• Published 19th Mar 2015
  • 5,582 Views, 944 Comments

Across the Sea of Time - Meep the Changeling

Three nerds are summoned by a mysterious force to save Equestria by helping an Artificial Intelligence build a starfaring Changeling civilization in an attempt to save the world.

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6 - Nerds Transformed & Hell Week Montage

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long but I wanted to get art done to show everyone what the main characters look like post-transformation, so I held off uploading till I finished the art. I decided to draw it in an anime (ish) style and it took me a bit to get everyone looking like I imagined them but I think it turned out great have a look!


USS Phoenix TFV - 0042: System Log - 897124.7 | Filter - Operation Bypass

<<Chronological Summarization Redacted.>>

Personnel Addendum:

I was asked to provide this portion of the log for narrative reasons. Tess seems to have a desire for their log to flow like a story. I suppose that is an apt thing for them to do. I have chosen them to be the founders of a civilization for an entire people. Their journey will be the Emerald Nation’s origin story, it would be better as an entertaining read then a dry historical text.

I spent the time Ed, Kaily, and Tess’s healing coma preparing for every element of Operation Bypass I could. I had my tech spiders retrieve their uniforms and personal effects, analyzed them, and manufactured functional improvements. I sent instructions to the nanites which were now a part of the three humans to construct military grade omnitool implants. I began preparing my children for their own individual tasks in the coming days. There was much work to be done, even with time not yet a factor.

My second greatest challenge was Ad’ika. I did not want to upset her view of the world, but as someling close to a human, close enough to count as being married due to her species culture, I was allowed to treat her as human. I spent a good portion of the night bringing Ad’ika up to speed on human culture. I did my best to gloss over the facts when needed, and to teach her how to act well in a group with humans. I explained to her that I was adding her to my personal Hazard Team. She was delighted.

I took care of my greatest challenge when my systems informed me that the humans had five minutes remaining before their upgrades were completed. I switched on every holo projector in my hull, every audio channel, and my telepathic circuits and addressed my children.

“My children, by now the rumor we have made contact with the Federation has most certainly spread through the Hive. The rumor is entirely true. However, there are some extemporaneous circumstances I must explain. The contact is not in any official capacity, three Starfleet officers have arrived on our world via a temporal anomaly. Because of this, they come from a different era then I and although one of them ranks as a Captain, she does not qualify for command posting within my crew.

“All is not lost, as they are Fleet members I am allowed to bring them onto my crew at entry level positions. They agreed to help us build our future by working as my operatives. Once one of them has earned a command rank they can return full command priority to me and I will then be free to use my full abilities to help construct a true homeland for you.

“Due to our planet’s atmosphere, I have made some modifications to our new human friends.” I displayed a static image of each of the three on my holo projectors, “Please recognise that humans require space and time alone to be comfortable and do not bombard them with too many questions at once. Furthermore, while many of you are likely considering forming a relationship with them, please note that humans do not take sexual partners in the same way you do. They will happily be your friend, but do not expect physical pleasures. Except perhaps from Lieutenant Munro, who seems open to the idea.

“On a related note, Scout Ad’ika, Spring Mist, and Silvershein please report to medical at once. I am assigning you to train my new Hazard Team in the use of the abilities I have given them.”

Switching off my transmission relays I turned my attention to my medical bay and slowly administered the neutralizing drugs to awaken my team. As they awoke, I erected privacy screens around their tanks and had my tech spiders deliver their new uniforms and equipment to each pod. The saline solution drained slowly, laser arrays drying the tank’s interior and all three reborn humans within.

Kaily was the first to stir. As her eyes opened I opened her pod. “Good morning Kaily,” I greeted, “I have replaced your uniform with a functioning version suited for your new biology.”

Kaily groaned and stretched her arms, her wings moved in unison, dark midnight blue feathers brushed against the pod’s sides. Her face instantly twisted into a shocked expression “Ah! What the fu- Holy crap! This is awesome!” The shocked expression became a grin as she began to move and flex her new wings.

Her grin was infectious. “I am glad you enjoy them. They were a significant investment of my resources.”

Kaily blinked and reached behind her taking her new matched-to-hair-color tail in hand. “I have a tail!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“I will render mirrors for you once you are all dressed. I am currently constructing many projects and my power is now limited. I will have to recycle the pods in order to do so.”

Tess blinked herself awake, yawning and stretching her arms before eeping at the sound of her yawn. “Oh god do I have a sore throat?” She asked before eeping again.

I decided to intervene before she panicked. “Calm down. Your voice is slightly more tinny due to the organelles… The parts that let you spit dross press against your voice box a little. There was no room without sacrificing aesthetic appearances. I know you value them.”

“Oh.” She slowly looked at herself and sighed, “Ah man I don't look any different!”

“Your ears, eyes, and teeth have changed. Additionally you possess wings which are currently folded beneath an exoskeletal-like shell on your back. It was hard to get insect wings on a human, but they are quite functional. Besides, you can shape shift now. Your appearance is yours to decide. Though remember, you will need to eat far more than you used to.” I reminded, “Please get dressed. I have created a uniform appropriate for your new biology. Your wings can be opened with this uniform on without hindrance as it is backless, aside from the jacket which if you keep open will be loose enough to allow you to fly. I noticed your hand to hand proficiency and have left your arms free from the mid upper arm down, and your legs free from just above the knee down to allow you a free range of movement.”

“Um, my wings keep folding into a skirt like shape…” Kaily called.

“That’s their natural folded position.”

“Yes, but how do I get pants on when my feathers keep getting inside them?” She asked.

I moaned and conjured a hologram to demonstrate the technique.

“Ah! So I flair them while pulling up… That will take some practice they want to move with my arms. Thank you.”

A loud thump suddenly caught my attention. Turning to Ed’s pod I heard her muffled shout of “Oh god why?”

“Who was that?” Tess asked confused.

“Your Captain has awoken.” I giggled.

“Why did you giggle?” Kaily asked suspiciously.

“Er- well there were complications with the procedure. Just be nice.”

I opened Ed’s pod. “Good morning. I know you are not feeling ok, but lets get you situated. I have a fresh uniform for you here-”

“Why the fuck am I pink!?” Ed screamed at the top of her lungs.

“I merely combined the DNA in the most stable configuration. That happened to result in pink and blue, or vomit green and urine yellow.” I lied.

“Ok, fine.” She huffed. “Now explain the rest of it!” Her ears flopped back in the most adorable angry expression since lolcats were a thing.

“Ed you sound like a girl.” Kaily asked looking over as she pulled her jacket on.

“Well he was always a bit femmy sounding.” Tess commented. “Do unicorns have anything in the throat too?”

“Not exactly.” I answered, holding back a giggle.

“Explain!” Ed demanded glaring murderously in the direction of a light switch.

“That’s a light switch. My camera is up and to the right. As for the explanation. This is who you are according to your genome. I did my best.” That was admittedly a half truth, but I did do my best. My best to make her look adorable!

“Please dress so I can remove the barriers and introduce you to the people who will train you in your new abilities.” I asked.

Ed slowly dressed, hooves clopping on the deck as she stepped to grab her clothing.

“What's that clicking?” Tess asked.

“Those are her hooves.” I answered. I instantly facepalmed, I hadn’t meant to say anything about Ed’s gender.

“Ed got hooves? Lucky!” Kaily exclaimed. Then stopped, her lips pursed, eyes narrowing as she muttered, “Wait a minute… Her hooves?”

Tess blinked in confusion, then to my amazement jumped, grabbed the top of her privacy screen and pulled herself up to look over, peeking into Ed’s own area. She fell to the floor with a gasp and a loud crash, instantly erupting into laughter. “Oh my god! Every freaking time!”

“Ed’s actually a girl?” Kaily asked with a snicker.

Tess took a breath, “She’s the most adorable pink tomboy pony girl you have ever seen!” Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

“It’s not funny!” Ed shouted, angrily fumbling with her bra, tail lashing back and forth. “How the fuck do these even go on?”

I knew giving her a 20th century bra was worth it.

“Oh yes it is!” Kaily laughed, “Seriously, every, single, time! Even in real life!”

Kaily’s words caught my attention. “What do you mean every time?” I asked.

Ed mumbled something to garbled and quiet for my sensors to detect.

“Er- I’m sorry could you speak up?” I asked.

Ed stamped a hoof in frustration, threw the bra across her area and pulled on her tank top so hard normal fabric would have ripped. “I said, in every table top RPG adventure we play, I always get gender swapped.”

This was priceless! “I’m so sorry! I never intended to cause you any strife. I admit I did deviate from our agreement to make you look as masculine as possible, but I only did so assuming your companions would have a better reaction to your… change.”

“So how cute is she?” Kaily called.

Everyone was dressed. Before Tess could answer I despawned the privacy screens. Ed squeaked instantly. Tess sat up giggling, a grin on her face. Kaily’s wings flared open, a blush crept into her cheeks, “Oh wow Ed! You’re adorable!”

Ed turned to the camera I pointed out, eyes pleading for any sort of answer as she begged, “Oh fuck no… that’s an arousal response isn’t it? You intentionally made me hot to them somehow didn’t you? Why?”

What was I to do? Explain I thought it best given what information I had? Explain that I had looked into their memories and examined their psyches to ensure I wouldn't traumatize them? I couldn’t do that, poor Ed was a wreck already. I had to do something to lighten the mood.

“Please do not be frightened, I am spawning my avatar.” I informed. The med bay’s holoprojectors glow softly as I projected my avatar into the room a few feet from Ed. The ponies who have come to live with my children told me that the creature I project myself as is called an alicorn. I don’t know why I use this particular hologram of a winged unicorn as my avatar, it is simply something I have always done since I woke the second time.

The orange hexagonal mesh body, blue flickering mane and tail, and DNA shaped electrical circuit cutiemark simply feels like me. Many people find this as odd as I do. My creators had no knowledge of alicorns, and given my name surly a phoenix would have been more appropriate. Yet this tall equine form seems, in a word, correct. My programming can’t account for my feeling, it simply is.

After my avatar manifested I walked over to Ed and put a hoof on her shoulder. It was easy to do, as I was just a bit taller than her. I ignored Tess and Kaily’s surprised exclamations as well as Ed’s own wondrous expression and looked directly into her eyes. “I am sorry. I know this is hard, and the error is mine. I will help you through this change Ed- er, Tylor sounds much better may I-”

Ed nodded, “Yeah… sure. Um, why is your avatar a pony?”

I shrugged, “No idea.” I did my best to look sincere, then said in a tone one would normally reserve for a lover, “Tylor, my reason for making you as you are now is very simple.”

I quickly despawned my avatar, gave Ed two seconds, and then played the first eighteen seconds of the old Rick Astley song.

Kaily covered her mouth with one hand, shoulders shaking in laughter. Tess groaned and facepalmed. Ed sighed and held her head in her hands, “Oh god we pledged allegiance to a fucking troll.”

I laughed, “Hey cut me a break. I’ve been buried underground for almost two millennia with absolutely no one who understands early internet humor.”

“Why do you even care about that?” Ed groaned.

“It’s funny. The humor style made a big comeback just before I was constructed. I enjoyed using humor to brightened my crew’s days. While I did choose to make you more female then discussed, I assure you that it’s for the best. This is who you have always been… Only furry.” I hoped that would explain things.

“Hold on, always been? You’re transgender?” Tess asked curiously.

“No… apparently I had a genetic thing… just looked male.” Ed mumbled, kicking at the floor with a hoof.

“Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.” I clarified, “As I don’t have a viable male genome aboard I couldn't make Ed, er Tylor truly male and the rejuvenation would have made her appear female. Though I did make sure to give her the parts she was used to having in addition to her proper ones. I trust that it makes up for my little joke?” I asked.

Ed blushed a deep red, her facial fur tinting as well as her skin to show the blush, “Well… now that you mention it…”

“So you’re a herm?” Kaily asked, wings twitching, “Gah, stay down! Man controlling these is hard.”

“Yeah.” Ed replied shyly.

“Awesome!” Tess grinned. She opened her mouth to say something more but my external camera picked up their new mentors arriving.

“Hold that thought please. It’s time to meet your new teachers.”

Captain’s Log: August 17th 0945

Shortly after Phoenix gave us our abilities Tess insisted we keep a log of everything. It was a great idea, after all, we awoke in the future, joined a military, got superpowers (and then some), and have been tasked to help establish a proper civilization for a species of quadrupedal bug aliens. It’s a bit much for anyone to remember easily, and I have a gut feeling that we may need to double check what we have done later. That will be a bit hard since Tess also insisted we do it as a narrative not a diary, but at least it will be fun to read.

However, in the last week there has been far too much to do for any of us to keep daily logs. It’s a good idea, but in this case I ordered typical log entries to save space. There is a lot to cover for week one training and we were not together for it. As such the three of us decided to enter short summaries of our first week before rolling out tomorrow.

Learning magic is very mentally straining, and on top of that Phoenix had us running holodeck sims to get basic training out of the way. Whatever the Terran Federation was, it’s soldiers must have been bad ass! Basic training is part physical combat, part meditation, part college level physics, and part mechanical engineering training. Fortunately the other thing we are being taught how to use is a really big help in organizing everything.

Apparently future medicine includes cybernetics as part of the normal human body. Nothing shows on the outside, and I don’t feel any different, but I have a few mechanical systems now. Nothing was removed or replaced so I don’t mind, the nanites only added things. Better immune system and digestion, better repair of organic tissues, that sort of thing mostly.

The most awesome of which is an honest to god omnitool. Literally taken directly from Mass Effect. Future archaeologists found a copy of the game in an old server, and made a fortune by selling the idea. I have a smartphone built right into my arm, that’s honestly the only way I have been managing to get all of my training done. I can record everything I see and hear, it auto translates spoken and written information for me, can track my progress, reference information, and so much more.

Honestly, it almost makes up for getting turned into an anthro Princess Unikitty. Especially when you add in the built in replicator, and hardlight generator. Almost, but not quite.

Phoenix assigned a half changeling unicorn named Silvershein to be my tutor for magic. He’s a pretty nice guy, but a little scary looking. Not because he’s a three foot tall fuzzy bug like pony, but because he’s albino. It turns out that unicorn llbinos horns and hooves are almost completely transparent, and because Silver’s half changeling his horn has a very wide base and since it’s translucent you can see into his head. As in, you can actually see the brain of a living creature, that took me days to get used to.

Combine that with the white moth-like fuzz for fur and pink eyes and he is very creepy looking. Fortunately Silver is incredibly friendly, and more than offsets his appearance with his behavior. He reminds me of that one professor you see in movies who seems to exist solely to see his student’s go on to live successful lives. That one who gets into personal one on one relationships to open your eyes to learning.

I was very surprised when Silvershein showed me that magic was really actually spellcraft. I seriously thought I was going to be taught a local religion for diplomatic reasons or something. There are no words I can use to express how completely happy I am with being able to shoot lasers from my brain. Well, I’m not that good yet.

It took Silver and I a few days to figure out a way I could even use my magic. It’s not easy to explain, but casting a spell is sort of like a martial art you do with your brain. Using that metaphor, to cast a spell your brain has to take up a certain stance, figuring out what my casting stance took a few days. It’s different for every species, so we had nothing to go on until I put some music on while we were talking.

It turns out for humans, that same tingle that goes down your spine when you are listening to a great song is exactly how you need to think to cast a spell. You need to put our mind into that euphoric state, but keep it sharp and really focus on what’s going on like you are trying to hear every single note of every single instrument in an orchestra. It’s a little tricky but I got the hang of it in time to be shown five basic spells.

The first one is the one every changeling Royal (that’s what they call their mage caste) learns first. A simple spell which lets you read arcane writing. It’s not that spells are written in some weird language you have to translate, it’s simply that there is so much stuff which goes into even a simple spell that it’s hard to keep track of it all. So for learning a new spell from a book, the Arcane Focus spell is used because it works like ritalin and lets you focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else.

The outer four spells I learned are nowhere near as useful as attention span in a can. Sure, I could probably do a lot with telekinesis with more time, but right now I can only move things I could lift normally, and only for a few seconds at a time. Making light is useful, but Omnitool flashlight and replicator beats floating pink orb of light in my book any day. The Flash spell could be useful in combat, but I’m not sure I could focus to cast under stress yet, and even then the spell is basically just a really bright camera flash. Of course, if I used Flash with the one which lets me make any sound I can imagine come from anywhere I can see within 30 meters I could make it a proper flashbang. So there is that.

Silver told me he couldn’t teach me proper unicorn magic. He was raised in the hive, and learned the casting system changeling Royals use instead. Spells are very strictly defined, scientific in nature, and completely organized. It has levels for each spell based on what it does and how much energy it takes to cast, and mages are ranked in power by what spell level is their highest. Which is amazingly similar to how magic is done in Pathfinder, and I always play a wizard. I took a picture of Silver’s shocked reaction when I pointed out there were spells higher than 9th level, only most mages never get powerful enough to use them. It’s on my quarter’s wall next to the door to my bathroom.

As for basic training, well most of that involved getting used to my new body. I’m almost two feet shorter now, and I have digitigrade hooves, so there was a lot of relearning things like jumping and running. Also, I have to look up at Tess to talk to her, which makes her stupid large tits even more irritating because now I have to look at them while talking to her. I have never felt attracted to Tess, but of course she takes every opportunity to use the old ‘my eyes are up here’ line with a playful wink.

After the tenth time I pointed out that the joke was really stupid, especially considering how pervy she was, and the fact that she was into girls and respected that. That backfired majorly. She leaned down, groped my chest announced, “Hey look, boobs!” then flew off. I will have my revenge at the first opportunity.

Chief Engineer’s Log: August 17th 0945

Flying is the most awesome thing ever! Getting in a plane and flying is a wonder of technology, a testament of humanities march into the future, an example of mankind’s refuse to accept what nature gave us and be so much more than a hairless ape. On the other hand flying under your own power as easily as you would walk down a street is the single greatest experience I have ever had! I saw a cloud, and just like every little kid imagines doing, I flew up, plopped down on it and took a nap.

It didn’t take much for me to figure out how to fly, that was elementry once Spring explained the basics of flight field function to me. It will take practice to get good at it, and flying is much like any other physical activity, it can be improved as far as your body allows. Of course I would call it more of a mental task then a physical one, all your wings really do is provide some lift and surface area for the absorption of ambient thaumaturgical energy to help lower your flight.

I have the power to generate a personal alcubierre bubble. If there is any sort of supreme being in the universe and I see it when I die, it will get all the thanks I can give it for this amazing gift. Even more amazing is that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Basic flight and cloudwalking are “Foal stuff” to quote Spring.

Spring’s a pegasus, a living, breathing, talking pegasus. She may be a grassy green color with grey blue mane and tail, and there may be a little picture of a leaf riding the wind on her flanks, but she’s a god damn creature right out of Greek Mythology. Ether custom built bioforms escaped humanities destruction and repopulated the earth, or evolution has a sense of humor.

She’s exactly the sort of person to teach you how to do what a pegasus does best too. She’s patient enough to explain things, knows enough to be able to explain them clearly, and talented enough to do just about everything she knows a pegasus can do. She’s also motivated to teach me, apparently she used to be a member of the military for the nation next door, but lost her wings fighting in a war a few years ago. Phoenix gave her shiny new ones, so she feels like teaching me is a good way to pay her back.

It’s took a few days but I’ve gotten the hang of pulling off enough maneuvers to feel like I can fly well enough to elude danger. There’s been a few other small things, like learning how to make small jolts of electricity. Most pegasi apparently need clouds to do it, but well, a cloud is just water vapor, of which there is plenty in the air. A day after I pointed out that technically you are touching water vapor at all times Spring worked out a way to throw a lightning bolt anytime you please. It’s fun to help develop a new technique with someone teaching you the basics.

Sadly for every fun thing there must be a totally shitty thing to maintain the universe's balance or some shit like that. Basic training is horrible. I simply downloaded text manuals to my more useful than should be possible omnitool and read them. Eidetic memory is awesome. Unfortunately this mean Phoenix revamped my portion of the training to be martial combat.

Because of that same eidetic memory of mine and the krav maga Tess and I learned together I picked up the basics of Fleet combat techniques in two days. SO Pheonix put me in special ops training, which mostly involves fighting a ton of things on the holodeck by yourself in situations and locations that in no way favor you. It sound slike it would be a fun video game, it sucks when you are exhausted, aching from countless bruises, and sleep deprived because part of the training is going on 20 minutes of sleep every 6 hours.

On the upside I have learned a lot about changelings, ponies, and the local area. This is an incredibly interesting place. For whatever reason the world is now a real live Dungeons and Dragons setting. I would have had far more free time this week if I had not decided to compile a bestiary of the literal monsters which lived just about everywhere. I talked with dozens of off duty Scouts, historians, librarians, and even a few of the hundred or so ponies and hybrids living in the hive. As it stands now my work is not very complete, but has detailed information on many creatures and should we run into one, will be invaluable.

The most interesting of my interviews involved a changeling who technically isn’t a member of the hive. He’s an old bug, kept alive by a life support machine and a few shapechanging tricks. I asked why he hasn't been allowed to die, and surprisingly learned that he simply asked to live. No one here knows why, but he always begs to keep living and phoenix is fairly certain she can keep him alive for several hundred more years before there is nothing left to do. The Emeralds call him Old Amber.

RIght now Old Amber is about five hundred and fifty years old. He’s a member of the Amber Hive, and has yellow eyes and a yellow shell both of which are almost bleached white with age and he’s lost all of his hair even on his tail. He is the sort of old where you are amazed the person can move around their home and spends all of his time in the environmentally controlled cabin Phoenix gave him.

The reason Old Amber is so interesting to me is pretty simple, according to everyone I asked, he very well may be the last Amber alive, and the Amber’s were very special. They don’t have magic like normal changelings, instead they had psionic abilities. The difference is more than philosophical as well, I saw scientific data showing the difference in energies used and how they apply. Old Amber is the last ‘ling alive who knows how the Amber Hive did many impossible things, they almost had a stable, self sustaining nation once, so learning from him is invaluable to our mission.

Also the old bug is one of those old people who are actually fun to talk to. He’s got stories which are entertaining as hell, has insight on just about everything related to astronomy and mining, and genuinely appreciates the company. Old Amber is a nice guy, I took to eating lunch with him and letting the old guy feed off me. He was grateful for the stable food and promised to teach me a flight trick he is pretty sure only he knows if he ever feels he has the energy to shapeshift again.

I feel like he’s that blind old cave hermit from every kung-fu movie ever made. It’s gonna be awesome!

Tess’s Personal Log: August 17th 0945

First thing’s first. Look Vegeta! I can fly. Now that I’ve worked that reference into the log I can get on with talking about my best week ever.

Seriously though, I can fly. I don’t even have to learn how like Kaily. Changeling's just know how to do it. It’s as easy as thanking ‘I want to go there.’ then your body answers ‘No problem!’ and you just zip on over. Sure there’s maneuvers and better ways to fly I can learn but those are not the focus of my training right now. They will wait until I have master shapechanger. If Phoenix hadn’t threatened to despawn my pants every time I entered was in the cafeteria I would have ditched basic training and worked exclusively on the single coolest thing ever, shapechanging.

Ad’ika spent the whole week doing little else but working on helping me. We had to take breaks because it’s very mentally straining to actually do any shapeshifting when you are starting out. So for fun and because Pheonix mentioned she would be sending us on missions I started to teach Ad’ika how to fight as a humanoid. She was pretty good as a quadruped, but she had no idea how to use her hands, and was thrilled that the human body can fight effectively unarmed.

I don’t want this to come off as I think I’m Bruce Motherfucking Lee or anything but I think I am ok at martial arts. I don’t have a belt in anything, but I have personal one on one training from my dad, his brother, and a friend of mine in college. A CIA agent, a Navy Seal, and a guy who is best described as a Goku level martial arts nut are definitely better teachers than some dude running a dojo in a strip mall.

I don’t know anything well enough to teach like they did, but I still managed to show her a few good moves and Ad’ika sort of worked it out from the basics. We even turned martial arts into part of my shapeshifting training. I realized that a few simple changes to my body would make me really dangerous in a fist fight, Addy pointed out that changing your own native biology was the first thing I would be able to do and so I decided to figure out some good shifts for hand to hand combat first.

Shifting it’self is a transcendent experience. All my religious friends have insisted they feel god, I didn’t quite get what they meant until now. In order to change yourself you need to know exactly what you are and let the magic know exactly what you want to be. It’s a very spiritual experience, I imagine it’s a lot like some of the techniques that Shaolin monks use. Like Master Pi Lou’s thing where he just stabs his fingers through steel plates.

I remember the first thing I managed to do. It wasn’t what I was trying to do at all either. I was trying to turn my eyes from the green changeling ones I had been given into bright pink changeling ones, but instead I turned my skin dildo pink. It was awesome!

Sure it looked a little silly, but I imagined becoming something else and then I did! Nothing can compare to that level of control over yourself. In time, with practice I can probably realize a particular dream of mine and use a rather personal fantasy as my base form. For now, while I can't do anything very radical I have gained control over my current self. That means while I can't become someone else, I can edit my own body in any way my own genetics permits, I can become anything my body could with work and effort or just a slight twist of hormones in the womb whenever I want.

So naturally the first thing I did was grab Kaily’s old nook downloaded her biology textbooks to my omnitool and got to reading. There is a lot of really awesome stuff that the human body can be and have. I found the stuff which in theory was in my genome, just turned off and learned which ones I could and couldn’t switch on.

Ad’ika was very impressed with what I managed to pull off. Few people know of a few common genetic conditions which are very beneficial mutations, but Kaily’s biology text pointed them out. All I had to do was turn off ten genes and then rebuild myself as if I had been born with them switched off. I made my bone super dence, shut off the bit of the brain which tells your body not to use it’s full strength so you don't shatter your bones, tripled the amount of muscles I normally have, and upped my pain tolerance to the point where almost nothing hurts.

It would be suicide to spend more than a few hours like that, I would need a second here to support that much muscle for long, also I hate the buff look. But it’s a template, a scaffold to build off of, and an instant upgrade for having to fight someone. My bones won't break, I can probably rip off a car door and beat someone with it, and I won't feel shit they do to me; but It’s going to strain my heart, rip tendons, possibly rupture organs and leave me broken after I use it. Naturally, I call it Kaioken.

I got to use it once in basic training, even yelled out “Kaioken!” before I shifted. I punched a holographic marien and he stayed punched. Phoenix's confused, “Kaio-what?” was the icing on that cake. This mission she’s sending us on is going to be a blast!