• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 11,416 Views, 199 Comments

The Laughter I Choose to Be - Trick Question

Pinkie Pie plans to tell her friends how she does the impossible things she does.

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The Laughter I Choose to Be

My name is Pinkie Pie, and today is a very special day!

Today is the day I will finally tell my friends. (I'm so nervicited!)

As everypony knows, I can do things other ponies can't. And I don't just mean being the most amazingest party planner ever! I mean I can do things that seem impossible. You know, like hovering in midair without wings, or playing ten instruments at once, or even not breathing for a couple of days. And who could forget my supernatural Pinkie Sense?

All my friends wonder where my special powers come from, but they don't usually ask me. I guess they think I don't know either. Twilight Sparkle wonders the most of all. She thinks I have some weird kind of magic that's hard to identify. She tried to figure it out once, and I'm lucky it didn't work because I wasn't ready to tell her. This was way back when she put that big metal colander on my head. I mean, colanders can strain spaghetti and hold candy and make neat sounds when you bang them against the side of the oven (although I'm not supposed to do that anymore when the babies are sleeping), and this colander had wires and flashing lights sticking out of it too, so it could probably do just about anything! Fortunately, Twilight gave up trying to figure out what makes me so special after Derpy dropped a piano on her head and she was attacked by a four-headed hydra. Those kinds of things can be really exhausting if you're Twilight, and she is.

But now I finally am ready, and I have my super-special secret-telling party all planned for today! I'm calling it, "Pinkie Pie's Perfectly Planned Personal Pony Powers Plot Point Presentation Party!" (I would have used a fancier, schmancier name, but I figured it might be too hard to fit on the invitations.) It's just a small party for me and my five bestest friends, but it will be so special! I know my friends will be okay with my secret (even though it's the dooziest doozy ever!) because I know they love me for who I am, and that's what really matters.

It's not easy to reveal this kind of thing, even to your closest friends. I mean, when you're like I am, how can you show somepony else how different the world looks through your eyes? Once my friends know the truth, they're gonna have just a ginormous number of questions! Especially Twilight. It will probably take a long time to answer them all.

A big part of the reason why I have these weirdo powers is that I come from a really weird family. So you can't really understand my abilities until you meet someone else in my family. Fortunately my friends already have, although it was a really awkward meeting—nopony in my family is any good at first impressions, and I even think my entire family might be autistic (except for me, of course, and probably my Mom).

I've lived in two very different worlds, and the first one was just awful. My life used to be as cold and humorless as the rocks on an old rock farm. Nopony in the family I grew up in ever smiled. There was no talking. There was no singing. Year after year, the only things I had to keep me company were work and family. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't neglected or anything! My basic needs were always met, and whenever I was feeling down, the love and care I received from my family would help get me back on my hooves. But most of the time it was super-boring, and nothing but work, work, work.

But even way back then, before I had any idea what real happiness was like, I knew there was something different about me. I think Mom might have detected a magical spark of mischief somewhere in those cute baby-blue eyes of mine the first time an itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny twinkie-Pinkie (although I didn't call myself "Pinkie" way back then) opened them to the bleak, grey world all around me. I just wasn't able to put my hoof on what was so weird about me until the day of Dashie's Rainboom.

This might seem hard to believe, but until that day, I had never even heard the sound of laughter! Not the friendly, happy kind of laughter, anyway. I remember when my younger siblings could barely walk, and they never laughed. Isn't that awful? Now that I spend so much time with the Cake babies, it just seems so obvious that tiny little ponies are supposed to laugh! It just wasn't that way in my family, and I never really knew that things could be any different.

Dashie's gorgeous Sonic Rainboom wasn't merely the event that inspired my cutie mark. It was so much more than that! It marked a gigantic and complete U-turn in my life. The Rainboom symbolized hope, the hope that somehow, my newfound joy could last. And it did! On that day, I made a whole family of boring rock farmers smile and dance—even Maud Pie! And all the love and happiness just poured out of them like a big bubbly fountain. I had found my special talent: making other ponies happy. And making ponies happy made me happy too, filling me up inside with all those smiles and giggles I'd never realized I'd been missing.

Things got even better for me once I grew up and moved to Ponyville. Here was a whole city of ponies I could make smile! But naturally, there were a few bad times too. I remember the birthday when I jumped to conclusions about my friends not caring about me anymore. I was so depressed I wanted to just sit up in my room alone and starve myself to death, and I probably would have done it but I didn't realize back then just how much my friends cared for me. They could never let me wither away like that. They simply love me too much.

Now when I look back at myself I can't believe how far I've come. The very idea that a sad little foal from such odd and humble beginnings could grow up to hold the Element of Laughter! I now know the true meaning of friendship, sacrifice, and most of all, redemption. My friends and I stood up to Nightmare Moon, to Discord, even to that big nasty King Sombreroguy, and with each battle our friendship grew even stronger.

For me, I think the hardest battle was when we fought Chrysalis. The changelings we were fighting against represented the total opposite of the thing I valued most. I mean, I live to give joy and laughter and love, and they exist only to steal it! And it's so silly, because when you give love, you get twice as much back in return! Why is that so hard to see? I actually feel kind of sorry for them, even though my friends probably wouldn't feel that way, except maybe Fluttershy (she is such a sweetheart).

You know, I was the only pony in Canterlot who actually witnessed the magic up close when the real Princess Cadance and Twily's brother created that breathtaking echo of love. Everypony else in the room had to close their eyes—even Cadance and Shining Armor themselves! But I wasn't going to miss it for the world, so I didn't even blink. I watched as the energy shot right through our bodies, filling us with love and goodness, binding us together in harmony. The changelings, on the other hoof, were blasted right up into the sky and sent hundreds of miles away! Even though we were right at the epicenter of the most powerful spell ever cast, we just basked in the glow, completely unharmed. That's when I realized just how special our friendship was. If this kind of power was something we could share with each other, then I truly belonged.

I don't know when, or if, I'll be able to tell that family of rock farmers what really happened on that fateful day. I guess I think of them as my second, adopted family, and I love them too much to hurt them with the knowledge. Dashie's Rainboom was gorgeous, but it certainly wasn't happy. As much as I'd like to, I'll never be able to erase that image from my mind. That poor, poor little pink filly. I was there when the Rainboom shook the plains. I saw the rock as it fell, and I tried to call out, but she didn't hear me. I raced to her side, but she was already gone. I spent two hours burying her in the unyielding earth, afraid to tell her family. I even cried, which for me was a totally new experience. I mean, I didn't even know I could cry. I was already losing my mind with hunger at the time, so I figured, hay, why not give this earth pony family one last night with their daughter, you know? Maybe it would help pay back the world for my crimes, if only just a little. I never got her hair quite right, but I did the best I could. The eyes were easy, at least—while my Mom's eyes are green, all of my brothers and I have sky-blue eyes just like little Pinkamena's irises. But in the end, somehow it all worked out for me.

Yesterday I decided to change back into my hatchform, just to make sure I'd be ready for the party. Of course, I'm good with little changes, like creating invisible appendages and stuff, but it had been so many years since I'd reverted all the way, I almost forgot how! But once I did, I couldn't believe how different I looked. My body and legs were bound in smooth, black chitin, of course, but all of the holes in my body had totally vanished! My legs were smooth, and full, and strong. My wings, which I keep invisible all the time, were soft and smooth, without a single ragged edge. My tail was long and smooth, too, and the spikes on my back had softened, a little bit like a real mane. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm not a queen, but I have some kind of female parts back there? That shouldn't even be possible! And that's not even the biggest surprise! The cutie mark I'd chosen for myself, all those years ago? It's magically engraved, right there on my exoskeleton. Somehow, the magic of friendship has made me whole.

Well, it's time! My friends will be arriving any minute, and I'm ready to tell them my story.

I am a changeling, because I was hatched that way.

But my name is Pinkie Pie, because that's who I choose to be.

Comments ( 199 )

I liked this story during the write-off and I like it even more now. Doubling the length fixed the small quibbles I had with the contest version.


Yeah, I wasn't able to inject the full idea into 750 words, but now I can give it teeth. :pinkiesmile:

5784843 the sad tag isn't really fitting, perhaps a alternate universe tag instead?

The "Sad" tag is kind of a misnomer: it doesn't always mean the story itself is sad. It just means that the story might make somepony cry from the feels. If the story had a sad ending, it would get the "Tragic" tag.

Maybe! I suspect releasing the story on a Thursday morning isn't the ideal road to featuredom, but we'll see. Thanks for the kind words! :pinkiesmile:

I feel this shouldn't be just one chapter...

Also, I nearly missed the sudden change in her story.

You have been Sweetly approved! Consider yourself honored!

This is definitely improvifiednesses by the extra length

........ that really did not explain anything about her weirdo powers........ at all. an intersting concept but it ultimately was lacking in the execution.

Didn't it? :pinkiesmile: Let me see if explaining helps:

Her ability to do all of those things is because she's a changeling. Specifically, she mentions being able to use her wings and create other appendages without them being visible.

Nice story!! You did really well! I wish you included the actual party/reveal in the story, though. Other than that, really nice! It is interesting to think about Pinkie actually being a changeling!

The story doesn't explain her actual "pinkie sense", though, but oh well.

Oh my goodness, it just hit me that Pinkie actually died as a filly and never did all of this stuff herself.. That sad tag definitely belongs in this story..

So you can't really understand my abilities until you meet someone else in my family. Fortunately my friends already have, although it was a really awkward meeting—nopony in my family is any good at first impressions, and I even think my entire family might be autistic (except for me, of course, and probably my Mom).

So... she used to be a part of Chrysalis's hive, then?

I disagree. It explained a lot of what Pinkie can do. It also means Twilight's hunch about it being some foreign type of magic is actually true.

I love how, even if you suspect the reveal early, you can't help but go back and re-read the parts when Pinkie talks about her family! That's very clever right there. To go back over all the things you thought referred to her PONY family... and then you realise she's talking about her time as a Changeling.

Great, great read!

Yep, that's the implication. :pinkiesmile:

Alright this explains most of pinks tricks. But what about the fourth wall?

Technically, she never really breaks the fourth wall in the show or even the comics (not that I can recall anyway). That's mostly fanon based on her cartoonish abilities and sixth sense, the idea being she's enlightened like Deadpool (i.e. she knows she is a cartoon, therefore she can do anything she likes).

5785430 *cough* Over a barrel *cough**cough* Magic duel *cough*

The end of Magic Duel involves both her and Twilight. She never speaks to the audience. In Over a Barrel her final comment is to Twilight, not to the audience, so it depends mainly on whether you interpret the iris-grab as reaching to the audience or not. It's still open to interpretation (though suggestive).

(Then again, they all speak to the audience in promos!) :pinkiehappy:

5785462 Alright then what about the mirror in green isn't your color how is her being a changeling explain that.

It's not supposed to be a canonical explanation, it's just a story. :pinkiesmile:

(Also spoiler the word changeling please!)

That was very interesting. Would explain a lot.

This was well written...
and I honestly didn't see the twist coming.
Will this get some kind of sequel detailing how the others react when they find out the truth?

I can see why that would be attractive! :pinkiesmile: But this is the whole story. It's about the message behind the party, not the party itself. (But it is nice to think about what happens, and I wouldn't be doing my job if readers weren't left wanting more and with imaginations humming!)

Okay... this can't possibly just end there :D Please say there is a continuation in the works, please please please!

Nice little tale. Gave me Sasami/Tsunami vibes.

5785698 Ah...
Oh well, hopefully someone else will write it.

Wonder what will happen if somepony in the Pie family builds a well or plows a field and finds the body.

Well, I realize that you probably don't plan on writing a sequel to show us how the girls react to her secret, but that won't stop me from trying to convince you. I thought the writing in this piece was lovely, and seeing a scene of the party itself would be greatly appreciated. :pinkiesmile:

Am I the only one here who thinks this is the actual story behind her powers?

Although... I am flattered that you want more. :pinkiehappy: Hmm... Maybe someday I'll revisit it. I can think of some interesting things that might make a peek into the outcome worth exploring.

Dashie's Rainboom was gorgeous, but it certainly wasn't happy.

It's how that revelation will go down that really worries me. :fluttershysad:

5785228 Nah, the explanation for the hovering thing was obvious as soon as you realized what she was, even before you had her straight out say it... he is just being thick. The Pinkie sense thing is also easy to explain for an empath. Though this doesn't explain the disappearing into too small objects. This also makes you question "Too Many Pinkie Pies".:trixieshiftright:

Oh god. Oh god poor Rainbow Dash. How is she supposed to take knowing she actually killed her best friend as a filly? That is not going to go over well at all.

Well, in this case, she didn't. Her actions caused the death of a filly she never met, but it wasn't something she had any control over.

Either way, it's not a perfect fit, but it's just a story. :pinkiesmile:

So Pinkamena was the real Pie! A Pie that doesn't exist anymore!

And Pinkie as an underqueen/elite! Nice!

5785470 5785485 You're kidding right? I had to go back and re-watch but it is easy to explain that the same way as the hovering... though there is an even easier way. If she can make part of herself invisible then use partial invisibility to allow yourself to show up in the mirror but not from the direction of the camera/witness... or just use that damn changeling horn to create an illusion in the mirror while being completely invisible.

5786501 The Pie really is a lie!

I liked this story and overall I'd say this is very good work, but in all honesty, it left me wanting more. It almost felt like it didn't live up to its potential... I think you could have gone through a lot more, really delved into the character, maybe even showed reactions... It kinda felt like just as I was really getting into it, the story was over.

It looks like this was for a write-off, so that might explain why it felt so truncated. And I'm not going to be down voting the story simply for stuff like that—just the opposite, I'm more than happy to up vote it—but I was really left craving more.

I dunno... maybe one day, this could be fleshed out into a longer story? I certainly would love to see that. Still, my qualms aside, well done with this!

A very intriguing idea. It certainly has posibilities :rainbowkiss:

5785957 After all this time, just a skeleton:twilightoops:

Several others have expressed a similar sentiment; they would like a sequel. I'm not sure whether I will revisit it later, but I'll give it thought. :pinkiehappy:

This is actually more than twice the length it was for the writeoff, so it wasn't affected by the contest: this the full length I intended the story to be. I wanted it to have a twist that makes it read differently the second time around, to convey a personal message, to hold to Pinkie's voice, and to tug loose some emotions; but not to develop a narrative tale outside of that framework. It's a glimpse into a different way of viewing a familiar and beloved character. The goal is to leave the reader stuck in thought about what this means to them; to envision the future and the past on their own; to think and rethink about what they would do or say in those situations. :pinkiesmile:

5786467 In all honesty this is pretty good as a story. As a theory... Its better then mine which is that pinks is the half child of discord.

Me and TheMasterArchiver would just like to say how much we enjoyed this story. And I sincerly hope this will oneday be continued.

Achiver believes that this has so much potintial. And even if you don't continue this it would make a great challange fic to see how others would see how the party plays out.

Usually in stories like this Pinkie turns out to be some Timeless Lovecraftian Horror of Immense Power (and in one story she's a draconequus), but I think I like this better.

So sad about the original Pinkamina, though. But at least her replacement tried to save her.

Also nice misdirection with the reference to her "family." I didn't really figure out she was talking about the hive until I read it in the comments (dumb me!), but it makes perfect sense now...even down to the other worker changelings being "autistic."

I'm gonna go ahead and tell you how I reacted for this fic... In the most ridiculous way possible.

*at the beginning*
"Oh, cool, Pinkie's talking in first person! ...Pony. Whatever!"
*continues reading*
"Oh, wow, this is amazingly in character!" (Oh god the IRONY, I would soon learn)
"Huh... I wonder why Pinkie is mentioning the Royal Wedding and the changelings... What does that have to do with this...?"
*gets close to the end*
"Wait a minute..."
"Hang on... Does this mean that..."

But my name is Pinkie Pie, because that's who I choose to be.


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