• Published 10th Nov 2011
  • 5,126 Views, 152 Comments

Making Foals, with SCIENCE! and magic - titankore

Well it looks like a centuries old project has finally succeed, sort of, well not really.

  • ...

Subject two, Chemical Bravo

Once again we find our beloved teal scientist attempting to blend into the background of Canterlot in her khaki safari outfit. She was searching high, she was searching low, high, and low, but she just could not find any good test subjects. She was tempted to go to the local bar or the local "Chip and ClydsDales" to hopefully find a male pegasus or unicorn that was either too drunk or desperate to say no, then she spotted him.

He was a well muscled brown pegasus stallion, built far heavier then what should feasibly be able to fly, even with magic. Although he seemed like a perfectly healthy specimen, there was something about him that just seemed odd. Well he was wearing sunglasses, a black t-shirt and .... blue jeans? She could understand the shirt, even if it's a bit out of fashion, but it's been decades since she has seen any pony wear jeans, probably because buttoning them is next to impossible without ending up in a compromising position. The jeans made it impossible to view his cutie mark, although for all the effort putting those things on it wouldn't be any wonder if he got his mark for just being able to wear them.

"Hey pretty momma, how would you like to go for a ride?" the odd pegasus propositioned an auburn unicorn, who stuck her nose in the air and quickly trotted away.

"How rude!" she huffed. As she passed by she performed a little bit of magic, dropping the temperature of the obnoxious pegasus by 1/5th.

"So C~~ccc~old!" he said turning from brown to a unhealthy blue, "Call me!" he yelled after her, undeterred despite his failure to woo her.

The stallion sat down and began to ponder his situation, for some reason looking at him do this summoned up an image of two mis-matched gears grinding together.

"Oh, right, I need to find the little purple dude and find out where I am...
What was his name again..." he paused and attempted to increase his concentration by squinting and pushing his eyebrows together. "Dark light, Night shine, umm, Twilight sparkle no that sounds like a girls name and I'm pretty sure it was a dude."
As he pondered he ran his forehoof through his mane....

Wait! How did I not notice his mane? It's like a big yellow triangular shaped block of wood resting on his head! "How much hair gel does somepony need to do that?" She realized she said this out loud which gained the attention of the strange pony.

"Hey fine thing I couldn't help notice you where checking me out, I normally don't date ponies but seeing as I am one it wouldn't hurt to try, ohh! and I got wings." with this he turned his back to her and started to flex his wings, the muscles popped so much that his shirt ripped clean off of his back.

Obviously this pony was crazy and a little stupid but would probably be very easy to trick into going with her. At this rate we won’t even need the tranquilizers... too bad.

"Oh my, you are a strong pony aren't you, you know I could really use your help with something. Could you carry my bag and walk with me back to my place?" She gave her best seductive pout, which wasn't all that good but more then enough for the dope in front of her.

"Anything for you, pretty lady." she blushed a little at this, unused to being flirted with.

She reached back with her teeth and took off her khaki messenger bag filled with her own set of tools and gave it to the strange pony, as she did so she noticed him wearing a new shirt, completely free of holes or rips. Wait, where did he get... never mind.

Being ever so polite the strange pony took the bag and began to rifle through it, remembering he hasn't eaten since he went to Pop's diner. "Oooh what this a candy bar, don't mind if I do."

Dr. Heartstrings looked up and saw him about to take a bite out of the business end of a taser, and before she could say or do anything, it was already too late.

Lighting up with a neon light, he bounced from building to building, his electric escapades were soon cut off when he crashed back into the ground leaving a small smoking crater, "BZWEAADAAAGAGAGGGG, wow, now I remember his name was.... dusk shine zzzzzZZzzzzzzz,' he said, coughing up a bit of smoke before passing out.

"Great. Now I have to drag him back, and I don't even get the enjoyment of zapping somepony myself," with that she grabbed up her bag and threw the welcome net over him and tried and drag him through the streets. The bulky pegasus proved to be too heavy to carry, for either magic or muscles, her strained efforts only moving the behemoth only a few inches before she was stopped by a pair of pegasi Royal guards.

"Halt, state your business" they said in perfect unison. Between the white coats and identical golden armor, they were indistinguishable from each other.

She spat out the end of the net and gave the two the kind of glare that a manticore would give to something between it and its next meal. She breathed in to recover from the physical labor and allow herself to collect her thoughts.

"I am here on orders from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and I need to get this pony back to my lab. Here are my credentials." she said flatly, her look one more of disdain then the fear of a lawbreaking mare. This unsettled the two guards, both unused to anypony being so rude to them.

She reached into her pocket magically, pulled out her paperwork and gave it to the guards. As they read through them, they began to get a little nervous. The glare only got more intense and annoyed at them, by the time they read to the part with Princess Celestia's royal seal the glare had turned almost lethal.

"Oh! Sorry Miss, I mean Doctor we didn't know such a high member of the royal staff would be out her on such business, is there any way we could be of help?" Said the one to the left.

Now they were tripping over themselves to try and not offend her, and hopefully get out of the situation as quickly as possible.

"Could you take this pony to my lab for me? Ask for Beaker. He will know what to do with him," she said, a coy smile trailing her lips.

One of them went ahead and grabbed the end of the net, while the other bowed and apologised again. Dragging the heavy, unconscious pony, the two strained their legs as well as wings. Despite the heavy load the two went off with extreme haste, trying their best to be out of her view as quickly as possible.

She trotted off, glad to not only be rid of the guards, but also for not having to bust her flank dragging the unconscious stooge back and now that she thought about it, she now had the rest of the day to just find one more pony before the experiment could begin.

"Now all I need is a unicorn," she said, her enthusiasm for the hunt burning bright once more.