• Published 10th Nov 2011
  • 5,127 Views, 152 Comments

Making Foals, with SCIENCE! and magic - titankore

Well it looks like a centuries old project has finally succeed, sort of, well not really.

  • ...

Subject one, element of gullability

The strange pair made their way through Canterlot, one with single minded determination to find some viable test subjects, the other with an equally determined focus on replacing his lost taco. Living in Canterlot for years did little to take way from its majestic beauty. The white marble columns and spires, gold trim and intricate carvings and patterns made each building a work of art. Beaker still occasionally had to stop and just enjoy the view, and although Dr. Heartstrings was tempted to join him; she kept her focus on searching for prey. Thankfully this need to stare at the scenery was completely irresistible to newcomers and tourists, who always made for the easiest prey.

The teal safari pony quickly spotted such a pony, and a good specimen to boot. His cowpony hat and vest standing in stark contrast to the generally less sensible clothing of the locals, at least the ones who wore anything at all.

"Well I'll be, they don't have nuthin’ like this in Appleoosa," said the somewhat charming country pony. The simple colt kept stopping to admire the local scenery and greet everypony he met. He didn't really have anywhere in particular to be, his business shipping the new breed of apples to the local restaurants was finished and he had a until the next day to catch his train.

"You know, this city is mighty fine to visit but it don't beat some nice country hospitality," he silently mused to himself. They ac

Deciding to stop for some lunch he took at seat at a local cafe that didn't look too expensive. "Ummm uhhh let's see, Garçon ici, si vous plait," Braeburn said in an authentic Parisian accent.

"Wait did the country bumpkin just speak perfect Prench?" she thought realizing that not only was he a healthy looking colt but was also maybe a little brighter then he let off.

"Quick, Beaker, we have to get closer, this may be the perfect candidate" she whispered to her assistant as they both snuck into the local foliage sans theme music.

It wasn’t just the doctor who was surprised by the cowponies taste for language, but displaying complete professionalism the waiter switched to his native language.
"Bonjour Monsieur comment peut je vous aider aujoird hui?" the fairly snooty waiter asked.

Sticking an ear as far out of the topiary as she dared she tried to follow the conversation

"Ok now I'm getting confused, my Prench is a little rusty," she thought.

"Juste un peu de café et pain d'avoine s'il vous plaît," Breaburn replied, politely.

"Ok something about about coffee and oat bread, I guess he is taking his order," pondered the doctor.

"Merci, monsuir il etre juste une minute," replied the snooty waiter.

As the snooty waiter left to get the colts order, Breaburn let out a little whistle, he lowered his guard, breathing in the fresh air mixed with the smell of coffee and pastry. Enjoying the change of pace from his desert home he sat back and breathed deeply and tried to enjoy the bustling metropolises' variety of sounds. He tipped his hat to cover his eyes a spell, while waiting for his order.

Heartstrings saw him resting, his breathing became shallow and rhythmic as one would when napping. This is perfect, just a quick jolt and he won’t regain consciousness for hours. Plenty of time to secure him in the lab. She wrapped her magic around one of the devices in the golf bag, ready to extend the vested pony’s nap, when a yellow hoof gently tapped her shoulder.

Her assistant leaned close and whispered "Hey he looks like a pretty reasonable guy, maybe, just maybe, this is a theory mind you, we can get him to just volunteer, without force" emphasizing the last few words.

"You’re just saying that so you don't have to drag him back to the lab aren't you?" she retorted.

"Well yes, but it doesn't mean it won't work," he nervously replied.

Hmmm maybe he has a point, plus that means I could scout for another subject while he escorts the cowpony to the lab she thought.

"Okay just remember if you fail I won't let you use the centrifuge to mix your chocolate milk anymore," she stated.

This ultimatum caused him to pale a little as he thought "But it gives it the most creamy delicious drink ever, a spoon would never cut it again after the heavenly drinks I got from the Centro 3000". Then with a look of sheer determination he swore to her, "I will get him, by any means necessary."

"Okay then, you get him and I will go ahead and look for our next subject. Remember what will happen if you fail," and with that the teal unicorn hopped out of the shrubbery to begin her search.

"Okay Beaker, you can do this, remember your training," he psyched himself while recalling that first fateful day.

3 years ago, at the Equestrian Advanced Science and Magic Research dept, or EASMR:

The yellow earth pony had recently graduated and, ready to earn his doctorate, trotted into the research lab, happy to have earned an internship at all let alone one under the personal supervision of Princess Celestia herself.
As he looked around the room with it's state of the art equipment, most of which was invented by this same department he spotted his new boss. She was sitting back in a custom made chair in what clearly looked like an uncomfortable position for anypony, drinking coffee and giving him an equally appraising look through her half closed eyes slowly draining her coffee.

"So your my new assistant?" she apparently was less than thrilled with him, or severely disappointed in her coffee.

"Ah yes, my name is Beaker and I have to say it is an honor to meet you Dr. Heartstrings." it really was an honor, she had given lectures at his school before and every time she did something exploded, and his teachers thanked her for the honor of doing it, so she must be brilliant.

"Okay, newbie let's just get to your training, this," she pointed at the contraption next to her, "is a centrifuge, you will be spending most of your time staring at it," she then pointed at the refrigerator "That is where we keep samples and such, try not to eat anything in there, I like to disguise my food as samples and disguise samples as packed lunches to keep the janitors from messing with my food," she then pointed at his flank "and last thing you really need to know is when gathering test subjects aim for the cutie mark, its an easy target.".

Present Shrubbery outside Prench cafe:

"Okay I will try talking to him and then rely on my training," and with that he got up and walked to the cowpony now halfway through his light lunch.

Braeburn spotted the fellow yellow pony as he exited the bush with a certain lack of grace, falling face first into the ground, with his bag soon joining him. With the heavy bag now stuck on his head, the orange maned pony attempted to use his hind legs to pull himself out. Braeburn drained the last of the strong Aribica blend, before going to assist the odd pony.

"Here let me get that for you," he said before grabbing the golf bag, his neck straining slightly from the surprising weighty sack. With the weight removed Beaker shook his head attempting to remove the feeling that his head was somehow flattened into a pancake. Obviously it wasn't. I mean, who could survive their head being flattened?

"Thank you again sir. Hmmmn? That hat you are wearing, are you from around here?" Beaker asked, trying his best to sound posh, but nonthreatening. Good job Beaker. Lower his guard by letting him talk about himself, he thought.

"Oh just a little place called appPPLLLEEOOOOSAA!" He said with his trademark style.

"So are you here for long?"

"Well not very long, I got to wait for the train delivering my next shipment of apples coming tomorrow, so plenty of time to enjoy the sites a bit," he was happy to see someone be warm and friendly.

"Oh, that's plenty of time, I was kind of wondering if you could help me out with a little problem, I am conducting a study and it should take only a few hours, and I can pay you 100 bits for your time, you would be doing me a HUGE favor," he really hoped the tan earth pony was as friendly as he looked.

"Oh I would be glad to help, plus not every day I get a hundred bits, so what is it exactly you need help with" as he said this he left his bits with a generous tip for the waiter and walked with his new friend.

"It's just a medical thing, we just need to ask you a few questions and maybe take a blood sample and stuff," he said, telling the truth, just not the whole truth, but it appeared the cowpony was pretty quick to trust.

"I just need to grab my bag and then we can head to the university," and with this he procured his golf bag from his hiding place.

"What's all of that there for?" he said pointing at the array of obvious weapons in the bag.

"Oh. Just in case you didn't decide to come with me," Beaker said in a joking matter.

"Hahaha, you are such a kidder," he gave the yellow pony a kind hearted slap on the back. "I like you already, by the way the names Braeburn, what's yours?"

"Beaker, nice to meet you."

And with that they made their way to the University, only pausing along the way when Beaker thought he heard his boss causing her normal level of chaos.