• Published 22nd Jun 2015
  • 1,012 Views, 6 Comments

The Pony and the Wolf - LoneW01fDusko

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Chapter 4: Gentlecolt or Gentlewolf

A couple of weeks had gone by, and Dusko's leg was healing up nicely, even though the healing process had taken its toll and as deformed Dusko's leg a bit and by deformed the bone was making a little bump on his leg, and Rarity had put herself forward to host the Ponyville days festival and she'd been planning for weeks by using a full-sized model of Ponyville and decorating it to her little idea that she planned out.
While she was still planning, Spike had popped over and noticed Dusko peeking at the window watching the day go by, until he noticed Spike looking at him as he crossed his arms.

"you know you're not supposed to peek out the windows because some pony might see you" Spike exclaimed to the wolf who stared out into the town.

"I know Spike it's just so fascinating all I've known about ponies that they lived as tribes but now this town is like fully growing community it's truly amazing" he smiled excitingly, until Spike grabbed his tail and pulled him away from the window, moved to his face and looked him in the eye.

"If those guards see you you'll be in a world of trouble" Spike exclaimed as he pointed outside to the guards guarding the perimeters of every building in town, "not to mention what they might do to you" Spike continued on as Dusko listened and then glanced at the guards.

"I'm not afraid of a few guards I once fought against hunters with my own teeth and claws, you think a few guards could get me" he spoke rather confidently as he smirked at the baby dragon.

"Your pretty overconfident if I do say so" Spike said with an awkward grin, Dusko continued to smirk "take it from me, Spike a place like this is nothing compared to what's out there, sure it may be scary but you gotta show the world you're ready for anything" Spike looked at Dusko amazed at his words of wisdom, but there was also a touch of sorrow as Dusko told Spike about is puppyhood on how he was abandoned from his own kind and the things he witnessed with timberwolves bought a tear to Spike's eye as he rushed over to the wolf and wrapped his arms around him.

Dusko was a bit taken aback from Spike's gesture as it made feel a bit uncomfortable since nobody's ever shown him sympathy before, Dusko's ears began to flop down as he gently smiled at the baby dragon and wrapped his paw around him to return the gesture "thanks, Spike" he gently spoke, then the friendly gesture was then interrupted by Pinkie Pie as she jumped in and hugged them both "FREE HUGS" she shouted.
Applejack and Twilight had followed in and saw Dusko was getting uncomfortable from one of Pinkie's hugs and Twilight used her magic and levitated him out of the embrace and placed him on the ground.


After taking a few breaths after getting suffocated from Pinkie's surprise hugs, Rarity had come downstairs and to her surprise saw Applejack and Twilight helping Dusko while telling Pinkie to be careful since Dusko wasn't used to all this attention, and speaking of attention when they turned their heads they noticed Rarity in a lovely new dress every pony couldn't believe their eyes the dress seemed to have a sense of beauty and elegance maybe it was the actual real gems which made it so majestic, while every pony went over to Rarity Dusko couldn't help but be amazingly stunned on how beautiful she looked and with them gems she was simply dazzlingly.

"This is nuts I can't be falling for a pony no matter how kind or beautiful she may be I just can't have these feelings" Dusko thought to himself as he quietly sneaked into the kitchen so he could think, unlucky for him as Twilight noticed Dusko stressing in the kitchen, she excused herself so went over to talk to him, as Dusko continued to rant over his feelings for Rarity.

"Um Dusko what are you talking about" Twilight curiously said as Dusko jumped at the sound of the horn-winged mare, he quickly turned his head and noticed her standing behind him, he then began to frown "what do you want" he spoke rather aggressively.

"I just noticed you ranting about something and I was just curious" she awkwardly grinned as the wolf let out a vicious growl.

"Easy Dusko easy I didn't mean to snoop but you look like you need help" she calmly spoke as she calmed him down, Dusko continued to frown at her as he continued to pace back and forth still glaring at the alicorn princess.

"Is that all you ponies do, help others" Dusko spoke rather curiously as he tilted his head a little, "only those who are in need of help and guidance" Twilight spoke very gently as Dusko turned to her again with his ears folded down as Twilight placed her fore hoof on his shoulder.

Dusko took a deep breath and looked into Twilight's eyes "Twilight... what... what's that feeling you get when somebody you start to care about because of everything they've done for you start to have this feeling in your chest every time you lay your eyes on them" he spoke rather nervously, Twilight knew straight away what he was talking about Dusko had feelings for Rarity.

"Are you saying you have feelings for Rarity" Dusko's eyes widened as he began to feel embarrassed, he was about to growl at Twilight but she was right.

"She's right I can't believe I'm saying this but what Twilight's saying is right I do have feelings for Rarity, knowing she said that made me wanna growl but it wasn't worth... Wait a minute I'm not growling oh for the love of..." he thought as he lay on the floor and placed his front paws over his face and began to whimper like a puppy.
Twilight cringed but reassured him which he kept explaining that ponies and wolves don't match, but Twilight knew as he kept on pausing, like he kept avoiding the fact that he does, "Dusko I know you are trying to hide the fact that you do have feelings, but if it's the one thing I've learned in all fairytale stories, is that love will find a way" she spoke very remorseful.

"I'd like to be alone, please Twilight," he said very softly as he made his way to Rarity couch as he down on it thought about what Twilight said.


Meanwhile in town every pony was getting ready for the Ponyville days town festival, as they were all talking about who would run it this time, the guards, however, were still patrolling the perimeters of Ponyville still on the search for the Everfreeian wolf and one pony wasn't as pleased as he wanted this wolf's head hanging.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE SEARCHED EVERYWHERE, sir, " said a very disappointed Prince Blueblood, "like I've, sir, we've searched everywhere in town and still no sign of this wolf... Maybe it's gone back to the forest where it belongs" said one of the guards and Blueblood was having none of it, he had a feeling that the Everfreeian had to be in Ponyville probably stalking them and waiting to attack at any moment.

"If we begin to turn our backs the wolf will attack we must remain vigilant" he turned his head towards all the ponies setting up the town for tomorrow's nomination for the festival "if it was up to me there would be no festival unless this wolf is found and destroyed" he spoke rather eagerly aggressive as he went off and walked around the rustic town.


The next morning every pony was gathering around the town hall all eagerly awaiting the announcement, as they watched the elder ponies on the election comity discuss who should be the lucky pony to host the grand event.
As soon as they made their decision and all three approved, granny Smith slowly made her way over to mayor mare who began her speech, "citizens of ponyville, this year's contenders were all an acceptation but there can only be one pony, and that one pony is" she paused as she waited for granny smith and as granny smith placed down the paper on the podium with that one pony's name on it, mayor mare then looked down on the paper "Rarity!!!" she called out with a smile on her face.

Crowds went wild as they all applauded Rarity by shaking her hoof and offering her flowers as she began to smile gratefully at the crowd, and then Twilight walked towards her "congratulations Rarity do you know what your going to do" Rarity smirked at her friend as Spike pushed the model of Ponyville towards the two mares, "I might have a few ideas" she replied as Twilight smiled back.

Back at Carousel Boutique Dusko was still pondering about what Twilight said yesterday, well mainly thinking if he should say something to Rarity and then he thought back to the ponies and wolves don't match thing he said yesterday.
"This is completely bonkers I mean come on how come I'm having these feelings for Rarity, it's just insanely bonkers" Dusko thought to himself as he paced around the boutique.
He then caught a glimpse from the window of all six mares and Spike walking towards the boutique and decided to open the door for them a like a good gentle colt.... I mean gentle wolf and opened the door for them.

"Ok!... you seem quite cheerful" he awkwardly smiled as he scratched behind his ears he then watched the others walk in, "It's the Ponyville days festival and Rarity's been picked to host the event" Spike spoke rather eagerly excited.

Dusko just tilted seeing he had no idea what he was talking about "the Pony... Ville days... What festival... What does that mean?," Applejack and Twilight stepped forward and explained to Dusko what the Ponyville days festival and while Rarity was getting ready for the announcement and Spike and the others were setting the stage up.

"So you celebrate this big grand event because this town was founded over 1000 years ago," he said trying to process what the two mares were saying.

"Well, that is one way ah could put it," Applejack said sounding impressed on what a quick learner he was.

"So they explained this Ponyville days festival was and it was very interesting, I must say Applejack and Twilight weren't surprised that I said a few charming words if I do say and their faces like they knew Rarity had something to do with it, I gave a little tilt with my head but I kinda giggled at their reaction, they just gave a sought of look saying Rarity's been teaching him sought of look, plus did you guys know that Rarity talks in her sleep, she speaks a lot of that prim and proper language of hers."


A few minutes had past and Rarity with the help from Spike presented her theme for the festival "Small town chic'' as Dusko was more concentrated on the sketches, while Rarity was offering for help from the others, and then Rarity began to go all giddy with excitement as she announced her celebrity crush Trenderhoof was coming to town and so Rarity had this idea to make festival amazing so it would impress Trenderhoof.
Dusko began to feel stupid after he heard that Rarity had some kind of crush on this writer pony, but he couldn't help but feel a bit creeped out at the chunk of hair in a glass container.

"uh?!... Rarity is that really necessary" he cringed as he pointed at the chunk of hair, Rarity looked at Dusko and saw what he was pointing at.

So Rarity ended up explaining to Dusko that is was hoof made or something and it wasn't actually real hair, still, he felt this shrine thing about this pony looked rather creepy not to mention obsessive.

"So after that rather interesting lesson, I mean seriously she has a chunk of hair in a glass container anyone or any pony for that matter would find that creepy, so anyway the girls had gone off to their bit to help Rarity set up her theme whatever and Rarity was off to this train station with Twilight to greet this Trenderhoof or whatever while I stay here in the Boutique as always, and watched from afar from the window as I continued to process these feelings."

While Rarity was showing Trenderhoof around Ponyville, she continued to blush and giggle like a giddy school filly, but the giddying didn't go on, as she then finally showed him Sweet Apple Acres and Trenderhoof laid his eyes on Applejack, which made her heart shatter as the tears started to flow down her cheeks.


Dusko heard the door slam shut and he could feel water under his paws, he lowered his head to sniff the water.

"Tears" Dusko confusingly said but curious to find out what Rarity was so upset about.

So he carefully opened the curtain with his muzzle to see a very upset Rarity, with her eyeliner dripping off along with the tears down her cheeks, Dusko placed his paw on her shoulder.

"What's wrong" Dusko gently spoke as he went to nuzzle her -- until she burst out in tears, as he jumped backwards on his back.

"HE DOESN'T LIKE ME!, BECAUSE HE HAS A CRUSH ON APPLEJACK!!, AND IT'S NOT FAIR" she shouted out as she threw an upset outburst.

"Wait... Trenderhoof doesn't like you" Spike said as he walked to stand next to Dusko, Dusko had some kind of idea as he continued to listen to what Rarity was saying Dusko and Spike looked at each other with raised eyebrows and then turned back to Rarity.
After sobbing her heart out, Rarity had an idea to get Trenderhoof's attention, Dusko and Spike couldn't help but awkwardly cringe at what she pulled out.

Dusko walked towards her as she examined the outfit "uh Rarity..." Rarity stopped to see Dusko looking rather curious, "what's wrong Dusko" she replied, Dusko gulped a bit "do you really think changing yourself would get this Trenderhoof to like, I mean what if your not his type" Rarity was taken aback by Dusko's words.
At first, Rarity didn't believe him, plus she was too eager to win Trenderhoof over "don't be silly Dusky, it's not like I'm gonna change my personality just because Trenderhoof seems to find rustic attractive" she joked as she gently tickled Dusko's chin.
As Rarity went out the door, Dusko had an idea he knelt his head down to Spike, "Bring Twilight here, I have an idea" "Like what?... What is it?" Spike replied demanding an answer, "I'll explain when you get Twilight here".


"YOU WANT ME TO DO!!!... WHAT!!!" Twilight replied as soon as she went through the door.

"I want you to turn me into a pony, in this case, " Dusko said sounding confident and serious, Twilight already could tell why -- since it was clear as day Dusko did like Rarity.

"But why Dusko? I know you like Rarity but what's so important about you wanna be a pony" Twilight explained seeing how it was such a bizarre request.

"I sat down and explained to Twilight why I wanted to be turned into a pony, I couldn't bare the fact of seeing Rarity upset and this Trenderhoof fella seemed well stupid in my opinion, because why would any pony, in this case, be so blind, Rarity is a great friend she's beautiful, she's talented, intelligent, kind, caring, passionate and not to mention generous.
If that's what celebrity ponies are really like they should be ashamed of themselves, I mean look me a wolf who excepted help from a pony and I've done nothing but show my kindness and loyalty but most importantly my friendship."

After Twilight listened to Dusko explanation, she could be sought of see why -- a savaged wolf being more civilised than any storybook prince sounds more like a fairytale than a dream come true.
Twilight had to get Dusko into the Library so she told me to stand, close to her, Dusko was anxious he had no idea what Twilight was capable of until all of a sudden after one flash of light he found himself in a different location.

"What the heck happened, where are we," Dusko said in a confused state as he anxiously looked around his new surroundings, Twilight couldn't help but giggle a slight bit, but before Dusko turned towards her she stopped as he demanded an explanation.

"Welcome to the Ponyville library" Twilight announced as Dusko looked in awe, as he walked around until his tail knocked a book off the shelf, which at first made him jump at the slight thud it made when it landed on the ground.
Dusko turned around and noticed the marks on the books kinda look like the marks these mares have on their flanks. He then took a deep breath and sighed.

"uh, Twilight can I ask you something?" Twilight turned around and listened to what Dusko had to say "of course Dusko what is it" replied politely as she smiled.

"I'm sorry for being nosey but why does this particular book have the same marks just like the ones on your flanks?... What's all that about?..." Dusko questioned slightly nervous of the fact that he sounded nosey.

Twilight could see Dusko was uneasy, but she gradually took him aside and explained to him -- Dusko began to feel at ease and what surprised him, is at the end of her explanation Twilight offered for Dusko to give his thoughts on friendship during his time in Equestria.


I was stunned, the thought that Twilight offered me to contribute in their journal -- but there was one slight problem.

"I don't know how to write" Dusko gently spoke and Twilight had another idea that she would write for him while he speaks out his thoughts.

So after the agreement, Spike brought out a book from one of the shelves and placed it on the table, while Twilight skims through each and very page Dusko watched impressively -- until Twilight found something.

"There's nothing about an easy transformation, but there is one that will make ponies see you as a pony but, ponies that already know you will still see you as a wolf" Dusko sought of cringed -- as he imagined the look Rarity would give him, as he shook his head from the thought and began to panic looking desperate for another alternative.

"No!!! No!!! No way!!!.. There's gotta be something else" Dusko spoke in panic as his ears folded down and looked directly into Twilight's eyes.

"There is no way I could do that, plus Rarity would know straight away and just imagine how she'd feel, I mean I'm no prince charming but good friendship means everything, it's nothing about falling in love and I'm not saying I'm in love Rarity -- no, no, that would be preposterous, ha, ha"


It wasn't long until Fluttershy came into the library, with a very concerned look on her.
Twilight asked her what was wrong -- but all she said was "come to the boutique" after she said that Twilight and Dusko looked at each other rather anxiously as Twilight immediately teleported herself and Dusko back to Carousel Boutique.

"No sooner we appeared back in the Boutique the scent of a rustic aroma clouded my nose, it wasn't long until Rarity relieved herself that my eyes were stunned beyond belief as my ears folded all the way down."

While Applejack laughed and everyone else was still completely stunned, Dusko calmly built up the courage to step forward -- his emotions had been deeply stirred from terrified to confident as he seriously gazed deep into Rarity sapphire blue eyes.

"I know you were deeply upset early, but and I apologise for saying this, but this isn't the way to go too impress someone, you can't force someone to fall for you especially if they don't feel the same way and going about it like this is not the right thing, surely you must know that, right".

Rarity processed in her mind what Dusko had said, and she was deeply touched -- a part of her knew she was wrong for doing this, but her mind said otherwise she jumped down from the stage and and went to stroke Dusko's chin -- until he deflected her hoof away from his face and frowned and slowly shook is head in disappointment.
After Applejack stood in to try and talk Rarity out of it, Rarity refused to listen as she stormed out the door heading for Sweet Apple Acres.


A few hours later Applejack convinced Rarity she was wrong, as with the help from her friends, 'small town chic' had been arranged once again with the help of her friends.
Dusko on the other hand was once again stuck inside the Boutique watching over all the bright lights, the melodic music flowing through the air and ponies dancing like they were floating in mid-air -- until Twilight had came by and by Dusko's surprise the flow of magic from her horn his request was granted.

As Twilight's magical aura lifted him up the air, in a flash and sparkles he opened his eyes and to his surprise in his eyes as he watched his paws reshape themselves into hoof-like stumps, his tail wavered as it transformed from fur to hair and as his head was the last he closed his eyes and in a flash -- upon his image his appearance had full changed to a tall handsome stallion.
As he was about to leave the Boutique Twilight granted him one last spell -- as he blinked from the flash and as he looked in the mirror a suit had been placed on him as turned to Twilight placed his hoof on her shoulder and smiled.

"thank you."

"Just remember this transformation won't last until the stroke of midnight you shall turn back into a wolf" she then placed her hoof onto his shoulder and spoke rather gently "now go get her boy" and as soon as she said that Dusko wrapped his hoof around Twilight to hug as as he nodded and gently galloped out with his new hooves.


The whole town sparked pure amazement in his eyes, the taste if the cucumber sandwiches which bursted with new flavour in his mouth and not to mention the apple cider from Sweet Apple Acres -- and though Dusko was far to interested into the festive, the mares seemed mesmerised to him the other stallions were beginning to get quite jealous of his style but also laugh at his comedic behaviour as it was his first time experience something like this.

At first he couldn't see Rarity, but Rarity could see him, "oh my!?... What a handsome stallion he is!" Rarity tried not get her head wrapped round the idea of being attracted to another stallion, seeing how her other attempts were complete failures.
After walking away from some quite disappointed mares as he awkwardly grinned -- until his eyes finally saw Rarity as he gently breathed and smiled and began to walk closer to her, Rarity didn't whether was gonna pass out or what but her heart was beating none stop as stepped down from the stage and calmly awaited the handsome stallion to come to her.


As they both looked into each others eyes and smiled, the conductor pony had smiled and tapped his stick on the music stand and the orchestra ponies played a sweet waltz as both the mysterious stallion and Rarity took hooves and walked to the dance floor.
Dusko struggled to get his balanced at first but he remembered the dancing with Rarity and her friends as he and Rarity floated on the dance floor -- the more comfortable he got the advanced his moves were as he twirled Rarity around and twirled back to him, as the chorus of the waltz song came Dusko lifted Rarity off her hooves and held her waist as both he and she looked into each others eyes and as the song got softer he set Rarity back down as she rested her head on his chest which surprised him at first, but he then saw Twilight and others and they all smiled at him as he smiled back.

After the dance was over Dusko and Rarity snuck away from the town as they walked into the beautiful night -- with the moon shining bright, it set a romantic atmosphere as Dusko walked by Rarity sided until he picked a rose from a nearby bush and placed it in Rarity's mane.
she saw her reflection she saw the beautiful rose that was placed in her mane and gently kissed the stallion on the cheek -- but it wasn't until she saw his reflection and she saw Dusko, the surprise on her face turned to a heart-warming smile as she looked deep into Dusko's golden eyes.

The kiss on the cheek left Dusko bashful as his cheeks burned red, until he took a whiff from his nose and remembered a hidden cavern entrance that he used to visit when he was a pup -- as he thought it would be the perfect place for Rarity.
Near the entrance to the forest Dusko led Rarity to the hidden cavern as he guided her through the small tunnel and removed any obstacle that would get in her way.
Dusko then lit the gems up as he told her to open her eyes and to her amazement the gems were magnificent as they floated in mid-air, as Rarity sat and watched the beautiful sight Dusko then sat next to her with an unlit gem in his hoof and together they breathed onto the gem and it lit -- but not like the others as the face of the gem showed a memory of them dancing back in Ponyville.


As Rarity and Dusko cuddled next to each other, Dusko realised his tail was turning back to normal which worried him, as he had to get back to the Boutique.

"Might I escort you back to your home M'lady" Dusko disguised his voiced as spoke a bit deeper and more prim and proper.

Rarity accepted and placed her hoof on his foreleg as they walked back to Ponyville , with Dusko's tail in between his legs.

As they made it to the Boutique, Dusko was almost back to normal with only his pony head, mane and all the way down to his front hooves -- meanwhile Rarity had opened the door and by complete surprise she pulled Dusko in and brought his head down to her face and placed her lips onto his, the sheer shock from the affection -- felt truly alien to him and somehow seemed to speed up the transformation as his mane turned back to normal, along with his ears, which he folded down immediately.
After she kissed him she walked to the stairs to her bedroom as she fell onto her bed being completely starstruck as she lay on her bed with a smile placed on her face as picked the rose from her mane and held close to her.

Meanwhile Dusko felt relieved as he lay back on the couch all back to normal, but he also noticed the gem he sneakily kept as it shown the image of him and Rarity dancing, which left dopey and bashful as slowly closed his eyes.

Author's Note:

hello ladies and gentleman did you enjoy this chapter I bet you did ha ha, you guys and gals are the best do you know that well you should. I love these author's note cause it's like we can have a secret conventions that depends if your too lazy to read more in which I understand.

and to those who read these author notes, Hi how are you I'm doing good thank you for asking, it's been awhile yes, yes it has

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by O24u deleted Jun 17th, 2017

It is a little rushed, you should go into detail some more but thats just my view and the story is good! Also, cinderella?

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