• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 12,954 Views, 269 Comments

Misunderstood and Mutated - TheGoldenDragon

Pokemon meets MLP:FIM in a humans acting like villians / displaced story

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Ch. 19 The Three Ancients Awaken

The next day, I was awoken in my cave to a sight I honestly never would have expected; Cresselia about to poke me on the nose. ”What do you need?” I asked.

Sky Pillar has stopped moving. It is now by the Hyperborean Mountains. I have also located posible resting places for the other two. My main concern is that Rayquaza appeared to slowly beginning to awake. Cresselia said with a hint of concern.

“Then the other two won't be far behind.” I said, rubbing my face before telling her, “I need to get the welcoming parties ready, and the meeting place prepared.”

Should I inform the Elements, or will you? she asked.

”I’ll make sure everything is in place. You just make sure they don’t wake up before I get to them.” I said as I floated to the entrance of my cave.

I lazily floated towards town, barely noticing the pack of timber wolves I swatted away. I waited outside Fluttershy’s cottage as the sun lazily rose from its slumber. Eventually Fluttershy exited her cottage and was characteristically startled by me.

“Sorry Medulla I wasn’t expecting you to be here. How can I help you?” she asked.

”Well I need you and the others to help me with something, but I’d rather not explain myself more than once because this will be very time sensitive. I also need to speak with all of the Element Bearers about what’s going to happen because this concerns every living thing on this planet.” I said before motioning for her to follow me.

We made our way to Rainbow Dash’s house, Fluttershy had barely repressing the urge to ask more question. Once underneath the house I activated Gravity and yelled at Rainbow Dash specifically, “Wake up Rainbow, or you’re going to have long fall this year.”

“Waaaaaaahhh!” she yelled as she fell, flaring her wings just avoiding hitting the ground. “What you do that for?!” she demanded now safely on the ground.

”Go get Applejack, and bring her to Twilight’s, I have something I need to discuss with all of you.” I said and waited for her to fly away.

She didn’t do so, and instead she just stared at me before she asked, “Should I get Pinkie and Rarity too?”

”Pinkie is taking care of Rarity, Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense kicked in and she’s bringing Rarity to the meeting.” I sighed and walked away, and she zoomed off.

It was only a few minutes until everyone was gathered at the Library, and they were all staring at me expectantly. ”I’m about to awaken probably the three oldest residence of this planet. I’m going to need Fluttershy and Rainbow for the first one, and Pinkie and Applejack for the second, and none of you will be needed for the third.”

“Who are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll get to that in a second cause this is where you and Rarity come in. If everything goes right the three of them will be having a summit outside Manehatten harbor in two days at dawn. You need to make sure the no ships will be trying leave or enter the harbor, because those ships will likely be torn to pieces even by accident. The guests of honour are green sky serpent with almost total control over the weather,” Rainbow Dash balked at that but I ignored her and continued, “a giant red mole... badger thing with control over the earth likely including subterranean lava flows possibly giving the power to tidally lock a planet, not that that matter for this planet could just be power over the sun,” Applejack seemed to confused as if trying to remember a long forgotten fairytale, ”And last but not least a blue fish… whale that has power over the seas and rain.” They all seemed confused about that one. ”Yeah, I chose a bay because it’s essentially as close to neutral ground as these guys can have.”

The first one to recover from their shock was Rainbow Dash her only response, “This has to be some elaborate prank! A giant green sky snake with perfect weather control, ask any pegasi that became part of the weather team what their favorite myth is and they’ll say it’s Rayquaza.”

”Oh good! You somehow managed to not screw up his name after ten thousand years, my original species can barely handle one hundred for keeping general pronunciations the same” I said utterly ignoring her points about it being a myth.

“Still not saying you’re not taking pony myths and doing one big prank.” Rainbow said suspiciously.

“Ah remember an old bedtime story about that red badger thin’ ya talked about, but Ah was so young, ah couldn’ tell ya thin’ more than that.” Applejack said mostly caught up in her own memory.

”I’d rather not get into a whole discussion about how the creatures we’re talking about have been asleep for over ten thousand years, and that’s more than enough time for an entire race to rise, fall and then go extinct. We’re short on time, so I need Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to come with me for the first visit.” I explained before teleporting us three to the general area of Sky Pillar.

This was obviously the largest cloud structure they had seen, it made Cloudsdale look like a foal’s sand castle. I now had a better understanding of where Rayquaza was, and teleported us to him. Again, they were in awe of the twenty foot long green snake, they hardly even breathed trying to stay hidden from the sleeping behemoth. To me, it was just another very large dragon, but then again, I’m taller than any pony they ever knew by a significant margin.

Fluttershy whispered more quietly than usual, “So what do we do now?”

”It’s simple, I wake the sleeping dragon.” I said with a smirk.

Rainbow let out a minute scream as she whispered, “What?”

My left hand was covered in a flurry of snow, and I launched an incredibly weak stream of Blizzard to hopefully wake him up. Part of his body iced over a bit and he stirred slightly. Both Rainbow and Flutters squirmed and hid behind me. After thirty seconds of the continuous micro-Blizzard nothing seemed to happen. I eventually turned around looking at my two companions and sighed.

”Looks like this bum isn’t waking up the easy way.” I said, but I noticed that they seemed to be backing away slowly as two skinny green arms wrapped around me and tugged me into a cuddle with the green wyrm.

I just sat there in Rayquaza’s unconscious embrace ,like the teddy bear I had become and contemplated how I got to this point in my life.

The girls started to giggle at the absurdity of this scene. Fluttershy cooed, “They actually look kind of adorable.”

”I’m disappointed, and I must warn you that making a psychic of my power upset is truly unwise. My pranks are on par with Discord, so tread wisely.” I said as some dribble fell on my head from Rayquaza, who had apparently started sucking one of its claws.

This was the final straw for the two, as Rainbow Dash burst out laughing as loud as she could. Then they sky dragon’s eyes shot open.

Who dares to intrude on my slumber? He almost roared.

I raised my hand right into his face, and then said, ”That would be me! I brought them along as both insurance and proof.”

“Insurance and proof!” Rainbow Dash demanded.

”Insurance to stop any unnecessary escalation, and proof of what I’m going to tell Rayquaza.” I clarified.

The hell is a Mewtwo doing here? He asked finally letting me go.

”That is a long and complicated story involving at least three different sections of the multiverse, and not why I’m here.” I said, now looking him in the eye.

I will listen to what you have to say. He said, not interested in what I had to say at all.

”You’ve been asleep for over ten thousand years, correct?” I asked, he nodded and I continued, ”And you taught pegasi like these how to control the weather before your rest?” He nodded again at this, ”And you rested because you thought that they would spread over the planet and bring order to the dangerous weather?” This time the nod was more confused as if that was the only thing that could happen, ”Well, they have gathered on exactly one continent and the weather everywhere else goes unchecked and endangering the other species. It seems your retirement plan has backfired.”

He was shocked, and turned to the two pegasi with me before he asked, Is this true?

They both muted affirmatively, even Rainbow Dash’s ego shrinking under the critical gaze of this living myth.

Damn, he sighed, I thought it would be a nice twenty thousand, but I best get to work.

He was about to leave when I stopped him with a psychic barrier and said as he scowled at me, “Not just yet, you’re the first of the three to be awoken and I’m setting up a conference between the three of you at this location.” I sent him both the relative coordinates and images.

Fine, but if this blows up in your face, I’ll laugh so hard. He said moving, Sky Pillar away from us and leaving us standing in the air.

I moaned, and said aloud, “I hope the other two will be different from this one.” With that said, I teleported back to Twilight’s library and said, ”Your turn,” pointing at Pinkie and Applejack as I said this.

A few seconds later, we found ourselves in the middle of a desolate rocky plane.

Applejack looked around confused at the location, and asked me, “Why are we in the Badlands?”

”Because this is where Groudon sleeps, just keep an eye out because he could wake up at any moment.” I said.

“How will we know when he wakes up, will there be a big alarm clock or confetti?” Pinkie asked happily.

”The sun will become even hotter in this area, and possibly earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,” I explained. As if on cue, the ground began to shake and cracks began to form, the fissure spreading from a point not far from where we appeared. Covered in lava and chunks of earth falling of the rising form of the giant red mole thing. It was truly awe inspiring and terrifying… or at least it was until a pink blob appeared on its back and a yell was heard, “YEHAW!!”

Applejack facehoofed next to me. It took Groudon a few seconds to notice the pony that he was now giving a piggyback ride to. When he finally noticed her, though, the Groudon did something unexpected and said in a low fatherly voice, Little one, why are you riding on my back?

“Cause it’s fun!” she said as he gently moved about feigning an attempt to toss her off, as she yell like a child on a rollercoaster.

"I hate to interrupt, but we came here to tell you that vacation is over and to call you to a meeting with Rayquaza and Kyogre, at a bay." I said, giving him everything about the meeting place telepathically.

"I'd rather not be out in the water but Kyogre can't even get onto land so shallow water is the best we can go for." He responded somewhat bored, then he asked,”I suppose this is more important than you’re letting on, considering the unnatural seismic events I’ve been feeling.”

I nodded and he burrowed back underground, leaving Pinkie behind as he did so.

“What you do that for?” Pinkie complained.

”I need to get the last one, before they start making a fuss.” I said, before teleporting them back and teleporting to the middle of the ocean.

I began a new sweep of the local minds. But I didn’t need to find Kyogre because she found me. A massive storm front rolled in the waves were massive and the rain was nearly impenetrable. Eventually Kyogre emerged from the deep, glaring at me as she did so.

Why have you awoken us? She asked, her voice dripping with venom.

”Because things are changing; the pretense was that you three need to get back to work, but there’s a bit more too it.” I said and I gave her the knowledge of where the meeting would be.

This better be important, because I was having a really good dream. She huffed.

”Your last dream was over five thousand years ago, and you weren’t ever going to have one again unless you woke up.” I stated flatly.

”The point still stand, over ten millennia of sleep and I regret waking up. She said.

”I’ll see you there then?” I asked.

She just nodded and dove back into the surf, and with the legendary Pokemon gone, the storm receded. I was left with the feeling that the three of these ancient pokemon were a bit too willing to come to this meeting. I returned to the library and sighed in relief and flopped onto the ground.

When I reappeared, I startled everyone in the library and caused Twilight to spill ink over a letter she was writing.

”Invites have been sent and all the guests have RSVP'd, so all that’s left now is to make sure the location is ready.” I said

“It’s barely been half an hour, and you're already done?” Twilight asked.

”When I’m dealing with something this important I like to make sure that everything is in place as quickly as possible.” I said flatly.

Twilight quickly brought out a new piece of parchment and remade the apparently ruined letter. She had Spike send the letter to Celestia. With the letter sent Twilight decided that now would be a good time to make small talk, or at least what she thought of as small talk.

“So I’ve been reading over the notes I made while you were here, and I have a few more questions.” She said as she pulled out new notepad.

”Fine, I’ll answer some questions while we wait,” I said and continued to myself, Just don’t try expect me to directly answer them all.

“When you spoke of your psychic abilities you mentioned a potential danger to others when connecting to their minds, I was wondering what kind of danger, what you can do to prevent the danger, and did you learn of it?” She asked not seeming to notice how multi-faceted these questions really were.

”To the first part the dangers include; brain damage, insanity, going into a comatose state, or death. The second part is a bit more complex. I don’t have much I can do to directly decrease the possibility of these problems, but the factors that contribute to include how aware they are of my presence in their mind, how deep the connection is, if the connection is only one way, and how hard I’m pushing. And the last part is the only part that goes into an area of my life I truly regret.” I sighed before continuing, ”As I’ve said before my first five years in Equestria were a nightmare for anypony I met. I have murdered before and each name and face I remember; one of which was a captain of the guard for a small city, I mercilessly tore any information I found relevant from his mind.” I shuddered at the memory of his dying screams, before telling her, “He was one of a few that was entirely aware of my presence in his mind, he tried to fight me off but I was too powerful for him. I destroyed his brain stem without ever touching him, his heart stopped instantly but he knew pain and horror few can even imagine.”

The girls just stared at me as they finally understood why I was hunted for over one hundred years and turned to stone. I may have laked Discord’s raw reality warping power, but my use of my powers was much more lethal.

”I guess Celestia didn’t tell you where I was imprisoned. I was buried under the main barracks and encased in stone. Celestia feared my escape more than Discord’s. He was out in the open where he could see as time passed and life went on, I got to look at a dirt wall for a millennium. And in all honestly, I believe I deserved every second of it… well except for Discord being an unbearable asshole the entire time. And I plan to atone for these crimes by protecting every creature on this planet to the best of my ability.” After I had finished that rant I could feel the tension in the air decrease slightly, but there was still an awkward silence.

Luckily, Spike broke the remaining tension by belching up a letter. Twilight quickly read the letter, after she finished she smile and jotted a quick response and Spike sent the letter.

“Good news, Celestia will ensure that the harbor is closed down and all currently inbound ships are diverted.” Twilight said likely boiling down the entire correspondence between her and Celestia.

”Good, we can go Manehatten the night before.” I said floating away.

Rarity squealed at the prospect of going to Manehatten, but I interrupted her histrionics and said, ”I doubt anything will be open the entire time we’re there. After all three incredibly powerful ancient beings are going to have a meeting out in the middle of the bay, I’m pretty sure that will attract quite a lot of attention.”

When the day of the meeting arrived, the normally bustling town was almost still in anticipation to see these incredible mythical creatures. Even a massive herd of hippocampi waited just out to sea as the awaited the arrival of the creature they viewed as almost a deity.

The bay itself was so calm that the sky was reflected perfectly. Just as the sun had finished it’s hurdle of the horizon, the light from it became so intense that none could even look eastward. Steam began to roll of the bay as the air grew hotter and hotter. Eventually a red-ish form came into view as it walked parallel to the shore line. A sandbar formed under Groudon’s feet as he walked towards my location floating above the water. Once he was next to me we simply shared a nod. The earth ponies cheered as they saw this living testament to their long forgotten history.

Not seconds latter cloud cover rolled in, blotting out the entire sky, and rain drenched the city. Thunderclaps could be heard from several directions at once. The sea roiled and the sky became black as midnight in mere seconds. This was a storm the likes of which few get to see and live to tell of. The hippocampi began to winnie and shout, but the storm was simply too loud for them to be heard. In one great blast of spray, Kyogre burst from the surf, water rolling off her fishlike form as she stared warily at Groudon and myself.

As quickly as the storm appeared, it subsided. The air became eerily still. The sea was like a sheet of glass. It was so quiet I could hear the awed gasps of half of the ponies watching, as Rayquaza broke through the cloud cover. The clouds began to dissipate slowly as the twenty foot sky snake joined our small group.

”I called the three of you here to ask something of each of you.” I said, trying to show them their due respect.

You want us to take up our jobs again. Rayquaza said dully.

I have no reason to continue my job, the hippocampi have successfully taken control over my domain, unlike these two idiots. Kyogre said hotly

”Well that’s only half the reason I called you, as you can probably sense, Arceus has been sending over lackies to aid in overwriting the world for some reason. I can’t be everywhere at once, so I’m asking if you could help me keep an eye out for intruders.” I said sheepishly.

I get it! You want us to join your team. Groudon declared.

”Not entirely, I just want you to help protect the creatures of this world. I could care less about teams. I can almost sense something stirring, this world is about to change quite a bit and I want to ensure that it happens as smoothly as possible.” I said shivering with fervor.

They all shared a few looks, before Rayquaza responded, We will help protect the creatures of this world from any external threats we find, but Kyogre has outright refused to continue to tend the seas since her proffered race actually did as expected.

I chuckled a little and said,”That’s fine.”

With that we parted ways, but as I began to float over the land, the world began to blur. A yellow ball of light appeared in front of me and an impassive voice spoke to me saying, “Why have you not heeded our call? My siblings grow anxious, we will await your arrival at our lake in one hour.”

”That’s just great...” I ‘muttered’ as the mane six trotted towards me.

Author's Note:

Another fun chapter done. What could possibly happen next?

For those of you who will ask a hippocampus( the singular of hippocampi) is essentially a mythological fish/horse hybrid, and I prefer that term to "Sea Ponies".

Comments ( 32 )

Oh, the lake trio is next?

The lake trio are kind of needy, aren't they?

I love it. Keep up the good work. I will also, just because I am the first comment of this chapter say; Second!

Well that was...fast and with minimal buildup. Not a bad chapter I suppose, but the expediency of it all probably marks it as my least favorite.

Comment posted by Lycanthromancer deleted Aug 30th, 2015

This chapter lacked a lot of the drama and emotive impact that such a world-changing and potentially volatile situation should have had. The initial meetings alone could easily have involved a few chapters each and involved quite a bit of conflict regarding their awakening against their desires and their unwillingness to deal with an upstart youngster and each other.

That, and Medulla's murderous past was pretty well glossed over. It felt hollow and emotionally stunted.

In short, this chapter needs some work.

Comment posted by Lycanthromancer deleted Aug 29th, 2015

Lots of missing words and or misplaced words. Other than that good job!

gotta do dis. first one i saw, just... ga

“Waaaaaaahhh” she yelled as she feel,

methinks there is a ! at the end of wah, and feel, you mean fell.

... So to wake up three Legendaries, he just had to go poke them? Three near mythological Titans even in Pokemon, and he just teleports to their place and pokes them. Okay, your headed for Mary Sue turf, with the tragic backstory bonus. Mewtwo is already kind of Sue-ish, but you're overdoing it quite a bit. Just a quick question, do you plan to have him pull an Ash from the first movie?

6372540 They we're already waking up. he was just making sure that he was there when it happened.

Ok so Rayquaza is a lazy snake,Groudon is a fatherly kaiju, and kyogre is a sassy whale......seems legit

I read six chapters of the story, and I have to say, nothing really stands out from other displaced fics. The protagonist's personality way too pretentious and aloof, something that really bugs me. Someone who had lived for over 1000 years wouldn't act like a petulant child. The plot is rushed, with no real backstory given.

Overall, it's just another mary sue self insert. I really wish someone would bring something new to this whole displaced spiel. Right now it's just all the same recycled content with a different label. And for some reason or other, the masses just eat it up. :ajsleepy:

Can't wait to see this continued.

When dealing with those three, want the help of a skilled strategist/negotiator who has experience dealing with psychic assault?

7046160 I think I meant it a bit different, but yes your right, I had scene the TV show a while before.

6482304 discord is ages old, yet he acts like he's 5 years old......

So, why was this cancelled?

6482304 yeah I agree,It started out good but it quickly went the route of other displaced fics.I'd say that the turning point was when the crossovers happened.It was after that point that the character changed,he became more ambiguous as a character with no real defining traits,and the other characters faded and became less than background characters,who's Seemingly only existence is to talk to the main character in an effort to either reveal more info about him or to fill the story with something other than action.

8185481 Yep, this story quickly got out of my control. That was one of the reasons I canceled it. I realized the reason I had started writing this was very flawed, this became a bit of a hassle to write, then my life became to full of responsibilities to deal with this particular story.

8189038 well I think you can continue this if you wanted,you'd just need to tone down on the crossovers,think about each character more and how they'd truly react to anything based on the show.And most importantly just write down all the key events for your story,line up the day to day stuff like bridges and connect the dots to the big events and eventually once you know your beginning,middle and end you can add/subtract anything you want and still know where the stories is going and what you want to happen.Everythings easy after that.

to much free time at the moment even if unwanted:pinkiehappy:

If you hadn't canceled this story, he could of met the other Displaced mewtwo.

Annnd... Le Ded.


Dude. That comment was from 2015.

Yeah, I just read this story.


🎵They're Pinky. They're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain.🎵

Hi, why did you cancel the story?

It was going so well...


Yeah, why add Skylanders to a Pokemon Displaced story!!??

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