to the sound of battle. She shook like a thing possessed, turned her head, spat out a mouthful of blood, and shrugged. “Huh, well, that happened.”

The swords she had stabbed into the ground glowed as she lifted them. A flick of her neck and the blades scythed through the air. The twelve ponies tending to the wounded fell, blood pooling beneath them.

I took a step back, frantically trying to think of anything I could do. Her blades sliced for my neck, I froze in panic, clamping my eyes shut. Nothing happened. I slowly opened one eye, her blades ringed my neck in a pentagon of steel.

“Not bad filly,” she said in a creepily honest tone, “you have talent… and quite the odd aura. You could make something of yourself with the right teacher.”

“I’ll never join you!” I growled, ears flattening.

The Magus laughed, and trotted forwards. As she drew closer I could see her uniform had a full mask under her hood. A single piece of arcanite with a ruby set in the forehead just above and between her red slit pupal eyes. “Of course you wont. Magus are not made, we are born. A single bloodline stretching all the way back to my King and his bride. No amount of training could make you into me… but you could become something equally powerful in a different school. You have potential, and given your little spell, you certainly have talent.”

“You’re going to kill me?” I asked timidly.

“I would sooner destroy a stained glass window then an artist such as yourself… but since I can’t have you hindering me.”

The violet flash of a stun spell lit her face as the bolt streaked for me. In that single instant I saw a necklace beneath her hood. It was black, gray, and red. A shield shape with a large ruby set in the center, topped with a unicorn’s head and a pair of feathered wings. Then the world faded to black.