• Published 22nd Jun 2015
  • 1,012 Views, 6 Comments

The Pony and the Wolf - LoneW01fDusko

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Chapter 2: there's nothing to fear than an Everfreeian

Ok today has been quite bizarre, not only did I save a pony and a dragon from my rival cousins, now I've agreed to stay with a pony until my injuries heal today as been quite a day.
Anyway the yellow pegasus mare who was named Fluttershy and I'm not gonna lie that name, face and voice made my heart explode and I can't believe I just said that, oh phoenix feathers spending time with ponies is turning me into a soft touch.

It was 3 in the morning and Rarity was starting to feel drowsy her mane was a bedraggled mess, and bags were beginning to show on her eyes but she managed for a while.
Fluttershy was just about finishing the bandaging on Dusko's leg after him letting out a couple of growls and snarls, but he seem to stop when Rarity told him to behave and to be honest he hated the fact he was being told what to do and what not to do, but he gave in in the end cause something inside knew he could trust these ponies and how they didn't want to harm him but to only help him.

"there you should be ok now. I would recommend you rest up for a few months to let the bone heal" Fluttershy said calmly as she smiled at Dusko as he gave a cute puppy-dog smile.

"thank you miss Fluttershy" Dusko replied as he looked at his bandaged leg and then back to Fluttershy "hey wait... where's Rarity" as he said that the wolf and Pegasus caught a glance of the white unicorn who was sleeping with her head on Fluttershy's table.

Both the wolf and pegasus giggled at the sight, until Dusko got up on all fours and gently lifted Rarity on his back and headed towards the door until he stopped and turned to Fluttershy.

"do you know where Rarity lives" he spoke as he turned his head to Fluttershy.

"go deep into Ponyville and follow the signs for carousel boutique" Fluttershy explained, Dusko smiled and was on his way Rarity still asleep on his back.

Dusko had made it into Ponyville and what he see's triggers a memory of when he was a pup and all Ponyville was just a small little settlement filled with earth ponies farming the lands, as he followed the signs to Carousel Boutique he was sighted by a Pegasus stallion who started to fly towards the bell tower and got out the megaphone that was being to alert ponies of the situation.


Dusko knew what was happening an quickly bolted to Carousel Boutique, as he heard that bell that sounded like thunder ringing in his ears, ponies waking up from their slumber switching on their lights which made Dusko panic a lot more knowing that other ponies might spot him, as he was about to reach to the door to Carousel Boutique Rarity had slipped off his back his eyes widened in shock and bolted straight to her and used his muzzle to flip her onto his back and head into the building as he used his right paw to push the door open and as soon as he entered the fragrances were surrounding his nose that felt like it was burning his smell senses as he scrunched his nose so he couldn't smell the strong fragrances as he shut the door which also awoken a sleeping Rarity who slid off his back again.

"huh..." Rarity came out with confused on how she got here "oh my how did I get home" she exclaimed confusingly as she caught sight of Dusko who held out his paw, Rarity was surprised seeing how grumpy and rude he was when she first spoke to him he is quite the gentlecolt or gentlewolf.

"what's with the gentlecolt attitude" she spoke as she took Dusko's paw and stood up.

"hahahaha..." Dusko laughed then quickly moved his face right into Rarity's and scowled "don't push your luck," Dusko then stepped back and walked over to Rarity's fainting couch as everypony called it and lay down it.

Rarity used her telekinesis and levitated a blanket from the pile of dried washing from the washing basket, and gentle placed it on him as Rarity smiled in delight as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom.
Dusko's eyes widened as soon as he felt a warm cozy sensation on his body, he lifted his head and looked down at the weird looking um he didn't know what it was or what it was for but having it as comfort and warm felt so relaxing which made him smile for the first in a long time as he fell back to sleep.

The whole town had awoken from their peaceful slumber still in their dressing gowns and slippers as they rubbed their eyes trying to wake themselves up.
The pegasus stallion who was named Knight Rider had flew down towards everypony in panic.

"What is it now Mr Knight Rider this better be important" said the sandy coloured grey maned and tailed mare.

"there's a... a Wolf in Ponyville... Not just any wolf it was an Everfreeian" after Knight Rider spoke everypony started screaming and running amok, the fillies and colts had jumped into their parents and siblings arms scared.

"Everypony!!! Everypony may I have your attention please" the ponies weren't listening as they continued to panic until a purple alicorn had quickly bolted on top the stage next to the mayor casted a containment field spell.

"EEEEENOUGH!!!" the purple alicorn shouted, everypony stopped instantly when their eyes caught sight of the alicorn Princess.

"Princess Twilight what should we do if there's a wolf rampaging around Ponyville" said the mayor who was panicking, before Twilight spoke Knight Rider flew up in the air.

"When I caught sight of this Everfreeian wolf it appeared to have some pony on it's back" after Knight Rider spoke everypony started to panic even more, until Twilight used her containment spell again, and called over the pink party pony over.

"Pinkie since you know everypony in town count how many are here" Twilight exclaimed to her, "I'm on it" Pinkie said determinedly as she scanned through everypony and bolted back to her alicorn friend.

"Everypony's here except for Rarity" said the pink party pony in her serious tone, everypony looked worried, until the mayor had made her way to the podium.

"Everypony please remain calm I will get in touch with Princess Celestia to see if some members of the royal guards can come to Ponyville and keep watch for this dangerous beast" after speaking to the crowd the mayor turned to Princess Twilight "you and your friends go to Carousel Boutique check if Rarity has seen anything." Twilight nodded and whistled with her hoof and jumped off the stage with Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy following behind.

Twilight and the rest of her friends had made it to Carousel Boutique, before Twilight knocked she turned to her friends.

"alright girls be vigilant the wolf may be in there" Twilight was then interrupted by the soft tone of Fluttershy.

"there is a wolf in there he rescued Rarity and Spike from timberwolves" as soon as Fluttershy mentioned this news the others were shocked in silence until Applejack broke the awkward silence.

"I'm guessing you've seen this wolf before Fluttershy" Applejack spoke in her southern country tone.

"sigh... Yes I helped Rarity treat his wounds" she nervously spoke as she slightly smiled.

Rainbow dash on the other hoof was a bit more skeptical and flew over her friends and knocked the door.

The knocking had awoken Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Dusko from their peaceful slumber, and the first Dusko did was jump behind the couch and used the blanket to hide.
Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked down the stairs and Sweetie Belle noticed something under that blanket, Rarity noticed her little sisters curiosity and her telekinesis on the blanket, and it revealed Dusko who growled and pointed at the door with his paw and quickly bolted behind one of the dressing rooms.

Rarity then walked to the door to open it and Rainbow dash had flew in with a frown "Rarity there's a wolf in Ponyville and Fluttershy said you and her helped a wolf with his injuries"
as Rainbow was talking, Dusko decided he should probably reveal himself he didn't like this idea but he knew he had to besides he sensed something about these ponies especially the purple one with the horn and wings.

"Oh dear... Dusko must of been spotted by somepony" Rarity spoke not noticing that her friends and little sister were present in the room.

"uh who's this Dusko?' Applejack spoke confusingly until one of the curtains from the dressing rooms had rustled, Rainbow rushed towards and opened the curtains as soon as she and the others caught sight of Dusko they were taken a back as they caught of Dusko his long claws capable of ripping things to shreds his height as big as a normal stallion and his razor sharp teeth that could rip anything apart from just one bite,as Rainbow looked at him she cringed in fear as he began to walk toward them.

"I'm Dusko the one that saved miss Rarity and a Spike the dragon from the timberwolves" he frowned as he started to circle all the mares and the filly "By now you must know I'm an Everfreeian artic grey wolf the most rare and dangerous species of all wolves, the Timberwolves don't take to kindly to my kind. And for why I saved Rarity's life is because I've seen what the Timberwolves do to their prey and when I heard the scream I just couldn't let that happen" Dusko explained as all the ponies looked at him curiously.

Sweetie Belle walked towards Dusko and started stroking his leg and hugged it "oh thank you for saving my sister oh thank you, thank you" Sweetie Belle said smiling at the wolf, it wasn't until everypony else started thanking him for saving their friends but two ponies didn't seem to trust him, Rainbow and Applejack kept frowning with a suspicious eye.
Pinkie Pie came up from behind him and give him a big hug like he was a teddy bear, Rarity used her magic to release Dusko from Pinkie's grasp.

"Please you mustn't tell anypony Dusko is here please pinkie promise" Rarity begged at her friends and little sister as they all gestured and said "cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" they said in unison.

After the ponies introduced themselves to Dusko he answered some of their questions, some were understandable and some questions seem a bit to personal for the wolf's liking.

So they asked questions about me understandable, so I answered their questions they were mostly about where I came from?, are their more Everfreeian wolves out there?, why are the timberwolves my rival cousins?, you name it they said it of course there were questions I couldn't ask since they were personal and basically they were about my past which I don't really like to talk about anyway.
I dare not trend the path in the past, to many painful memories I don't want to look back on plus theres that saying it's better to leave the past in the past and never look back,
So yeah.
Back to these ponies, they seem to trust me but that Rainbow winged one and the orange one with the hat who were named Rainbow Dash and Applejack they looked at me in a very suspicious way, like they didn't trust me which is understandable I am a very dangerous species of wolves, but what they didn't know which makes me different towards other wolves Everfreeian or not I have a heart but if anyone ticks me off then your in a world of pain cause I won't have mercy on you.

Celestia had risen the sun as it beamed down the town of Ponyville and all the ponies had left the Boutique, and Pinkie jumped up behind Dusko and gave him another big hug.

"It was great to meet you Dusky, I'll be sure to throw you a party" Pinkie said has she started to stroke him on his head.

Dusko pushed his front paws towards the pink earth pony mare and moved her away from him.

"personal space miss Pinkie Pie" Dusko growled then he started to walked towards Rarity's couch and lay back on it.

All the 5 mares walked out the Boutique and waved as they said their goodbyes until the next time they meet, as Rarity waved back she then closed the door and turned to the wolf on her couch who looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"you really think your friends can keep this secret" Dusko spoke as he began to cross his front paws, forgetting that his broken leg was bandaged seeing how he's never had a bandage on before made him winced from the agonising pain, Rarity gently placed a pillow in fronton Dusko and gently placed his leg down on it.

"My friends are trustworthy Dusko and I know they don't seem to like the idea but they agreed to keep quiet around everypony else in town" Rarity responded as she gently placed the pillow on Dusko's injured leg.

Dusko never attempted to growl at the white unicorn, like he knew inside she was trying help him, and also he could sense that she and her sister and her friends were trustworthy.

Meanwhile the 5 mares were very cautions knowing that an Everfreeian wolf was in their friends home but after meeting Dusko themselves most of them felt ok knowing that he wasn't as bad they thought since he saved Rarity and Spike.
Except Rainbow Dash and Applejack they didn't seem to impressed sure he seemed like he was telling the truth, but the problem was that he is a wolf a very dangerous species knowing one was in the home and company of one of their friends just made them nervous.

"Do you think Dusko was telling the truth" Rainbow dash suspiciously said with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth, if he was lieing I think we'd be dead by now" Twilight exclaimed.

"Are ya sure bout that Twi, he is a dangerous wolf, what do you reckon" Applejack spoke not entirely sure about Dusko being here, which made her nervous seeing how one of her dear friends is taken care of him.

Twilight didn't know what to think, but what she did know is that he sounded trustworthy she then turned to her friends.

"We keep Dusko a secret to everypony in town but we're just gonna have to be vigilant" Twilight said the 4 mares nodded and went on their way to their business.

A couple of hours had past, and Dusko was awoken from the smell of burning, but there was something else he could smell it smelt quite fascinating.
Dusko sat up and gently got off the sofa and cautiously walked toward what seem to be a kitchen or something he had no idea, as he entered the room and the smoke started to clear, he saw Sweetie Belle Rarity's sister, and it looked like she was cooking something.

As I entered this room which I found out is called a kitchen it sounded fitting somehow don't ask me why I don't even know, apparently it's where ponies keep their food, hey don't look at me like that I'm a wild animal who's lived out in the wilderness and had to fend for myself not to mention I hunt for my food.
I mean come on a wild animal like me doesn't get these luxurious that's way more like a domestic life.
Anyway I walked in this kitchen and as soon as the smoke cleared I saw that little filly Sweetie Belle and it looked like she was... Huh what's that word um. Wait!... do you know it what is it tell me?... That's it!!! Cooking thanks guys.

"uh... Sweetie Belle?" Dusko gently spoke as he approached the young filly.

Sweetie Belle let out a little shriek as she turned and saw Dusko standing behind her, his large claws which look like they could cut through anything, then his teeth those sharp things could rip through anything, even thinking about what creature got in his way made her cringe in fear.

"oh hi... Dusko right." she responded nervously, Dusko looked at the filly sensing that she was nervous of him, so he kneeled down carefully until he was level with the little filly and placed his good paw on Sweetie Belle's chin and gently smiled.

"Don't worry I'm not like other wolves" he smiled, Sweetie Belle smiled as well and quickly got back to her cooking, Dusko stood up and walked towards a table with a tray of some sought of food and carefully took a whiff from it.

"huh?... What is that stuff" he pointed at the food on the tray with his good paw as he looked at Sweetie Belle confusingly, Sweetie Belle to face Dusko as he confusingly looked at the breakfast she cooked for Rarity,

"it's some breakfast I made for Rarity and I'm going to bring it up to her. Do you want to help me Dusko" Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she smiled at the wolf who was giving quite a confused look.

"Is this something you do all the time for Rarity" he spoke even more curious.

"Sometimes if I stay at Rarity's" Sweetie Belle was then interrupted, "so you don't actually live here" Dusko spoke with his head tilted as he raised an eyebrow.

"Not exactly but I do like to spend time with my sister if she's working on a new fashion line then I always like to help, and I one day I hope to be just like her" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, Dusko just smiled as he found it so adorable how Sweetie belle looked up to Rarity like that and as he processed what the young filly said he looked back when he was a pup, and none of his siblings wanted nothing to do with him.

After Dusko snapped out his concentration he turned to Sweetie Belle again as she was about to bring the breakfast up to Rarity, "hey do you need some help" he called out and Sweetie Belle smiled and let him help her open the Rarity's door, and just as Sweetie placed the tray on the bed with her magic and Dusko howled a sweet morning tune that had awoken a sleeping Rarity who was surprised what she saw wasn't just the breakfast on her bed it was Dusko standing next to her little sister until the napkin on the tray had dropped off but Dusko knelt down and gently picked up with his mouth and placed it back on the tray, and was about to turnaround to the door.

"You don't have to leave" Rarity gently spoked, Dusko turned his head "are you sure?" he confusingly spoke as walked back towards the two sisters.

"How did your leg get injured" Sweetie Belle asked, Dusko sat explained to Sweetie Belle what happened last night along with Rarity, who eating her breakfast that Sweetie Belle made for her and after she finished she got out of bed and brushed her mane while Dusko went to grab the tray until he saw Rarity doing something with her mane.

"uh?... Rarity what are you doing?" Dusko spoke as Rarity turned around to talk to him "what do you mean what I'm doing" she replied with as she levitated her brush with her telekinesis.

"That thing your holding, what the hell are doing some sought of grooming technique" he curiously Rarity looked at him then at her hairbrush "I use this hairbrush to brush my mane, it's what ponies do after they get out of bed to brush all the knots out their mane because no-pony likes a bedraggled mane, well at least I don't" Rarity explained as Dusko looked her confusingly.

"Interesting?... Well I'm gonna just pick this tray up and go help Sweetie Belle" as awkwardly grinned and power walked his way down to the kitchen to Sweetie Belle, and placed the tray on the counter and started to panic.

"No, no, no, no, no, no... I regret my decision bad move, bad, bad, bad" he then looked at his bandaged leg and started yelling "THIS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!..."he shouted and smacked on the kitchen table until he realised what he just did and whimpered along with a bit on wincing from the agonising pain.


As Dusko was having his regretful moment, Applejack and Fluttershy had come by carrying what seemed to be food, Sweetie Belle turned her attention to the earth pony and the pegasus mares.

"Hi Applejack, hi Fluttershy what have you got there" Sweetie Belle said as she pointed at the baskets the mares were carrying.

"Since Dusko's here and he won't be able to live up to his wolf instincts I've been looking up what wolves eat and well I'd thought me and Applejack might have what he likes" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Someon... I mean somepony say food" Dusko pricked up and walked up to Fluttershy and Applejack "what's in those" he started to sound excited "I wonder if it's a deer leg or squirrel or or or fish oh god I could go for some fish right about now" he thought to himself as he began drooling.

Considering Applejack doesn't trust him she couldn't help but giggle at his little daydream drool as it reminded her how her dog winona would act around food.

Fluttershy and Applejack both placed the baskets down and opened them up what Fluttershy's basket revealed made Dusko lick his lips and his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his head he was excited until he then caught sight of Applejack's basket.

"uh excuse me miss... Applejack what is that" he said as he pointed to Applejack's basket.

Applejack pulled out some of her famous apple treats out of her baskets, such as the apple pie, the apple fritters, caramel apples and wait.

"Wait just a minute... why are those apples rainbow coloured?" Dusko asked confusingly.

I've seen what apples look like but I've never seen rainbow coloured ones and I can assure you guys I'm not eating magic mushrooms, I mean I know these ponies are herbivores and they don't eat meat like me, but seriously Rainbow apples.

Anyway Applejack explained that these Rainbow apples are in fact called zap apples, which kinda made sense when I took a bite from one of them it gave me a bit of a shock but tasted really sweet and I mean sweet and this coming from a creature who's eaten wild berries in the Everfree all his life.

After Applejack explained to Dusko what zap apples were, went back to Fluttershy's basket as he opened it with his paws the smell of fish flourished through his senses, not to mention the Applejack's apple treats, so Dusko thought of an idea he took the apple pie used his claw to cut it open from the top and once he done that he placed the fish inside the pie and placed the top back on the pie and swallowed the whole thing.
As he was chewing he could feel the fish bone as he used his paw to go to his mouth and pull the fish bone out and threw into basket, after he was finished he was licking the juice of the fish off his paws and then pat his chest letting out a humongous burp.


After he finished his huge burp he notice a little rabbit behind Fluttershy and he couldn't help but lick his lips at the little creature, Angel looked horrified and threw an apple fritter at Dusko's face.


Dusko quickly wiped the apple fritter off his face and growled at the little bunny who was goading Dusko to chase him, and so he did with his leg in a bandage that wasn't going to stop him until Applejack grabbed a piece of rope out of no-where, and made it into a lasso and caught Dusko around the neck bringing him off his legs.

"haha hey ladies sorry about that" he awkwardly spoke while the ponies looked at him as he grinned awkwardly until Rarity used her telekinesis to pick him up off the ground and put him back on his paws and moved right in his face frowning at him.

"Now listen here Dusko I know you may not agree what we ponies do here or you make not like it, but the least you can do is show some respect for poor defenceless animals like angel and my cat Opal who will stay away from you" she spoke as she frowned at Dusko.

"Respect... defenceless... Sounds familiar oh yeah back in the Everfree when I saved your life, don't you dare say I don't have respect you keep talking to me like that and your making me regret saving you" he angrily spoke.

Rarity felt shocked on what he said until she got back on him "you need to control that temper of yours" Dusko's eyes widened and turned back into a scowl as he went straight in Rarity's face "I know I'm not sounding nice but your lucky cause I would of ripped you to shreds" after he spoke the other ponies looked shocked and Sweetie Belle went to her big sister and wrapped her hoof around Rarity's foreleg in fright of Dusko's words.

Dusko could see he was scaring the little filly, he then looked at Fluttershy who was calming her pet bunny Angel and Applejack kept her eye on Dusko if he tend to fight back, Dusko then looked back at Rarity who stood her ground with him and he admired that but more importantly he knew he never meant what he said.

"I'm sorry about that" he gently said as his ears folded down and made is way to Rarity's couch and lay down on it thinking what he regretted saying and more or less thinking that his own instincts was is downfall for his start of the day and he would have to learn to control himself and his temper.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 is upon you all, and now all the mane 6 have met Dusko.
Dusko breaking the fourth wall just like Pinkie 0h God!!!
and some of you are probably wondering how old is Dusko if he once saw Ponyville in granny smiths time, you'll find out in the next chapter.